Appendix: Powers of the Mind The mental powers featured in the Dragon Kings World Book take the form of psionics in The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Psionics, published by Dreamscarred Press for use with that system, contains a wealth of information on creating and playing psionic characters in a variety of forms Please take a look at that product to gain the full breadth and depth of psionics as a system The mental powers listed in the Appendix of the Dragon Kings World Book correspond to certain psionic powers found in Ultimate Psionics Consult the table below to match up the Khitan mental powers with the appropriate ability found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Khitan Power Auric Transformation Distract the Mind Total Recall Thought Shroud Mind Fog Repetition Crush the Mind Empathic Mind Empathic Link Blank the Mind Control the Mind Mental Spike Link the Mind Mind Sending Seek the Hidden Psychic Cleansing Mental Reading Detect Minds Mind Whip Mental Shielding The Mind Killer Psionic Power Aura Alteration Distract Call to Mind Conceal Thoughts Cloud Mind Deja Vu Demoralise Empathy Empatic Connection Empty Mind Mind Control Mind Thrust Mind Link Missive Pierce the Veils Psychic Chirurgery Read Thoughts Sense Minds Telepathic Lash Thought Shield Unearthly Terror SHARE THIS PDF! Soldier-Spy grants permission to share this electronic Dragon Kings Pathfinder PDF Rules Supplement with anyone and everyone Soldier-Spy also grants permission to print this document, in whole or in part, for personal use only 29