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(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) the application of common european framework of reference (CEFR) to designing a syllabus of general english for the first year students at quang ninh university of industry

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGÔ HẢI YẾN THE APPLICATION OF COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE (CEFR) TO DESIGNING A SYLLABUS OF GENERAL ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS AT QUANG NINH UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY ỨNG DỤNG KHUNG THAM CHIẾU CHÂU ÂU (CEFR) THIẾT KẾ CHƯƠNG TRÌNH CHI TIẾT TIẾNG ANH TỔNG QUÁT CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ NHẤT TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHIỆP QUẢNG NINH M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 HANOI – 2014 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGÔ HẢI YẾN THE APPLICATION OF COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE (CEFR) TO DESIGNING A SYLLABUS OF GENERAL ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS AT QUANG NINH UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY ỨNG DỤNG KHUNG THAM CHIẾU CHÂU ÂU (CEFR) THIẾT KẾ CHƯƠNG TRÌNH CHI TIẾT TIẾNG ANH TỔNG QUÁT CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ NHẤT TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHIỆP QUẢNG NINH M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Lê Văn Canh HANOI – 2014 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com DECLARATION I certify my authority of the submitted studied entitled THE APPLICATION OF COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE (CEFR) TO DESIGNING A SYLLABUS OF GENERAL ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS AT QUANG NINH UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY In total fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts September 2014 Ngô Hải Yến i TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like, first of all, sincerely and wholeheartedly to thank my supervisor, Dr Le Van Canh, my supervisor, for his valuable instructions and comments, his considerate assistance and invaluable critical feedback My special thanks go to all my teachers of the Post-graduate course 21 at Vietnam National University, University of Languages and International Studies for their interesting and useful lectures I also wish to convey my sincere thanks to all my colleagues and the first-year students at Quang Ninh University of Industry for their contribution to the data collection and their constructive suggestions for this research Last but not least, I am grateful to my friends and my family who gave me support and encouragement during the time of fulfilling this work ii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ABSTRACT Very recently, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has issued the Common Framework of Competencies in Foreign Languages on the basis of the Common European Framework of References for Languages: Teaching, Learning and Assessment, commonly called the CEFR As the official institutionalization of the Vietnamese Common Framework was preceded the policy of using the CEFR to define the competencies in English, this thesis uses the term the CEFR The innovation is a very recent phenomenon, and because of this most of educational institutions in the country not have the English language syllabus for the attainment of the goals defined by this innovation This study is an attempt to develop a syllabus towards this The thesis reports on the results of situation analysis and particularly the students’ current level of English proficiency, which are then used as the source of reference for the development of the English syllabus for the first year students at Quang Ninh University of Industry The goal of the syllabus is to identify appropriate task types that are aimed at enabling the students to achieve the A2 level on the CEFR, or Level on Vietnamese Framework As this is just a suggested syllabus, it has not been piloted yet Therefore, evaluation and modifications resulting from the piloting the syllabus is needed The study also makes recommendations regarding administration and pedagogy that are needed to deliver the syllabus if it is approved by concerned people and authorities iii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration………………………………………………………….……… Acknowledgement………………………………………………………… Abstract……………………………………………………………………… Table of Contents……………………………………………… ………… List of abbreviations……………………………………………………… PART A: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………… Rationale…………………………………………………………… Aims and objectives of the study…………………………………… Research questions………………………………………………… Scope of the study………………………………………………… Significance of the study………………………………………… Methods of the study………………………………………………… Structure of the study……………………………………………… PART B: DEVELOPMENT ……………………………………………… CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………… 1.1 Syllabus in language teaching………………………………………… 1.1.1 Syllabus and curriculum…………………………………………… 1.1.2 Types of syllabus……………………………………………………… Structural Syllabus…………………………………… Situational syllabus………………………………………………… Notional-functional syllabus……………… ……………………… Task-based syllabus………………………… …………………… Topical/ Content-based syllabus…………… …………………… Lexical syllabus………………………………… ………………… Competency-based syllabus………………… …………………… Skill-based syllabus …………………………… ………………… Text-based syllabus……………………………… ……………… Integrated syllabus……………………………… ……………… 1.1.3 Approaches to syllabus design……………………………………… 1.2 The Common European Framework of References…….…………… 1.2.1 What is the Common European Framework? 1.2.2 Descriptors for Common Reference Levels……… …… ………… 1.2.3 The application of CEF in teaching English in the world and in Vietnam CHAPTER II: THE METHODOLOGY ………………………………… 2.1 Situational analysis……………………………… …………………… 2.1.1 The University………………………………….……………………… i ii iii iv vi 1 3 3 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 17 17 17 iv TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 2.1.2 The teachers……………………………… ………………….……… 2.1.3 The students……………………….………… …………… ……… 2.2 The students’ KET test……………………………………………… 2.2.1 Participants …………………………………… ………… … ……… 2.2.2 Procedures……………………………………… ……… … ………… 2.2.3 Major finding and discussion………………….………… …………… Research Results………………………………….……… ………… Discussion……………………………………… ………… ……… CHAPTER III: SYLLABUS DESIGN …………………………………… 3.1 Selecting the most suitable approach to syllabus design and a type of syllabus… 3.2 Proposed objectives of the syllabus……………………………… 3.3 The content of the syllabus…………………………………………… 3.3.1 The topics/ thematic content……………………………………… 3.3.2 Grammar and Vocabulary………………………………………… 3.3.3 The language functions in the syllabus………………………… Imparting and seeking factual Information………………………… Socializing………………………………………… ………… Expressing and Finding out Moral Attitudes…………………… Expressing and Finding out Intellectual Attitudes………………… Expressing and finding out Emotional Attitudes…………………… Getting things done………………………………………………… 3.3.4 The task types used in the syllabus ………………………………… 3.3.5 The organization of the syllabus…………………………………… 3.3.6 The Timing of the Syllabus………………………………………… 3.4 Teaching Method……………………………………………………… 3.5 Assessment…………………………………………………………… 3.6 Recommendations…………………………………………………… 3.6.1 Recommendations to university administrations ………………… 3.6.2 Recommendations to the Teachers………………………………… 3.6.3 Recommendations to Students……………………………………… PART C: CONCLUSION………………… ……………………………… REFERENCES……………………………… …………………………… APPENDICES…………………………………….……………………… 17 18 19 19 19 21 21 21 24 24 25 29 29 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 34 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 40 I v TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS QUI: Quang Ninh University of Industry CEFR: Common European Framework of Reference KET: Key English Test ALTE: Association of Language Testers in Europe VNU-HCM: Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City ULIS-VNU: University of Languages and International Studies-Vietnam National University TBLT: Task-based Language Teaching EFL: English as a Foreign Language vi TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale Vietnam, like other developing nations, is aware of the importance and necessity of foreign languages but has not been very successful in producing sufficient, fluent foreign language speakers and proficient users of English One of the main reasons is the lack of appropriate teaching methods and learning environment Moreover, syllabus design and materials construction have always been a big problem to the university administration boards and English teachers This is the precise situation at Quang Ninh University of Industry In recent years a series of conferences and seminars at various levels have been organized with a view to work out solutions to foreign language education in Vietnam The most remarkable evidence of change is the issue of the Decision 1400-QD-TTg by the Prime Minister approving the Project of foreign language teaching and learning in the national system for the 2008-2020 periods.The general goal of the project is to renovate thoroughly teaching and learning of foreign language within national education system, to implement a new program on teaching and learning foreign language at every school levels and training degrees, which aims to achieve by the year 2015 a progress on professional skills, language competency for human resources, especially at some prioritized sectors; by the year 2020 most Vietnamese youth whoever graduate from vocational schools, colleges and universities gain the capacity to use a foreign language independently Within the context of this Decision, The Ministry of Education and Training has issued the Common Framework of Levels of Foreign Language Proficiency, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (CEFR) This Framework includes levels equivalent to those of CEFR and the national foreign language education curriculum will be designed accordingly The introduction of English into the primary education curriculum starting from grade is the greatest change in the foreign language TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com education in Vietnam The new curriculum defines that students at the completion of Primary education should reach Level 1(A1 of CEFR), at the completion of Lower secondary education Level (A2 CEFR) and General school leavers should reach Level (B1 CEFR) For tertiary education, graduates from vocational colleges should reach level and university graduates level 3, and graduates from language colleges should reach from level to 5, with the second foreign language as a compulsory subject While the CEFR and the Common Framework of Levels of Foreign Language Proficiency has been institutionalized, the QUI has not the appropriate syllabus, which is developed in the light of the new framework Zarale (2005) studied the implementation of the CEFR in Colombia and recommended that” the need for the construction of standards regarding foreign language education based on our contextual features, not leaving aside the issue of being global competent”.This gives me a tremendous impetus to implement the study “The Application of Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) to designing a syllabus of General English for the first-year students at Quang Ninh University of Industry.” However, because of time constraints, the syllabus proposed here is just for first –year students Although it is targeted at A2 level, the experience in developing and implementing this syllabus will be useful for developing the syllabus for the second-year students which is targeted at B1 level Aims and objectives of the study The aim of the study is to develop an English language syllabus for the first-year students at Quang Ninh University of Industry with reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), on which the Vietnam Common Framework of Competencies in Foreign Language is based, taking into consideration of the target learners’ needs and other contextual variables In order to achieve this aim, the following objectives are defined: TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Hotels and Restaurant Can, Could Would like Be going to Unit 19: Film and cinema The article a/ an/ the -ed and – ing Adjectives Unit 20: Sports can/ can’t ( ability) -like+ V-ing hotel - Three-option accommodati multiple choices on -Right, Wrong or Services in Doesn’t say hotels Task form: An article Can read for detailed understanding and main ideas about about a hotel Types of Task type: films -Right, Wrong or Doesn’t say -Three-option multiple choices Task form: An article Can read for detailed understanding and main ideas about a cinema Open cloze Task form: A letter Can write a letter to book a room at a hotel Matching Task form: Longer informal dialogue Can identify key information about some restaurants Role play -Can order a meal Task type : Guided writing Task form: An email Can write an email to thank for the invitation of going to the cinema Task type: -Three-option multiple choice -Gap-fill Task form: Longer informal dialogue Can catch main points and write down information about a cinema Task type 1: Ask and answer Can talk about your favorite film with your partner Task type 2: Role play Can make respond of interest and enthusiasm Types of sports Task type: Guided Writing Task form: Task type: Gap-fill Task form Task type 1: Pair work Can talk about one’s Task type 1: -Right/ Wrong/ Doesn’t say -Can make advance reservation XXIV TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Imperatives Unit 21: Music “Can/ Could” for ability Infinitive: Want/ would like… Type of music Musical instruments Task form: Newspaper News Can read for detailed understanding and main ideas about a famous sport person Task type 2: Matching Task form: A conversation Can understand conversation about a type of sport Task type: -Right, Wrong or Doesn’t say -Matching Task form: An article Can read for detailed understanding and main ideas about some types of A postcard Can write a postcard to tell about a sport competition Neutral monologue Task type: Information transfer Task form: An advertisement Can read and complete the notes of information about music Task type: Gap-fill -Three-option multiple choice Task form: Longer informal dialogue Can catch the main points and write down information of a Can catch the main points about information and complete a note of a sport centre favorite sport or game Task type 2: Role play Can ask and answer about a famous tennis player based on the information on the card Task type 1: Ask and Answer Can talk about one’s favorite music, singers Task type 2: Role-play Can ask and tell about one’s ability of playing music XXV TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com music pop concert Unit 22: Computers Intensifiers Components of a computer -Operating a computer Task type: -Right, Wrong or Doesn’t say -Matching -Three-option multiple choices Task form: An article Can read for detailed understanding and main ideas about one’s new computer Unit 23: Advertise ment Gerund Words related to advertisemen t Task type 1: Matching Task form: A dialogue Can understand conversation about an advertisement Task type: Guide Writing Task form: An email Can write an email to tell about one’s new computer Task type: Word completion Task form: Sentences Can complete the descriptions of components of a computer Task type: Information Transfer Task form: Brochures Can read and understand, write down Task type: - Gap-fill - Three-option multiple choice Task form: Longer informal dialogue Can listen and write down information of a new computer store Task type 1: Game Can talk about descriptions of a computer Task type 2: Role-play Can ask and answer about a new computer store based on the information on the cards Task type: - Gap-fill - Three-option multiple choice Task form: Longer informal monologue Task type: Role-play Can ask and answer about a computer advertisement based on the information on the card XXVI TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Unit 24: The post office Present perfect Tense Words related to services at post office Task type 2: information Three-option about an advertisement multiple choices Task form: An advertisement Can read for specific information about an advertisement Task type 1: Task type: Three-option Guided Writing multiple choices Task form: Task form: A letter An article Can read for Can write a specific letter to express information about satisfaction or services provided dissatisfaction by a post office about the Task type 2: service at a post Matching office Task form: Conversation Can catch the main points and complete a note of an advertisement Task type - Gap-fill - Three-option multiple choice Task form: Longer informal dialogue Task type: Game Can ask and answer about a service at a post office based on the information on the card Can catch the main points and write down information of a post office Can understand conversation at a post office XXVII TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Unit 25: Transport Unit 26: Places and Phrasal verbs Comparatives and Types of vehicles -road signs Names of Places and Task type 1: Matching Task form: A conversation Can understand a continuous dialogue at an airport Task type 2: Right, Wrong or Doesn’t say Task form: Articles Can read for specific information about some kinds of transport Can understand some road signs and real world notices Task 1: Three-option Task type 1: Word completion Task form: Sentences Can read and complete the descriptions of some types of vehicles Task type 2: Guided Writing Task form A letter Can write a letter to your friend, showing ways to your house Task type 1: Gap-fill Task form : Informal monologue Can catch the main points of an announcement at a railway station Task type 2: Three-option multiple choice Task form: Informal dialogue Can understand a conversation at a bus stop Task type 1: Role play Can ask and answer about information of a flight based on the given words on the card Task type 2: Game Can talk about one’s favorite mean of transport Can ask and give direction Task type 1: Word Task type: - Gap-fill Task type 1: Games XXVIII TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com buildings superlatives Unit 27: Adverbial Personal phrases of Experience time, place Past continuous Past simple buildings multiple choices -Right, Wrong or Doesn’t say Task form: Articles Can read for specific information about a museum Human feeling and actions Task type 1: -Right, Wrong or Doesn’t say Task form: An article Can read for specific information about one’s experience Task type 2: completion Task form: Sentences Can read and complete the descriptions of spaces Task type 2: Guided Writing Task form: A letter Can write a short description of a supermarket near your house Task type 1: Guided Writing - Three-option multiple choice Task form: Longer informal dialogue Can catch the main points and write down information of a theatre Task type: - Gap-fill -Three-option Task form: multiple choice An email Task form: Can write an e- Longer informal mail to a friend dialogue telling about Can catch the one’s past main points and experience write down Can talk about a place Task type 2: Role play Can ask and answer about information of a place based on the given words on the cards Task type: Role-play: An interview Can talk about one’s most embarrassing experience XXIX TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Unit 28: Robots To+ infinitive-for purpose Present continuous for future types of robots - will be able to Unit 29: Environme ntal The first conditional sentences -Things that can be reduced, Matching Task form: dialogue Can understand a continuous interview and identify structure that is used to talk about past experience Task type 2: Guided Writing Task form: A letter Can write a letter to apology for what happened information about people’s most embarrassing experience Task type: -Right, Wrong or Doesn’t say - Choose the correct answer Task form: Articles Can read for specific information of news report on the international robot show Task type 1: Multiple-choice cloze Task type: Guided Writing Task form: An essay Can write a paragraph to support the idea that robots will be useful in the future Task type: Gap-fill Matching Task form: Longer informal monologue Can catch the main points and complete the information of a talk show of robots Task type 1: Role play: Can talk about types of robots and what they will be able to in the future Task type 2: Game Can express short response to future Intention Task type : Guided Writing Task form: Task type: -Gap-fill -Three-option Task type : Role play Can ask and XXX TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Pollution Unit 30: Wife life reused and recycled Environment -al problems Prepositional phrases (place, time and movement) Words about animals, nature Task form: Newspaper article Can read for specific information about Environmental Pollution Task type 2: Matching Task form: A dialogue Can understand a continuous dialogue about pollution Task type 1: Multiple-choice cloze Task form: Newspaper article Can read for specific information about a wild animal Task type 2: Matching An essay Can write an essay about causes and solution for the environmental Pollution Task type: Guided Writing Task form: An email Can write an email telling about a type of animal multiple choice Task form: Longer informal dialogue Can catch the main points and complete the information about environmental pollution answer about an international conference about Environmental problems based on the given words on the card Task type: -Gap-fill -Three-option multiple choice Task form: Longer informal dialogue Can catch the main points and complete the information about Task type 1: Role play Can give opinions about protecting wife life Task type 2: Role play Can express Agreeing and disagreeing with someone XXXI TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Task form: A dialogue Can understand a continuous dialogue about a TV programme about “Wife life “ a zoo XXXII TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com APPENDIX VII: THE SAMPLE OF A UNIT Week 20: Sports GRAMMAR S+ can (not) +V + O e.g: I can play badminton He can’t play golf “Can” shows one’s ability Like + V-ing e.g: He likes playing basketball in his free time “Like” shows one’s habit VOCABULARY Types of sports Ball games: football (soccer), rugby, basketball, badminton, baseball, volleyball, cricket, tennis, table tennis, hockey Other popular sports: swimming, running, sailing, motor racing, horse racing, skiing, canoeing, karate Places where we sports : tennis/ badminton/ volleyball / basketball court : football/ cricket/ rugby field or pitch XXXIII TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com READING Part 1: Read a paragraph about Pele’ Edson Arantes Nascimento, better known as Pele’, is widely regarded as the best football player of all time Pele’ was born on October 21, 1940 in the countryside of Brazil Pele’’s father was a professional football player and taught Pele’ how to play at a very young age Pele’ began his career at the age of 15 when he started playing for Santos Football Club In 1958, at the age of 17, Pele’ won his first World Cup It was the first time the World Cup was shown on T.V People around the world watched Pele’ and cheered Pele’ won three World Cups and scored 1,281 goals in his 22-year career In 1999, he was voted Football player of the century Pele’ is a national hero in Brazil During his career he became well-known around the world as “The King of Football” Task 1: Decide the statement Right/ Wrong/ Doesn’t say 1.Pele’ is Brazilian 2.His P.E taught him how to play football when he was young He started playing for Santos Football Club in 1957 The World Cup was shown on T.V for the second time in 1962 A lot of people in Vietnam watched Pele’ and cheered He won four World Cups XXXIV TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com He became well-known some parts of the world as “ The King of Football” Task 2: Complete the notes about Pele’ Pele’ Full name Personality Job Birthday Numbers of goals scored Numbers of years in football career Part 2: Complete the conversation about a game of tennis by matching items selecting from possible answers: Rob: Are you free on Saturday A Are you a good player? afternoon? Juan: D B Great! Then we won’t have to walk Rob: Would you like to play tennis? back Thanks very much Juan: (1) Rob: Yes, at the sports centre at C OK Have you booked somewhere o’clock to play? Juan: (2) Rob: That’s OK You will be fine! D Yes I’m not doing anything Juan: (3) Rob: About an hour should be enough E Alright Where shall I meet you? We can stop if we get tired Juan: (4) F You know I haven’t played for a Rob: Your house is nearer to the sports long time XXXV TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com centre so I’ll s see you there at 2.30 We can go in my car G It’s not expensive to play Juan: (5) Rob: No problem It’ll be fun H How long are we going to play for? .(1) .(2) (3) (4) (5) LISTENING Listen to Jack and M ark talking about a new sport centre Which sport can they each day at the centre? For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H n ext to each day Monday D Days Sports Tuesday A badminton Wednesday B b asketball Thursday C football Friday D golf E hockey F swimming G tennis H volleyball Saturday XXXVI TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Task 2: Listen to friends talking about their favorite sports Choose the correct answer: What is Laura’s favorite sport? A swimming B skiing C.tennis How often does she go to the sport center? A once a week B.twice a week C.three times a week Which bus goes to the sport centre? A 13 B.30 C 15 What is Peter’s favourite sport? A basketball B volleyball C.tennis Who does he often go to sport centre with? A his friend B his father C his brother WRITING Task 1:Write a note to your English friend about a sport competition you have just watched Say: + which sport you watched +who you watched the competition with + why you liked the competition Task 2: Write about your favorite sportspeople Use the following cues: -his/ her name -the sport he/ she plays -his/ her achievements XXXVII TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com -why you like him/ her SPEAKING Task 1: Work in pairs and talk about your favorite sport You should say: - name of the sport - How often you play that sport - Where you often play that sport - Who you often play that sport with Task 2: Work in pairs, one asks and another answers based on information of the card HORSE-RIDING LESSONS Bell Riding School West Road £15 per hour Friendly, quiet horses Classes everyday Everyone must wear a riding hat HORSE-RIDING LESSONS Where? Expensive? Wear special clothes? lessons? Friday? Nice horses? XXXVIII TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ... my authority of the submitted studied entitled THE APPLICATION OF COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE (CEFR) TO DESIGNING A SYLLABUS OF GENERAL ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS AT QUANG NINH. .. syllabus for the first year students at Quang Ninh University of Industry The goal of the syllabus is to identify appropriate task types that are aimed at enabling the students to achieve the A2 level... a tremendous impetus to implement the study ? ?The Application of Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) to designing a syllabus of General English for the first-year students at Quang Ninh

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