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(LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) High school students'' perceptions of the benefits of the group work to their English language learning a survey research in Ngoc Tao High School

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES POSTGRADUATE DEPARTMENT VŨ THỊ HẢI HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE BENEFITS OF GROUP WORK TO THEIR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING: A SURVEY RESEARCH IN NGOC TAO HIGH SCHOOL (Nhận thức học sinh phổ thơng lợi ích hoạt động nhóm việc học tiếng Anh: Nghiên cứu khảo sát trường THPT Ngọc Tảo) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Methodology Code: 601410 Hanoi, 2009 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES POSTGRADUATE DEPARTMENT VŨ THỊ HẢI HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE BENEFITS OF GROUP WORK TO THEIR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING: A SURVEY RESEARCH IN NGOC TAO HIGH SCHOOL (Nhận thức học sinh phổ thơng lợi ích hoạt động nhóm việc học tiếng Anh: Nghiên cứu khảo sát trường THPT Ngọc Tảo) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Methodology Code: 601410 Supervisor: Lê Văn Canh, M.A Hanoi, 2009 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration i Acknowledgements ii Abstracts iii Lists of abbreviations vi Lists of tables vi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims of the study Scope of the study Research questions Method of the study Design of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Learner beliefs about language learning 2.1.1 Definition of beliefs and learner beliefs 2.1.2 The necessity of studying learner belief in language teaching 2.1.3 Studies on learners’ beliefs 2.2 The role of group work in language teaching 2.2.1 Definition of pair work and group work 2.2.2 Types of group work 2.2.3 The role of group work in language teaching and its benefits The role of group work in language teaching 10 Benefits of group work 10 Group work creates classroom atmosphere 10 Group work motivates learners and increases their confidence 11 Group work increases students’ participation and their talking time 11 Group work fosters learners’ responsibility and independence 12 2.3 Limitations of group work 12 2.3.1 Time management; noise and mistakes 12 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com v 2.3.2 Learners’ use of the mother tongue 13 2.3.3 Unequal distribution of work in groups 13 2.3.4 Classroom discipline problems 13 2.4 Studies on the use of group work 14 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 17 3.1 The context of the study 17 3.2 The rationale of using the survey method 17 3.3 The participants 18 3.4 The questionnaire 18 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 19 4.1 Students’ attitudes towards group work 19 4.2 Students’ perceptions of the benefits and limitations 22 of group work to their language learning 4.2.1 Students’ perceptions of the benefits of group work 22 4.2.2 Students’ perceptions of the limitations of group work 25 4.3 Activities that students would most prefer to in group 28 4.4 Students’ opinions of the main benefits and limitations of 31 group work according to grades 4.5 Discussion 33 4.5.1 Students’ attitudes towards group work 33 4.5.2 Students’ perceptions of the benefits of group work 34 4.5.3 Students’ preferences to group work activities 34 4.5.4 Conclusion 34 4.6 Summary 35 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 36 5.1 Summary of the study 36 5.2 Implications for the use of group work 36 5.3 Limitations of the study 37 5.4 Suggestions for further studies 38 REFERENCES 39 APPENDIX I TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com vi LISTS OF TABLES Table 1: Students’ attitudes towards group work (G.10) 19 Table 2: students’ attitudes towards group work (G.11) 20 Table 3: Students’ attitudes towards group work (G.12) 21 Table 4: Students’ attitudes in three grades 10, 11 and 12 22 Table 5: Students’ perceptions of the benefits of group work (G.10) 23 Table 6: students’ perceptions of the benefits of group work (G.11) 23 Table 7: Students’ perceptions of the benefits of group work (G.12) 24 Table 8: Students’ perceptions of the benefits of group work (G.10, 11 and 12) 25 Table 9: Students’ perceptions of the limitations of group work (G.10) 26 Table 10: Students’ perceptions of the limitations of group work (G.11) 26 Table 11: Students’ perceptions of the limitations of group work (G 12) 27 Table 12: Students’ perceptions of the limitations of group work (G.10, 11 and 12) 28 Table 13: Activities that students would most prefer to in group (G.10) 29 Table 14: Activities that students would most prefer to in group (G.11) 29 Table 15: Activities that students would most prefer to in group (G.12) 30 Table 16: Activities that students would prefer to in groups (G.10, 11 and 12) 31 Table 17: Students’ opinions of the main benefits and limitations of group work 32 to their English learning according to grades LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS G.10: Grade 10 G.11: Grade 11 G.12: Grade 12 CLT: Communicative Language Teaching EFL: English Foreign Language HULIS: Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Rationale With the advent of communicative language teaching (CLT), group work has always been promoted in the English Foreign Language (EFL) literature as an instructional strategy which encourages students’ interaction Group work is believed to play an important role in language teaching and learning process Many researchers have paid their attention to this field In reality, group work has been used widely in almost high schools and universities because the effectiveness of group work is always taken for granted From learners’ perspective, group work is beneficial to students in many fields, and students are therefore more involved and motivated in the lesson Group work gives more chances for students to help one another and foster their responsibility, autonomy and independence, (Ur, 1996) However, all those claimed benefits of group work seem to be viewed from the researchers’ or teachers’ perspectives Little is known about students’ beliefs about group work Whether group work is effective or not depends on students themselves If students have positive attitudes towards group work, they will participate in the lesson actively In contrary, they will be inactive whenever the teacher asks them to work in groups As a teacher of English, I have observed that the students not seem to get actively involved in speaking activities in the classroom When asked, most of them are afraid of speaking English or they not know how to express their ideas in English Students are familiar with the traditional teaching method in which their teacher plays a role as a knowledge provider; and students only the task like a machine without creativeness as well as activeness Thus, when group activities are applied in class, I realize that not many students are eager to this activity or in other words, group work is not very efficient in large classes TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Why some students are eager to group work and the others are not? And what they perceive of the benefits of group work to their English learning? These questions have drawn my interest in carrying out the current which focused on the investigation of high school students’ perceptions of the benefits of group work Aims of the study The study is carried out with the aims at: - Surveying students’ attitudes towards group work using in their English lessons; - Investigating students’ perceptions of the benefits of group work to their English learning; - Giving some suggestions to increase the effectiveness of group work to students in Ngoc Tao High School It is hoped that the study will be useful for teachers and students in general and for those in my school in particular Scope of the study Group work is widely used in almost high schools However, due to the time and length constraint of the study, the author only focuses on surveying students in Ngoc Tao High school (grade 10, 11 and 12) to find out their perceptions of the benefits of group work to their English learning Research questions To reach the aims of the study, the following questions are given: What are high school students’ attitudes towards group work in their language learning? What the students perceive of the benefits of group work to their English learning? What activities would students most prefer to in groups? Method of the study To seek answers to the above research questions, a questionnaire survey was used Miles and Huberman (1994) stated three good reasons for resorting to numbers: “to see rapidly what you have in a large batch of data; to verify a hunch or hypothesis; and to keep yourself analytically honest, protecting against bias”, (p.253) Moreover, using TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com questionnaires in research may help participants approach the problem more easily However, this method has its own limitation, that is, the results collected may not reflect the matter proposed precisely In order to reduce the invalidity and unreliability, the author will give clear instructions to the students; observe the class to make sure that the students answer each question themselves; or ask the students to check their answers For all that has been mentioned above, the survey research seems to be the most suitable for the scope and objectives of my study To collect data, the survey questionnaires will be delivered to 150 students in grades 10, 11 and 12 Design of the study The study is divided into five chapters: Chapter is the introduction, which covers some brief information about the study such as the rationale, aims, scope, research questions, method and design of the study Chapter deals with the literature review relevant to the study; Chapter describes the setting of the study and how the study is carried out; Chapter presents the data analysis and discussion Chapter is the conclusion which reviews what has been presented in the study and suggests some implications for improving the effectiveness of group work TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Learner beliefs about language learning As mentioned above, group work is one of the important activities that enhance learners’ participation in class Group work motivates learners in their language learning Learners’ success in language learning depends on a number of factors Among them are learners’ needs, their motivation as well as their attitudes towards learning a foreign language To understand more about this, an overview of learner beliefs about language learning is necessary 2.1.1 Definition of beliefs and learner beliefs  Belief: According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, belief is defined as a thing that one accepts as true or real Another definition of belief provided by Horwitz (1987) is a statement that is held to be true, that affects language learning practices  Learner belief: Language learners hold a set of beliefs concerning language learning and these beliefs may influence the way they learn, even though the beliefs are not always explicitly stated According to Richard & Lockhart (1996), learners’ belief system covers a number of aspects, including beliefs about the nature of English, the speaker of English, the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), teaching activities, language learning, appropriate classroom behaviour, their own ability and the goals for language learning Huang (2006) states that learner beliefs of language learning include beliefs about the time needed to attain fluency, the relative difficulties of language, the right age to start language learning, the roles of grammar, vocabulary and communication in language learning and other aspects of the learning process 2.1.2 The necessity of studying learner belief in language teaching TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com For recent years, foreign language teaching and learning have shifted from teacher directed instruction to student-centred learning Therefore, many researchers have raised their interest in learners’ perspective Numerous studies related to teaching methodology have been carried out from learners’ perspective because learners are key figures in teaching and learning process; and beliefs about language learning play an important role in learning achievements and experiences According to Horwitz (1999), it is likely that language learner beliefs have the potential to affect their learning experiences as well as their actions Some beliefs are likely influenced by learners’ previous experiences which could be positive or negative A negative learning experience might lead learners to believe that they not possess the special abilities required to learn a foreign language (Horwitz, 1987) In addition, attitudes and perceptions to learning beliefs take an important role on learning behaviours (Cotterall, 1995) MantleBromley (1995) points out that learners with positive beliefs are more likely to perform better in class Thus, it is important to discover learners’ beliefs to meet their expectations and avoid students’ resistance to instructional approaches and activities in the classroom (Horwitz, 1987) Besides, learners’ beliefs in language learning will shape their attitudes as well as their motivation towards a foreign language Richards & Lockhart (1994) claims that “beliefs can influence learners’ motivation to learn, their expectations about language learning, their perceptions about what is easy or difficult about a language, and the strategies they choose in learning” (p52) In reality, learners may have different goals for language learning Some learners learn a language for the purpose of communicating with speakers of that language Others may want to learn for their future jobs Some may consider grammar to be the most difficult task; the others think listening is the most difficult one, etc Learners’ beliefs not only influence their approaches to language learning but also affect the way they respond to the teaching activities If learners feel dissatisfied with the teaching method, they will lose their motivation in learning language According to Horwitz (1987), some students prefer having more free conversations rather than pattern drills while some other students insist on their teacher’s correction If the teacher cannot meet learners’ needs, they will soon become bored and frustrated with learning and this may affect learners’ motivation in language learning Hence, it is necessary for teachers to TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 30 Concerning question 15, more than a half of the students (52%) liked speaking most 28% liked the reading skill while 16% chose listening and only % were interested in writing Unlike two other grades, grade 12 has different choices for group discussion The summary for their choice is put in table 15 below: Options Playing language games Role- playing the dialogue discussed in groups (%) (%) (3) Roleplaying the dialogue given (%) (5) (2) (1) 42% Listening 24% Speaking 52% Reading 68% Writing 4% 50% Questions 14 Which activities you most prefer to in groups 15 Which skills would you prefer doing in groups? 26% Doing grammar exercises (%) Describi ng pictures (%) (4) 36% X 20% Table 15: Activities that students would most prefer to in group (G.12) As can be seen from table 15, students in grade 12 seemed to be more interested in grammar than communication skills In question 14, 68% of the students said they liked to work in group with grammar exercises most Next was role- playing the dialogues discussed in groups (52%) This was followed by playing language games (42%) Describing pictures was the next activity that they liked Role- playing the dialogue given was their last choice (24%) Answering question 15, a half of the students (50%) liked to work in groups with speaking; 26% preferred reading; 20% were interested in writing and only 4% put their choice to listening Like the above parts, a summary for three grades is necessary The data is introduced in table 16 below: Preference activities Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 No % No % No % Listening 10 16 Speaking 27 54 26 52 25 50 Reading 10 20 19 38 13 26 Writing 16 10 20 30 13 26 34 68 Doing grammar exercises 15 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 31 Table 16: Activities that students would most prefer to in groups (G.10, 11 and 12) The data shown in table 16 reveals that the students most preferred speaking and reading Explaining to their choices, they said that they wanted to improve their communication skill and enriched their vocabulary According to them, the listening skill seemed to be the most difficult Therefore, it did not attract them much For doing grammar exercises in groups, grade 12 showed their highest preference to it (68%) while this number fell down in grades 10 and 11 (30% and 34% respectively) These differences among three grades in choosing their favourite skill seems to be reasonable for their immediate or future purpose of English study In summary, what I have mentioned above deal with finding out the students’ attitudes towards group work; their perceptions of the benefits of group work; and their preferred activity for group discussion In general, most of them showed their positive attitudes towards group work They found this activity beneficial to them in many ways such as increasing their self confidence, motivating their study, and helping them practise communication skills The differences among three grades are minority For example, grades 10 and 11 were more positive than grade 12 They preferred speaking and playing language games while grade 12 students were more interested in doing grammar exercises In order to clarify whether students’ choices coincide with their own opinions, the following part is introduced 4.4 Students’ opinions of the main benefits and limitations of group work according to grades Students’ own opinions of the benefits and limitations of group work in their English learning will be summarized according to grades 10, 11 and 12 When this survey was carried out, students were asked to give their opinions in Vietnamese After that I have translated them into English as in table 17 below: Question 17 Numbers of students Benefits Motivating learners and making the classroom mentioning Grade 10 42 Grade 11 40 Grade 12 39 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 32 atmosphere more exciting Getting more knowledge from friends Be a good chance to practise communication skills Increasing the solidarity and collective consciousness among learners Other opinions (easy to understand the lesson, high marks, increasing independence among group members, feelings of self- confident, etc.) Question 18 Limitations 40 35 43 27 43 39 25 22 31 17 19 25 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 28 27 30 22 36 26 26 38 25 30 29 33 15 12 14 Making noise in class Wasting a lot of time Discussing in Vietnamese due to their limitation in vocabulary and expressing ideas Group tasks are often taken over by excellent students therefore the teacher cannot appreciate the real quality of the students Other opinions (unequal in marks; feelings of inhibition for not being talked; some lazy students depend on other students in groups or take the advantages of group work to chat etc.) Table 17: Students’ opinions of the main benefits and limitations of group work to their English learning according to grades The data collected in table 17 shows that the students cared most about classroom atmosphere, motivation and peer learning In general, the students in all three grades highly appreciated the benefits that group work brought them The majority of students found a cheerful classroom atmosphere and felt motivated in their study except some of them did not pay much attention to group work According to results collected, the number of the students who perceived the benefits of group work in grade 12 was more than in two other grades In contrast, when mentioning the limitations of group work, the students mainly claimed about the noise; time consuming; the use of mother tongue and the unequal distribution of work in groups Others had different opinions such as unequal marks, the dependence of some lazy students and the feelings of inhibition for not being talked, etc TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 33 To sum up, there are various opinions of the benefits and limitations of group work to the students’ English learning These ideas may be the same or different based on one grade or among different grades Sometimes what they think may be not coincident with what they have chosen in survey questionnaires Following is the discussion about the data analysis 4.5 Discussion 4.5.1 Students’ attitudes towards group work According to the data analysis above, it is possible to say that students’ attitudes towards group work may differ from one to another, from this grade to the others Their attitudes can be put into two main categories: (i) a number of the students feel motivated and more self- confident in their study; (ii) the others feel inhibited or not want to cooperate with their group members However, the former still outnumbers the later Findings reveal that grades 10 and 11 seem to be more positive to this activity than grade 12 This matter is understandable because when students are in grades 10 and 11, they not have much physical pressure related to their study Thus, they actively participate in group work Nevertheless, when they are in grade 12, the pressure of examinations has reduced their interest in this activity These findings are to some extent suitable for Ur’s points of view mentioned in chapter that “group work can improve motivation and contribute to a feeling of cooperation and warmth in the class” (1996, p.232) Through the data analysis and with my own teaching experience, I find that motivation and students’ cooperation will help them study English more efficiently 4.5.2 Students’ perceptions of the benefits of group work As analysed in the previous part, students perceived a number of benefits that group work brings about such as the creation of a motivated classroom atmosphere; the knowledge acquiring from friends; the increase of the students’ talking time; and the fostering of their independence Findings from the analysis have shown that the majority of students find the classroom atmosphere more exciting when group work is carried out This helps them be more involved in the lesson However, the number of the students in grade 12 who perceived these benefits was greater than in grades 10 and 11 While a great deal of the students considered that group work created their talking time and improved their TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 34 knowledge acquiring from friends, not many of them approved that this activity fostered their independence because in reality most of them still depended on excellent students in their groups What the students mentioned may be in contrast to what Ur (1996) stated in his book that “group work fosters learners’ responsibility and independence” (p.232) It is undeniable that theory sometimes differs from reality and the points of view given may vary in different situations and with different learners 4.5.3 Students’ preferences to group work activities In accordance with what has been discussed above, this part aims at answering research question In general, nearly all of the students are interested in speaking skill As for them, this is the easiest skill among four In addition, they like the excitement in the classroom because it is a cheerful classroom atmosphere that motivates them to be more involved in the lesson Besides, when discussing with each other in groups, they can improve their communicative ability, which is necessary for their future jobs Nevertheless, when the students are in grade 12, they turn their preference to grammar They expect to master grammatical structures as well as vocabulary so that they will feel more selfconfident in important examinations 4.5.4 Conclusion Findings in this study reveal that the students, by and large, are positive about group work They perceived of some major benefits of group work such as they felt more motivated to learn English when they worked in groups and they felt more confident in using English in the classroom However, grade 12 students were not as actively involved in group work as grade 10 and grade 11 students despite their positive attitude towards group work This could be because grade 12 students were not used to working in groups in their previous years of learning English Also, this study supports the findings of many researchers (see Bernat, 2006) that students’ attitudes towards group work depend on their learning motivation and language proficiency This is further supported by the fact that linguistically weaker students in this study seemed to feel that they were dependent on their stronger peers in doing group activities This factor needs considering in using group work and in the approach to grouping 4.6 Summary TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 35 In this chapter, the author has presented the data analysis of three grades 10, 11 and 12; and the discussion on the findings The data analysis indicated that the students in three grades had positive attitudes towards group work Also, they perceived a number of benefits that group work brings about such as the motivated classroom atmosphere; the feelings of self- confidence; the practising communication skills; and the increasing collective consciousness as well as the solidarity in class Besides, some limitations of group work were also claimed by the students such as the use of mother tongue, discipline problems or time management in each task These findings will be the basis for the author to give some recommendations for improving the effectiveness of group work in the next chapter TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 36 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION This chapter summarises some major points of the study, introduces implications for use of group work as well as provides some limitations of the study Suggestions for further studies will be also presented in this section 5.1 Summary of the study This study aims at investigating students’ attitudes towards group work; their perceptions of the benefits of group work and their preferences for group work activities In order to reach the aims of the study, three research questions were given The study was conducted over150 students from three grades 10, 11 and 12 Questionnaires were used as a means to collect data Based on the findings discussed in the previous chapters, it is possible to draw out some conclusions as follows: (i) The students feel motivated and have positive attitudes towards group work; (ii) Students have good grasp of the benefits of group work They consider that group work benefits them in many ways such as creating a cheerful classroom atmosphere; motivating learners and fostering their self confidence as well as improving their knowledge acquired from their friends and; (iii) When working in groups, students would rather speaking skill than other skills except grade 12 They show their preference in doing grammar exercises for their examinations However, the findings reveal that the use of group work encounters some challenges such as the use of mother tongue, time management and discipline problems All the findings presented will be the basis for the author to give some suggestions to improve the effectiveness of group work in the next part 5.2 Implications for the use of group work It is undeniable that while group work benefits students, it also has some limitations In order to improve the effectiveness of group work, the teacher should make use of the benefits that group work brings about Based on the findings of the study as well as my own experience in language teaching, I consider that it is necessary for the teacher to find TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 37 out their students’ needs and their real abilities in English learning Before groups work, the teacher should give clear instructions to make sure that everyone knows what they have to and limit the time in each task In addition, tasks selected for group work should both meet the requirements of the lesson as well as motivate students’ participations As mentioned in the discussion, the students’ preferences in group work are communication activities Hence, it is advised that the teacher should provide them with more interesting topics which are both suitable for their ability and close to their daily life so that they can join the groups actively With grade 12 students, it is necessary to give them more grammar exercises in order to help them practise what they have learned in the lesson By working in groups, they can help each other with grammatical structures and vocabulary, which are important and necessary for their examinations Another suggestion lies in the division of work in groups Equal contributions in group will make the students work independently and restrict the dependence of lazy students on good ones Thus, each group should have a leader, who will be responsible for giving tasks to other members as well as control over what is going on in the group Besides the benefits, group work also has some limitations such as discipline problems, time and the use of mother tongue In order to reduce these problems, the teacher should have good classroom management such as explaining the task clearly; grouping the students based on their preference or their ability; and going around while groups are working to help them if necessary Furthermore, the teacher should distribute time in each task suitably For example, how much time is used for each stage like warm up, follow up, or close up To reduce the use of mother tongue, the teacher may encourage students to speak in English as much as possible by giving them good marks if they can express their own ideas in English or fining anyone who speaks Vietnamese too much With timid students, the teacher should encourage them; and praise them when they have good ideas or correct answers to motivate them in study 5.3 Limitations of the study Although the study was carried out to the best of my effort, it still has some limitations such as the participants of the study are limited (150 students among the total of 1785 students in the school) Therefore, findings of the study cannot generalize to all the students of the school In addition, the students chosen among three grades 10, 11 and 12 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 38 are in good classes, in which most of them study very well Thus, the data collected may not reflect precisely the real situation of group work using in the whole school In fact, group work is not as efficient as what have been mentioned in this study Besides, due to the lack of time and limitations of knowledge, the author has not considered all aspects of the issue and mistakes of the study may be unavoidable The author would like to receive comments from the lecturers and those who concern this issue for further study with a sincere gratitude 5.4 Suggestions for further studies As a matter of fact, this study is only viewed from learners’ perspective For further studies, the activities of both teachers and students need to be considered with a larger scale And other methods of study should be applied such as attending the teacher’s lectures and observing the class or interviewing participants TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 39 REFERENCES Tran Thi Ngoc Bac, (2005), Using group work and questioning technique to increase students’ participation in communicative activities in large classes at Thai Nguyen University of Education, Unpublished thesis Balaji, M.S (2007), “Perceptions of students towards group work and group management projects”, Journal of Management Research, (6), pp.43- 56 Bernat, E (2004), “Investigating Vietnamese ESL Learners’ beliefs about language learning”, EA Journal, 21(2), pp.40- 54 Bernat, E (2006), “Assessing EAP Learners’ Beliefs about Language Learning in the Australian context”, The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, 8(2), pp 202- 227 Brumfit, C (1984), Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching, Cambridge 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e đồng ý Em thấy bị ức chế phải làm việc theo nhóm a Rất khơng đồng ý b Khơng đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý Làm việc theo nhóm khiến em thấy thích học môn tiếng Anh a Rất không đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý Em hào hứng tích cực tham gia vào hoạt động nhóm a Rất khơng đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý Em thấy làm việc theo nhóm thời gian gây ồn lớp học a Rất không đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý Làm việc theo nhóm khiến cho khơng khí lớp học trở nên sơi a Rất khơng đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com II e đồng ý Làm việc theo nhóm hội để học hỏi thêm kiến thức từ bạn bè a Rất không đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý Làm việc theo nhóm giúp em thực hành nói tiếng Anh nhiều a Rất không đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý Em khơng thích làm việc theo nhóm phải thời gian giải thích với người nhóm a Rất khơng đồng ý b Khơng đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý 10 Em thấy làm việc theo nhóm tăng tính độc lập thành viên nhóm phải tự chịu trách nhiệm phần a Rất không đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý 11 Em thường nói tiếng Việt thay nói tiếng Anh làm việc theo nhóm a Rất khơng đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý 12 Em thấy làm việc theo nhóm thật thú vị em nói chuyện riêng lớp mà thầy/ cô a Rất không đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý 13 Em khơng thích làm việc theo nhóm em ngại nói sai bị bạn nhóm chê cười a Rất không đồng ý b Không đồng ý c d đồng ý e đồng ý 14.Khi làm việc theo nhóm hoạt động mà em thích số hoạt động đây? ( Em xếp theo thứ tự từ số cho dạng hoạt động mà em thích nhất) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com III a Chơi trị chơi ngơn ngữ b Đóng vai, nói theo mẫu hội thoại học trước lớp c Đóng vai, nói theo mẫu hội thoại thảo luận nhóm d Làm tập ngữ pháp e Miêu tả theo tranh 15 Nếu làm việc theo nhóm kỹ số kỹ em thích nhất? a Nghe b Nói c Đọc d Viết 16 Em cho biết lý em lại thích làm việc theo nhóm kỹ đó? 17 Em nêu ba lợi ích việc giáo viên cho học sinh hoạt động theo nhóm theo cặp lớp việc học tiếng Anh em? a b c 18 Theo em ba bất lợi lớn (nếu có) việc giáo viên cho học sinh hoạt động theo nhóm theo cặp việc học tiếng Anh em gì? a b c Xin chân thành cảm ơn giúp đỡ em! TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ... teaching activities, language learning, appropriate classroom behaviour, their own ability and the goals for language learning Huang (2006) states that learner beliefs of language learning include... about the time needed to attain fluency, the relative difficulties of language, the right age to start language learning, the roles of grammar, vocabulary and communication in language learning. .. groups or take the advantages of group work to chat etc.) Table 17: Students’ opinions of the main benefits and limitations of group work to their English learning according to grades The data collected

Ngày đăng: 28/06/2022, 08:37

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