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SWD FINAL - June 14 - Electrical Program Review June 18, 2012_1

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Program Review Instructional Program: Construction Electrical Document Prepared By: Doug Wiersma Year of Review: 2011 – 2012 JUNE 14, 2012 Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Construction: Electrical Report Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report The Program Profile A The Mission/Purpose The Mission/Statement of Purpose Data/Information: Enter mission statement The Construction Electrical Program provides, quality training for Job Training students who are seeking employment in the construction electrical field It is designed to provide field knowledge, book knowledge and hands on skills that would allow the student to succeed as a valuable and competent construction electrician Students will show competence in construction and electrical practices and will be prepared for assimilation into a career path in the electrical field, or continued education Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): An acceptable level of students finding employment or moving on to other career paths using the skills they have learned in this training program ACTION NEEDED? B YES NO The Faculty & Staf Full & Part Time Faculty List the names and credentials of your full and part time faculty: Name Highest Degree  Douglas Wiersma  BA Staf List the names and credentials of your staf: Name Credentials  Aderholdt, Josh  Clay, Chiquital  M.A  A.A  Greene, Phillip  M.A     Mattson, Scott Mosley, Tammy Rozek, Erin Waite, George     M.A A.A B.A B.A PT/FT  FT Faculty        Staf Staf Staf Staf Staf Staf Staf Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): All instructors should hold a current Electrical Journeyman or Master License, be certified by the NCCER as an instructor to teach both CORE and Electrical classes and have at least five years of experience in the electrical field ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Accomplishments of Faculty List/Describe the accomplishments of your faculty for the past year (awards, publications, curriculum development, etc): Development of the CNEP -101 Class has taken place in this 2011-2012 On-Going assessment and monitoring of the evening Electrical Apprenticeship Program has helped to establish industry connections to help support this program Faculty Professional Development List/Describe the faculty professional development activities for the past year: Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Attended New Faculty Institute Monthly classes Completed Blackboard basics for Faculty Completed Sessions on Distance Learning Institutional Technology and Response systems Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): Designing implementing and teaching a new program with four days notice upon hire has been plenty of activity for me and has not allowed much room for Professional Development Opportunities over the course of this year Once the program is established additional credentials will be pursued ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Not at the Moment Number of FT/PT Faculty & % contact hours taught by each Enter data summary Doug Wiersma - One FT Staf Member !00% (34 hours a week class time with hours of prep time) Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): The six hours of prep time for instructors that are teaching for 34 hours a week, have program director responsibilities, and must maintain, build, and organize lab areas, ofsite visits and ofsite construction opportunities seems a little bit light compared to the prep time standards of the College Some assistance could be helpful but not required ACTION NEEDED? YES C NO The Students Program Enrollment 2007-2008 # % Applications (Students Applied) Enrollment Ethnicity African-American/Black Hispanic White Unspecified Age Under 20 20-24 25+ Gender Male Female Students Dropped (W) 2008-2009 # % 2009-2010 # % 2010-2011 # % 10 NA NA 40% 0% 40% 20% 0% 10% 90% 10 100% 0% 0% Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): This Program was started in March of 2011 and the statistics above only cover one 18 week session that was completed in the 2010-2011 school year The Enrollment represented in this school year and recent sessions not shown has been diverse and representative of the population from a male perspective but was lacking in female participants Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Our program has also been successful in the past year of showing a good graduation rate for African American Students It will be important that this be maintained and that we continue to provide a comfortable environment that is sensitive to the needs of all our students Also the average age of the participant is higher than we would anticipate for successful placement in Apprenticeship Programs Enrollment needs to be higher ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Recruitment should target local high schools, inner city high schools, recent graduates and women help organizations along with Maintaining our current good relationships with Pathways, Michigan Works and our JET program Numbers of Graduates/Graduation Rate 2007-2008 # % 2008-2009 # % 2009-2010 # % 2010-2011 # % Students Receiving Certificate (S) Ethnicity African-American/Black Hispanic White Unspecified Age Under 20 20-24 25+ Gender Male Female Students Complete, but No Certificate (U) 6 60% 75% 0% 75% 0% 0% 100% 56% 60% 0% 40% Enter data summary Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): This is the first year of the class running so there is not a lot of comparative data The class enrollment is not great Needs to be improved The 60 percent graduation is the result of two factors; The educational level of the students coming into the program has not been high enough to promote success, and some of the students are dropping the class once financial aid money is distributed ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Three distinct actions need to be taken: - Testing needs to be done for entry into the program with tutoring and other opportunities ofered for those who are net ready to enter the program (This is already started with our new Work Keys Program) - We need to target additional resources like the high schools, vocational schools, ex-military, and woman help organizations to add to our enrollment, boost the educational level of our entering students, and possibly increase our graduate percentage Promotion!! - We need to make students aware of the expectations of the program before they take the class and possibly set new rules that will not allow a student to apply for future Job Training classes if they drop out of a Program after collecting the Financial Aid Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Construction: Electrical Report Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Program Content A Admissions/Target Population Target Student Population Describe for whom this program is intended This Program is intended to target, high school graduates, adults, displaced workers and veterans Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): The program does not appear to have a foothold in the market for recent high school graduates and woman We need to target High Schools and Woman’s Organizations to promote this program, the electrical profession and the job opportunities (We have began this work by recently meeting as a team with the Womans’ Resource Center) ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Admissions Criteria Describe criteria for admissions and waitlist trends for the program (if any) Right now we have open enrollment with a new entry into the program every month If it is full people on the waiting list can enter one month later Students will be required to follow Job Training procedures to pass Work Keys Testing prior to enrollment Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): If enrollment increases this should change to a cohort as this training builds and is more efective if it is taught as a cohort ACTION NEEDED? B YES Curriculum History NO, Not at this time Program/Curriculum Changes Document the following for the last years If something does not apply, indicate N/A:  This is a new program with it’s initial course ofering in March of 2011  The Program consists of one continuously running 34 hour a week class  New Certificates- Construction Electrical Certificate  New Degrees-N/A  The GRCC CARP document was written and approved for this program in May 2012  Closure of any of the above N/A  Remediation of courses or programs as a result of Internal or external data N/A  Curricular history may also include any partnership, grant, or other eforts that have significantly impacted curriculum and how We are currently working through a curriculum change and share agreement with MSU in our Apprenticeship Program Which could result in some curriculum changes in this program as well  We meet with an advisory board once every two weeks and they have expressed concern with the work ethic and general quality of the apprentices they are seeing entering the work force They are excited about a training program that will prepare incoming apprentices for entrance into the profession They also anticipate that Green Building trends and an upswing in the economy may cause a shortage of good electrical candidates if we are not proactive with training Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report External Accreditation Document the following related to external accreditation:  name/address of the accrediting agency; National Center For Construction, Education and Research (NCCER) PO Box 141104, Gainsville, FL, 32614-1104  State of Michigan and GRCC can give credit for one year of Electrical Apprenticeship Training per current state rules    date of the most recent site visit 2011 date for the next re-accreditation; 2013 number of years in the accreditation cycle years Distance education oferings and use of technology Document the following related to distance education oferings: Courses within the program that are ofered online or in hybrid format  NONE  Names of faculty certified to teach in the distance education and hybrid formats:  Doug Wiersma   Experiential Learning Opportunities Document the following related to experiential learning opportunities  ASL courses ofered within the program N/A  honors courses ofered within the program N/A  Study Away course ofered N/A  Co-ops/Internships/Practical/Clinical courses ofered N/A Names of faculty certified to ASL:  N/A C Curriculum Planning Professional Standards Enter professional standards with which the program is or should be aligned Fits the criteria for the first year of the State required Apprenticeship Training Program Evaluation - Matches the criteria set for the state requirements which allows GRCC to give graduating students credit for the first year of apprenticeship training should they get hired by a company who ofers an apprenticeship - Graduates that pass all tests with a 70% or better receives Nationally recognized certificate’s of Completion for Construction CORE and Electrical NCCER Curriculum completion ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Institutional Learning Outcomes Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): Because the CARP documents for this program were completed in the last months, I believe the proper Institutional Learning Outcomes have been evaluated and incorporated in to this Program Mapping has not been done on the learning outcomes ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Curriculum Map should be completed Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report General Education Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): General educational principles like Math, Reading and Problem Solving are Key elements of this program and are lacking in some of the students coming into the program The curriculum is geared toward emphasizing these educational principles and the Work Keys Testing should help with identifying people who are not yet ready to enter the program ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Experiential Learning Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): Although fairly informal, our Job Training Programs rely heavily on Experiential Learning in the lab area and on job sites Giving the student the experience to wire mount install and turn on diferent electrical applications is crucial to their understanding of the concepts taught in the classroom Most experiences we have ofered in the Program have taught the concepts but it is critical that we incorporate more time-line based and schedule driven activities to teach the student the urgency and work ethic required to actually become an electrician in today’s world ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Pursue time sensitive job site projects like rough-ins, or “plug and switch” projects that need to be completed by a specific time and schedule students to complete Put time restraints on lab projects and adjust Rubric to grade for completion time Distance Education Oferings Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): N/A (Many areas of Job Training and avenues for funding are not conducive to distance learning) ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Program Student Learning Outcomes Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): Program Outcomes were created in the last eight months as the Program was created and align with the College Outcomes Because they are fairly new they are relevant and reflect current and future industry trends as understood at this time ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Course Sequences Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): The course sequence is progressive in nature although with open entry at times it has to be more flexible than if the class was run as a cohort It is an entry level class so it starts with the basics and advances to more thought provoking and higher level thinking as it progresses When I have diferent levels of students in the same class I assign the advanced students to a “journeyman” role and the new students as their learning “apprentice” Students not only learn the concepts from each other but they learn important social skills and people managing skills as well ACTION NEEDED? YES Updated 2/8/12- ISIS NO Grand Rapids Community College Program Review 10 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Construction: Electrical Report Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Program Outcomes Assessment Assessment History Program Outcomes   Students will be prepared for employment with an electrical contractor and placement in an Apprenticeship Program Students will be prepared to move onto other electrical classes in Job Training and Construction Trades Program Outcome(s) Assessed Identify the Program Student Learning Outcome(s) that was assessed “Students will be prepared for employment with an electrical contractor and placement in an Apprenticeship Program.” Specifically I am assessing the method of student job placement once the students have graduated from the program Assessment Methods Describe the method of assessment used (Include who was assessed, what criteria were used, who participated in the assessment – students and faculty) This program is new this year and follows the employment model that appears to be standard in Job training As a new “Program Director” and Instructor I will have to admit that this is the first time I have stopped to think critically about the process and the possibilities for improvement (The assessment is based on the last group of “graduating” students Since we have open entry in this program every month, student assessments can be staggered.) Current Method of Assessment: Upon completion of the Program the following steps are currently taken to place students and assess whether they are properly prepared for the positions they are moving into Bi-monthly advisory meetings with industry leaders are attended by the instructor to find out about job opportunities and companies seeking apprentices (Four meetings have been attended in the last 10 months,  Staf forward’s to the instructors any job fairs or job opportunities that they feel may apply to the students so that the instructors can pass these opportunities to the students  Instructors Provide graduating Students with lists of local Contractors that are looking for new employee’s (Based on advisory meetings and industry contacts.)  Instructors forward to the students any job opportunities or job fairs  Students are asked to report back to the instructor any jobs or classes acquired once the class is complete 11 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review   Construction: Electrical Report Instructors are to report any student employment and on-going training records to our department head on a spreadsheet that is permanently stored and frequently updated on our shared computer drive Student follow-up is done by phone calls or texts to determine whether they maintained their jobs Ultimate success in this program is 100% employment, with 100% satisfaction of the employers who are hiring our students Realistically 50-70 % of the students having employment in the field for at least one year or moving on in their education is our goal for the program as it is currently run Assessment Results Describe the results of the assessment Were the objectives for the outcomes met? (Include standards against which the results were evaluated and to whom the results were communicated) All of our employment and on-going training records are reported to our department head on a spreadsheet that is permanently stored and frequently updated on our shared computer drive for all to see The most recent period to evaluate showed nine students All nine students have completed the Program Additional enrollment is projected at approximately 25 students Of the Nine students that graduated, two have moved on to other classes and educational opportunities, two have found jobs in the electrical field and one has found a job in the construction industry Our goal of 50%-70% employment was not met and we currently Changes (implemented and/or planned) Describe the changes were made or will be made based on the assessment findings We really not have a good method of placement and follow through to track our students Changes :  A post training evaluation form should be implemented  A position should be created or assigned to monitor and document employment, continuing education and employee reactions to graduating students We have recently developed a very efective Orientation process for new students and this same group should be involved with the instructor in monitoring and collecting of data on the placement, longevity and efectiveness of our students once they have found a job in the industry or elswhere Results of Changes Describe the result of the changes (if known at this time) Results have not been determined as we have yet to implement this plan 12 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Program Learning Outcomes Assessment A Assessment History Program Learning Outcomes  Demonstrate critical thinking skills and the ability to solve problems using those skills  Communicate efectively in on the job situations using verbal, written, and electronic communications  Demonstrate respect for diversity , incorporating awareness of own biases  Work efectively as a team member to contribute to the completion of an electrical project  Create a plan for continued training and career advancement as an electrician  Interpret information and instructions presented in verbal and written forms  Demonstrate safe practices while working  Demonstrate how to navigate the National Electrical Code  Calculate, plan, and install , a residential electrical service, various types of light fixtures, outlet boxes, wiring devices, types of electrical raceways, and conductors Program Learning Outcome(s) Assessed Identify the Program Student Learning Outcome(s) that was assessed Calculate, plan, and install , a residential electrical service, various types of light fixtures, outlet boxes, wiring devices, types of electrical raceways, and conductors (Critical Thinking Level Specific Objective : Demonstrate the ability to properly wire various receptacle and switching configurations Assessment Methods Describe the method of assessment used (Include who was assessed, what criteria were used, who participated in the assessment – students and faculty) My more specific goal is to find a more efective method of teaching the students to install a three location switching system under various conditions How it was taught: The students were taught the concept in the class using instruction, Power point slides and the dry erase board to draw out the circuits required Students were required to wire the system on a wiring board with help from the instructor Method to assess: The students were assessed using a performance based assignment The assignment was given to wire a three way system using the residential wiring method (NM Cable) in a designated location in our mock lab setting Students were told they would be assessed on the following criteria:  Quality of terminations (Clockwise, proper window cut, no loose strands .)  Proper wire colors (Neutrals white switch-legs identified, travelers identified)  Installation must work upon completion (2 points of for each “fix” required) Each student was given access to the materials to complete the project and an hour time frame for completion The total project was worth 100 points and each “violation” found based on the three criteria above reduced the score by points Because of open entry in our program and the fact that diferent groups within the class may be assessed at diferent times I assessed six students in “Group #1” and three students in Group #3 using the method above and based on code requirements and industry standards required for a safe installation Data was collected by an instructor evaluation of all aspects of the installation, questions were asked of the students about their project and the ultimate test of energizing the system and making sure it works Points were deducted for each “violation” observed by the instructor Assessment Results Describe the results of the assessment Were the objectives for the outcomes met? (Include standards against 13 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report which the results were evaluated and to whom the results were communicated) Two groups of students were assessed on this outcome: (Remember the open entry, year round thing) Group #1: of was successful in completing the Project with a working system and providing a safe and neat installation per the criteria set forth in class Group #2: of were successful in completing the Project with a working system and providing a safe and neat installation per the criteria set forth in class In many cases the students did not remember the many details of installation, such as staples within 6” of the junction box, proper box height per building codes, wire length, proper terminations, wire-nut tightening and box depth And were marked down on the project for these quality and code issues In other cases some students missed wires or miss-identified colors Besides the details, there was also the little mater of following the schematic properly and having the light go on when the switches were switched Only one of the nine students installed a working system per the instructions given and received full points for a working system All of these items were evaluated by the instructor and points taken away for each item The low scores indicate that I am not reaching the outcome desired Changes (implemented and/or planned) Describe the changes were made or will be made based on the assessment findings Based on the poor performance recorded, the instructor will spend more time on this subject matter in the lab area Students will be required to wire four way systems in multiple wiring scenarios First - They will be required to wire the system in order (3-way, 4-way, 3-way) Second -The order will be changed and additional location will be added (eg 4-way, 3-way, 3way 4-way) Third - the students will be required to trouble-shoot a three location system that has been intentionally wired with an error They will be required to find the error and fix it to make the system work Finally students will be required to wire the system using NM cable After these lessons the final competency assessment will be done Results of Changes Describe the result of the changes (if known at this time) The class has not been in session since this project was created New class start-up is currently under way and this project will be updated once we have the new data for the current class B Assessment Planning Program Learning Outcomes Review Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): The Program learning outcomes are relevant based on industry input and standards The State of Michigan has recently updated the RTI (Related Technical Training) required for DOL (Department of Labor) certified electrical Apprenticeship training program and our program for pre-training uses this, along with local industry input, to determine the required outcomes need for industry This helps keep us current with trends and licensing requirements Identification of Direct & Indirect Measures of Student Learning Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): 14 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Trade related assessment with lab and job site components allows us to have immediate and direct feedback to whether students are learning the outcomes Our end result is very often a tangible and very real outcome For example if a student does not understand a switching wiring schematic the lights will not go on or the fan will not operate If a student does not understand how to bend conduit the bends will not fit or be level and true This combined with group work, written projects, drawings, and objective and written tests provide most of the assessment The measures used to assess each of the SLO’s for the Program are the same as those listed on the CARP An indirect measure of employment after the class is complete and possibly an exit survey by the students should be added To better assess the outcomes Using assessment findings to drive curricular improvement Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): The Student performance in the lab area and the classroom is constantly evaluated and assessed in the Job Training setting (More so than in many other areas in the college) since our measures of success are so noticeable and concrete and at times in the electrical field failure to understand can be dangerous, we are constantly assessing, recalculating and revising our presentation If someone does not understand a concept in Job Training, a floor won’t be level a door won’t shut, a light fixtures will not work, or worse yet a fire may start in either a lab project or a finished project! We can’t aford mistakes from the students, they need to know how to the concepts properly and safely so each project is assessed and graded for the details that are required for a safe and code compliant installation Each on of our Projects and or concepts ends with a final project that is analyzed and scored by the instructor The scores and assessments on tests, homework and especially lab projects gives us the data to evaluate the students and shows us if we are reaching our outcomes A more specific assessment of how findings will drive or change my curriculum will be completed once the changes have been assessed in the classroom 15 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Planning for the Future _ A Curriculum/Employment Alignment Enter Data Highlights from EMSI data Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): The curriculum currently used in this Program is aligned with industry standards and the state of Michigan RTI (Related Technical Instruction) and is updated every three years to accommodate code changes O-Net Reports the Following: National Median wages (2011) $23.71 hourly, $49,320 annual Employment (2010) 577,000 employees Projected growth (2010-2020) Faster than average (20% to 28%) Faster than average (20% to 28%) Projected job openings (2010-2020) 289,200 Top industries (2010) Construction (66% employed in this sector) Self-Employed (10%) The state of Michigan Projections are lower but seem to be based on the amount of construction in Michigan What we are finding, however is that many of our local contractors are not concentrating on local work they are finding projects all over the country and mobilizing their work force They are hiring but you may need to be willing to travel Students are being made aware of this trend Sample of reported job titles: Electrician, Maintenance Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Inside Wireman, Control Electrician, Electrician Technician, Industrial Electrician, Journeyman Wireman The industry, as researched through local Contractors, is improving not only because construction is up a bit but the trend toward energy saving incentives and Green energy sources has expanded the size of the workforce pool that is required Add to this the new state mandates that require one to one ratio’s of journeyman to apprentice electricians on job sites and the industry should continue the need for trained entry level employees ACTION NEEDED? YES NO B Preparation for Change Enter Data Based on Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of Statistics and Employment Projections for the next ten years, electricians are considered a Bright Outlook and Green Occupation Their statistics show 133,700 jobs should be created in the electrical field in the United States over the next ten years and according to the federal Government this is a 23% increase which is a “faster than normal” growth rate The reason for this optimism is not only the upswing in the economy but also the growing trend towards energy saving technology and Green alternative energies These areas are closely associated with the electrical industry and should provide a base for growth in our industry in the state and across the country ( Information gathered from the sites below) 16 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Locally, Our industry is going through a change The last few years of recession and poor building trends have caused many to flee the industry to find more stable work or train in other fields Local industry is reporting that it is easy to find people who will work but it is difficult to find capable electricians Most not have the work ethic or the skill so they are looking for someone new who can jump right If we add to this the State of Michigan mandate that requires a one two one ration of Apprentices to Journeyman and the fact that many contractors are in a holding pattern for hiring while they watch the economy and you have a situation where the industry could experience a shortage of skilled entry level labor in the next few years For more information see the sites below http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/47-2111.00 http://www.bls.gov/ooh/Construction-and-Extraction/Electricians.htm Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): This industry is always moving and changing Current trends show some future growth in alternate electrical energy sources such as training in installation of solar, wind and thermal energy These opportunities and how they are connected to the construction electrical field are introduced to the student in this Program ACTION NEEDED? YES NO C Competitors/Peers Data Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): Local competition is minimal Some colleges ofer evening apprenticeship programs but very few ofer daytime, pre-apprenticeship training Programs like ours MSU would be the closest true construction electrical Program similar to ours Local industry is looking for training solutions to present them with a more advanced entry level tradesman ACTION NEEDED? YES NO D Collaborative Ventures Description of Collaborative ventures We are currently working on articulation and curriculum sharing with MSU in our job training Apprenticeship Program and this could afect our curriculum in the daytime program if we are going to continue to count portions of this program for apprenticeship credit Our current venture is purchasing a curriculum platform that is exclusive to MSU and we are hoping that this could lead to articulation agreements that would allow some credit to varying MSU programs, especially since we would be using the same materials that MSU uses and MSU professors have created that currently count as credit in other programs they ofer We are also working on a collaborative efort with Habitat for Humanity who works with other programs in our department The arrangement here would center around our students applying the knowledge they have learned in class by helping to wire or completing electrical finish work in a Habitat Home There are some restrictions in licensing that need to be overcome, but we our hopes are that for limited activities we may be able to make this happen 17 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Our Program Has an Advisory Board That meets every two months to discuss trends in the industry and how GRCC can accommodate local industry needs for training Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): MSU partnership needs to be pursued for articulation of this program and other possible class/programs that GRCC ofers in the area of electrical training and Manufacturing Continue to Pursue Opportunities for students to use and improve their skills while helping the community ACTION NEEDED? YES NO E Budget/Resources Describe the adequacy of the budget and resources to meet the needs of the program over the next four years Identify resources needed to support proposed program /curriculum changes The budget is fine for now but may need to be evaluated in the near future to incorporate some more controls and possibly alternative energy training because future industry trends will be required in this area ACTION NEEDED? YES NO F Facilities & Equipment Describe the adequacy of the budget and resources to meet the needs of the program over the next four years Highlight facilities needs or changes that will be necessary to support proposed program/curriculum changes The budget is fine for the immediate but may need to be evaluated in the near future to incorporate some more controls and possibly alternative energy training because future industry trends will be required in this area ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Pursue donations of equipment and finances to purchase lab materials and equipment required to train students in controls and alternative energy installations G Challenges & Barrier to Meeting Last Year’s Goals Describe challenges and barriers to meeting last year’s goals Our biggest challenge is keeping the classes and the program full of students that are seriously looking for a career in the electrical field ACTION NEEDED? YES NO Already Addressed in other Areas of the Report We need to target high school career seekers, retired military, and people serious about finding jobs after training is complete 18 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review 19 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS Construction: Electrical Report GRCC Program Review Follow-Up Action Checklist Grand Rapids Community College Program ReviewAction Construction: Electrical Report Needed? Brief Action Statement The Program Profile YES NO Resources Needed Academic Year for Work All JT staf 2012 - 2013 All JT Staf 2012-2013 MISSION/PURPOSE Program purpose/mission statement X X X Program/course catalog descriptions Web Pages FACULTY/STAFF http://cms.grcc.edu/jobtraining/programs/constructionelectrician X X X X X X Faculty credentialing Faculty workload Staf credentialing Professional Development FT/Adjunct Faculty Ratios THE STUDENTS Program enrollment X Graduation X PT/FT Ratios X Enrollment low We need to continue advertising and target High Schools, Women’s career centers, military veterans and serious career seekers Continue Work Keys Target a diferent group of people Penalties for Dropping Class at Nine Weeks Program Content CURRICULUM HISTORY/PLANNING Admissions/Waitlist Criteria Admissions/Waitlist Process Curricular structure Curriculum/Course Revision Distance Learning Education Oferings Distance Learning Faculty Certification 20 Updated 2/8/12- ISIS X X X X X X GRCC Program Review Follow-Up Action Checklist Action Academic ... 2/8/1 2- ISIS NO Grand Rapids Community College Program Review 10 Updated 2/8/1 2- ISIS Construction: Electrical Report Grand Rapids Community College Program Review Construction: Electrical Report Program. .. First - They will be required to wire the system in order (3-way, 4-way, 3-way) Second -The order will be changed and additional location will be added (eg 4-way, 3-way, 3way 4-way) Third - the... 2/8/1 2- ISIS Grand Rapids Community College Program Review 19 Updated 2/8/1 2- ISIS Construction: Electrical Report GRCC Program Review Follow-Up Action Checklist Grand Rapids Community College Program

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 00:33

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