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Burwood House, Convent Lane Cobham, Surrey KT11 1HA Tel: 01932 869990 EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORM notredame.co.uk           Post Applied For: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY REF NO: Personal details Full name: Title       Previous name(s) First name       Surname             (if applicable): How long have you lived at this address: if less than years please provide all previous addresses for past years Address:       Previous Address:       Postcode:      Postcode: Length of time at address: Length of time at address: Telephone (Home): Telephone (Work):       Telephone (Mobile):             What is the best daytime contact number for you?:       Email address:       Confidential Referees One referee should be your present or most recent employer, the other a previous employer Please let your referees know that we will be in touch with them if you are short listed for this position Name:       Name:     Job title:       Job title:       Organisation name:       Organisation name:       Email:       Email:       Telephone number:       Telephone number:       Address:       Address:       Relationship to the applicant:       Relationship to the applicant:       References will only be requested for short listed candidates May we approach your referees without further reference to you? Yes No Please give any dates you are NOT available for interview:                   Post title : FOR OFFICE USE ONLY REF NO: Education and qualifications Please give details of your education and qualifications to date (boxes will expand as required) Dates (MM/YY) School/College Subject(s) studied Grades at GCSE level or equivalent From To                                                                                     School/College Subject(s) studied at A level or equivalent Grades                                                                                     Undergraduate university attended Subject(s) studied Degree (with date confirmed)                   Postgraduate university attended Subject(s) studied Degree (with date confirmed)                   Professional qualification including teacher training institution attended Subject(s) studied Degree/qualification                                                 (with date confirmed)       Membership of professional bodies             Name of Association / Awarding Body/Institute                                                       From Dates (MM/YY) To Qualification Level/or grade of membership       Other relevant training e.g First Aid, Child Protection, Leadership, Professional Development (attended over last years) From       Dates (MM/YY) To       Title of course Details                                                                                                             Interests Please outline your interests       Please list the co-curricular activities you have led in your previous and current positions Activity School Dates                   Please list the co-curricular activities you would be able to offer Notre Dame School       For music related positions: please confirm all musical instruments played and qualifications gained Please provide full details of all position held and of all training/further education, employment, selfemployment and unpaid work since leaving secondary education Present or most recent employment Post:       Name and address of employer:       Independent or Maintained       Start date:       NOR:       Leaving date       (if applicable): Reason for leaving:       Notice required (if applicable):       Basic Gross salary: (Please indicate responsibility points, London Allowance etc.) Total Salary: Outline of main duties       Salary scale/Spine Point (if applicable):       Previous employment List all previous employment since leaving full time education, including any relevant unpaid work, in reverse chronological order You should account for any periods between jobs by month and year Curriculum vitae may be enclosed but cannot be used as a substitute for the information required below Please provide explanations for any periods not in employment, further education or training Dates (MM/YY) From To Employer/Training Establishment (if a school, Job title / main duties Reason for leaving                                                                                                                                                       include Independent or Maintained and number on roll) Statement in support of your application Set out below how your skills and experience meet the criteria named in the person specification Applicants should confine this statement to no more than two sides of A4       Continue on Next page Other Details Do you know any staff working, volunteer or Governor at Notre Dame School? Yes No Do you have the legal right to live and work in the UK? Yes No Do you require UKBA sponsorship (previously a work permit) to take up this post? Yes No If YES, please state the nature of relationship and the name of the Notre Dame employee(s)       Type of Visa held and date of expiry: (You will be asked to produce photographic identification and proof of the above if you are called to interview) National Insurance Number       DfE No (Please enclose evidence)       Qualified Teacher Status? Yes No Registered with the GTC? Yes No Do you have a current full UK driving licence: Yes No Date:       If you qualified after May 1999, have you completed a statutory induction year? Yes No Where did you see this post advertised?       Data Protection The information that you provide on this form will be used to process your application for employment The personal information that you provide will be stored and used in a confidential manner to help with our recruitment process If you succeed in your application and take up employment with the School, the information will be used in the administration of your employment We may check the information provided by you on this form with third parties By signing the application form you consent to the processing of sensitive personal data Declaration As the job for which you are applying involves substantial opportunity for access to children, it is important that you provide us with legally accurate answers Upfront disclosure of a criminal record may not debar you from appointment as we shall consider the nature of the offence, how long ago and at what age it was committed and any other relevant factors Please submit information in confidence enclosing details in a separate sealed envelope which will be seen and then destroyed by the HR Department If you would like to discuss this beforehand, please telephone in confidence to the HR Manager for advice Please disclose any unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings Please note that the amendments to the Exceptions Order 1975 (2013) provide that certain spent convictions and cautions are 'protected' and are not subject to disclosure to employers, and cannot be taken into account Guidance and criteria on the filtering of these cautions and convictions can be found at the Disclosure and Barring Service website www.gov.uk/dbs Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence(s) or have you been warned, reprimanded, or cautioned in relation to any such offence? Yes No Are you included in any list of people barred from working with children? Yes No You should be aware that the School will institute its own checks on successful applicants for short listing with the Disclosure and Barring Service Failure to declare any convictions (that are not subject to DBS filtering) may disqualify you for appointment or result in summary dismissal if the discrepancy comes to light subsequently I have nothing to declare I enclose a confidential statement (please delete as appropriate) Name:       Signature:       Date:       I declare that the information I have given in this Application Form is accurate and true I understand that providing misleading or false information will disqualify me from appointment or if appointed, may result in my dismissal Signature: Date: Please return your completed application form to HR@notredame.co.uk Equal Opportunities Recruitment Monitoring Form This section of the form will be detached from your application and will be used solely for monitoring purposes This form will be kept separately from your application Notre Dame School recognises and is committed to ensuring applicants and employees from all sections of the community are treated equally regardless of race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, marital and civil partnership status, or pregnancy and maternity We welcome applications from all sections of the community You are not obliged to complete this form but it is helpful to the School in maintaining equal opportunities All information provided will be treated in confidence Please complete the form as you feel is most appropriate for you Post applied for:       Gender Male Do you consider yourself to have a disability Female Yes No The Equality Act defines disability as "A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities" I would describe my racial or cultural origin as a e Asian Asian – Bangladeshi Asian – British Asian – Indian Asian – Pakistani Any other Asian background Please specify:       Mixed Asian and White Black and White Any other mixed background Please specify:       b f Black Black – African Black – British Black – Caribbean Any other Black background Please specify:       c Chinese Chinese d Irish Irish White White British White European Union Any other White background Please specify:       g Other ethnic group Please specify:       If you wish, you may disclose information about yourself in this section about your: Religion: Sexual orientation: Nationality:       I am aged:       years Date of birth (DD/MM/YY):       I give my consent Notre Dame School to process the information given in accordance with the purpose stated above Name: Signature:             Date:       OVERSEAS POLICE CHECKS A DBS (formerly CRB) check only covers criminal records in the UK If you are living or have lived abroad you will be required to obtain an overseas criminal record check Each country has its own process to provide a criminal record check usually through its police force or embassy, with those bodies liaising directly with the individual rather than the employer Therefore it is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain such a check In the event of there being a delay for these checks to be completed, the School will also require additional referees from the applicant’s previous employers in those countries in order to ascertain the applicant’s suitability for the post In order for us to ascertain whether overseas police checks will be required, please tick the option(s) below and state the country in which you are living and/or countries in which you have lived or visited (if not the UK) If you have never lived abroad, please state “Not Applicable” Name: Position applied for: A  I list below the countries that I have lived in for a period of three months or more and/or B  I list below the countries that I have visited for a period of three months or more Country: Date (from) Date (to) Referee information (previous employer) If you have worked in a school in England in a position which brought you regularly into contact with children since returning from abroad, please give details here: School in UK Date (from) Date (to) Further information (job title, responsibilities etc.) C  Not applicable I have never lived or travelled abroad for longer than months Please submit this form with your Application Form, Equal Opportunities Monitoring form and covering letter Human Resources Manager to confirm whether overseas checks are required:  Yes  No

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 22:30

Xem thêm:

Mục lục

    Membership of professional bodies

    Other relevant training e.g. First Aid, Child Protection, Leadership, Professional Development (attended over last 3 years)

    I have nothing to declare

    I enclose a confidential statement

    (please delete as appropriate)


