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(LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) The effect of consciousness-Raising activities on the 10th grade students'' grammatical competence at Tran Nhat Duat upper secondary school001

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Tiêu đề The Effect Of Consciousness-Raising Activities On The 10th Grade Students' Grammatical Competence At Tran Nhat Duat Upper Secondary School
Tác giả Đinh Thị Thanh Vân
Người hướng dẫn Phạm Thị Hạnh, M.A.
Trường học Vietnam National University - Hanoi
Chuyên ngành English Teaching Methodology
Thể loại thesis
Năm xuất bản 2011
Thành phố Hanoi
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V IE T N A M N A T IO N A L Ư N IV E R S IT Y -H A N O I Ư N IV E R S ITY OF LANGƯ AGES & IN T E R N A T IO N A L STUDIES F A C U L T Y OF POST - GRADƯ ATE STUDIES ie ie ic ic k ic ie ic k ic id e id c ic ic k Đ IN H T H Ị T H A N H VÂN • THE EFFEC T OF C O N SC IO U SN E SS-R A ISIN G A C T IV ITIES ON TH E 10th G R A D E ST U D E N T S’ G R A M M A T IC A L C O M PE T E N C E AT TRAN NHAT DUAT UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL (Tác động hoạt động nâng cao nhận thức đối vói lực ngữ phap học sính lóp 10, trường T H P T Trần Nhật Duạt) M A M IN O R P R O G R A M M E TH E S IS Field : English Teaching Methodology Code : 601410 Supervisor: Phạm Thị Hạnh, M A ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRUNG TAM THÕNG TIN THƯ VIỆN ữQU 0004% HANOI-2011 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com DECLARATION I hereby State th a t the m ln o r thesis entitled “ T he effect of consciousnessraising activities on grade 10th stu d en ts’ g ram m atical com petence a t T n N hat D uat U p p er S econdary School” and subm itted in p a rtia l fulfiUment of the req u irem en ts for the degree of M aster o f A rts in English teaching m ethodology is the resu lt of my own re sea rc h T he substance of the thesỉs has not, w holly o r in p a rt, been subm itted fo r a degree to any o th e r universities o r institutions The research re p o rte d in this thesis was ap p ro v ed by M s P ham T hi H anh, M A., V ietnam N ational U niversity o f H anoi H anoi, S ep tem b er, 2011 Đ inh T h ị T h a n h V ân TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First o f all, I w ould like to express my deep gratitude and respect to my supervisor, Ms Pham Thi Hanh, M A., for her continual guidance, com m ent, and especially her sym pathy throughout the whole research process I am also grateful to all teachers at the Postgraduate Departm ent, ƯLIS,VNU, w hose lectures and guidance have contributed to my understanding o f the problem and led to the com pletion o f this thesis My special thanks w ould also go to Dr Le Van Canh, who helped us update the m odem approaches in English teaching m ethodology and suggested this thesis I am indebted to my beloved friend, To Thi Ngoe Nga, ULIS, VNU, for her encouragem ent She was so helpful and dedicated in spite o f her illness Thanks also go to my colleague, Ly Tuan Anh for his support in collecting the data for the study Especially, I wish to express my appreciation to my students o f class 10 A l, TNDUSS, who have been really helpíul and cooperative in the im plem entation o f the study Last but not least, I would also like to send my w hole-hearted thanks to my family, my parents and my husband who took care o f my two little sons and supported me spiritually during my study TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ABSTRACT The teaching approach of grammar has always been the most complex and controversial aspects in second language teaching in general and in English in particular With an investigation into the reality of teaching and leaming grammar at Tran Nhat Duat Upper Secondary school, this thesis is aimed at working out an appropriative, effective, suitable and practical approach in a m ountainous context, n o t to pin p o in t the right or correct method to teach grammar Upon carrying out a preliminary investigation and literature review, it is found that CR activities, which integrate instructional assumptions and components of traditional and communicative methods, can work well in the context of a mountainous school CR activities were then designed and implemented in the second term o f the school year 2010-2011 with the participation o f 41 students from class 1OA In order to collect the data, a num ber o f instrum ents were em ployed including: (a) a semistructured group interview to the tw enty students o f grade 10,h in that school; (b) classroom observations; (c) a questionnaire ìer applying CR and (d) a test The results o f the study reveal that (1) students had a positive attitude towards the necessity o f English grammar learning; (2) the tradỉtional methods were mainly used in this school and (3) CR activities vvere effective on ỉmproving students' grammaticaỉ competence As far as the study suggests, it can be concluded that CR activities can be an effective tool for the improvement of Engiish grammar teaching practices TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ABBREVIATIONS MOET: Vietnam ese M inistry o f Education and Training CR: C onsciousness-raising CC: Com m unicative competence GC: Gram m atical com petence LC: Linguistic com petence CLT: C om m unicative language teaching L2: Second language L l: First language SSLE: Second School Leaving Examination TNDƯSS: Tran Nhat Duat ưpper Secondary School T: teacher Sts: students TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com V TABLE OF CONTENTS D E C LA R A TIO N i K N O W LED G EM EN TS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF A B B R EVIA TIO N S iv PA R T I IN T R O D U C T IO N 1 Rationale for the study .1 Aims o f the s tu d y Scope o f the stu d y .3 Signiíìcant o f the study Method o f the study Organization o f the study PA R T II D E V E L O P M E N T C h a p te r 1: L IT E R A T U R E REVIEVV 1.1 C om m unỉcative com petence and g ram m atical com petence 1.1.1 Communicative com petence 1.1.2 Grammatical com petence .8 1.2 M ethodology for teaching g m m a r 10 1.2.1 Pro and Anti-Grammar Perspectives 10 1.2.2 The Evolution o f Language Teaching M ethodology 12 1.2.3 Consciousness-raising approach 17 C h a p te r 2: R E SE A R C H M E T H O D O L O G Y 21 2.1 B ackground of the stu d y 21 2.1.1 The c o u rse 21 2.2.2 The stu d en ts 21 2.2.3 The teachers .22 2.2 R esearch questions 23 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com vi 2.3 R esearch a p p ro a c h 23 2.4 P a rtic ip a n ts 25 2.5 Instruments 25 2.6 D ata collection p ro c e d u re s .27 2.7 D ata anaiysis p ro c e d u re s 29 2.8 S u m n ia ry 29 C h a p te r 3: T H E P R A C T IC A L STU D Y 30 3.1 P relim in ary investigation 30 3.1.1 Interview s 30 3.1.2 Class observations 32 3.2 In te rv e n tio n 34 3.2.1 The design and aims o fC R activities 34 3.2.2 Procedures o f the CR lessons 34 3.3 E v a lu a tio n 36 Data presentation of the evaluation questionnaires Data presentation of the quizzes and thetest 3.1 3 3.4 S u m m a ry 39 C h a p te r 4: D ISC U SSIO N O F T H E F IN D IN G S 40 4.1 R esearch question 40 4.2 R esearch question 40 4.3 R esearch question .41 PA R T III: C O N C L U S IO N 41 C on clu sio n 41 R eco m m e n d a tio n s 42 L ỉm itations o f the study and suggestions fo r ĩu rth e r stu d y 43 Suggestions for the fu rth e r s tu d y 44 REFERENCES APPENDICES TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com P A R T I: IN T R O D U C T IO N R ationale o f th e study English has become a common means of communication of human beings all over the world Integrating into that trend of the global integration, Vietnam has been more and more active to train hard-working and dynamic Vietnamese, who can use English íluently for communicative purposes Much effort has been spent on improving Vietnamese students’ competence to be able to communicate in English The most signiíicant solution can be the implementation of the new series of English books started in 2006 by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) for secondary high school which claimed to develop both language skills and language knowledge for students There are two types of textbook sets: the advanced and the Standard ones Each unit in the new English textbooks consists of five parts: Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing and Language Focus, among which the Language Focus sections are to consolidate students’ pronunciation and grammar Once the new textbooks have been implemented, the teaching approach has also changed However, the teaching approach of grammar has always been the most complex and controversial aspects It has taken a long but not easy time for teachers to change their traditional ways of teaching to so-called communicative approach But after several years applying communicative language teaching (CLT), although seeing a lot of its advantages, many teachers have wondered vvhether CLT is really effective, suitable and practical in Vietnamese context, which rarely has “the opportunity to take part in meaningíul communication interaction with highly competent speakers of the language, i.e to respond to genuine communicative needs in realistic second language situations” (Canale and Swain ( ), cited in Canh, 0 ); and in which most of the national examinations whose sole objective is to measure candidates’ linguistic or grammatical competence in vvritten form Especially, in the context of a mountainous upper secondary school in Yen Bai province, teaching English is not a simple task because of many reasons Firstly, the students in this school have a low level of English; every student with the English score at the school entrance examination above zero can enter the school Secondly, the size of the class at the school is big with average of over 40 students in one class, which makes teachers diffícult to take control Furthermore, other problems are compounded by poor living conditions, poorly-fumished classrooms, scarce access to supporting materials and facilities, limited access to the target language As a result, many students fail to make TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com progress in leam ing the language and the quality o f English language All the abovementioned ĩactors seem to be disadvantageous to teaching Engỉish, especially in dcveloping students' com m unicative com petence In the context o f this school, teaching gram m ar, therefore, should be done and needs to be done appropriately After twelve years o f teaching English in which five years by the new English textbooks in this m ountainous school, the researcher observed that the teachers and leam ers there faced a num ber o f difficulties not only in teaching and leam ing the four language skills but also in teaching and leam ing gram m ar during the Language Focus lessons, especially for grade 10' , the starter in upper secondary school program The researcher o f this study has always w ondered how she should present gram m ar to be effective beíore a preparation for a gram m ar period Luckily, during the course as a post graduate student at University o f Languages and International Studies, she has been considering the ‘consciousness-raising’ approach, which she subjectively thinks appropriate to her school context Consequently, she decided to an action research on applying consciousness-raising activities and investigating their effect on students’ grammatical com petence with the hope to make a small contribution to improve the quality o f teaching English gram m ar in a mountainous province The research was entitled “The effect o f consciousness-raising activities on grade 10lh students’ gram matical competence at Tran Nhat Duat Upper Secondary School” O verall, the research er hopes that this study w ould provide a possible solution to teaching gram m ar in everyday classroom situ atio n ; thus, it vvould be h elp íu l to not only the research er h e rs e lĩ in m aking b e tte r teach in g d ecisio n s in h er classes but also to the school ad m in istrato rs and policy m akers for íu rth er im provem ent o f E nglish teaching and learning A im s o f th e stu d y With the above-presented rationale, the aims o f the study are: • To investigate attitudes towards gram m ar lessons o f m ountainous stuđents who are considered as weak gram m atical com petence, to find out their diíĩĩculties and their desires in teaching and leam ing grammar • To fmd out how teachers in a m ountainous school context treat gram m ar lessons and identify the problem arising in gram m ar lessons TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com • To offer some consciousness-raising activities and to fínd out vvhether they are suitable and effective to grammar lessons, may or may not improve mountainous students’ grammatical competence It is hoped that the íìndings from this study will be o f some benefits to the teachers in Vietnamese secondary schools, especially those who are engaged in grammar teaching Signiíicance of the study The study is hoped to be beneíĩcial to both teachers and students in mountainous high schools First, íĩndings o f the study could be shared among teachers o f English to improve the quality o f teaching and leaming in the coming years Next, it might highỉight the rationale for proíessional development programs for high school teachers o f English in mountainous areas in Vietnam Finally, the ĩindings could be used as a data base for further study Scope o f Che study There are two sets o f the new English textbooks for grade 10: the advanced and the Standard sets This study only aimed at investigating the reality o f teaching and leam ing gram m ar in Language Focus lessons in the Standard set This study, as early stated, was designed to investigate how mountainous teachers treat grammar lessons; mountainous students’ attitudes towards grammar teaching, their difficulties and desires in order to make some changes by using C-R activities and find out w hether C-R activities effective or not; may improve or may not improve the quality o f teaching and learning To keep the study in a manageable size, the study has been delimited only to three English language teachers and a group o f grade 10 students at Tran Nhat Duat p p er Secondary School in Yen Bai M ethodology The study was conducted as an action research This type o f research was chosen for the following reasons In the first place, being a teacher o f English, the researcher herself actually experienced traditional methods and saw their advantages on tests and disadvantages on communication; she then tried the communicative methods vvith a lot of difficulties in a mountainous school and deeply wanted to take some actions for improvement However, teaching o f grammar is the most controversial and each teacher has their own reasons to choose a suitable gram m ar teaching approach for their own TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XIII 19 What will happen if the air polluted? A was B is c be 20 President Kenedy was in Dalas A kill B to kill c killed D has D killing II Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by circling the corresponding Ietter A, B, c or D of the correct answer.(2 marks) Scientists have established that in the animal vvorld, the longest jump is made by the black spotted antelope which can jump twelve meters It is followed by a kangaroo with a nine-meter jump The puma holds the record among the camivorous animals vvith a jump of four meters The fastest denizen o f the deep is the swordfish which can travel at 135 kilometers an hour The dolphirTs cruising speed is 90 kilometers 21 Which animal makes the longest jump? A a black spotted antelope B a kangaroo c a puma D a swordfish 22 How high does a kangaroo make a jump? A lOmeters B meters c 12meters D.9 meters 23 How fast does a dolphin travel an hour? A.90 kilometers B 135 kilometers c 120 kilometres D 100 kilometers 24 Which animal is the íastest denizen of the deep? A a black spotted antelope B a kangaroo c a puma D a swordfish 25 How high can apum ajum ps? A 10 meters B meters c 12 meters D.9 meters III Choose the one vvord or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling A, B, c or D.(3 marks) 26 What will happen i f there were no plants on earth? A B C D 27 This is the most bored book I ’ve ever read A B c D 28 Shakespeare, that wrote a lot of famous plavs, was an English writer A B C D 29 This school has been build for nearlv five vears A B c D 30 I f it snowed yesterday, we would have plaved hanpily in the garden A B c D 31 To have good health we should stop drink and plav sports everyday A B c D 32 I live in a house in a small beautiíul village in the Vietnam A B C D 33 “ Have vou got anv monev?" “How manv vou want?” A B c D 34 Ị f vou have a lot o f monev, what would vou do? A B C D 1’ve never talked to such a interesting woman A B c D TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XIV Name: Class: 10 VVRITTEN TEST FOR RESEARCH T IM E ALLO W ED : 45minutes I These are inconiplete sentences Circle A, B, c or D as your best choice to complete each sentence.(5 marks) I Marie Curie is Pierre Curies’ wife That’s the lady won the Nobel Prize A who B whom c which D whose dorTt like stories have unhappy endings A who B whom c which D whose M y írie n d , hates traveling, reíused to go with me to Ha Long Bay A who B whom c which D that I am looking forward to the íílm Titanic, is on T V after the news A who B whom c which D that Look at those black cloưds I ’m sure i t A is raining B is going to rain c w ill rain D rains It’s rather hot here open the window, please? A W ill you B Are you going to c Do D Did 1’ve got two tickets I and my boy friend watch a íịotball match this aftemoon A w ili B are going to c go D went Lan: M y suitcase is so heavy! Nam: Give it to me I it for you A carry B am going to carry c am carrying D will carry Lan: I ’m so thirsty! Nam : Would you like something ? A to drink B drinking c drink D drank 10 This winter is so cold I am wearing a thick coat warm A keeps B keeping c to keep D kept I I There was no ch a ir on, so we had to sit on the floor A sits B to sit c sitting D sat 12 After getting married, she is too busy; she doesn’t get much chance TV A watches B watching c watch D to vvatch 13 He wouldn’t have had an accident if h e more carefully A drives B drove c had driven D was driving 14 If L in d a her money, Sophie wouldn’t have bought the stereo system A hadn’t lent B didn’t lend c hasn’t lent D doesn’t lend 15 If I had noticed him, I hello to him A would have said B said c would say D say 16 If Hung had given up smoking, h e .his health A would have damaged B wouldn’t have damaged c will damage D won’t damage 17 Most rice in T aiw an from Vietnam A is imported B are imported c was bought D are bought 18 What will happen if the a ir ? TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XV A vvas polluted B be polluted c is polluted D has polluted 19 Water is really important for our life I t held on land by vegetation A were B can be c have D has 20 Tourists to have camp-fire in the íịrest because it may cause ĩorest damage A are threatened B are not allowed c was banned D are told II Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by circling the corresponding letter A, B, c or D of the correct answer.(2 marks) I have got two sisters, Linda and Betty, and two brothers, David and Jack Linda is twenty Betty is six years younger than Linda but she is two years older than Jack Jack is four years younger than me and he is eight years younger than David 21 Hốw old am I? A 12 B 14 C.16 D 18 22 Who is the youngest inthe family? A Jack B Betty c David D I 23 Hovv old is Jack? A 12 B 14 C.16 D 18 24 Who is older than Linda? A Beíty B None c David D I 25 Whó are the tvvins? A Betty and Jack B Betty and I c Linda and I D Linda and David III Choose the one vvord or phrase that must be changed in order íor the sentence to be correct by circlỉng A, B, c or D.(3 marks) 26 t’ve never slept in such a uncomíbrtable bed A B C D 27 This is the more stupid thing voiTve ever done A B c D 28 He works at Noi Bai Airport that is One of the biggest airports in Vietnam A B C D 29 In the past sport games were not show on TV A B c D 30 If it didn’t rain yesterday, we would have had our partv in the garden A B c D 31 To live healthilv we should exercises regularlv and stop smoke A B c D 32 Mary lives in a village in Canada near the Lake Ontario , A B C D 33 “ How many rice vou want?" “ A kilo, please.” A B c D 34 Ị f vou are on the Mars, what would vou do? A B C D 35 He is the least interested man rv e ever seen A B c D TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XVI Appendix 7: CLASS OBSERVATIONS Class observation ỉ Unit 8: The Story of My Village (29/12/2010 (10A2) from 7.30 to 8.15 a.m) T : Good moming Ss: Goođ moming, teacher T : Now open your book to see what we are going to leam today Today we leam how to pronounce two diphthongs /am/ - /a ũ /, how to change from direct speech to indirect speech and how to use conditional sentence type I Pronunciation: /aũ / - /aũ/ Gv viết lên báng phiên âm cùa hai nguyên âm đôi yêu cầu hs ý nghe đọc theo Ok, now keep silent and listen to me (Tpronounced) Now follow me /a ũ / - /aũ/ Ss: (Ss tried to make two sounds in chorus) T: em có thấy khác hai âm khơng? Ss: có a T : Các em ý phân biệt âm /a ũ / âm ô tiếng Việt (T pronounced two diphthongs and caỉled on three students to pronounce two sounds) Ss: (Ss tried to pronounce the sounds) T: Now look at the words in your book and read after me, please (T read aloud each words and Ss repeated them in chorus) T: Bây em ngồi theo cặp tập đọc từ sách Ss: (Ss practiced readỉng aloud the words in pairs) T: Who can stand up and read aloud these words? Ngoe, can you? Ngoe: (She read aloud the words) T: Good, Mai, can you? Mai: (She read aloud the words) T : (corrected the w rong words) (T let students to pracíice two sounds within sentences the sam e as within words T corrected (he wrong words) II Grammar Reported speech: statements TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XVII T : Các em nghe đến khái niệm “Câu trực tiếp” “Câu gián tiếp” chưa? Ss: Thưa cô, chúng em học từ lớp ạ! T: Tốt! Ai định nghĩa câu trực tiếp, thể câu gián tiếp? Nam: Thưa cô, câu trực tiếp câu dấu ngoặc kép, câu gián tiếp câu khơng có dấu ngoặc kép T : Đúng, chưa xác có nhiều loại câu khơng có dấu ngoặc kép Em định nghĩa xác hom nào? Lan: Câu trực tiếp tường thuật lại xác lời người khác nói, cịn câu gián tiếp câu kể lại lời người khác T: Rất tốt! Nếu em khơng nhớ em ghi vào vờ ( T repeated the defìnition) Bây lây ví dụ (T wrote on the board): Nam said: “ I like this school” Đây câu trực tiếp Nam said he liked that school Đây câu gián tiếp Các em ý từ « he »,« liked » từ « that »(T repeated the ways to change subjects, verbs, adverds an d possessive adjectives) Exercise 1: T: Now open your books, look at exercise 1, work in pairs to do, you’ 11 have mins to prepare (T repeated in Vietnamese) T: Bây em lên bảng để viết câu chuyển gián tiếp, em thứ chuyển cho cô câu 1& câu 2, em thứ hai câu & câu 4, em thứ ba câu & câu , em thứ tư câu & câu , em khác xem câu bạn làm, so sánh với câu cùa nhận xét câu cùa bạn bảng (4 Ss went to write on board, T a sk ed som e Ss to give rem arks and then g ave/eedback) An old farmer said their lives had changed a lot thanks to the knovvledge their children had brought home She said she was going to H CM C then I thought the fìlm would be interesting She said she couỉdn’t help me because she had too much to Rick told me Anna had written Jim a letter He told me it had taken him three hours to get there because the road had been muddy and slippery She said she thought it was a crazy idea It wouldn’t work TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XVIII He announced breakfast was served between 7:00 and 9:00 Exercise 2: T: Novv all of you exercise individually, then compare in pairs.(T called on some Ss to read their ansvvers aloud in front o f the class then feedback and give correct answers: l.to ld 2 said said told5.talked Conditional sentence type T: Các em cịn nhớ câu điều kiện loại khơng? Ss: Có T: Một em nhắc lại cho cơng thức câu điều kiện loại 1, Mai, can you? Mai: I f + s + V(present), s + will + V T: Ok (wrìte the fo rm on board, review theform and the conditỉonal sentence type Ì.M ake sure that Ss understand the main clause and i f cỉause in the sentence Then demonstrate by analyiing the example) Novv look at this example: If I have enough money, I w ill go to Hue for holiday Exercise 3: (T a sk s Ss to exercise in pairs): Look at what Ha Anh hopes will happen in the future Make sentences, using If vvill.( N ote: The sentences have a logỉcaỉ connection so ask Ss to p u t the sentences in good order.) If I don't go out so much, ru more homevvork If I more homevvork, ru pass my exam If I pass my exam, ru go to medical college If I go to medical college, ril study medicine If I study medicine, ru become a doctor If I become a doctor, ru be able to cure diseases and help sick people (Tcalls, on some pairs to read their answers aloud in /ro n t o f the class, then/eedbacks and gives correct answers.) T: Bây thời gian hết rồi, cịn tập số em nhàhồn thành cho cô Chú ý: “ When” dùng hành động chắn xảy ra, “I f ’ muốn nóiđến hành động có khả xảy Nhớ làm tập nhà Goodbye! Ss: Goodbye! TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XIX Class Observation Unỉt : The Story of M y Village (30/12/2010(10B4) from 14.10 to 14.55 p.m) T : Good aftemoon! Ss: Good aftemoon T : Are you sleepy? Ss: (Some said “yes ”, some said "no ", some said nothing but smiled) T (smiled): Do you want to play a game? Ss (in chorus): Yes! T: I want 10 Ss to take part in the game! Who’ ll volunteer? (T ch o se 10 Ss) T: I have one word, I will tell Nam, then he w ill tell the next, and the next will the same and the last one will write the word on board ( T spoke the phrase "Open your mouth ” to Nam) Now open your book to see what we are going to leam today Today we leam how to pronounce two diphthongs /a n / - /a ũ /, how to change from direct speech to indirect speech fand how to use conditional sentence type I Pronunciation: /al \J_- /a! 1/ G v viết lên bảng phiên âm hai nguyên âm đôi yêu cầu hs ý nghe đọc theo Ok, now keep silent and listen to me (T pronounced) Now follow me /a ũ / - /ad/ Ss: (Ss tried to make two sounds in chorus) T: em có thấy khác hai âm khơng? Ss: có a T: Các em ý phân biệt âm /a n / âm ô tiếng Việt (T pronounced two diphthongs and caỉled on three students to pronounce two sounds) Ss: (Ss trỉed to pronounce the sounds) T: Now look at the words in your book and read afìer me, please (T read aloud each words and Ss repeated them in chorus) T : Bây em ngồi theo cặp tập đọc từ sách Ss: (Ss practỉced reading aloud the words in pairs) T : Who can stand up and read aloud these words? Huyen, can you? Huyen: (She read aloud the words) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XX T : Good, Lam, can you? Lam: (She read aloud the words) T : (corrected the wrong words) (T leí students to practice two sounds within sentences the same as within words T corrected the wrong words) II Grammar Rẽported speech: statements T : have a sentence: (T wrote on the board) Nam said “ I like English” Who can change to reported speech?(T repeated in Vietnamese) Nga, can you? Nga: Nam said he liked English T: Good! I have another example: An old man said: “ Our lives have changed a lot recently” Vinh, can you change? Vinh: An old man said our lives had changed a lot recently T : O ur Right or wrong? Vinh: A h their T : Ok, good Who can repeat the way to change from direct speech to reported speech? (T waited ỉ minute, none said anything, T showed a prepared sub board and asked Ss to f ì l l ìn) Direct speech Reported speech Do w ill has/have done Did (T called som e Ss to do) Exercise 1: T: Work in pairs to this exercise Dãy bên phải cô (T pointed to all students on her right) làm từ câu đến câu 4, nhóm hai (T p o in ted to the students on her left) làm bốn câu lại (2 Ss went to write on board, T asked some Ss to give remarks and then gave/eedback) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XXI An o!d farmer said their lives had changed a lot thanks to the knovvledge their children had brought home She said she was going to H CM C then I thought the nim would be interesting She said she couldn’t help me because she had too much to Rick told me Anna had written Jim a letter He told me it had taken him three hours to get there because the road had been muddy and slippery She said she thought it was a crazy idea It wouldn’t work He announced breakfast was served between 7:00 and 9:00 Exercise 2: T: You w ill exercise at home, pay attention: tell + Object, talk + pre C o n d itỉo n a l ty p e T : Look at the board, please! I have an example: (T wrote on the board) If I have time, I will visit my grandparents T : Các em hăy đoán thử câu điều kiện dùng để diễn tả điều gì? Ss: Để diễn tà hành động có thật có khả xảy T : Good Nhưng hành động có xảy khứ hay không? Ss: Không T: Vậy câu điều kiện loại dùng để nói hành động có thật A i khái qt cơng thức cùa câu điều kiện loại không? Động từ mệnh đề if chia nào? Minh? Minh: Chia T : Ok, what about the verb in the main clause? Ss: (kept silent) T: (T wrote on the board) If + s + Vs/es, s + w ill + V Các em chép công thức vào vở, sau làm tập số sách giáo khoa Cả lớp chia làm hai nhóm, sau đại diện cùa nhómsẽ lên bảng viết câu trả lời Ss: (Ss did the exercise 3) T : (After five minutes).Now who can go to the board and write down the ansvvers? Hoàng and Minh, quickly TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XXII (W hỉle Mình and Hồng wrote their ansvver on the board, T called on the other students to read aloud their sentences) (T pointed to one student) You, the íìrst sentence please S: Read aloud her sentence: If I did ntore homework, I w ill pass the exam T : (T repeated the sentence with raising voice) If I did? S: (Kept silent) T: I f l did or do? S: I f l T : Ok, (T p o in ted out to the other student) the second sentence, please S: If I pass the exam, I will go to medical college T : Good (T asked the students to read aỉoud all sentences in exercise and correct i f any mistakes) Now look at the board and check the answers Tất câu trả lời đâ chưa? Ss: Đúng Exercise 3: Look at what Ha Anh hopes will happen in the íuture Make sentences, using If w ill ( N ote: The sentences have a lơgical connection so ask Ss to p u t the sentences in good order.) I f I don't go out so much, 1*11 more homevvork If I more homevvork, ru pass my exam I f I pass my exam, r il go to medical college I f l go to medical colỉege, ru study medicine If I study medicine, ru become a doctor If I become a doctor, r il be able to cure diseases and help sick people (T calls on some pairs to read their answers aỉoud in front o f the class, then Ị'eedbacks and gives correct answers.) T: Do you want to play a game? S: Yes! T: Ok, the Ss on my right hand will write the sentences with “ I f \ the Ss on my left hand will write the sentences with “w iir , then I will collect all your sentences to make full sentences (T repeated in Vietnamese, make sure all the Ss can understand the rule) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XXIII T: Ok, now move to exercise You have three minutes to the exercise in pairs Các em ý: “ When” dùng hành động chắn xảy ra, “ If” muốn nói đến hành động có khả xáy Ss: (Ss did the exercise in pairs.) T: Now I vvill call some of you to read aloud your sentences Tam, What is your sentence? Tam: I f there is a (T continued to call on the other students to read aloud their answers and correcí i f any errors) T: Thời gian hết rồi, em nhà xem lại tập làm.Goodbye and see you next time Ss: Good bye! Class Observation Unit 9: M usic (15/01/2011 (10A4) from 9.10 to 9.55 a.m) Pronunciatỉon: /s/ - /z/ T : (T show ed a picture o f a girl named Sue and asked students) Ok, the vvhole class, look at this picture and answer my question: What is her name? Ss: Sue T : ị ĩ vvrote the word on the board and show ed another pỉcture o f a zoo and asked Ss) very good What about this? What is this? Ss: It’s a zoo T : (T wrote the word on the board and contỉnued with the thirdpicture showỉng theprice) Now, come on What we call this? S: (only One voice) Price T : I heard one of you said price Yes, we call this price ( T wrote on the board) What next? ( T sỉiowed a picture o f a girl holding her prize and pointed at the object in her hand) S: Gift T : No, this is the thing we get when we win in a competition (no answ er) thứ mà nhận trung ta thắng thi What’s this? S: Prize TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XXIV T : That’s it Very good (T wrote the word on the board and underlined the letter s, in the w ord on the board) Today we leam how to pronounce two sounds /s/ and /z/ (T wrote on the board) Now open your book and listen to me Ss:(Ss opened their books) T : Để phát âm âm /s/ em nâng lưỡi chạm nhẹ vào vòm miệng đẩy Khi phát âm /s/ âm phát giống tiếng gió rít Âm /s/ âm vơ thanh, quản không rung Ss: (Ss tried pronouncing the sound /s/) T : Để phát âm âm /z/ em phát âm âm /s/ sau giữ nguyên vị tri lưỡi lấy từ quàn đẩy từ từ âm phát giống tiếng ong vò vẽ ,zzzzzzzz Ss: (Ss tried pronouncing the sound /z/) T : Ok, novv look at the word in your book and read after me (T read aỉoud the words and Ss repeated in chorus.) (T calỉed on two students to read aloud the sentences and corrected any mistakes) II G ram m ar * Exercise ĩ : To + intìnitive (T \vrote on the board) T : Please look at the example in exercise (T read aloud the example and vvrote it on the board, then underlined the phrase to feel relaxed) What you listen to classical music for? -I listen to classical music to feel relaxed Ss, answer my questions: Have you ever saved money? Ss: Yes, I have T : Good, vvhat you save money for? Or you save money to what? Các em tiết kiệm tiền để làm gì? Hang (T wrote the question on the board) Hang: I want to buy books (T wrote the question and the answer onthe board) T : Good What about you, Minh? M inh: I buy a bicycle T : Ok, you save money to buy a bicycle, not to buy Next, what you go to school for? Very easy question Lanh Lanh: I leam T : Yes, you go to school to leam (T wrote the questions and the answers on the board and underỉined to infmitive phrases) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XXV Chúng ta sử dụng nhiều động từ nguyên mẫu để trả lời câu hòi What for? Nghĩa để làm Vậy to iníinitive dùng để nói về? Ss: Mục đích T: Rất xác ( T wrote on the board) Form: To + V-infinitive Meaning: để làm Use: Dùng để trà lời cho câu hỏi W hat For? Notes: Chú ý In order to so as to iníìnitive dùng thay cho to iníìnitive để nói mục đích hành động T : Now look at exercise and work in pairs Một người hỏi, người trả lời giống ví dụ Ss: (Ss dìd the exercise in pairs while T went aroutid the class to provide help) T : (a/ter three minutes) Ok? Now each pair stand up, ask and answer the question Two o f you please (T p o in ted at two students) Ss: What you phone her for? I phone her to tell her good nevvs T : Good (T translated it ỉnto Vietnamese) Bạn gọi cho để làm gì? Tơi gọi ẩy để thông báo cho cô tin tốt lành (T ca lled on other pairs to read aloud the rest sentences) Bài tập sổ yêu cầu em sử dụng to iníinitive để nói mục đích Chúng ta làm tập Number 1, My father didn’t have time to the nevvspaper Chúng ta dùng động từ Quân Quang: rcad T: Em đọc lại câu Quang: My íather didn’ t have time to read the newspaper T: number 2, Trang, can you? Lan: I wish I had enough money to buy a new bicycle T : ok (T continued to call Ss to read aloud the rest sentences) * Exercise 3: Wh-questions ( T wrote on the board) T: Ở tập số em ôn lại cách đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân, dạng cô cho em làm nhiều khơng Ai cịn nhớ phải làm gi để tạo thành câu hỏi không? Ss: (one student volunteered) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XXVI T : T n g Trang: Thưa cô, bước xác định từ hỏi cho phần gạch chân, sau đưa từ hỏi lên đầu câu đảo trợ động từ lên trước chủ ngữ T : Bạn Trang nhớ rõ bước cẩn làm để đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân, cô không cân phải nhẳc lại em quên ghi lại vào làm mẫu ví dụ Lan usually goes to school bv bicvcle Đe đặt òâu hỏi cho phần gạch chân by bicycle, dùng từ hòi đây? T : cụm từ by bicycle để nói phương tiện, dùng từ hỏi để hỏi nao đây? Ss: How T: Đúng rồi, từ hỏi cần tìm how bước tiếp theo, phải làm gi? Mạnh M ạnh: Chúng ta tìm trợ động từ T : (T wrote the word H ow on the board): How T : Mạnh sit down, please Tiếp theo trợ động từ câu từ nào? Dương, continue Dư: Trợ động từ “do” T : Chủ ngữ câu sổ nhiều hay số ít, Dương? Dư: Số À thưa cô, does T: Được Vậy em đọc câu lên Dư: How does she usually go to school? T : (T wrote the answer on the board): How does she usually goes to school? T: Cô viết chưa lớp? Linh (T called on a student íaỉking with his friend) S: Thưa cô, T: Em ngồi xuống Bạn có ý kiến khác khơng? Ss: phải bỏ -es T : (T cross -e s in the sentence on the board) Các em phải nhớ đưa động từ dạng nguyên mẫu mượn do, does, đid Linh nhớ chưa? (T lo o ked at Linh) Các em làm nhanh bốn câu đầu sách Các em trao đổi với bạn T : (after fiv e minutes, T called on two students to write down their answers on the board) Chúng ta chữa cùa bạn Number one, what w ill you if it rains? Correct Number two, What does my father enjoy listening to? Câu bạn làm chưa cà lớp? Ss: Sữa “ my” thành “your” T: Đúng sai khơng? TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com XXVII A p p en d ix 8: Quizzes and Tests Results No 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Full namc Mã Hoàng Anh Nguyên Trung Anh Trân Linh Chi Phạm Cao Cường Nguyên Tiên Dũng Hoàng Tiên Dương Nguyên Thị Hăng Nguyên Thu Hăng Vương Văn Hiẻu Lê Thanh Huyên Lê Thị Kim Huyên Đặng Bá Kỳ Lê Thảo Linh Vũ Thùy Linh Trân Quỳnh Mai Nguyên Thị Mai Lê Bình Minh Lê Quang Minh Pham Tuân Minh Đô Cảnh Nam Lưu Hoàng Nam Nguyên Kiêu Nga Lương Thị Diệu Ngân Lưu Thị Bích Ngọc Đinh Thị Nguyệt Lê Minh Nguyệt Dương Ai Như Nguyên Thị Kim Oanh Lê Đình Phúc Lương Thị Phương Nguyên Thị Việt Phương Vũ Thanh Tâm Mai Hơng Thái Đặng Thị Thu Thảo Hồng Thu Thảo Đính Ngọc Thủy Phạm Thị Thùy Trang Nguyên Như Tùng Vũ Qc Tn Ngun Thị Ut Hồng Thủy Vân Quiz Quiz Quiz 8 Ọuiz 7 8 Quiz Test 7.0 8.0 8 7.0 7.0 7.5 9.0 7.5 7.0 8.5 6.5 7.0 5.0 8.0 8 8.0 1 9 8 8 8 4 6 8 1 4 9 4 6 6 9 9 9 8 7 4 4 1 9.0 8.0 8.0 7.5 8.0 6 5.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 10 9.5 10 8.0 6 8 8 8 8 8 7.5 7.0 7.0 4.0 6.0 6 6.0 6 8 8 7 8.0 4.0 7.5 8.0 1 2.5 9.0 6 8 4 8.5 7.5 6.5 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ... entitled ? ?The effect o f consciousness-raising activities on grade 10lh students’ gram matical competence at Tran Nhat Duat Upper Secondary School” O verall, the research er hopes that this study... particular With an investigation into the reality of teaching and leaming grammar at Tran Nhat Duat Upper Secondary school, this thesis is aimed at working out an appropriative, effective, suitable... among others, it was hoped that they could easily catch up with the application; they have also had four years’ experience at ]ower secondary school and half a year at upper secondary school, they

Ngày đăng: 28/06/2022, 10:00