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New York State Student Information Repository System - SIRS - Guidelines for Extracts for use in 2007-08

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New York State Student Information Repository System - SIRS Guidelines for Extracts for use in 2007-08 April 30, 2008 Version 3.2 The University of the State of New York THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Information and Reporting Services Albany, New York 12234 Guidelines for Extracts 2007-08 version 3.2 New York State Education Department Contact Information Information and Reporting Services (IRS) Clara Browne Ron Danforth (518) 474-7965 Test Administration Steven Katz (518) 474-5099 Students with Disabilities Inni Barone (518) 486-4678 NYS Alternate Assessment Victoria Ferrara (518) 474-1129 Bilingual Education Pedro Ruiz (518) 474-8775 System of Accountability for Student Success Ira Schwartz (718) 722-2796 Migrant Education Program Ivelisse Rivera (518) 473-0295 Compensatory Education Roberto Reyes Sandra Norfleet (518) 473-0295 (718) 722-2636 Child Nutrition Program Fran O’Donnell (518) 473-8781 Statewide Data Warehouse e-mail address: Use this address for questions and comments about this document StudentData@mail.nysed.gov Important Web Addresses: New York State Education Department www.nysed.gov Information and Reporting Services www.emsc.nysed.gov/irts New York State Testing and Accountability Reporting Tool www.nystart.gov or www.emsc.nysed.gov/irts/nystart New York State Student Identification System (NYSSIS) www.emsc.nysed.gov/irts/SIRS/ State Repository System www.emsc.nysed.gov/irts/SIRS/ Office of State Assessment www.emsc.nysed.gov/osa/ System of Accountability for Student Success www.emsc.nysed.gov/nyc/accountability.html New York State Alternate Assessment www.vesid.nysed.gov/specialed/alterassessment/home Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities www.vesid.nysed.gov Special Education Data Collection Analysis and Reporting (SEDCAR) www.vesid.nysed.gov/sedcar/ Academic Intervention Services www.emsc.nysed.gov/part100/pages/topics.html NYSED information on education requirements, exams, tests and assessments www.emsc.nysed.gov/deputy/Documents/alternassess.htm i Guidelines for Extracts 2007-08 version 3.2 Revision History Version Date Comments 3.0 3.1 December 19 March 20 3.2 April 30 Initial Release o Section 1; minor rewrites for clarity and under “Who must be reported?”, clarified issue about home-schooled students status o page and former pages 48 & 49; deleted Extract Specifications – Template and Sample Data for Post_School_Survey (Special Education) o page 7; changed the first note about field and data element names o page 12; Under “Instructions or Rules” for field #39, changed range to 1-25 and aligned text with Data Dictionary o page 20; Added, in field #13, ending reasons/codes for changes in disability status o page 20; Added, in field #19, CTE/Tech Prep Program Intensity explanation o page 36; Under “Instructions or Rules” for field #46, changed note about sole provider and referenced Data Dictionary o pages 36 & 38; snapshot date changed from 12/1/07 to 12/3/07 and 6/30/08 to 7/1/07 o page 39; Under “Instructions or Rules” for field #1, dropped reference to “8nnnnnnn” and added note about not reporting here o page 39; Under “Recommended Code” for field #1, dropped reference to “schools/agencies other than public districts/charters required to report…” o page 39; Under “Instructions or Rules” for field #5, replaced the word “five’ with “four” and dropped the chain referring to High School student applies to VESID or CBVH…” o page 40; Under “Instructions or Rules” for field #12, in the first referral event type record; dropped “evaluation results are discussed” and replaced it with “eligibility determination is made” o page 40; Under “Recommended Code” for field #12, dropped the word “Blank” and replaced it with “U”, also added “or meeting is not held” o page 40; Under “Instructions or Rules” for field #12, in the second referred event type record, replaced “CSPE03” with “CPSE03” o page 41; Under “Instructions or Rules” for field #20, reduced the list of “reason for delay” from to Dropped reason “If child transitioning from EI to preschool is found eligible for preschool education…” and reason “For students parentally placed in a nonpublic school, if >60 calendar days….” o page 41; Under “Instructions or Rules” for field #31, changed “being submitted for student or if event type code is VRS01 Submit with initial referral event type code record” to “is submitted for student Submit with every record of each chain after the initial referral event type code record” o page 43; Under “Instructions or Rules” for field #33, reduced the number of ways to calculate the Number of Days from to by deleting “Calendar days between receipt of parent consent to evaluate school age student placed parentally in a nonpublic school….” o page 44; Reworked the entire “Section 2: Extract Specifications – SE Events Template Sample Data” to include more examples and for clarity o page 1; updated “Levels of SIRS” to include special education references o page 4; in the 2nd paragraph - clarified reporting rules when the CSE responsibility is not housed at the same district that has NCLB accountability o page 4; in the 3rd paragraph – noted those enrollment types that require program participation data o page 5; 1st bullet under Special Education Enrollment Data Template – changed “and the coordinating service provider…” to “or the coordinating service provider…” o page 5; 3rd and 4th bullets under Special Education Enrollment Data Template – added “child care institution with affiliated schools, State agencies and State- ii Guidelines for Extracts 2007-08 version 3.2 operated schools” o page 5; rewrote 3rd bullet under Special Education End-of-Year Data Template o page 6; dropped the last bullet under Special Education End-of-Year Data Template that dealt with date of application for voc-rehab services o page 6; changed the 2nd bullet for pre-school children in Who must be reported? from “who have been determined to be eligible for services for preschool children with disabilities” to “who are receiving special education services for preschool children with disabilities” o page 10; on the Student_Lite Template, fields 18 & 24, noted these apply to high school completers as well o page 36; on the Special_Ed_Snap Template, field 46, noted that this field is required for both the December and the EOY snapshot dates o page 44: on the SE_Events Template, field 33, under Instructions or Rules , in the first tilde – changed the last “OR” from “if IEP is not implemented, the number of calendar days between child’s third birthday and August 31” to “if IEP is not implemented, the number of calendar days August 31 is past the child’s third birthday” o page 45: on the SE_Events Template Sample Data for SPP Indicator 11, - Under Student in Rows 1-3; changed “ and evaluation was completed on December 5, 2007;” to “ and CSE met to discuss evaluation results on December 5, 2007; ” - Under Student in Rows 4-6; added “ and child was found eligible for special education.” at the end of the last sentence - Under Student in Rows 7-9; changed “ and student’s evaluation was completed on November 20, 2007;” to “ and CSE met to discuss evaluation results on November 20, 2007; ” - Under Student in Rows 10-12 & 13-16; changed row references to reflect above changes - Updated the chart to reflect above changes o page 46: on the SE_Events Template Sample Data for SPP Indicator 12, - Under Student in Rows 1-4; changed the details of the example used and reflected those changes in the chart iii Guidelines for Extracts 2007-08 version 3.2 Table of Contents Section 1: General Information Purpose and Audience Levels of the SIRS (NYS Data Warehouse) “Templates” versus “Extract Specifications” .2 Sets of Elements Collected for 2007-2008 Miscellaneous Notes for 2007-08 .6 Section 2: Extract Specifications .7 Student_Lite (Student Demographics) Template .8 Student_Lite (Student Demographics) Template Sample Data 15 School_Enroll (Enrollment) Template .16 School_Enroll (Enrollment) Template Sample Data 18 Programs_Fact Template 19 Programs_Fact Template Sample Data 22 Assessment_Fact Template .23 Assessment_Fact Template Sample Data .29 Assessment_Resp (Response) Template 30 Assessment_Resp (Response) Template Sample Data 32 Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template 33 Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template Sample Data .38 SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template 39 SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template Sample Data 45 Section 3: Glossary of Terms 47 iv Guidelines for Extracts 2007-08 version 3.2 Section 1: General Information Purpose and Audience The purpose of the New York State Student Information Repository System (SIRS) is to provide a single source of standardized individual student records for analysis at the local, regional, and State levels to improve student performance and to meet State and federal reporting and accountability requirements The purpose of this document is to provide definitions of the data sets to be submitted to SIRS and of the individual data elements in those sets, to provide the business rules and basic edits that apply to those elements, and to outline the formats and layouts required for submissions The audience for this document is vendors of information systems, individual local educational agencies (LEAs) and those responsible for creating and/or extracting student data Levels of the SIRS (NYS Data Warehouse) There are multiple data collection points within SIRS The first point is the local student management system (SMS) used by an LEA Typically, the student demographic, school enrollment and program data are collected in these local systems LEAs may also use other systems to collect special education data and other program related data These ancillary systems may be the primary source for data, such as student disability and free and reduced lunch Test scoring units within RICs or the Big School Districts also provide data related to assessments LEAs may begin their entry into SIRS at "Level 0" Level is a web-based application hosted by the RICs For LEAs, required schools and agencies who must submit data through SIRS, this application provides them the ability to enter and verify these data trough edit checks Data can be exported into Level or manually For LEAs that not have a student management system, Level is the means by which they may enter their data It may also be used to collect additional data that may not be available in a student management system Verified data is exported from Level in a format that can be loaded directly into the Level repository SIRS repository levels 0, 1, and 3, all use the eScholar® data warehouse system and data model, which hold demographic, enrollment, programmatic, assessment, special education snapshot and special education events data The primary data source for these repositories is a local LEA’s SMS (including special education student management systems) Level repositories are implemented and operated by a RIC or a Big School District Each Level repository includes, at a minimum, all the data elements defined in the data dictionary In addition to meeting State reporting requirements, users of the Level repositories may make use of additional data elements in the eScholar® templates to meet local or regional needs These data may be used for local data analysis and reporting or for pre-printing answer sheets In addition, the demographic data elements are used in the New York State Student Identifier System (NYSSIS - defined below) to create unique student IDs, which are stored and maintained at this level Data are loaded into Level repositories using data templates and load procedures provided within the eScholar® application All school districts, charter schools, State-operated schools and State agencies that operate educational programs and child care institutions that operate a school must participate in a Level Repository These repositories are used to prepare data for submission to the Level (Statewide) Repository Data in the Level Repository are available only to users with a legitimate educational interest The Level Repository is a single statewide data warehouse, where all K-12 (including select Pre-K, Universal Pre-K and preschool) student data from Level are aggregated Level holds records for all students and provides the basis for NYS and federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) accountability decisions, and provides a resource for educators and policy makers to employ data-driven decisions to improve curriculum and instruction Level records include student names and unique identifiers assigned by the NYSSIS Data in the Level Repository are available only to users with a legitimate educational interest Guidelines for Extracts 2007-08 version 3.2 The Level Repository is the NYSED data warehouse This is a single warehouse used by NYSED to meet State and federal reporting requirements This level replicates the student records on the Level repository but with student names and unique identifiers encrypted to protect the privacy of students Standard aggregations of data from the Level Repository are placed in the Annual Reporting Database to provide the general public with access to school performance data NYSSIS is a key element of SIRS NYSED developed this system to assign a stable, unique student identifier to every preschool and pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public school student in New York State Unique identifiers enhance student data reporting, improve data quality and ensure that students can be tracked longitudinally as they transfer between LEAs In the Level Repository, each student record is uniquely identified with a 10-digit number assigned when the student first enters a State public school (including Charter schools), State-operated school, public agency, child care institution that operates a school or participating nonpublic school The Level Repository contains an encrypted version of this identifier on each student record Data in the SIRS are accessed through nySTART, a web-based statewide reporting service nySTART provides LEAs and other personnel with a baseline group of reports and analyses about students as well as a series of reports that are used to verify and certify the completeness and accuracy of data in the Level Repository Note that the “PD” data system, independently of nySTART, also provides a group of reports that are used to verify and certify the completeness and accuracy of special education data “Templates” versus “Extract Specifications” In brief, a “template” is a generic organizing structure - a conceptual grouping of technical specifications built around the unifying theme of a real-world construct (for example: the collective activities of an organizational procedure or cognitive process; the collective attributes of objects or entities.) Templates are designed to be flexible - to accommodate numerous possible ways of loading a set or subset of related data elements into a database or warehouse (in this case, to populate SIRS.) An “extract specification” is a detailed set of guidelines that helps extract developers understand how to build their data collection software in such a way that - when data are extracted (to be loaded into another database or warehouse) - their extracts meet both the load specifications of the templates as well as the current business rules/edits of the contracting organization (in this case, NYSED.) What is a template? For the purposes of this document, a “template” is a group of specifications (including formats) needed to load a set of related data elements - e.g., the set/subset of demographic data elements - into SIRS Some key characteristics of templates are:  They are produced by the same third-party vendor that produces and maintains the databases used by SIRS They were “generically” designed (for broad purposes across numerous possible applications), intended primarily to collect related sets of data elements (for example, demographics.) For the most part, they were not designed explicitly for or by NYS nor were they intended expressly for the SIRS data warehouse effort  The full scope of elements that can be collected under a given template - e.g., all the testing-related elements that the Assessment_Fact template allows - represents what the vendor believes to be all the possible data collection needs of its customers (not those of the SIRS alone.) Since the data collection requirements of NYS may comprise only a subset of data elements within a given template, some data elements may not be used In some cases, a data element intended for one use by the templates’ vendor, may even be “appropriated” for a different use by the contracting entity (i.e., NYS; or the Level Centers may have a local/regional use for an ‘unused” element not required by the State.)  The templates’ format specifications are defined by the vendor to facilitate loading a set/subset of data elements - e.g., elements in the Programs_Fact template - into an instance of the vendor’s database for data transformation and/or storage These specifications/rules define the allowable size and type of each data element, the sequence of elements, which are mandatory, and so forth Guidelines for Extracts 2007-08 version 3.2 What is an extract specification? For the purposes of this document, an “extract specification” equates to a series of transferal and/or transformative procedures - directions on how to extract a given set (or, just as likely, subset) of data elements For example, of the superset of data elements collected within the enrollment data set in an LEA’s student management system (SMS), most (but not necessarily all) elements may be required for reporting to SIRS Specifications dictate how the extracted results must meet the format required to load the data into the SIRS -i.e., will satisfy the template’s rules - and at the same time meet the business rules and edit checks explicitly required by NYS Some key characteristics of extract specifications:  The specific elements in a given data set to be collected in SIRS may change from year to year Elements required last year may not be required this year; new elements may be required this year that were not collected last year, and so on  Business rules and edit checks for any given data element—for example, the “Diploma Type Code” element in the set of demographic elements - may change from year to year as Federal reporting requirements and/or SIRS data-collection requirements evolve This necessitates that extract developers reassess and augment extracts from year to year  It may be that not every data element within a given template is required for extraction For example, not all assessment-related elements collected in templates at the local level are necessarily collected in SIRS In cases where template elements are not used at the level to which the extract is being loaded, the directions in the extract specification may dictate that the extract should output a null or a blank (or other determined value) for these particular elements Sets of Elements Collected for 2007-2008 Demographics (“Student_Lite” template) Demographic data elements describe the individual student and they are also used in the NYSSIS system For any given student within a given school district there will be one row stored in a SIRS per school year That row can be updated throughout the school year to reflect any changes in the attributes of the student For example, the Student_Lite record for a student who graduates will be updated to show the type of diploma received The Demographics Extract Specification provides directions for producing an extract in the Student_Lite Template format It holds the demographic student data, including those elements used in the NYSSIS system Use this template to provide one set of data for each student for each school year While the Student_Lite template is the primary structure for demographic data, not all demographics are collected in the Student_Lite template Some are collected through specific fields in the Programs_Fact and other templates School Enrollment (“School_Enroll” template) School enrollment data elements define reportable enrollment actions (entries and exits) For any given student there will be at least one - and probably more - school enrollment records per school year All reportable students require a school entry enrollment record for each year Additional records are required when a student changes grade level and/or building during the same school year Data is used for district and school accountability and cohort membership Calculations utilizing this data will be able to provide dropout and graduation rates, school enrollment counts, special education snapshot data and special education compliance data as well as assessment participation rates There are two types of school enrollment transactions One type is an enrollment entry transaction This records the date a student enters a building or grade level and the school building of enrollment The second type is an enrollment exit transaction, which records the date and reason a student leaves a school building or grade level A student cannot be enrolled in more than one building at a time However, for 2007-08 (and subsequent school years), whenever the Committee on Special Education (CSE) responsibility for students with disabilities is housed by a school district that is not accountable under NCLB for the student’s State assessment results, two separate enrollment records must be submitted on the same student The school district with CSE responsibility Guidelines for Extracts 2007-08 version 3.2 will submit a reason for beginning enrollment code 5905 (CSE Responsibility Only) and school district with accountability responsibility under NCLB will submit a reason for beginning enrollment code 0011 (Enrollment in Building or Grade) The district that submits a reason for beginning enrollment code 5905 is required to submit the special education information found under the Special Education Snapshot and the Special Education Events templates The school district that submits a reason for beginning enrollment code 0011 is required to submit State assessment information Both districts need to submit disability program service records The School_Enroll Extract Specification provides directions for producing an extract in the School_Enroll Template format Programs Participation (“Programs_Fact” template) Programs Participation data elements define students’ involvement in reportable program services Programs_Fact is also transactional data, where each program service must be reported for each student for each school year Programs are defined as attributes of a student that can change over time They have specific starting and ending points Examples of programs that follow this definition are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Eligibility, Type of Disability, Title Status and Academic Intervention Services The extract should include all needed records; enter as many records as needed for each student For students with disabilities, school districts that create an enrollment record using a reason for beginning enrollment code of; 0011 - Enrollment in building or grade, 5544 - Transferred in under the NCLB Title I “School in Improvement Status” transfer option, 5654 - Enrollment in a AHSEP or HSEP program, 5905 - CSE responsibility only, 7000 - Transferred in under the NCLB Title I “Persistently Dangerous School” transfer option, or 7011 - Transferred in under the NCLB Title I “Victim of Serious Violent Incident” transfer option are required to submit Programs Participation information The Programs Participation Extract Specification provides directions for producing an extract in the Programs_Fact Template format Because program services data are typically tracked not only in the district’s Student Management System (SMS) but also in other district-based information repositories - e.g., the Special Education System (SES), the Cafeteria Information Systems (CIS) - it is recommended that separate extracts be used It is also recommended that a separate file be used for each program type, as follows (from the Program Codes headings in Data Dictionary Appendix – Detailed Definitions of Program Services); Limited English Proficient (LEP) Eligibility, LEP Programs, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Funded Program Services, NCLB Transfer Options, Type of Disability, Safety Net, Career Technical Education/Tech Prep, and Other Assessment Scores (“Assessment_Fact” template) Assessment_Fact (scores) data elements describe a student’s achievement on each reportable assessment and includes the name of the student, the name of the assessment, and overall holds a record for each assessment for each student This records the name of the assessment, the overall score achieved on the assessment, and the language in which it was administered The Assessment_Fact Extract Specification provides directions for producing an extract in the Assessment_Fact Template format Section 2: Extract Specifications - Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template DATA DESCRIPTION SPECIAL_ED_SNAP FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp *DISTRICT CODE (DISTRICT OF RESPONSIBILITY BEDS CODE) NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Public school districts: NYnnnnnn (NY followed by the first digits of the BEDS code) NYS Charter and non-Public schools, State Reporting Agencies AND Child Care Institutions with Schools: 8nnnnnnn (8 followed by the last digits of their Institution code) Building code used by Data Warehouse, Local use uniquely identifying building in which only student is enrolled, typically assigned by local student management system alphanumeric date yyyy-06-30 8 14 NYS Use June 30 of the reported school year Reporting Ex: For 2007-08, use 2008-06-30 Local use only 15 24 *SCHOOL YEAR DATE (SCHOOL YEAR DATE) 10 Note; this is not a Data Element in SIRS but a date used to identify the school year 25 36 12 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 37 48 *STUDENT ID 12 (SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ID) 49 73 25 LAST NAME SHORT 74 88 15 FIRST NAME SHORT 89 89 MIDDLE INITIAL 90 91 CURRENT GRADE LEVEL 10 92 121 30 SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER NAME 11 122 151 30 PRIMARY DISABILITY Recommended Codes or reference to Index table For NYSED BEDS codes: www.nysed.gov/admin/bedsdata.html For NYSED BEDS or Institution codes: http://portal.nysed.gov Click on “SEDREF Query” alphanumeric For schools/agencies other than public districts and charters that are required to report these data see http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/irts/SIRS/h ome.shtml *LOCATION CODE Format The unique identifier assigned by the Local NYS Education Agency (LEA) in which the Reporting student is enrolled Use all numeric characters, left padded with zeros Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only 33 alphanumeric nnnnnnnnn Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Section 2: Extract Specifications - Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template DATA DESCRIPTION SPECIAL_ED_SNAP FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp 12 152 181 30 SECONDARY DISABILITY 13 182 191 10 LAST IEP DATE 14 192 201 10 LAST EVALUATION DATE 15 202 231 30 SERVICE LEVEL 16 232 261 30 RELATED SERVICES 17 262 291 30 SERVICES PROVIDED (R/RR/S) 18 292 303 12 SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER ID 19 304 313 10 ANNUAL REVIEW DATE 20 314 323 10 TRIENNIAL REVIEW DATE 21 324 353 30 EXPECTED DIPLOMA TYPE 22 354 356 2ND LANGUAGE EXEMPT 23 357 359 ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT 24 360 375 16 INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE 25 376 395 20 COMMUNICATION MODE 26 396 398 BRAILLE INSTRUCTION 27 399 414 16 SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION 28 415 417 EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR 29 418 420 HOME SCHOOLED 30 421 428 PROGRAMS CODE NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only 34 Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Section 2: Extract Specifications - Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template 31 429 436 32 437 452 16 DATA DESCRIPTION SPECIAL_ED_SNAP FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp +PRIMARY SERVICE CODE (PRIMARY SERVICE CODE) +PRIMARY PLACEMENT TYPE (PRIMARY PLACEMENT TYPE) 33 453 462 10 SPECIAL ED ENTRY DATE 34 463 472 10 SPECIAL ED EXIT DATE NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table Required only for preschool students with disabilities As of December 3: ~ If student received multiple services, service received for majority of school day ~ If multiple services received for equal amount of day, service with numerically See Data Dictionary “Primary Service lower code value Code” data element (Template 0590 NYS At end of school year: "Special Education Snapshot") and Reporting ~ All preschool SwD who received some Appendix for Special Ed Primary special education service any time during Service codes school year (July to June 30) ~ If different services received during SY, code that reflects last service on IEP ~ If multiple services received for equal amount of day, service with numerically lower code value Required only for Dec snapshot ~ PLC01 used by: State agencies and child care institutions with affiliated school, PLC01: Court or State Agency to designate students for whom they have placement (Article 81) CSE responsibility; School districts, to PLC02: Residential placement by designate court or State agency placements school district (Article 89) of students with disabilities in out-of-State NYS PLC03: Non Residential placement by facilities for whom the public school district alphanumeric Reporting school district (Article 89) in which the student resided at the time of See “Primary Placement Type” data placement maintains CSE responsibility element (Data Dictionary Template ~ PLC02 and PLC03 used by: Public 0590 "Special Education Snapshot") school districts to designate students for reporting directions placed in approved private schools on a residential basis (PLC02) or on a day basis (PLC03) Local use only Local use only 35 Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Section 2: Extract Specifications - Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template DATA DESCRIPTION SPECIAL_ED_SNAP FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Template is collected twice a year NYS First collection reflects December 3rd data, Reporting subsequent collection reflects July 1st data of same SY Local use IEP COMPLIANCE only FUNDING PRIMARY DISABILITY Local use 30 CODE only Local use DISABILITY PRIMARY CAUSE CODE only Local use LIVING SETTING CODE only Local use HEARING IMPAIRMENT LEVEL CODE only Local use VISION IMPAIRMENT LEVEL CODE only Local use 30 TERTIARY DISABILITY CODE only Local use 30 QUATERNARY DISABILITY CODE only Required only for Dec snapshot * PRIMARY SETTING CODE NYS Preschool & school age students with (LEAST RESTRICTIVE Reporting disabilities’ educational environment (least ENVIRONMENT CODE) restrictive environment) as of 12/3 Local use TRANSITION IEP STATUS CODE only Required for December snapshot and End-of-Year Snapshot Report only for preschool students with disabilities If preschoolers receive services from more +PRIMARY SERVICE PROVIDER NYS than one provider, use the BEDS code of 20 (PRIMARY SERVICE PROVIDER) Reporting the coordinating service provider (CSP) CSP is designated by CPSE Otherwise use the BEDS code of the sole service provider See Data Dictionary element “Primary Service Provider” for Guidelines on reporting *SNAPSHOT DATE 35 473 482 10 (SNAPSHOT DATE) 36 483 485 37 486 515 38 516 523 39 524 531 40 532 539 41 540 547 42 548 577 43 578 607 44 608 615 45 616 623 46 624 643 36 Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table Date yyyy-12-03 or yyyy-07-01 Codes see Data Dictionary Appendix 10, “Least Restrictive Environment alphanumeric Code” element in Template 0590 "Special Education Snapshot” alphanumeric Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Section 2: Extract Specifications - Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template DATA DESCRIPTION SPECIAL_ED_SNAP FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table Y = Yes, student is school age N = No, student is preschool age 47 644 644 *SCHOOL AGED INDICATOR (SCHOOL AGED INDICATOR) NYS Report this information for December Reporting 37 alphanumeric See Data Dictionary for reporting directions under “School Aged Indicator” element in Template 0590 "Special Education Snapshot" Section 2: Extract Specifications - Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template Sample Data Last Name Short grams ode Primary Service Code Primary Placement Type Spe En D Ed t e Snapshot Date NY12345 001 2008-06-30 900000001 NY12345 002 2008-06-30 900000002 NY12345 003 2008-06-30 900000003 PLC03 2007-12-03 NY12345 004 2008-06-30 900000004 PLC02 2007-12-03 NY12345 0005 2008-06-30 900000005 Row Row Special_Ed_Snap (Special Education Snapshot) Template Sample Data District Location School Year Social Student ID Code Code Date Security Number IE Compl Primary Setting Code SA01 PS03 SA04 SA04 rnary bility de Transition IEP Status Code 2007-12-03 SVC01 2007-12-03 SVC08 Primary Service Provider School Aged Indicator Y 90002000 N 2007-07-01 Y Y 90003000 N NB: Breaks in sample data above are for display purposes only Please see NOTE on opening page of (Extract Specifications) Section for details Student with Disabilities (SwD) in Row is school age, attended a school building within the district, and in regular classes at least 80% of the day SwD in Row is in preschool, received related services from more than one provider, and in a regular early childhood program less than 40% of the day SwD in Row is school age, in a secondary ungraded program, and attends an approved private school for SwD SwD in Row is school age, in an elementary ungraded program, and placed in a residential school for SwD SwD in Row is in preschool, and received full-day (3-4 hours) special class program in an integrated setting for several months during 2007-08 SY 38 Section 2: Extract Specifications - SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template DATA DESCRIPTION SE_EVENTS FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp *DISTRICT CODE (DISTRICT OF RESPONSIBILITY BEDS CODE) NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Public school districts: NYnnnnnn (NY followed by the first digits of the BEDS code) NYS Charter and non-Public schools, State Reporting Agencies AND Child Care Institutions with Schools: Do not report data for this template Building code used by data warehouse, Local use uniquely identifying building in which only student is enrolled, typically assigned by local SMS 1 14 *LOCATION CODE *SCHOOL YEAR DATE (SCHOOL YEAR DATE) 15 24 10 Note; this is not a Data Element in SIRS but a date used to identify the school year NYS Use June 30 of the reported school year Reporting Ex: For 2007-08, use 2008-06-30 *STUDENT ID 25 36 12 (SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ID) Unique identifier assigned by Local NYS Education Agency in which student is Reporting enrolled Use all numeric characters, left padded with zeros 39 Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table For NYSED BEDS codes: www.nysed.gov/admin/bedsdata.html alphanumeric For NYSED BEDS or Institution codes: nnnnnnnnn http://portal.nysed.gov Click on “SEDREF Query” alphanumeric nnnnnnnnn date yyyy-06-30 alphanumeric nnnnnnnnn Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Section 2: Extract Specifications - SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template DATA DESCRIPTION SE_EVENTS FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table Reported at end of school year 37 52 16 *EVENT TYPE CODE (EVENT TYPE CODE) 53 62 10 *EVENT DATE (EVENT DATE) 63 78 16 EVENT REASON CODE 79 94 16 EVENT REASON CODE 95 110 16 EVENT REASON CODE 10 111 126 16 EVENT SOURCE CODE 11 127 142 16 EVENT STATUS CODE NYS collects codes for four chains of events: ~ Referral from Early Intervention (EI) to CPSE; Receipt of parent consent to evaluate student; CPSE meeting to determine eligibility; full implementation of IEP ~ Referral of preschool student to CPSE; See Data Dictionary Appendix 11 for Receipt of parent consent to evaluate; CPSE NYS alphanumeric Special Ed Event Type Codes and “Event meeting to discuss evaluation results Reporting ~ Referral of school age student to the CSE; nnnnnnnnn Type Code” element details in Template 0550 "Special Education Event” Receipt of parent consent to evaluate; CSE meeting to discuss evaluation results ~ Referral to CSE of school age student parentally placed in nonpublic school; Receipt of parent consent to evaluate; CSE meeting to discuss evaluation results; IEP/IESP/SP implemented NYS Provide a date associated with each Event Reporting Type Code Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only 40 date yyyy-06-30 See Data Dictionary “Event Date” element in Template 0550 "Special Education Event” Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Section 2: Extract Specifications - SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template 12 143 158 16 DATA DESCRIPTION SE_EVENTS FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp +EVENT OUTCOME CODE (EVENT OUTCOME CODE) 13 159 168 10 MEETING DATE 14 169 184 16 MEETING TYPE CODE 15 185 194 10 EFFECTIVE DATE 16 195 202 ORGANIZATION CODE 17 203 232 30 ORGANIZATION NAME 18 233 262 30 ORGANIZATION CLUSTER 19 263 272 10 COMPLIANCE DATE NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Identify whether/not student was determined eligible for special education for following event type codes To be provided with initial referral event type record: ~ CPSE meeting at which eligibility determination is made for student transitioning from EI to preschool (EI03) ~ CPSE meeting at which evaluation results NYS are discussed for students referred to CPSE Reporting for evaluation (CPSE03) ~ CSE meeting at which evaluation results are discussed for students referred to CSE for evaluation (CSE03) ~ CSE meeting at which evaluation results are discussed for students parentally placed in nonpublic schools and referred to CSE for evaluation (CSENP03) Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only 41 Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table Y = Yes, student determined eligible for special education services N = No, student ineligible for special education services U eligibility decision is undetermined or meeting is not held - must be accompanied alphanumeric by reason code (field 20 below) to explain nnnnnnnnn why determination not made within reporting period See Data Dictionary “Event Outcome Code” element details in Template 0550 "Special Education Event” Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Section 2: Extract Specifications - SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template 20 273 288 16 DATA DESCRIPTION SE_EVENTS FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp +NON COMPLIANCE REASON (REASON CODE) 21 289 318 30 CHALLENGE TYPE 22 319 348 30 CHALLENGE TYPE DISORDER 23 349 378 30 CHALLENGE TYPE DISORDER 24 379 408 30 CHALLENGE TYPE DISORDER 25 409 438 30 PREVIOUS CHALLENGE TYPE NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules There are three instances when reason for delay is required Reason Code must be submitted with initial referral event type record for: ~ For children transitioning from EI to preschool and found to be NOT eligible for preschool special education, if >30 school days between date of receipt of parent consent to evaluate and date of CPSE meeting at which eligibility determination made OR if CPSE meeting not held or determination of eligibility not made by August 31 OR for children transitioning from EI to preschool and found to be eligible for NYS preschool special education, if IEP is not Reporting implemented by the third birthday or by August 31; ~ For preschool children referred to CPSE for evaluation, if >30 school days between date of receipt of parent consent to evaluate and date of CPSE meeting at which evaluation results discussed OR if CPSE meeting not held by August 31; ~ For school age student, if >60 calendar days between date of receipt of parent consent to evaluate and date of CSE meeting at which results were discussed; OR students for whom CSE meeting not held by August 31 Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only 42 Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table See Data Dictionary Appendix 12 for Special Ed Reason Codes, and “Reason Code” data element details Template 0550 "Special Education Events” Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Section 2: Extract Specifications - SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template DATA DESCRIPTION SE_EVENTS FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp 26 439 441 INTEGRATED PERCENTAGE 27 442 444 SPECIAL ED PERCENTAGE 28 445 447 STUDENT PRESENT 29 448 450 PARENT PRESENT 30 451 460 10 EVENT END DATE NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only Local use only 31 461 476 16 *INITIAL EVENT TYPE CODE (INITIAL EVENT TYPE CODE) Code of first event in the chain of events reported for student Initial event type codes for initial referral to CPSE or CSE (EI01 or CPSE01; CSE01 or CSENP01) NOT NYS Reporting required when only one event type code is submitted for student Submit with every record of each chain after the initial referral event type code record 32 477 486 10 *INITIAL EVENT DATE (INITIAL EVENT DATE) NYS Date associated with Initial Event Type Reporting Code 43 See Data Dictionary for “Initial Event Type alphanumeric Code” element details and codes, in nnnnnnnnn Template 0550 "Special Education Event” date yyyy-06-30 See Data Dictionary for “Initial Event Date” data element details in Template 0550 "Special Education Event” Max Length End Position Start Position Field Number Section 2: Extract Specifications - SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template 33 487 490 DATA DESCRIPTION SE_EVENTS FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME) used by NYSED in SIRS * = Required: all students w/disability + = Required: specific disability grp *NUMBER OF DAYS (NUMBER OF DAYS) NYS or Local Purpose Instructions or Rules Format Recommended Codes or reference to Index table Report the number of days with the initial referral event type record as follows: ~ For children transitioning from EI to preschool, determined to be NOT eligible for preschool special education, number of school days between receipt of parent consent to evaluate preschool child (EI02 Event Code Date) and date CPSE met to determine eligibility (EI03 Event Code date) OR if meeting was not held or determination of eligibility not made, the number of school days between parent consent to evaluate and August 31 OR for children determined to be eligible for preschool special education, number of calendar days past the child’s third birthday when IEP was implemented OR if See Data Dictionary for “Number of Days” IEP is not implemented, the number of NYS alphanumeric calendar days August 31 is past the child’s data element details in Template 0550 Reporting third birthday nnnnnnnnn "Special Education Event” ~ The number of school days between receipt of parent consent to evaluate preschool student (CPSE02 Event Code date) and date CPSE met to discuss results (CPSE03 Event Code date) or if CPSE meeting was not held, the number of school days between parent consent to evaluate and August 31 ~ The number of calendar days between receipt of parent consent to evaluate school age student (CSE02 Event Code date) and date of CSE meeting to discuss results (CSE03 Event Code date) or if CSE meeting was not held, the number of calendar days between parent consent to evaluate and August 31 44 Section 2: Extract Specifications - SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template Sample Data SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template Sample Data Sample of school district submitting data for Special Education SPP Indicator 11 (includes evaluation of children transitioning from EI to preschool and evaluation of students who are parentally placed in nonpublic schools): Student in Rows 1-3 is preschool student referred to CPSE on September 8, 2007 Parents provided consent to evaluate student on October 5, 2007 and CSE met to discuss evaluation results on December 5, 2007; CPSE determined student has a disability Since district exceeded 30 school days between parental consent to evaluate and CPSE meeting at which evaluation results were discussed, they provided reason for delay Student in Rows 4-6 is a preschool student who is transitioning from Early Intervention to preschool Parents referred the child on November 17, 2007 and provided consent to evaluate student on November 26, 2007 The CPSE met to discuss evaluation results on January 28, 2008 and child was found eligible for special education Student in Rows 7-9 is school age student referred to CSE on October 1, 2007 Parents provided consent to evaluate student on October 10, 2007 and CSE met to discuss evaluation results on November 20, 2007 Student was determined not eligible for special education Since district did not exceed 60 calendar days between parental consent to evaluate and CSE meeting to discuss evaluation results, district did not have to provide reason code Row Student in Rows 10-12 and in rows 13-16 is the same student This is a parentally placed student in a nonpublic school in the district Parents referred student for special education eligibility determination on July 15, 2007 and provided consent to evaluate on same date School district arranged for evaluation and CSE met to discuss evaluation results on August 1, 2007 Student was determined eligible for special education services Student started receiving special education services on September 5, 2007 in accordance with an Individual Service Plan Since district is scheduled to submit data on Indicator 11, student is reported in the CSE chain (rows 10-12) as well as in the CSENP chain (rows 13-16) It took district 18 calendar days to complete the evaluation and convene a CSE meeting to determine eligibility for special education Since this is within 60 calendar days, a reason code is not needed District Code 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 Location School Year Code Date 0001 0001 0001 0000 0000 0000 0002 0002 0002 0003 0003 0003 0003 0003 0003 0003 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 Student ID Event Type Code Event Date 900000001 900000001 900000001 900000008 900000008 900000008 900000002 900000002 900000002 900000003 900000003 900000003 900000003 900000003 900000003 900000003 CPSE01 CPSE02 CPSE03 CPSE01 CPSE02 CPSE03 CSE01 CSE02 CSE03 CSE01 CSE02 CSE03 CSENP01 CSENP02 CSENP03 CSENP04 2007-09-08 2007-10-05 2007-12-05 2007-11-17 2007-11-26 2008-01-28 2007-10-01 2007-10-10 2007-11-20 2007-07-15 2007-07-15 2007-08-01 2007-07-15 2007-07-15 2007-08-01 2007-09-05 Eve ent Rea tus Cod de Event Outcome Code Y Y Mee ance Da te Non Comp Reason Chal ent Ty d te Initial Event Type Code Initial Number of Event Date Days CPSER04 39 CPSE01 CPSE01 2007-09-08 2007-09-08 CPSE01 CPSE01 2007-11-07 2007-11-07 CSE01 CSE01 2007-10-01 2007-10-01 CSE01 CSE01 2007-07-15 2007-07-15 CPSER05 35 N 42 Y 18 Y CSENP01 2007-07-15 CSENP01 2007-07-15 CSENP01 2007-07-15 45 Section 2: Extract Specifications - SE_Events (Special Education Events) Template Sample Data Sample of district submitting data for SPP Indicators 12, Transition of students from IDEA Part C (Early Intervention) to IDEA Part B (preschool) Row Student in Rows 1-4 is preschool child whose birthday is September 5, 2004 Parent provided consent to evaluate student on July 6, 2007, student was determined eligible for preschool special education Student’s IEP was implemented on September 10, 2007, which is days past student’s rd birthday, so district provides reason for delay in implementing IEP (Parents chose to continue student in EIP and transition to preschool special education after child became three.) District Code Location Code School Year Date Student ID NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 NY12345 0001 0001 0001 0001 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 2008-06-30 900000009 900000009 900000009 900000009 Event Type Code EI01 EI02 EI03 EI04 Event Date 2007-07-02 2007-07-06 2007-08-23 2007-09-10 Eve ent Rea tus Cod de Event Mee iance Outcome Da te Code Y Non Comp Reason EIR13 Chall ent Ty nd te Initial Initial Event Event Type Date Code EI01 EI01 EI01 46 Number of Days 2007-07-06 2007-07-06 2007-07-06 Guidelines for Extracts 2007-08 version 3.2 Section 3: Glossary of Terms AAOS Alternate Assessments in Other States AHSEP Alternative High School Equivalency Preparation APR Annual Performance Report for Special Education BEDS Basic Education Data System CPSE Committee on Preschool Special Education CSE Committee on Special Education CTE Career Technical Education GED General Education Diploma HSEP High School Equivalency Preparation IEP Individualized Education Program IESP Individualized Education Service Program LEA Local Education Agency LEP Limited English Proficiency NCLB No Child Left Behind NYSAA New York State Alternate Assessment NYSED New York State Education Department NYSESLAT New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test NYSSIS New York State Student Identifier System RCT Regents Competency Test RIC Regional Information Center SLP Second Language Proficiency SP Service Plan SPP State Performance Plan (for Special Education) VESID Vocational Education Services for Individuals with Disabilities 47 ... CSENP04 200 7-0 9-0 8 200 7-1 0-0 5 200 7-1 2-0 5 200 7-1 1-1 7 200 7-1 1-2 6 200 8-0 1-2 8 200 7-1 0-0 1 200 7-1 0-1 0 200 7-1 1-2 0 200 7-0 7-1 5 200 7-0 7-1 5 200 7-0 8-0 1 200 7-0 7-1 5 200 7-0 7-1 5 200 7-0 8-0 1 200 7-0 9-0 5 Eve ent... 0003 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 200 8-0 6-3 0 Student ID.. .Information and Reporting Services Albany, New York 12234 Guidelines for Extracts 200 7-0 8 version 3.2 New York State Education Department Contact Information Information and Reporting Services

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 15:43

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Mục lục

    Levels of the SIRS (NYS Data Warehouse)

    “Templates” versus “Extract Specifications”

    Sets of Elements Collected for 2007-2008

    Miscellaneous Notes for 2007-08

    Student_Lite (Student Demographics) Template

    Student_Lite (Student Demographics) Template Sample Data

    School_Enroll (Enrollment) Template

    School_Enroll (Enrollment) Template Sample Data

    Programs_Fact Template Sample Data

    Assessment_Fact Template Sample Data


