Sample ICIS article for RSIa) F A Author,1,2 S G Author,2 and T Author1,b) Department of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Korea Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey 08543, USA (Presented XXXXX; received XXXXX; accepted XXXXX; published online XXXXX) (Dates appearing above are provided by the Editorial Office) This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ion Sources in the Review of Scientific Instruments Authors are strongly encouraged to follow the instructions given in this document; it should be used as an instructional sample, as well as a template, to prepare your manuscript Please submit all files through the online system at: I THE MANUSCRIPT A Manuscript submission The submission of an article for review for the Proceedings must be in a ‘camera ready’ format This includes MSWord files with the figures and tables embedded, as in this sample, or a LaTeX file with figures embedded Both the initial manuscript and also the final, revised manuscript should be in the same format All files MUST be submitted through the online system at: It is hoped this ‘camera ready’ format for manuscripts will aid conference authors in accurately estimating the finished article length Each version of the manuscript must be submitted with its own complete set of files: cover letter (including title, authors and the abstract’s program number assigned by the conference organizers), complete article file, separate figure files (see section X FIGURES), and after being refereed a response/rebuttal letter (listing changes made addressing the Editor and Reviewer’s comments) B Preparation of manuscript Please use this “sample manuscript” as a template for preparing your own manuscript This will ensure that your submission will be in the required format Please read all of the following manuscript preparation instructions carefully and in their entirety Please note that the manuscript must be in good scientific American English; this is the author's responsibility When writing your paper, please avoid unnecessary descriptions and repetitions, but authors should include adequate information for clarity and understanding of the paper II MANUSCRIPT LENGTH Manuscripts cannot exceed the agreed upon journal page length for a contributed (3 pages) or invited (5 pages) paper An abstract limited to about 100 words is required In addition to the title, abstract, and references, the three-page length permits about 2000 words of text, reduced, however, by allowances for equations, tables, and figures Please not reduce the size of figures or the text font size in order to create more space for text III TITLE The title should be as concise as possible but informative enough to ensure discoverability Only the most common acronyms and abbreviations are allowed in the title They should be used with moderation elsewhere and always defined at first use IV ABSTRACT The abstract should be limited to about 100 words and should be self-contained (contain no footnotes or citations to references) It should be adequate as an index (giving all subjects, major and minor, about which new information is given), and as a summary (giving the conclusions and all results of general interest in the article) The abstract should be written as one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material V AUTHORS’ NAMES and ADDRESSES Authors' names should preferably be written in a standard form for all publications to facilitate indexing and avoid ambiguities Please provide complete addresses for all authors including zip codes and country codes VI HEADINGS Headings are not mandatory If you choose to use headings, the style must be consistent within the article Numbered section headings are preferred in all AIP journals, as follows: I PRINCIPLE HEADING A First subheading Second subheading a Third subheading VII EQUATIONS Equations should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure and numbered on the right Mathematical operation signs indicating continuity of the expression should be placed at a) Contributed (or Invited) paper published as part of the Proceedings of the 15 th the left of International Conference on Ion Sources, New York City, NY, August 2015 the second VIII NOTATION Notation must be legible, clear, compact, and consistent with standard usage All unusual symbols whose identity may not be b) Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: FIG Sample figure Each figure should have a caption that makes it complete and intelligible in itself without reference to the text and succeeding lines Use (x) rather than a centered dot, except for scalar products of vectors The solidus (/) should be used instead of built up fractions in text, and in display equations wherever clarity would not be jeopardized Use "exp" for complicated exponents L N Bi = ÷, Bi ( 1) Bi ( ) L Bi ( N ) a I D ( θ ) = + ∑ ( cos 2nθ + sin 2nθ ) n +1 obvious must be identified the first time they appear, and at all subsequent times when confusion might arise Superscripts are normally set directly over subscripts; authors should note where readability or the meaning requires a special order IX TABLES (1) (2) If using Word 2007 is unavoidable, back-save from the ".docx" to the ".doc" format We recommend that you use the built-in Microsoft® equation (math) editor included with your version of Word You may also use popular third party products (purchased separately) such as MathType Please make sure that all fonts are embedded Separate tables (numbered with Roman numerals in the order of their appearance in the text) should be used for all but the simplest tabular material; they should have captions that make the tables easily understood without reference to the text The structure should be clear, with simple column headings giving all units Unaltered computer output and notation are generally unacceptable X FIGURES A General guidelines for preparing iIlustrations • TABLE I Sample table Set point (V) δ in air (V/rad) δ for tilted mirror (V/rad) -2 -1 Average 3.58 × 103 3.60 × 103 3.52 × 103 3.57 × 103 3.58 × 103 3.54 × 103 3.56 × 103 3.50 × 103 3.53 × 103 3.61 × 103 3.53 × 103 3.56 × 103 3.56 × 103 3.55 × 103 Sader kφ (Nm/rad) γpivot δ (V/rad) 3.13 × 10-9 3.75 × 10-9 4.59× 10-9 3.91 × 10-9 4.08 × 10-9 5.07 × 10-9 5.78 × 10- 9.82 × 10-13 1.02 × 10-13 1.29 × 10-13 1.07 × 10-13 1.02 × 10-13 1.27 × 10-13 1.33 × 10-13 3.19 × 103 3.68 × 103 3.56 × 103 3.66 × 103 4.01 × 103 3.99 × 103 3.90 × 103 • • • • • If you embed figures in place in your article-text file, you will be asked to upload individual figure files should your paper be accepted for publication Number figures in the order in which they appear in text Identify all figure parts with (a), (b), etc Avoid any large size differences of the lettering and labels used within one illustration Submit illustrations in the size and resolution you wish them to appear in print The maximum published width for a one-column figure is 3.37 inches (8.5 cm) The maximum width for a twocolumn figure is 6.69 inches (17 cm) Each illustration should be prepared for 100% reproduction in order to avoid problems arising from large reductions in size Ensure that lettering and lines are dark enough and thick enough to reproduce clearly, especially if • • reduction is necessary Remember that fine lines tend to disappear upon reduction Color online only (RGB) is a free service; Color in Print (CMYK) may require fees IMPORTANT: All fonts must be embedded in your figure files B Additional guidelines electronic graphics files • • • • • • • for preparation of Use only these file formats: EPS (preferred format), PS, TIFF (.tif), PDF, JPEG (.jpg) Application files (e.g., Corel Draw, Microsoft Word) are not acceptable Scalable vector formats (i.e., SVG, EPS, and PS) are greatly preferred AIP Publishing suggests the use of Adobe Illustrator (Paid, OS X, Windows) or Inkscape (Freeware, OS X, Windows, Linux) for the creation of acceptable illustrations and Adobe Photoshop (Paid, OS X, Windows) or GIMP (Freeware, OS X, Windows Linux) for the editing of acceptable photographs Submit a single file for each figure with figure parts; label each part (a), (b), etc When submitting your manuscript, include all illustrations and line art for your paper Set the correct orientation for each graphics file Set the graphic for: o Line art: 600 dpi resolution and black/white bitmap, not grayscale o Halftones: 264 dpi and grayscale, not black/white bitmap o Combinations (line art and halftone): 600 dpi for and grayscale, not black/white bitmap o Color: 300 dpi TIFF, PS, or EPS format If selecting a file mode, use CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for color figures in print or RGB (red, green, blue) for color figures online only Remember that although figures will be in color in the online version of the paper, the printed (journal) version of the paper will contain black-and-white figures unless the authors agree to color figure charges Authors wishing to publish color figures in the printed journal will be charged a fixed rate of $325 for each color figure (for multipart figures, a single charge will FIG (Color online) Sample of figure file apply only if all parts are submitted as a single item of artwork) Therefore, check carefully that no information is lost when the color figure is reproduced in black-and-white XI FINISHED LENGTH The conference-agreed-upon final journal article must be no longer than three (3) pages for contributed papers, or five (5) pages for invited papers Overlength manuscripts will be returned for reduction in length XII REFEREEING All authors of papers presented at the Conference, except students, may be asked to referee the submitted papers Referees are asked to submit your review as quickly as possible, but certainly within three weeks of the end of the Conference XIII REFERENCES AND FOOTNOTES References and footnotes are treated alike They must be numbered consecutively in order of first appearance in the text and should be listed at the end of the text material References within tables should be designated by lowercase Roman letter superscripts and given at the end of the table For the proper reference format, see recent issues of this journal Preprints of cited unpublished work by the authors should be sent with the manuscript All references are to be superscript; not online [3] See a sample manuscript for RSI at: Y B Acharya, Rev Sci Instrum 71, 2585 (2000) K K Ng, Complete Guide to Semiconductor Devices (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995) Keithley Instruments, Inc., Model 617 Programmable Electrometer Instruction Manual, 1984 V S Voitsenya, K Yu Vukolov, A E Costley, and D V Orlinski, Proceedings of the 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, St Petersberg, 7–11 July 2003 (unpublished), Vol 27A, O-4.3D M Lipa et al., Final Report of EFDA Contract No TWP2002TW2_TPDS-Diadev-D2, 2004 (unpublished) ... $325 for each color figure (for multipart figures, a single charge will FIG (Color online) Sample of figure file apply only if all parts are submitted as a single item of artwork) Therefore,... maximum published width for a one-column figure is 3.37 inches (8.5 cm) The maximum width for a twocolumn figure is 6.69 inches (17 cm) Each illustration should be prepared for 100% reproduction... B Additional guidelines electronic graphics files • • • • • • • for preparation of Use only these file formats: EPS (preferred format), PS, TIFF (.tif), PDF, JPEG (.jpg) Application files (e.g.,