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Advanced Operating Systems: Lecture 9 - Mr. Farhan Zaidi

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Cấu trúc

  • CS703 – Advanced Operating Systems

  • Lecture No. 9

  • Overview of today’s lecture

  • Shared Variables in Threaded C Programs

  • Threads Memory Model

  • What resources are shared?

  • Synchronization

  • Slide 8

  • Example of Threads Accessing Another Thread’s Stack

  • Mapping Variables to Mem. Instances

  • Shared Variable Analysis

  • badcnt.c: An Improperly Synchronized Threaded Program

  • Assembly Code for Counter Loop

  • Concurrent Execution

  • Concurrent Execution (cont)

  • Slide 16

  • Progress Graphs

  • Trajectories in Progress Graphs

  • Critical Sections and Unsafe Regions

  • Safe and Unsafe Trajectories

  • The classic example

  • Slide 22

  • Interleaved schedules

  • Race conditions and concurrency

  • The crux of the problem

  • Synchronization related definitions

  • Critical section solution requirements

  • Synchronization: Too Much Milk

  • Too much milk: Solution 1

  • Too much milk: Solution 2

Nội dung

Advanced Operating Systems - Lecture 9: Shared variables. This lecture will cover the following: shared variable analysis in multi-threaded programs; concurrency and synchronization; critical sections; solutions to the critical section problem; concurrency examples;...

CS703 – Advanced  Operating Systems By Mr Farhan Zaidi     Lecture No. 9 Overview of today’s lecture       Shared variable analysis in multi-threaded programs Concurrency and synchronization Critical sections Solutions to the critical section problem Concurrency examples Re-cap of lecture Shared Variables in Threaded C Programs  Question: Which variables in a threaded C program are shared variables?   The answer is not as simple as “global variables are shared” and “stack variables are private” Requires answers to the following questions:    What is the memory model for threads? How are variables mapped to memory instances? How many threads reference each of these instances? Threads Memory Model  Conceptual model:     Operationally, this model is not strictly enforced:    Each thread runs in the context of a process Each thread has its own separate thread context  Thread ID, stack, stack pointer, program counter, condition codes, and general purpose registers All threads share the remaining process context  Code, data, heap, and shared library segments of the process virtual address space  Open files and installed handlers While register values are truly separate and protected Any thread can read and write the stack of any other thread Mismatch between the conceptual and operation model is a source of confusion and errors What resources are shared?  Local variables are not shared    Global variables are shared   refer to data on the stack, each thread has its own stack never pass/share/store a pointer to a local variable on another thread’s stack! stored in the static data segment, accessible by any thread Dynamic objects are shared  stored in the heap, shared if you can name it  in C, can conjure up the pointer  e.g., void *x = (void *) 0xDEADBEEF  in Java, strong typing prevents this  must pass references explicitly Synchronization  Threads cooperate in multithreaded programs   to share resources, access shared data structures  e.g., threads accessing a memory cache in a web server also, to coordinate their execution  e.g., a disk reader thread hands off blocks to a network writer thread through a circular buffer disk reader thread network writer thread circular buffer  For correctness, we have to control this cooperation   We control cooperation using synchronization    must assume threads interleave executions arbitrarily and at different rates  scheduling is not under application writers’ control enables us to restrict the interleaving of executions Note: this also applies to processes, not just threads It also applies across machines in a distributed system Example of Threads Accessing  Another Thread’s Stack char **ptr; /* global */ int main() { int i; pthread_t tid; char *msgs[2] = { "Hello from foo", "Hello from bar" }; ptr = msgs; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) Pthread_create(&tid, NULL, thread, (void *)i); Pthread_exit(NULL); } /* thread routine */ void *thread(void *vargp) { int myid = (int)vargp; static int svar = 0; printf("[%d]: %s (svar=%d)\n", myid, ptr[myid], ++svar); } Peer threads access main thread’s stack indirectly through global ptr variable Mapping Variables to Mem. Instances Global var: instance (ptr [data]) Local automatic vars: instance (i.m, msgs.m ) char **ptr; /* global */ int main() { int i; pthread_t tid; char *msgs[N] = { "Hello from foo", "Hello from bar" }; ptr = msgs; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) Pthread_create(&tid, NULL, thread, (void *)i); Pthread_exit(NULL); } Local automatic var: instances ( myid.p0[peer thread 0’s stack], myid.p1[peer thread 1’s stack] ) /* thread routine */ void *thread(void *vargp) { int myid = (int)vargp; static int svar = 0; printf("[%d]: %s (svar=%d)\n", myid, ptr[myid], ++svar); } Local static var: instance (svar [data]) Concurrent Execution (cont)  How about this ordering? i (thread) instri 1 2 2 1 H1 L1 H2 L2 U2 S2 U1 S1 T1 T2 %eax1 %eax2 cnt We can clarify our understanding of concurrent execution with the help of the progress graph Progress Graphs A progress graph depicts the discrete execution state space of concurrent threads Thread T2 (L1, S2) Each axis corresponds to the sequential order of instructions in a thread S2 U2 Each point corresponds to a possible execution state (Inst1, Inst2) L2 H2 H1 L1 U1 S1 T1 Thread E.g., (L1, S2) denotes state where thread has completed L1 and thread has completed S2 Trajectories in Progress Graphs Thread A trajectory is a sequence of legal state transitions that describes one possible concurrent execution of the threads T2 S2 Example: U2 H1, L1, U1, H2, L2, S1, T1, U2, S2, T2 L2 H2 H1 L1 U1 S1 T1 Thread Critical Sections and Unsafe Regions Thread L, U, and S form a critical section with respect to the shared variable cnt T2 Instructions in critical sections (wrt to some shared variable) should not be interleaved S2 critical section wrt cnt U2 Unsafe region Sets of states where such interleaving occurs form unsafe regions L2 H2 H1 L1 U1 S1 critical section wrt cnt T1 Thread Safe and Unsafe Trajectories Thread T2 Safe trajectory S2 critical section wrt cnt Unsafe trajectory Unsafe region Def: A trajectory is safe iff it doesn’t touch any part of an unsafe region Claim: A trajectory is correct (wrt cnt) iff it is safe U2 L2 H2 H1 L1 U1 S1 critical section wrt cnt T1 Thread The classic example  Suppose we have to implement a function to withdraw money from a bank account: int withdraw(account, amount) { int balance = get_balance(account); balance -= amount; put_balance(account, balance); return balance; }  Now suppose a husband and wife share a bank account with a balance of $100.00  what happens if you both go to separate ATM machines, and simultaneously withdraw $10.00 from the account? Represent the situation by creating a separate thread for each person to the withdrawals   have both threads run on the same bank mainframe: int withdraw(account, amount) { } int withdraw(account, amount) { int balance = get_balance(account); int balance = get_balance(account); balance -= amount; balance -= amount; put_balance(account, balance); put_balance(account, balance); return balance; return balance; } Interleaved schedules  The problem is that the execution of the two threads can be interleaved, assuming preemptive scheduling: balance = get_balance(account); balance -= amount; Execution sequence as seen by CPU balance = get_balance(account); balance -= amount; put_balance(account, balance); put_balance(account, balance);  context switch What’s the account balance after this sequence?   context switch who’s happy, the bank or you? How often is this unfortunate sequence likely to occur? Race conditions and concurrency  Atomic operation: operation always runs to completion, or not at all Indivisible, can't be stopped in the middle On most machines, memory reference and assignment (load and store) of words, are atomic  Many instructions are not atomic For example, on most 32-bit architectures, double precision floating point store is not atomic; it involves two separate memory operations The crux of the problem  The problem is that two concurrent threads (or processes) access a shared resource (account) without any synchronization creates a race condition  output is non-deterministic, depends on timing We need mechanisms for controlling access to shared resources in the face of concurrency  so we can reason about the operation of programs  essentially, re-introducing determinism Synchronization is necessary for any shared data structure  buffers, queues, lists, hash tables, scalars, …    Synchronization related definitions    Mutual exclusion: ensuring that only one thread does a particular thing at a time One thread doing it excludes all others Critical section: piece of code that only one thread can execute at one time All other threads are forced to wait on entry when a thread leaves a critical section, another can enter Mutual exclusion is required inside the critical section Key idea all synchronization involves waiting Critical section solution requirements  Critical sections have the following requirements     mutual exclusion  at most one thread is in the critical section progress  if thread T is outside the critical section, then T cannot prevent thread S from entering the critical section bounded waiting (no starvation)  if thread T is waiting on the critical section, then T will eventually enter the critical section  assumes threads eventually leave critical sections performance  the overhead of entering and exiting the critical section is small with respect to the work being done within it Synchronization: Too Much Milk          Person A 3:00 Look in fridge Out of milk 3:05 Leave for store 3:10 Arrive at store 3:15 Buy milk 3:20 Arrive home, put milk in fridge 3:25 3:30 fridge Oops!! Too much milk Person B Look in fridge Out of milk Leave for store Arrive at store Buy milk Arrive home, put milk in Too much milk: Solution 1       Too Much Milk: Solution #1 What are the correctness properties for the too much milk problem? Never more than one person buys; someone buys if needed Restrict ourselves to only use atomic load and store operations as building blocks Solution #1: if (noMilk) { if (noNote){ leave Note; buy milk; remove note;     } } Why doesn't this work? Too much milk: Solution 2 Actually, solution makes problem worse fails only occasionally Makes it really hard to debug Remember, constraint has to be satisfied, independent of what the dispatcher does timer can go off, and context switch can happen at any time Solution #2:  Thread A Thread B  leave note A leave note B  if (no Note from B) if (no Note from A)  {  {  if (noMilk) if(noMilk)  buy Milk buy Milk;  } }  Remove Note A remove Note B ... Assembly Code for Counter Loop C code for counter loop Corresponding asm code (gcc -O0 -fforce-mem) for (i=0; i /badcnt BOOM! cnt= 198 261801 linux> /badcnt BOOM! cnt= 198 2 696 72 cnt should be equal to 200,000,000 What went wrong?! Assembly Code for Counter Loop.. .Lecture? ?No.? ?9 Overview of today’s? ?lecture       Shared variable analysis in multi-threaded programs Concurrency and synchronization Critical

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2022, 12:23