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WSWS Officer and Committee Report - Clay WSSA

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WSWS Officer and Committee Report Annual Meeting March 11, 2013 Office or Committee Name: WSSA Representative Officer or Chairperson Name: Pat Clay Date of Preparation (include year): February 28, 2013 Committee Activities during the Year: Brief summary of Board Action via electronic voting from August 2012 through February 2013 Meeting Site Selection The board approved a motion for WSSA to hold its annual meeting at the Hilton in Lexington, KY in 2015, at the Sheraton in San Juan, PR in 2016, and at the Hilton El Conquistador in Tucson, AZ in 2017, contingent upon obtaining satisfactory contracts from each Association Management Contract The board approved a motion to accept the recommendation of the sub-committee on the Association Management Contract (Joyce's) and extend the contract with Allen Press Meeting Management The board approved a motion to accept the Meeting Management Sub-committee’s recommendation and renew the contract with Allen Press for meeting management for 2014, 2015, and 2016 Award Recipient Approval The board approved a motion that the WSSA BOD approve the list of 2013 award winners [from the awards committee] as is Special Award for Carol Somodye The board approved a motion that we award Carol Somody a Presidential Award of Merit at the 2013 annual meeting for her dedicated service on the WSSA Public Awareness Committee The award should be recognized by the presentation of an appropriate plaque Website Content Manager The board approved a motion that we accept the sub-committee’s recommendation and offer the position of web content manager to MuthukumarBagavathiannan (Muthu) Motion to Amend the MOP The board approved a motion to accept the changes proposed for the WSSA's Manual of Operating Procedures as presented in the attached document, after which they will be incorporated into the WSSA's MOP.” (A separate document was included detailing changes to MOP) Amendment The board approved a motion to amend the MOP change motion submitted by Peter Porpiglia according to suggestions made by Anderson, DiTomaso, Barrett, and Légère *The following reports are abbreviated to reflect highlights or items not covered elsewhere in the WSSA Report Full report can be found in the minutes of the WSSA Board Meetings (once approved and published) PRESIDENT’S REPORT Publication contract proposals are still under review and consideration Publication committee is reviewing this contract Herbicide Handbook revision is well underway Dale Shaner is chairing the committee for content Jill will be stepping down as US EPA Subject Matter Expert Liaison, and search has been concluded The candidates will be discussed this coming week; an ad hoc committee will be formed to identify the new liaison New liaison should be in place by April Executive Secretary Report Membership has remained stable over the past few years Joyce mentions that this society works smoothly because of the large number of volunteers and work of the board Allen Press is going through a database conversion process, which may involve some “transient bugs.” This will include for online journal access Login will be e-mail address rather than membership number Final membership number is 1354 members Treasurer’s Report Ian Burke reports that two conference calls were held since the August board meeting Conference calls held to review investments and expenditures No new requests for new initiative expenditures received Operating account at $120,000 Investments received 8.3%, $832,000 in investments and endowment is at $338,000 Overall investment strategy, committee is seeing a lot of uncertainty and considering more conservative approach in the endowment fund Received about $70,000 in interest revenue in the past year WSSA is operating at a deficit without the investment income With the investment income, expenditures equal to revenue The sense of the board is that we are doing a good job of balancing expenditures with revenues, but still need to be cognizant of the potential effects of even “one bad event.” WSSA / CWSS 2014 Joint Meeting – Joe DiTomaso Joint meeting between WSSA and CWSS with a joint program Victoria Brooks is the local arrangements chair for the meeting They have two field trips planned Call for symposia will go out in the next newsletter Publications – Jim Anderson Impact factor trend shows an upward movement IPSM impact factor will come out in June 2013 Allen Press has provided some very extensive reports on the journals Contract discussions – Jim will propose that the board will accept full proposals from Allen Press and Springer for review A subcommittee asked Allen Press to provide a proposal, and a contract for Allen Press has been sent out for discussion by the board We will open discussion on this proposal after the P1 report is completed MOP and Constitutional Changes – Peter Porpiglia MOP recommended changes have been discussed, but two areas had extra discussion Symposia funding instructions need to be included in MOP The main topic was that one symposia, paid by WSSA funds for symposia expenses, was then published in a competing journal rather than in a WSSA journal One MOP suggestion was discussed and approved, to require publication in a WSSA journal if WSSA funds were used to hold a symposium This motion was made, approved, revised, and passed by e-vote Herbicide resistance education committee – Mike Barrett discussed the Herbicide Resistance Education Committee, a special committee that has made great strides in this area Mike has proposed that they become a standing committee Herbicide Resistant Plants committee did not want another committee Mike has proposed having separate Herbicide Resistance Research committee and Herbicide Resistance Education committee The motion was approved unanimously Constitution changes The constitutional change was approved by membership that reduced the number of members-atlarge from four to The motion to remove the requirement that one Member-at-large be from industry, was approved by the membership The membership also approved making the Director of Science Policy an ex officio member of the board The new Member-at-Large is Andrew Kniss of University of Wyoming Herbicide Handbook Delivery – Anne Légère and David Krueger A special committee was formed to consider the future delivery method for delivery of new versions of the Herbicide Handbook Committee recommended that 1) a book be published of the next iteration (2013) and 2) a relational database be constructed with the content, which could be delivered in a number of different formats Jim Anderson moves to accept database program proposal from David Krueger to develop software that belongs to WSSA, and develop webpage access of the databasefor a cost of $35,000, seconded by Dan Kunkel Approved UPDATE ON EPA LIAISON – Jim Kells We have four applicants for the position, one was eliminated as not qualified Jim will appoint a selection committee, which is two people from EPA, Dan Kunkel, and three former WSSA presidents (Jill Schroeder, Harold Coble, JohnJachetta) Jim Kells will sit in on the deliberations All three candidates are strong members of WSSA Expect an e-vote in a few weeks Timetable transition will be in the March-April timeframe, at which time Jill will visit EPA with the new liaison WSWS Joint Meeting WSWS has made an inquiry regarding interest in having a joint meeting between WSWS and WSSA We will discuss that at the summer board meeting Recommendations for Board Action: None Budget Needs: None at this time Valent will be providing travel funds for my attendance Suggestions for the Future: None at this time Current Committee Members: N/A Name of Person Preparing This Report: Pat Clay ... suggestions made by Anderson, DiTomaso, Barrett, and Légère *The following reports are abbreviated to reflect highlights or items not covered elsewhere in the WSSA Report Full report can be found... Education Committee, a special committee that has made great strides in this area Mike has proposed that they become a standing committee Herbicide Resistant Plants committee did not want another committee. .. officio member of the board The new Member-at-Large is Andrew Kniss of University of Wyoming Herbicide Handbook Delivery – Anne Légère and David Krueger A special committee was formed to consider the

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2022, 22:11
