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SAGE House Style Guide for International Political Science Review

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  • Dates

  • Reference Style

  • Journal article

  • Website

    • Official publications of an organization

      • Articles in newspapers or magazines

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SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] SAGE House Style Guide for International Political Science Review Spelling Use US spellings Use -ize and -yse spellings The following list shows some common exceptions to the 'ize' rule: Advertise devise Advise disenfranchise Affranchise disguise Apprise emprise Arise enfranchise Chastise enterprise Circumcise exercise Comprise excise Compromise expertise Contrariwise franchise Demise improvise Despise incise Note also: analyse, catalyse, dialyse, paralyse Merchandise Misadvise Premise Prise Promise Reprise Revise Supervise Surmise Surprise Televise Treatise Make sure that spellings are consistent Some common US variations in spelling are: analyze behavior color counseling favor fulfill gray labor license (noun) mold pediatrics program practice (noun and verb) traveler/traveling willful Punctuation and Formatting US punctuation style should be used Follow author style regarding use of the possessive 's for proper names ending in s However, 's is not used for classical names, e.g Socrates' philosophy Commas - follow author style but make consistent Always use Oxford commas in lists: Italians, Norwegians, and Spaniards (US) Parentheses are used throughout (square brackets are used only to enclose parenthetical material already in parentheses and to enclose an author's comment within a quote, e.g [sic], [emphasis added]) Note: there should not be a comma or any other form of punctuation immediately before a parenthesis Quotes: use double quotes, with single quotes within quoted material SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] Hyphenation: the basic rule is to follow author style when hyphenating words such as co-ordinate or non-negotiable but be consistent Note down any decisions regarding hyphenation on the article cover sheet Upper and lower case: check the author's usage first, and make consistent For specific titles use initial caps, for generic titles use lower case: (a) Institutions, movements, denominations, political parties e.g the Roman Catholic Church he has catholic tastes They were Bolsheviks bolshevism, communism (b) Titles, ranks e.g the President (referring to a particular one) the Spanish Foreign Minister ministers a president several government (c) Geographical names Capitalize the politically defined or geographically named places, use lower case in all other instances e.g the West, the East western values, eastern culture South Africa the south of Scotland (d) Periods, events e.g World War II (or I) should be used note ‘rationing during the war’ (e) Article and book titles Follow the style used in the references, see 7.6 dashes Use unspaced n dashes to indicate page and date spans, e.g 35–60; 1980–88 Use spaced n dashes as dashes in the text, e.g ‘only three – Mexico, the USA and Brazil – occupy positions away from the predicted outcome’ Roman and italic: Anglicized words should be roman with no accents Common examples are: ad hoc a priori a propos avant-garde bona fide bourgeois/bourgeoisie cafe coup d'etat de facto elite en masse en route et al in situ laissez-faire nouveau riche op.cit per annum per capita per se post hoc post mortem raison d'etre sine qua non status quo vice versa vis-a-vis SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] Foreign words - follow author style and make consistent Keep author's own emphasized words or phrases, unless excessive Quoted text: spellings and punctuation in quoted texts should not be altered If they are obviously incorrect, query with author or insert [sic] (a) Undisplayed quotes Short quotations should be indicated by double quotation marks, with single quotation marks for quotation material within the quote A full point (or other punctuation) follows the reference for the quote, e.g ‘’ is the most decisive and important’’ (Smith, 1980: 45) US usage means that where there is no reference the final full point always comes before the end quote marks (b) Displayed Lengthier quotes (50 words or more) should be clearly indicated and indented in the text Lists: These should be clearly indicated in the text, ideally with bullet points Abbreviations Abbreviations consisting of capital letters, and acronyms and contractions, should not take full points, e.g USA, UK, MA, UN, WHO, PhD, NATO, UNESCO, AD, BC The Journal does not use small caps Unfamiliar abbreviations should always be written out in full when first mentioned, with the abbreviated form following in parentheses e.g The Confederación Espola de Derechas Autónomas (CEDA) was formed Thereafter, use the abbreviation Contractions not take a full point, e.g Dr, Mr, St, Ltd, edn However, the following abbreviations take full points: No., Co., p., pp., Vol., Ch (but use Vols and Chs), e.g., ed (but use eds), et al., etc., i.e., cf (note that this means compare and not see), n.d., viz There should be no comma after e.g., i.e or cf Etc is usually preceded by a comma in a list In reference lists, notes, footnotes and authors' biographical notes, please use the standard abbreviated form for American states: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraksa Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oregon Oklahoma Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennesee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OR OK PA PR RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA VI WA WV WI WY 7.3 Statistics -Roman Italic -d.f (degrees of freedom) F (F ratio) MS (mean square) M (mean) NS (not significant) N (number in sample) SD (standard deviation) n (number in subsample) SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] SS (sum of squares) p (probability) r (correlation coefficient) t (Student's t test) χ2 (Chi2) 7.4 QUANTITIES Money For currency use the common symbol or abbreviation - US$, £, ptas, DM, etc - where the quantity is stated, but not when the unit of currency is being referred to in general terms Do not leave a space between the unit and the amount e.g The price of oil rose to US$25 per barrel The US dollar was at an all-time low Use millions of lira but £150m, not mlns If contributors not have access to the Euro symbol then it should be written out as 50 euros Other Units Where units are referred to in the text in general terms they should be written out in full; where a specific quantity is used the abbreviated form of the unit must be used Always use figures with the abbreviated unit and use abbreviated units wherever possible - in lists of statistics, in tables and line artwork Do not mix spelt-out numbers and units: cm not six cm Units and numerals should have a thin space between them, i.e 100 km not 100km Abbreviations of units are the same for singular and plural (do not add an s) and they not take a full point Use metric units wherever possible Where a sentence starts with a specific quantity the number must be written out in full, but if at all possible rework the sentence Time Should follow the style below, i.e one month, 11 months, four days, 21 days, etc Numbers In text always use ‘percent’ not per cent or % and always with a figure i.e 64 percent except at the beginning of a sentence or a paragraph when it should be hyphenated i.e ‘Sixty-four percent said that…’ SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] Spell out numbers one to nine, and for numerals 10 and over use figures Always spell out a number if it begins a sentence or paragraph e.g ‘Ten years later,…’ In a list avoid mixing numerals and figures except for quantities e.g ‘four 20-kiloton bombs’ but ‘The amounts in each category were 4, 3, 20, and 29 respectively’ Use figures with percent, with units, in statistical passages, in tables, etc Numbers, however, should be spelt out at the beginning of a sentence or the sentence rewritten Spell out and hyphenate one-half, two-thirds, etc Do not use a comma in thousands but use one in tens of thousands and above e.g 5643, 1298, 14,600, 342,885, 1,000,001 Use the least number of numerals possible in pagination and in dates: e.g 42–5, 1975–6, 1954–67, 130–1 But use 10–14, 10–11 as these represent single words Decimal points are never raised off the line There is no zero before a point for probability and correlations where the number is always less than one Dates Write out dates as follows: September 30 1986 Do not use an inverted comma in decades, e.g 1960s, mid-1930s Avoid ‘80s, etc Use figures for centuries (except in history journals where it is spelled out), e.g a 20th century dilemma Notes and Footnotes (a) Textual Notes Textual notes are indicated by a superscript arabic numeral placed after the punctuation All textual notes should be collected and placed after the text and before the reference section Any general note, author's acknowledgement or brief statement should be the first, unnumbered note (b) Authors' biographical notes e.g YONG-KWAN YOON is Professor of International Political Economy at Seoul National Unversity, Korea His reseach interests include East Asian political economy and foreign investments He has published four books and many articles, most recently ‘’The Political Econonomy of Transition, ’’ World Politics 43(1) October 1990 ADDRESS: Department of International Relations, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-72, Korea [email:yjkyoon@plaza.snu.ac.kr] (c) Tables Footnotes to tables should be indicated by a superscript, lower case a, b, c, etc The notes themselves should be placed at the foot of the table SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] (below any rule) preceded by the respective superscript letter These notes should precede the source for the table, if included Source for table: should be in italics and followed by a colon © Line This should appear on the opening page of every article, review article, book review section and index and is made up of the following information: [ISSN(yr & month)vol:issue;pp.-pp.;ID no.], e.g [13684302(199807)1:1;81-96;004365] The ID no is an article identifier assigned in-house References and citations The preferred style for references is endnotes followed by a reference list (a) Text citations All references in the text and notes must be specified by the author(s)'s last name(s) and date of publication together with page numbers if given Do not use ibid., op.cit., infra., supra.in citations Instead, show the subsequent citation of the same source in the same way as the first Note the following for the style of text citations: If the author's name is in the text, follow with one year in parentheses: Roberts (1997) has argued If author's name is not in the text, insert last name, comma and year: several works (Coser, 1997) have described Where appropriate, the page number follows the year, separated by a colon: it has been noted (Bell, 1997: 34) that Where there are two authors, give both names, joined by 'and'; if three or more authors, use et al.: it has been stated (Jones and Smith, 1996) some investigators (Brown et al., 1995) If there is more than one reference to the same author and year, insert a, b, etc in both the text and the list: it was described (Shaw, 1988a: 33-6) Enclose alphabetically within a single pair of parentheses a series of references, separated by semicolons: and it has been noted (Black and Williams, 1986; Downey and Jones, 1985; Perry, 1977) If two or more references by the same author are cited together, separate the dates with a comma: SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] .the author has stated this in several studies (Davis, 1988, 1993, 1997) Enclose within the parentheses any brief phrase associated with the reference: several investigators have claimed this (but see Jones, 1990: 123-4) For an institutional authorship, supply the minimum citation from the beginning of the complete reference: a recent statement (Psychiatric Association, 1988: 45) occupational data (US Bureau of the Census, 1994: 36) reveal 10 For authorless articles or studies, use the name of the magazine, journal, newspaper or sponsoring organization, and not the title of the article: it was stated (American Law Review, 1997) that 11 Citations from personal communications are not included in the reference list: has been hypothesized (Taylor, September 15 1997, personal communication) Check that it is quite clear from the surrounding text who is being referred to Reference Style All publications mentioned in the text or in endnotes must be fully cited in the reference list Journal article Leach, William (1984) ‘’Transformations in a Culture of Consumption: Women and Department Stores,1890-1925’’, Journal of American History 7(2): 319–42 Book Shields, Rob, ed (1996) Cultures of Internet: Virtual Spaces, Real Histories, Living Bodies London: Sage Chapter in book Sconce, Jeffrey (1997) ‘’The ‘Outer Limits’ of Oblivion,’’ in Lynn Spigel and Michael Curtin (eds), The Revolution Wasn’t Televised: Sixties Television and Social Conflict New York: Routledge Website Garton, L., Haythornthwaite, C and Wellman, B (1997) 'Studying Online Social Networks', Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 3(1), URL (consulted Feb 1998): http://jcmc.huji.ac.il/vol3/issue1/ Official publications of an organization World Bank (1998) World Development Indicators, 1997 Washington DC Articles in newspapers or magazines The Independent (Dhakar) (1999) “PKSF to hold NGOs in Leash.” May Or Jolis, A (1996) “The Good Banker: Grameen Bank, Bangladesh.” The Independent (Dhakar) , May (b) Reference List SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] Check that the list is in alphabetical order (treat Mc as Mac) Names should be in upper and lower case Where several references have the same author(s), not use ditto marks or em dashes; the name must be repeated each time Surnames containing de, van, von, De, Van, Von, de la, etc should be listed under D and V respectively List them as: De Roux, D.P and not Roux, D.P., de When cited in the main text without the first name, use capitals for De, Van, Von, De la, etc (Van Dijk, 1998) Names containing Jr or II should be listed as follows: Vanderbilt, William, Jr (1996) Smythe-Pryce, P.P., II (1995) References where the first-named author is the same should be listed as follows: Single-author references in date order; Two-author references in alphabetical order according to the second author's name; Et al references in alphabetical order; in the event of more than one entry having the same date, they should be placed in alphabetical order of second (or third) author, and a, b, etc must be inserted Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, J (1967) T.R and Yates, P (1962) W (1978) W (1986a) W (1986b) W and Jones, M (1995) W and Peters, P (1984) W., Hughes, J and Kent, T (1980) W., Kent, T and Lewis, S (1979) Check that all periodical data are included - volume, issue and page numbers, publisher, place of publication, etc Check journal for further examples SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house.doc 19Nov98] ADDENDUM FOR AUTHORS AUTHORS please note that in addition to above: All elements of your paper must be double spaced All figures must be in Word Italicized items may be typed underscored to indicate italics in an italic font or The production process at Sage does not permit us to incorporate late changes into your manuscript All articles must be accompanied by an abstract, three to five keywords, a biographical note (see above for style of bio note; see following example for style of abstract), ABSTRACT The Japanese electoral system has been distinctive in its use of the single non-transferable vote (SNTV) Under SNTV three to five members were elected form each constituency based on a simple majority of votes However, a series of corruption scandals damaged confidence in the political system, and undermined the one-party dominance of the Liberal Democratic Party As a result, in March 1994 the national parliament (Diet) passed new measures transforming the electoral system into a mixed-member system, combining single-member districts and PR party lists Campaign funding laws were also reformed This article explores the politics behind these developments ... abbreviated form for American states: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house. doc... d'etre sine qua non status quo vice versa vis-a-vis SAGE Journal Editor’s Handbook Section [house. doc 19Nov98] Foreign words - follow author style and make consistent Keep author's own emphasized... case: check the author's usage first, and make consistent For specific titles use initial caps, for generic titles use lower case: (a) Institutions, movements, denominations, political parties e.g

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 11:57
