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Relationships between health data, BMI, basic medical skills some insights from a 2016 vietnamese medical survey

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CEB Working Paper Re la t ion sh ips be t w e e n h e a lt h da t a , BM I , ba sic m e dica l sk ills: som e in sigh t s fr om a Vie t n a m e se m e dica l su r ve y Qu a n - H oa n g Vu on g Does owning a m edicine cabinet or having pract ical first - aid knowledge and skills at hom e have any effect s on people's at t it ude t owards periodic healt h exam inat ions ( GHEs) ? I n t his st udy, we analyzed a dat aset consist ing of 2,068 observat ions t o point out differences in periodic healt h exam inat ions- t aking t endencies bet ween t hose wit h and wit hout a fam ily m edicine cabinet ; as well as bet ween t hose who know and not know how t o use basic m edical equipm ent I n addit ion, t he fact ors of age, gender, j ob and m arit al st at us w ere also docum ent ed in relat ion t o body m ass index ( BMI ) : t he BMI of a Viet nam ese person is average by convent ional st andards ( the mean BMI = 20.848, SD = 2.67, CI = 20.73-20.96) , and is direct ly proport ional t o age (βage=0.019, P < 0.01) Fem ale (βmale =1.846, P

Ngày đăng: 29/07/2022, 11:04