Bloodline Feat Awrdewin Spells Known Level The awrdewin may choose one bloodline feat as a bonus feat She must meet any prerequisites before she chooses the feat The awrdewin must be at least 6th level before she may choose this talent She may choose this talent again at 14th level and 20th level Metamagicry She gains the additional bloodline powers as granted to the sorcerer at 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 20th level The awrdewin does not gain the bloodline class skill or the bloodline bonus feats (see awrdewin talents below) She does gain bonus bloodline spells but at a different progression than a sorcerer The awrdewin gains the first level bonus spell at 3rd level, the second level spell at 6th level, the third level spell at 9th level, the fourth level spell at 12th level, the fifth level spell at 15th level, and the sixth level spell at 18th level This ability replaces the Vigilante Specialization, Startling Appearance, Frightening Appearance, Stunning Appearance, and Vengeance Strike class features Awrdewin Talents The awrdewin may choose one metamagic feat as a bonus feat She must meet any prerequisites for the feat chosen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6 4 — — — — — — — — — — 4 — — — 10 5 — — 11 6 — — 12 6 4 — — 13 6 5 — 14 6 — 15 6 4 — 16 6 5 17 6 6 18 6 6 4 19 6 6 5 20 6 6 5 Quick Metamagicry (Ex) The awrdewin may apply the metamagic effect of the feat chosen with the metamagicry talent to any spell she casts without increasing the casting time The effective spell level is still modified by the metamagic feat The awrdewin must have the metamagicry talent and be at least 10th level before she may choose this talent Undeterred (Ex) The awrdewin may take a move action to gain a +4 circumstance bonus to any concentration checks made while casting defensively The awrdewin must be at least 6th level before she may choose this talent The awrdewin gains access to the following talents that she may choose in place of a vigilante talent