table of contents h FOREWORD VII “A Brief History: The Fey, Faerie, and Fairy Tales” vii PREFACE XI “In Defense of the Fey” xi INTRODUCTION 1 “The Realms of the Fey” FLIBBERTIGIBBET 12 Flibbertigibbet 14 Nibiru 17 Bitterclaws & Others 20 HOB 30 Hob 32 Shambhala 35 Matabiri & Others 38 JASMINE 48 Jasmine 50 Aralu, the Gaol of Always 55 Far Darrig & Others 58 KORAPIRA 68 Korapira 70 The Green Expanse 73 Putti & Others 77 MAB 88 Mab 90 Scáthbaile 94 Goodfellows & Others 97 MANITOU 106 Manitou 108 The Bear Marches 112 Twilight Children & Others 115