Presentation Proposal Submission Form, ADP National Meeting 2012 10th Annual American Democracy Project National Meeting "Civic Engagement 2.0: Re-Imagining, Strengthening and Deepening Our Civic Work" June 7-9, 2012 Marriott River Center San Antonio, Texas If you are interested in making a presentation at the ADP National Meeting, please complete and submit this proposal form The deadline for submissions is March 12, 2011 However, proposals will be considered on a rolling basis beginning November 14, 2011 All proposals will be reviewed and notification will be sent out no later than March 26, 2011 If you have any questions, please contact ADP National Manager Jen Domagal-Goldman at or 202-478-7833 Submitting presenter, please provide your complete contact information below (You will be prompted to provide the names and contact information for any additional presenters later.) Question [Mandatory] Submitting Presenter's Name (as it will appear in the program) Question [Mandatory] Submitting Presenter's Professional Title (e.g., Associate Professor of Political Science; Executive Director) Question [Mandatory] Submitting Presenter's Institution/Organization Question Submitting Presenter's Department/Division/Unit (if you have one) Question [Mandatory] Submitting Presenter's Email Address (this is how you'll be contacted) Question [Mandatory] Submitting Presenter's Phone Number Proposal Information Question [Mandatory] Are you proposing a presentation or a poster? (Choose one.) Presentation: A presentation is generally allotted 10-15 minutes, with an additional 5-10 minutes for questions and discussion Typically, three presentations are grouped together to comprise a program session, which lasts about 75 minutes total Poster: This year we're adding a poster session to the program This is a great way for students to participate in the conference and a way to showcase a program, initiative, partnership, or undergraduate research or service project During the poster session, all poster presenters will have the opportunity to talk with and answer questions of conference participants about their posters Posters should be on standard 24"x36" foam core board (easel size) and must be brought with presenters to the conference Either: By selecting the "Either" option, you are indicating that your preference is to be considered for a presentation, but that you are willing to have your proposal considered for as part of the poster session if there isn't room in the program for your proposed presentation Question [Mandatory] Proposed title of your presentation (or poster) Please be brief but descriptive This title will appear in the program and should be no longer than 17 words Question [Mandatory] [Up To Answers] Your proposed presentation or poster fits into which of the following categories? (Please note: Some proposals may fit into several categories When submitting your proposal, please indicate up to three categories that best describe your presentation or poster.) CATEGORY 1: Civic Engagement 2.0 Web 2.0 applications are not only the next iteration of an existing application, but also facilitate collaboration, information sharing, and user-centered design Web 2.0 applications include social media sites, blogs, Wikis, etc Let's re-imagine, strengthen and deepen our civic work in ways that move the preparation of informed, engaged citizens for our democracy from margin to center on our campuses As we celebrate the American Democracy Project's 10th birthday, let's envision our next 10 years together! Civic Engagement 2.0 presentations might consider questions such as: - How can we make existing civic education and engagement efforts more student and citizen-centered? - What can we to make ADP more interactive, participative and discovery driven? - How can we harness new technologies to engage more students and/or to make our teaching and programming more effective? CATEGORY 2: Diversity and Civic Engagement We seek proposal submissions that address this important and often overlooked aspect of our work Each proposal should address the following: How can we be more inclusive of diverse populations in the civic engagement “movement?” What specific events and strategies have you used to engage diverse students in civic and political efforts on and off campus? If you are a member of a minority community, how (if at all) has your identity been important to your work in the civic engagement field? CATEGORY 3: Analysis of the Use of Signature Pedagogies and Practices We seek presentations about the high-impact practices that you have developed to encourage students to be active citizens Which signature pedagogies and practices have you used to inspire students to deeper levels of political and community engagement? Signature pedagogies and practices include such things as Democracy Plazas, Naturalization Ceremonies, campus-wide events, in-class deliberation strategies, and community-based learning experiences CATEGORY 4: Working With Students Students are absolutely indispensable to the success of the American Democracy Project Without student collaboration and input, there is no way to know how to design successful, high-impact programs How have you worked directly with students to design and implement American Democracy Project activities? Or, alternatively, students how have you worked together or with faculty and staff on your campuses to create ADP programs and activities? CATEGORY 5: Institutionalization and Administration of Civic Engagement How are you moving the work of preparing informed, engaged citizens from margin to center? We seek presentations on topics such as how to infuse civic engagement across campus, organize a project, find funding, publicize your project, work with community partners and community colleges, collaborate between academic and student affairs, secure faculty buy-in, nurture and sustain institutional attention We are also particularly interested in faculty promotion and tenure strategies, as well as recognition and reward CATEGORY 6: Assessment We seek presentations on assessment strategies, assessment tools, and assessment results across the broad range of institutional life: assessment of courses or programs, assessment linked to institutional outcomes, or assessment that evaluates the effectiveness of specific strategies We are particularly interested in the assessment of civic skills as one dimension of civic outcomes CATEGORY 7: Civic Engagement in Action Series (selecting this category, requires a response to Question 10) We also seek proposals from those campus representatives involved in national ADP initiatives: America’s Future; Civic Agency; Deliberative Polling; eCitizenship (& the Informed Citizen Project); eJournal of Public Affairs; Political Engagement Project; Revolutions; Stewardship of Public Lands CATEGORY 8: The View at 30,000 Feet What does the civic engagement movement look like from 30,000 feet? We seek proposals that explore bigpicture topics and philosophic questions about citizenship and civic engagement, theories of diversity, models of political efficacy, etc CATEGORY 9: Open Topics (please specify) If you would like to make a presentation on a topic not already listed, submit your proposal in this category Question 10 If you chose CATEGORY in question 9, please indicate to which Civic Engagement in Action Series initiative your proposal relates: Revolutions: Educating Globally Competent Citizens America's Future: Protecting the Fiscal Health of Our Democracy Civic Agency Deliberative Polling eCitizenship (& The Informed Citizen Project) eJournal of Public Affairs (Missouri State University and ADP joint venture) Political Engagement Project Stewardship of Public Lands (Yellowstone) Question 11 [Mandatory] Briefly describe the content of your proposed presentation or poster Question 12 [Mandatory] * List up to three goals or learning outcomes for your presentation or poster (e.g., share a new framework, engage audience in conversation or debate, elicit new ideas in workshop setting) Question 13 If proposing a presentation, please describe how you plan to engage your audience (e.g., thought-provoking questions, small group discussion, role-play, panel Q&A session) Will there be additional presenters for this proposed presentation or poster? If so, please fill in the contact information below (Note: Presentation proposals are limited to three presenters each due to time constraints Additional poster presenters may be listed in response to Question 22.) Question 14 Second presenter's name Question 15 Second presenter's professional title Question 16 Second presenter's institution/organization Question 17 Second presenter's email address Question 18 Second presenter's department/division/unit (if there is one) Question 19 Second presenter's phone number Question 20 Third presenter's name Question 21 Third presenter's professional title Question 22 Third presenter's institution/organization Question 23 Third presenter's department/division/unit (if there is one) Question 24 Third presenter's email address Question 25 Third presenter's phone number Question 26 Please use the space below to provide us with any additional information that you think is worth noting (e.g., if you'd like your proposal to be grouped with another proposal, if you're proposing a pre-conference workshop) Thank you for your submission! All proposals will be reviewed and notification will be sent out no later than March 26, 2012 Presenters will be asked to upload PowerPoint slides and/or other handouts and materials to a Wiki prior to the meeting Directions will be provided along with proposal acceptances Please contact Jen Domagal-Goldman, ADP National Manager at with any questions about the proposal submission process Thank you!