LETTER OF INTENT TO SUBMIT A YEAR CROSS CENTER DEVELOPMENTAL PROJECT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: To fill out this form use your mouse or directional arrows to advance to the next field To: TREC Steering Committee Graham Colditz (Washington University in St Louis) Frank Hu (Harvard University) Linda Nebeling (National Cancer Institute) Ruth Patterson (University of California, San Diego) Kathryn Schmitz (University of Pennsylvania) Mark Thornquist (TREC Coordination Center, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) From: Re: Date: Letter of Intent to Submit a TREC Developmental Project Application (Year 5) – Cross Center _ Title of Proposed Research: Please specify collaborating TREC Centers & Principal Investigators (check all that apply): PI of Proposed Research Collaborating Site(s) Name Mailing Address Telephone E-mail Harvard University University of California, San Diego University of Pennsylvania Washington University in St Louis Coordination Center (FHCRC) Attach a 1-page (maximum) description of the proposed research that includes: Proposed research aim(s), and Proposed research plan, including the justification for the role/contribution of each participating site, and Statement describing the value of this work; how this project will contribute to the TREC Consortium, and build on findings from existing TREC studies to accelerate translation of early results along the T0 to T4 continuum, and Confirmation of approval to submit from each site TREC Center PI involved in the partnership Submit via e-mail to the address below by December 1, 2014 E-mail contact: Diana Lowry, TREC Coordination Center (dlowry@fhcrc.org) TREC Developmental Project (Year 5) Letter of Intent_Cross-Center_Final_2014_0919