The Competency Framework incorporates the IdentifierType datatype, enabling developers to specify both the identifier and its source, which helps avoid duplication and enhances the interoperability of competency frameworks across various systems This structured approach allows for references to MedBiquitous Competency Objects, IEEE Reusable Competency Definitions, and other external competency frameworks.
Elements using the IdentifierType have Catalog and Entry subelements, which are described in the table that follows.
Element Description Required Multiplicity Datatype
A catalog serves as an identification or cataloguing scheme for entries, often utilizing URIs, which are essential for MedBiquitous Competency Objects and Competency Frameworks Additionally, organizations may choose to implement their own internal cataloguing systems.
Entry Entry is the value of the identifier within the cataloguing scheme specified by the Catalog element.
Competency Framework Specifications Common Data Types
The following example shows an identifier for a competency definition that uses a URI cataloging schema.
The next example shows an identifier for a competency definition that uses a local cataloguing schema.
The MedBiquitous Competency Frameworks specification outlines the requirements for developing tools and electronic systems that connect competencies with educational and performance data This document is relevant for anyone involved in this process, and its current status is noted at the bottom of the page Draft documents undergo a review and approval process through MedBiquitous and ANSI standards development.
The increasing adoption of outcome and competency frameworks is transforming healthcare education and certification maintenance globally Various countries and states have established accreditation systems for health profession schools and programs, alongside mandates for ongoing learning and competency in medical specialties However, the lack of a standardized method for representing these competencies hinders their portability across different systems By standardizing competency expression, healthcare education and performance management systems can effectively utilize these frameworks as foundational elements, enhancing the overall quality of care.
Learners and educators able to search for learning resources addressing a particular competency
Educators able to determine where specific competencies are addressed in a curriculum
Boards and hospitals able to track and manage competency data for the professional.
Administrators are able to map one competency framework to another.
The specification aims to establish a uniform format and data structure for creating a competency framework By integrating this with other current and developing specifications, it facilitates the connection of educational resources and activities to a defined competency framework.
The standard permits extensions for sharing data beyond the core set outlined in this document with other organizations This specification is designed to complement other existing specifications.
Competency Framework Specifications Other Standards, Specifications, or Schema Referenced
6 Other Standards, Specifications, or Schema Referenced
ANSI/MEDBIQ LO.10.1-2008, Healthcare Learning Object Metadata [Healthcare LOM]
Healthcare LOM provides the format for identifiers and metadata about the competency framework.
Competency Framework may reference individual statements of expectation using a
MedBiquitous defined format or the IEEE Reusable Competency Definition.
Competency Framework may indicate is this framework replaces or is replaced by another framework using DCMI Terms.
1484.12.3-2005, IEEE Standard for Learning Technology-Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Definition Language Binding for Learning Object Metadata [LOM]
Healthcare LOM extends the IEEE LOM standard
1484.20.1-2007 - IEEE Standard for Learning Technology-Data Model for Reusable Competency Definitions [IEEE RCD]
Competency Framework may reference individual statements of expectation using a
MedBiquitous defined format or the IEEE Reusable Competency Definition.
Simple Knowledge Organizations System [SKOS]
The Competency Framework uses select SKOS vocabulary classes for conceptual relationships
XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition) [XHTML]
XHTML provides the format for supporting information embedded in the competency framework.
The terminology in this field is often ambiguous and lacks clear definitions, as it is used variably by different professionals To promote clarity and consistency in our discussion, we will present specific working definitions for the terms utilized in this paper.
Competence – possession of sufficient and necessary knowledge, skill and attitude by an individual to allow her to safely and effectively perform a specific job.
Competency – a statement describing a specific ability, or set of abilities, requiring specific knowledge, skill and/or attitude Competencies are used to set performance standards that must be met [Albanese 1]
Competency Framework – an organized and structured representation of a set of interrelated and purposeful competency objects.
The term "Competency Object" refers to a broad concept utilized by the CWG to define any abstract declaration of learning or performance expectations, including learning outcomes, competencies, learning objectives, professional roles, and classifications These statements may be supplemented with additional data to provide further context or support Importantly, the Competency Object remains abstract, lacking inherent information about its connections to individuals, events, or other objects.
Learning objectives represent the desired outcomes for learners in an educational activity, serving as a clear endpoint that guides the teaching process These objectives are closely aligned with the methods used to achieve them and can be formulated from specific competencies or expected learning outcomes.
Learning outcomes represent the desired end goals for a program, focusing on the skills and qualities that graduates are expected to possess, regardless of how these outcomes are attained They serve as a framework for identifying, defining, and communicating the competencies that students should achieve by the completion of their studies.
Learning Object – a digital resource used to support learning.
Performance – a demonstration of practice, such as patient care Can be used as evidence of one or more competencies
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
The following sections explain the Competency Framework Schema grammar Values in bold under XML Tags column indicate that the element has sub-elements.
All the elements having sub-elements will be defined in separate sections All elements without sub-elements will be defined within the appropriate element sections that use them.
The CompetencyFramework serves as the foundational element within a competency framework document, encompassing subelements that detail a collection of related competency definitions and their interrelationships It is essential for the CompetencyFramework to appear once in each competency framework document.
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
Element Description Required Multiplicity Datatype
CompetencyFramework CompetencyFramework is the root element It describes a set of related competency definitions and their relationships.
Required 1 Container lom lom is the subelement of CompetencyFramework It contains subelements that define title, publisher, and other descriptive information about this competency framework
The lom element is outlined in the Healthcare Learning Object Metadata standard by MedBiquitous For detailed information on the sub-elements of lom, refer to the Healthcare Learning Object Metadata Specifications and Description document Additionally, section Lom Required and Recommended Elements provides guidance on the necessary and suggested sub-elements of lom for Competency Frameworks.
For more information, see [Healthcare LOM] and [LOM].
EffectiveDate EffectiveDate is a subelement of CompetencyFramework It describes the date this competency framework becomes or became effective.
RetiredDate RetiredDate is a subelement of CompetencyFramework It Optional 0 or 1 Date
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar displaced, or superseded by the described framework.
Implementers must use a URI to represent the related framework.
Replaces is based on the Dublin Core term replaces For more information, see [DCMITerms].
IsReplacedBy IsReplacedBy is a subelement of CompetencyFramework
IsReplacedBy indicates a related competency framework that supplants, displaces, or supersedes the described framework.
Implementers must use a URI to represent the related framework.
IsReplacedBy is based on the Dublin Core term isReplacedBy For more information, see [DCMITerms].
SupportingInformation SupportingInformation is the subelement of
The Competency Framework encompasses various subelements that provide or connect to additional supporting information, including the rationale behind its development and its intended applications For further details, please refer to the Supporting Information section.
The "Includes" element is a crucial subcomponent of the Competency Framework, serving to distinctly identify the competencies encompassed within it Every competency featured in the framework must be cited through the "Includes" element, which also applies to any competency objects or frameworks mentioned in the relations element.
See section IdentifierType for more information.
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
Relation Relations is the subelement of CompetencyFramework It contains subelements that define a relationship between two components of a framework See section Relation for more information.
CompetencyFramework may include elements from other namespaces provided those elements are namespace qualified
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
Lom Required and Recommended Elements
lom is the subelement of CompetencyFramework It contains subelements that define title, publisher, and other descriptive information about this competency framework.
The table that follows indicates which elements of healthcare lom are required or recommended for use in the Competency Framework Note that additional lom elements may be used.
Lom lom Element Usage Information
Element Description Required Multiplicity Datatype lom lom is the subelement of
CompetencyFramework It contains subelements that define title, publisher, and other descriptive information about this competency framework
For more information on these elements, see [LOM] and [Healthcare LOM]
For more information on lom and its subelements, see [Healthcare LOM] and [LOM]. general A container for general metadata elements.
Required 1 Container general:identifier A container for identifier information Required 1 or more Container
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar general:identifier:catalog The cataloguing system for the unique identifier For competency frameworks, the catalog must be URI.
Required 1 Restricted general:identifier:entry Defines a unique identifier for the competency framework For competency frameworks, identifiers must be in the form of a URI.
Required 1 URI general:title Defines the title for this competency framework in one or more languages.
Required 1 or more LanguageString general: description A short description of the competency framework.
Recommended 0 or 1 LanguageString lifecycle A container for elements relating to the lifecycle of the framework.
Recommended 0 or 1 Container lifecycle: status A container for elements describing the status of the competency framework
Recommended 0 or 1 Container lifecycle: status: source The source of the vocabulary for status Recommended 0 or 1 Restricted
The Competency Framework Specifications outline a structured schema for defining competencies, emphasizing the importance of clearly identifying the publisher and other involved entities Within the lifecycle element, it is crucial to specify the publisher's role, designated as 'publisher,' alongside an entity that accurately describes the publisher This ensures clarity and coherence in the development and documentation of the competency framework.
Recommended 0 or more Container lifecycle: contribute: role:source The source of the vocabulary for role
When describing the publisher, use LOMv1.0
Recommended 0 or 1 Restricted lifecycle: contribute: role: value The role being described To describe the publisher, value should be publisher.
Recommended 0 or 1 Restricted lifecycle: contribute: entity Use the role and entity elements within the lifecycle element to indicate the publisher of the competency framework
Entity includes a vcard reference to the publisher and should be paired with a role that has a value of publisher.
Recommended 0 or more VCARD educational A container element for elements related to the educational aspects of the framework.
Recommended 0 or 1 Container educational: context A container for elements describing the educational environment for which the
The competency framework schema is designed to provide a structured approach to educational contexts, specifically focusing on the source vocabulary To effectively utilize the MedBiquitous vocabulary within this framework, it is recommended to reference HEALTHCARE_LOMv1.
Recommended 0 or 1 Restricted educational:context:value The educational context for which the framework is intended Use a term from the following MedBiquitous vocabulary (described in HealthcareLOM):
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar rights: copyrightAndOtherRestrictions:source
The source of the vocabulary used to describe copyright and other restrictions
To use the lom vocabulary, use LOMv1.0.
Recommended 0 or 1 Restricted rights: copyrightAndOtherRestrictions:value
Indicates whether or not copyright and other restrictions exist Valid values are yes and no.
The description element in the rights section offers a concise overview of copyright or other limitations related to the competency framework, potentially including a link to the applicable license.
Recommended 0 or 1 LanguageString healthcareMetadata A container element for healthcare related metadata.
Recommended 0 or 1 Container healthcareMetadata:healthcareEducation A container element for healthcare education related metadata.
Recommended 0 or 1 Container healthcareMetadata:healthcareEducation targetAudience
A container element for information about the target audience for whom this framework is intended.
Recommended 0 or 1 Container healthcareMetadata: healthcareEducation:targetAudience: profession
The health profession for which this competency framework is intended
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
The Competent Physician
The Competent Physician describes the knowledge, skills, and abilities a physician should have.
Association of Worldwide Physicians
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license,
SupportingInformation includes or links to supporting information, such as descriptions of the rationale for developing the framework and its intended use.
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
Element Description Required Multiplicity Datatype
SupportingInformation SupportingInformation is the subelement of
CompetencyFramework It contains subelements that include or link to supporting information, such as descriptions of the rationale for developing the framework and its intended use.
Link Link is the subelement of SupportingInformation It provides a
URL or URI reference to a supporting resource, such as a pdf or html file describing the purpose of the framework in detail.
Link must contain a valid URI.
Either Link or xhtml:div is required
0 or 1 Restricted xhtml:div A div element is a mixed type element referenced from XHTML
The div element can include a mix of text and XHTML tags as specified by the XHTML schema
Either Link or xhtml:div is required
For more information, see [XHTML].
The following example provides a link:
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar the recommendations As a result of these discussions, the Scottish Deans’ Medical
Established in 1999, the Curriculum Group (SDMCG) focuses on discussing and coordinating the development, delivery, and evaluation of undergraduate curricula Its primary goal is to ensure that graduates from each school meet equivalent standards.
The Group consists of two representatives from each School, including a Teaching Dean or equivalent, alongside a medical education IT expert, an educationalist serving as Project Officer, a Post Graduate Dean, and an administrator Funding for the Group's activities is provided by the five Schools, with prior support from NHS Education for Scotland The SDMCG is accountable to the Board for Academic Medicine in Scotland.
The Scottish Doctor publications highlight the significant outcomes of the SDMCG's initiatives, which also encompass ongoing projects related to standard setting, student portfolios, acute care learning, communication skills, and anatomy Additionally, the Medical Education Informatics Group serves as a dedicated IT/informatics subgroup The SDMCG acts as a crucial platform for medical schools to engage in discussions about national matters, including government consultations and guidance on undergraduate medical curricula from specialty groups Recently, a Senior University Teacher in Law, Ethics, and Risk Management has been appointed, supported by the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland, to collaborate with all five Schools on enhancing this vital curricular area.
Relation defines a relationship between two components of a framework.
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
Element Description Required Multiplicity Datatype
Relation Relation is the subelement of RelationsCompetency Framework It contains subelements that define a relationship between two components of a framework The following types of relationships are allowed:
A competency may have a broader competency.
Conversely, a competency may have a narrower competency.
A competency may have a narrower external framework.
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
Reference1 Reference1 is the subelement of Relation It identifies a single competency with a relationship to the componentspecified in Reference2
Relationship Relationship is a subelement of Relation It defines the nature of the relationship between the components of the framework specified inReference1 and Reference2
Valid values in the SKOS vocabulary include:- **Broader Concept**: Represented by the URI [](, indicating a broader relationship. - **Narrower Concept**: Indicated by the URI [](, signifying a narrower relationship.- **Related Concept**: Represented by the URI [](, which denotes a related relationship.
The concepts of "broader" and "narrower," as defined by the SKOS vocabulary, represent converse relationships Specifically, if Component1 is classified as having a broader concept than Component2, then Component2 inherently has a narrower concept than Component1 This reciprocal relationship is implicit and does not require explicit encoding, as it is understood through the inherent nature of the relationship between the two components.
Has related concept,, may be used for any relationship that is non-hierarchical.
The valid values of the relation element are taken from the Simple Knowledge Organizations System [SKOS].
Reference2 Reference2 is the subelement of Relation It identifies the component that has a relationship to the component specified in Reference1
Competency Framework Specifications Competency Framework Schema Grammar
Note about Hierarchical Conflict
Defining relationships with external competency objects and frameworks offers significant flexibility in creating a competency framework; however, it may also cause confusion This standard explicitly prohibits any relationships that could lead to hierarchical conflicts, as illustrated in the example below.
Framework A has no external references.
Framework B incorporates Framework A Competency object B3 is broader than Framework A.
Framework C integrates a competency from Framework A while encompassing all of Framework B, indicating that competency object A1 is more comprehensive than Framework B This creates a hierarchical conflict, as Framework B explicitly categorizes Framework A and its competency objects, including A1, as narrower than competency object B3, which belongs to Framework B.
Competency Framework Specifications Sample XML Document
The Competency Framework is a structured model that defines the essential competencies required in healthcare It utilizes various XML namespaces to establish a standardized approach for competency assessment and development This framework aims to enhance the quality of healthcare education and practice by providing clear guidelines for competency evaluation For further assistance or inquiries, please contact the server administrator.
The Competent Physician
The Competent Physician describes the knowledge, skills, and abilities a physician should have.
Association of Worldwide Physicians
undergraduate professional education
Competency Framework Specifications Sample XML Document
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license,
Competency Framework Specifications Sample XML Document
Albanese MA, Mejicano G, Mullan P, Kokotailo P and Gruppen L Defining characteristics of educational competencies Medical Education 2008; 42(3):248-55.
MedBiquitous Competency Object Specifications and description Document MedBiquitous Website Accessed June 16, 2011.
DCMI Metadata Terms Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Website terms Accessed October 17, 2011.
Harden RM Learning outcomes and instructional objectives: is there a difference? Medical Teacher 2002; 24(2):151-5.
Harden RM, Crosby JR, Davis MH and Friedman M AMEE Guide No 14: Outcome-based education: Part
5 – From competency to meta-competency: a model for the specification of learning outcomes Medical
ANSI/MEDBIQ LO.10.1-2008, Healthcare Learning Object Metadata, MedBiquitous Website Accessed June 1, 2011.
1484.20.1-2007 - IEEE Standard for Learning Technology-Data Model for Reusable Competency
Definitions, IEEE Standards Association Website 2007.html Downloaded October 21, 2009