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Rules of editing diploma (bachelor’s and master’s) theses

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Detailed Requirements for Editing Theses and Diploma Projects Written in Polish under the Supervision of the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdansk University of Technology Written by a team of authors: Beata Basińska, Ph.D Igor Garnik, Ph.D, Eng Gdańsk, 2014 Student’s name and surname: University Student Number: Type of studies: Form of studies: Field of studies: < name of the field of studies > Specialization/profile: Thesis title: Detailed Requirements for Editing Theses and Diploma Projects Written in Polish under the Supervision of the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdansk University of Technology Confirmation of thesis acceptance Supervisor Head of Department / Section signature signature surname > Gdańsk, 2014 Title pages for different types of theses, developed in accordance with the abovementioned Ordinance, can be found on the platform: https://moja.pg.gda.pl/ DECLARATION OF THE THESIS AUTHOR (page no 2, the number should not be visible) The student has to download from the mojaPG platform the above-mentioned Declaration which complies with Annex No.2 to the Ordinance No.15/2014 of 24th March 2014 issued by the Rector of Gdansk University of Technology page break ABSTRACT (IN POLISH) (page no 3, the number should be visible) The thesis abstract (maximum page) should feature the following: the statement of the scientific or practical problem to be addressed, the purpose and scope of the thesis, the description of the applied research methods, findings and key conclusions Keywords: Field of Science and Technology, as required by OECD: , , … page break - ABSTRACT (IN ENGLISH) (page no 4, the number should be visible) The abstract (maximum page) is a summary of the thesis in English containing the same elements as its Polish equivalent Keywords: page break TABLE OF CONTENTS (page no 4, the number should be visible) Line spacing in the table of contents is line Spacing for the top paragraph is pts and for the bottom one pts The table of contents should be arranged according to the standard reproduced below Appropriate page numbers should be provided When using MS Word programs the table of contents can be generated automatically using one of the text styles Then, however, it has to be verified for compliance with the following standard presented below List of important symbols and abbreviations Introduction 1.Title of the first chapter 1.1.Title of a subchapter 1.1.1.Title of a subchapter section 1.2 Title of a subchapter Subsequent chapters, subchapters and their sections Summary Bibliography List of figures List of tables List of appendices page break page number page number page number page number page number page number page number page number page number page number page number page number LIST OF IMPORTANT SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS e – measurement uncertainty f – frequency [Hz] i, j, l, m – indeces k – Boltzmann’s Constant 1,38 ∙ 10-23 Ws/K T – measurement time [s] CDM – Context Driven Model SOA – Service Oriented Architecture Symbols used in a formula should be typed in italics, whereas abbreviations in light type page break INTRODUCTION The present work defines editorial requirements to be met by diploma theses and projects written in Polish under the supervision of the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdansk University of Technology The document is based on the Ordinance No.15/2014 of 24th March 2014 issued by the Rector of Gdansk University of Technology which concerns the introduction of editorial guidelines and requirements that authors of theses and diploma projects pursued at Gdansk University of Technology have to follow Further chapters include detailed information on thesis formatting as well as on the rules of quoting and referencing bibliographical sources The appendices to the present work contain instructions for using a so called bibliography manager in MS Word text editors The notion of a bibliography manager is explained in subchapter 2.5 The formatting of this paper complies with the standard obligatory for diploma theses and projects The introduction to a thesis defines the background of the problem investigated in order to justify the importance of the thesis topic It should also feature questions which the thesis author intends to resolve in his/her work Furthermore, the introduction should determine the purpose and expected results of the dissertation It should not exceed pages and its title, in contrast to other chapters, is not numbered page break DOCUMENT FORMATTING This chapter presents detailed formal requirements for formatting the thesis or diploma projects 1.1 Page layout 1.1.1 Paper size The thesis ought to be printed and bound in A4 format The usage of larger formats for single pages in a document is allowed in exceptional cases, e.g when information (project drawings, diagrams, tables, etc) is too complex to be put on A4 size paper without making it less comprehensible Then, however, pages in a larger format should be folded to A4 size in the way making it possible to unfold them easily after binding 1.1.2 Paper orientation Vertical orientation ought to be adopted for the whole document However, horizontal orientation is allowed in cases similar to those described above Before binding the page should be set vertically by turning it to the left 1.1.3 Margins As the document is prepared for two-sided printing, its margins have to be set in the mirror image: • • • • top: 2,5 cm, bottom: 2,5 cm, inner: 3,5 cm, outer: 2,5 cm In MS Word text editors this is achieved by selecting the Mirror option, setting all margins to 2,5 cm and the binding margin to cm The same margin setup is recommended for pages in a non-standard size or orientation 1.1.4 Page numbering Due to the two-sided printing of a thesis, page numbers ought to be placed in the footer of the document and centre aligned Page numbering is hidden both on the title page and on the next one containing the Declaration Visible pagination starts with page including the Abstract in Polish and finishes with the page containing Appendices It is continuous throughout the work and written in Arabic numerals in Arial font Pages in a non-standard format or horizontally oriented which appear in a given thesis should also be numbered In practice, both the title page and the one including the Declaration are downloaded from the mojaPG platform, thus the first page of the document written in the text editor is page with the Abstract in Polish For this very reason, number should be set as initial when the visibility of numbering is activated on the document first page 1.1.5 Body text Here are the settings for the body text: • • • • • font: Arial, font size: 10 pts, line spacing: 1,5 lines, the text is aligned to both margins (justified), paragraph first line indentation is 1.25 cm 1.1.6.Headings In the thesis there may appear up to three levels of headings All headings of chapters, subchapters and subchapter sections should be left-aligned to the text edge Table 1.1 presents typefaces recommended for headings Tabela 1.1 Font size in headings Heading level Example Font size and style 1st level heading CHAPTER TITLE 12 pts, uppercase, boldface 2nd level heading 1.1 Subchapter title 10 pts, boldface, italics 3rd level heading 1.1.1 Section of a subchapter 10 pts, italics Source: Order of the Rector of Gdansk University of Technology No 17/2014 of 1st April 2014 The title of the next chapter should always appear on a new page There exists a definite spacing for each paragraph containing the title of a chapter, a subchapter or a section of a subchapter: • • top 12 pts, bottom pts 1.1.7 Bulleted lists and numbering Here is an example of providing information in bullet points in a proper manner: each element of a list is preceded with a bullet point and starts with a lowercase letter; lines finish with a comma or a semicolon except the last one followed by a full stop; it is not possible for a bulleted list to include only one element; in this document the Bullet Points style is used to format the text in the form of a bulleted list Numbered lists can also be applied for enumerating, as shown in the example below: Each main element is preceded with an Arabic numeral and starts with an uppercase letter Lines of enumeration finish with full stops If the main element consists of the second level elements, then: a) the next level of the list begins with letter symbols; b) the text of an element begins with a small letter; c) lines of numbering the second and further rows finish with a comma or a semicolon, except the last element followed by a full stop; It is not possible for a numbered list to include only one element In this document the ‘Bullet Points style is used to format the text in the form of a numbered list page break 18 QUOTES When directly citing another author’s work, then, in contrast to paraphrasing, one should always provide the quoted author’s surname, the year of publication as well as the page number of the reference material preceded by ‘p’ In case of sources without page numbering, the number of a paragraph containing the quoted lines ought to be provided Obviously, all quoted sources are included in the reference list Quotations not exceeding 40 words are placed within quotation marks As in case of referring to sources that are paraphrased or summarised, there are two reference methods here Firstly, the name of the quoted author is provided in the sentence including his/her opinion Example: While interpreting the findings of their research, Robbins at al (2003) concluded, that ‘interdependencies between all examined variables except the amount of earnings are statistically significant’ (p 25), which is consistent with the views of the authors of this work Secondly, the name of the quoted author is provided in parentheses Example: The results of published studies show, that ‘moderate interdependencies between all examined variables except the amount of earnings are statistically significant’ (Robbins at al., 2003, p 25) If a quote to be included in the thesis exceeds 40 words, then it should be indented and quotation marks can be omitted Example: The following data point to the article originality: The narrative literature review suggests that weak retention rates, high turnover, heavy workloads, low staffing levels and/or staffing shortages conspire to create a difficult working environment for health professionals, one in which they may struggle to provide high-quality care and which may also contribute to health professional burnout The review demonstrates that health workforce planning concerns, such as these, impact on health professional burnout and on the ability of health professionals to deliver quality care The review also demonstrates that most of the published papers published between 2000 and 2013 addressing health professional burnout and quality of care were nursing focused (Humphries et al., 2014, p 338) If the quote comes from online sources and neither authorship nor page numbers can be provided, then one should give the paragraph number: ‘The narrative literature review suggests that weak retention rates, high turnover, heavy workloads, low staffing levels and/or staffing shortages conspire to create a difficult working environment for health professionals, one in which they may struggle to provide high-quality care and which may also contribute to health professional burnout.’ (paragraph 5) When a piece of the quoted text is to be skipped, it should be indicated with ellipsis in parentheses ‘(…)’ 19 If there appear citations containing more than 400 words or if passages quoted in the thesis exceed a total of 800 words from one source, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the quoted author page break 20 SUMMARY Each thesis or diploma project has to include a chapter entitled Summary The chapter in question should precede the Reference list and its title is not numbered In the Summary the author presents in a concise and orderly manner the results, work achievements and/or research findings obtained in the course of developing the thesis The author should refer to the purpose and assumptions of the thesis as well as to the outcomes described in individual chapters Afterwards, conclusions have to be formulated and interpreted on the basis of the activities conducted Furthermore, the summary should specify which actions should be implemented if work on the thesis topic is continued or what needs to be improved if the results were unsatisfactory page break 21 REFERENCE LIST ( EW BIBLIOGRAPHY) This chapter shows how bibliographical information on literature included in the reference list should be formatted depending on the type of source 3.1 Books in the reference list 3.1.1 Book: Author´s surname, Initial(s) (Year of publication) Title of book Place of publication: Publisher Hall, R E., Taylor, J B (2010) Macroeconomics Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN 3.1.2 Edited book: Surname, Initial(s) (Ed.) (Year of publication) Title of book Place of publication: Publisher Beksiak, J (2001) (Ed.) Economics Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN 3.1.3 Chapter in a monograph: Surname, Initial(s) (Year of publication) Title of chapter In: Initial(s) Surname (Ed.) Title of monograph (first and last page of chapter) Place of publication: Publisher Sikorski, W, (2010) Design in Engineering Practice In: A Nosowski (Ed.) Modern Design (p 23-67) Poznan: WWWNet 3.1.4.Chapter in a serial monograph: Surname, Initial(s) (Year of publication) Title of chapter In: Initial(s) Surname (Ed.) Title of book: Volume Number Name of Volume (p xxx-xxx) Place of publication: Publisher Studenski, R (1984) Purpose, method and procedure of employee assessment In: Z Ratajczak (Ed.) Psychological problems of human functioning at work: Psychological basis of employee assessment (p.161-167) Katowice: University of Silesia 3.1.5 Book with no author: Title of book (Year of publication) Location: Publisher It is not a book (2011) Warsaw: NarBook Organization as an author: Organization (Year of publication) Title of work Location: Publisher WHO/ILO (2000) Mental health Monograph Geneva: WHO and work: impact, issues and good practices 3.1.6 Entry in a dictionary or encyclopaedia: Surname, Initial(s) (Year of publication) Entry In: Name of a dictionary (Volume Number, p xx) Location: Publisher Bartkowski, A (1987) Art In: Universal Encyclopaedia PWN (Vol 4, p 385) Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN 3.2 Articles in the reference list 3.2.1 Article: Surname, Initial(s)., Surname, Initial(s) (Year of publication) Title of article Title of magazine, yearbook number (issue number), beginning page number – ending page number 22 Warr, P (1994) A conceptual framework for the study of work and mental health Work & Stress, 8(2), 84-97 Judge, T A., Bono, J E (2001) Relationship of core self-evaluations traits—self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability—with job satisfaction and job performance: A meta-analysis Journal of applied Psychology, 86(1), 80-92 3.2.2 Article by more than six authors: Kornitzer, M., Dramaix, M., Thilly, C., De Backer, G., Kittel, F., Graffar, M., … Vuylsteek, K (1983) Belgian heart disease prevention project: incidence and mortality results The Lancet, 321(8333), 1066-1070 3.2.3 Article with DOI number: Surname, Initial(s), Surname, Initial(s) (Year of publication) Title of article Title of periodical, yearbook number (issue number), beginning page number – ending page number DOI:11111111 Siegrist, J., Starke, D., Chandola, T., Godin, I., Marmot, M., Niedhammer, I., Peter, R (2004) The measurement of effort-reward imbalance at work: European comparisons Social Science & Medicine, 58(8), 1483-1499 DOI: 10.1016/S0277-9536(03)00351-4 3.2.4 Article in a popular magazine: Surname, Initial(s) (Year and month of publication) Title of article Name of magazine, volume number, pages Wright, K (2002, 11) Lifetime World of Science, 135, 40-47 3.2.5 Article in a newspaper: Surname, Initial(s) (Year, day, month) Title of article Name of a newspaper, p xx-xx Kondratowicz A (2003, 3rd October) ‘S’ versus McDonald’s Gazeta Wyborcza, p 3.3 Unpublished materials 3.3.1 Unpublished typescript, not submitted for publication: Surname, Initial(s) (Year of publication) Typescript title Unpublished typescript, Name of Organization Basińska, B (2002) The concept of stress at work Unpublished typescript, Technical University of Gdansk 3.3.2 Unpublished typescript, accepted for printing: Surname, Initial(s) (In print) Typescript title Title of periodical Roztocka, A H (in print) The use of factor analysis in marketing research Operations Research and Decisions 3.4 On-line materials If materials available in the Internet are to be included in the reference list, the procedure similar to that for printed sources should be adopted Instead of the publisher, however, the access path is provided with no full stop at the end 3.4.1 Article: Surname, Initial(s) (Date) Title of article Title of periodical [on-line] Retrieved from: access path *no websites are to be provided! 23 3.4.2 Chapter from a book/materials: Surname, Initial(s) (Date) Title of chapter In: Title of materials [on-line] Retrieved from: access path 3.4.3 On-line materials: Surname, Initial(s) (Date) Title of materials [on-line] Retrieved from: access path 3.5 The order of sources in a bibliography Literature items in the bibliography are listed in alphabetical order by the authors’ surnames If there appear to be a few works by the same author, they are listed in order of publication date from the oldest to the most recent Works of authors with the same surname should be listed in alphabetical order by the authors’ first names Names of organizations being authors should be included in the reference list in the same way as authors’ names Paragraphs containing individual items of literature should be formatted as follows: line spacing for each bibliographical entry: line paragraph spacing: top pts, bottom pts first line indentation: 1,25 cm Here is an exemplary reference list: Bonk, E., Retowski, S (2013) Retirement—relief or torment? The perception of retirement based on research among the students of the University of Third Age Polish Gerontology, 21(1), 25-31 CIOP (2010) Safety Standards Warsaw: CIOP Fiedor, B (2010) The economic crisis and the crisis of economics as a science The Economist, 4, 453-466 Hackman, J R., Oldham, G R (1976) Motivation through the design of work: Test of a theory Organizational behaviour and human performance, 16(2), 250-279 Jeurissen, T., Nyklíček, I (2001) Testing the Vitamin Model of job stress in Dutch health care workers Work & Stress, 15(3), 254-264 Judge, T A., Bono, J E (2001) Relationship of core self-evaluations traits—self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability—with job satisfaction and job performance: A meta-analysis Journal of applied Psychology, 86(1), 80-92 Kornitzer, M., Dramaix, M., Thilly, C., De Backer, G., Kittel, F., Graffar, M., … Vuylsteek, K (1983) Belgian heart disease prevention project: incidence and mortality results The Lancet, 321(8333), 1066-1070 Rector of Gdansk University of Technology (2014), Ordinance of the Rector of Gdansk University of Technology no 17/2014 of 1st April 2014 Rosenberg, M (1965) Society and the adolescent self-image Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press Warr, P (1987) Work, unemployment, and mental health Oxford University Press Warr, P (1994) A conceptual framework for the study of work and mental health Work & Stress, 8(2), 84-97 24 APPENDIX SOURCE MANAGEMENT IN MS WORD Microsoft Word text editors (MS 2007, 2010 and 2013) provide a tool for managing references which is located in the Citations & Bibliography group on the References tab: In order to enter new bibliographic information or add it to an already existing document, you should open the Source Manager dialog box clicking on Manage Sources: In the Source Manager box there are two lists available: the Master List – including all sources added by a user and the Current List which is attributed to the document being currently edited 25 Individual items of bibliographic information can be copied from one list to the other or deleted from them It is also possible to add new items or edit the ones added earlier In order to add a new reference one should click on New and the Create Source dialog box will appear The illustration below shows an exemplary Create Source dialog box (the new source here is a book) 26 First, you should select the type of source from the Type of Source pull-down list and then enter all the relevant information in the Bibliography Fields section in accordance with the bibliographic data of the source to be added (e.g.in case of a book such data appear on the back side of the title page) To allow Word to format the authors’ name click Edit next to the dialog box Author Names can also be added directly in the dialog box Author The general rule should be remembered that the author’s first/middle names follow his/her last name after a comma Multiple author names are separated from one another with a semicolon The layout of the form fields depends on the type of source A new source is added both to the Current List and the Master List The sources already existing in the reference list are edited via the same dialog box as before: 27 APPENDIX SELECTING THE STYLE FOR CITATIONS AND INSERTING REFERENCES In order to select the appropriate style for referencing one should click the arrow next to Style in the Citations & Bibliography group: There are a few basic styles installed by default in MS Word programmes However, APA Sixth Edition style is missing in 2007 and 2010 versions The APA style, as well as other additional ones, can be downloaded when the is program upgraded (Upgrade option should be selected while installing MS Word) The style list is stored by default in the Bibliography/Style file which is located in the folder containing the Office programs For MS Office 2010, for example, it is the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\Bibliography\Style In order to insert a reference to a given source in the edited text, one should click Insert Citation in the Citations & Bibliography group and select the desired item from the drop-down list The list includes only the items from the Current List of the source manager 28 The drawback of MS Word bibliography manager is that it allows for inserting references only in one format – e.g (Kowalski and Kabacki, 2002) – and that it is not fully compatible with APA standard described in Chapter (in the above-mentioned example the conjunction ‘and’ should not be put between the two names) Nevertheless, the use of this tool facilitates managing the sources and prevents omitting any of them in the reference list Furthermore, all changes made in the descriptions of the cited works by means of the source manager are automatically introduced both in the references and in the reference list From a practical point of view, even after the completion of thesis drafting it is possible to amend references replacing a quote with static text during the final formatting To this one should select the citation to be edited, then click Insert Citation and choose Convert Citation to Static Text option: After the change presented above the reference will no longer be automatically updated 29 APPENDIX INSERTING THE REFERENCE LIST The bibliography manager makes it possible to automatically generate the reference list For this purpose one should click where a reference list is intended to be inserted Then, on the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, Bibliography ought to be selected: The title of the list can be edited and it is recommended to change it into Bibliography One should remember that all items from the current list are included in the bibliography Therefore, all non-quoted works have to be deleted from the current list before the Bibliography is created Any source that has been referred to at least once in the thesis will be marked with the following sign in the current list: ‘’: 30 Both the reference list and the in-text references can be converted into the static text 31 32 ... No.15/2014 of 24th March 2014 issued by the Rector of Gdansk University of Technology which concerns the introduction of editorial guidelines and requirements that authors of theses and diploma. .. and Diploma Projects Written in Polish under the Supervision of the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdansk University of Technology Confirmation of thesis acceptance Supervisor Head of. .. editorial requirements to be met by diploma theses and projects written in Polish under the supervision of the Faculty of Management and Economics at Gdansk University of Technology The document is

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