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Assessment task three leadership development then i will demonstrate the SMART leadership development plans to maintain my strengths and to improve my leadership

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Assessment Task Three: Leadership Development Name: Chu Thi Ngoc Anh Student number: s3818589 Course code and name: BUSM4188 Leadership and Decision Making Lecturer: Ganakrishnan Gopalakrishnan Word count: 1828 Tabl eofCont e nt s I I NTRODUCTI ON I I EVALUATI ON STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES I I I LEADERSHI PDEVELOPMENTPLAN I V CONCLUSI ON V.REFERENCE VI APPENDI X I I n t r od uc t i on Leadership can be defined as a process in which a person inspires, directs, coordinates strengthens and encourages individual or organization groups to achieve particular goals (Pitsis, 2008) However, Robin Sharman (2008) believes if a leader cannot lead himself, he will never be able to lead anyone around Therefore, to become an effective leader, I need thoughtfully to understand myself first Correspondingly, this paper would evaluate my strengths and weaknesses through the use of diagnostic tools, test results and the application of leadership theories Then I will demonstrate the SMART leadership development plans to maintain my strengths and to improve my leadership weaknesses to become an effective leader in the future I I Ev a l u a t i on St r e n gt hs  Agr e e a b l e n e s s Regarding the Big Five personality trait results, I had a high score in Agreeableness with 61 points ( Appendix 1) and points in Social Awareness ( Appendix ) Agreeableness refers to personality qualities such as empathy, benevolence, and affection (Bhatti et al 2014) Shaffer et al (2006) suggest agreeableness should be needed for affiliation While Social Awareness refers to awareness and influence of social events and occurrences in our surroundings ( Kumar, 2010) In my relationships with family, friends, and colleagues, I attempt to pay attention to their feelings and thoughts I uphold emotional values first and always be ready to help them in difficult situations I believe that everyone has good features and no one is perfect, so I sympathize and forgive easily when they make mistakes against me Not only that but also at the workplace, I am also very concerned about the wellbeing of my clients As a part-time staff in the customer service department of a traditional furniture company, I spend a lot of time discovering customer psychology, listening, supporting and solving customer problems promptly and effectively to satisfy their buying experience  Pa r t i c i p a t i v el e a d e r s h i p;Re l a t i o n s hi pMa n a g e me nt ;Cu l t ur a ld i ffe r e n c e s a ndc o l l a b or a t i o ns ki l l s In addition, as a result of team leadership skills diagnostics ( appendix ), my score is 9, which is considered to be participative rather than authoritarian leadership style While working in groups, I am always the one to ask work-related questions that encourage members to generate new ideas and motivate the entire team to discuss solutions for a common goal There is a quote that I admire about the power of teamwork “None of us is as smart as all of us” - Ken Blanchard As a result, decisions made by this group often take a more comprehensive and more holistic view of the issues In addition, the participation of all members also positively affects their job satisfaction (Chan, 2009) Along with that, I also got point Relationship Management (appendix 2), which I believe is related to teamwork and participative leadership style Along with that, cultural differences and collaboration skills are also one of my strong points Studying in an international environment, I have the opportunity to know and work with international students I know how to connect and build relationships with my international friends as well as openly adapt to different styles and cultures Therefore, I am trusted and respected by my peers So, whenever group decision-making conflicts start to arise between my domestic and international friends, I will always be the one to listen, mediate those disagreements, and bring everyone together to collaborate on developing solutions  Co ns c i e n t i o u s n e s s Besides, I also have a pretty high score of 60 in Conscientiousness (Appendix 1) Migliore (2011) indicates that high conscientiousness scores show concentration, being careful and dependable, whereas low consciousness scores explain the distractions, fluidity and casualness Self-identifying as a responsible person, with diligent and meticulous traits, I constantly attempt to correct imperfections and find the best In the assigned tasks, I always want to complete the work perfectly and on time Therefore, I prepare a daily to-do list and try to focus on doing all of them This strength keeps me moving forward every day We a kne s s e s  Se l f a wa r e n e s sa ndSe l f ma na g e me n t According to the Neuroticism index results table with 90 ( appendix ), which is an impressively high score, refer to experiences with severe emotional responses, anxiety, prone to worry, upset, and has a significant influence on my life and career There are two factors associated with my Emotional Stability, Self-awareness and Self-management (appendix 2), which also exhibit scores as low as and 2, respectively Despites I am good at observing other people's insights, I am not sure what I actually enjoy or what I vaguely need, along with being a perfectionist Therefore, every time in decision-making situations, I always doubt and waste much time pondering to choose the most appropriate Self-awareness is crucial since it allows one to perform well and make wise decisions, which leads to success (Courtney 2020) Therefore, failure at self-awareness strongly influenced my self-management I frequently feel down, anxious, and stressed, even with little or no external trigger It is easy to sympathize with others, however, on the contrary, I am incomprehensible and extremely strict with myself I have disbelief in my abilities but at the same time have high expectations of myself Although I always try my best to complete, I still feel that I am not good enough and fall behind the others If I can't get the job done as successfully as my friends and colleagues do, I'll easily fall into anxiety and depression, which in turn back to negatively affects outcome performance (Lerner et al 2010)  Ex t r a v e r s i o na n ds e l f c o n fid e nc e Although I am assumed to be warm and soft-hearted by my friends, I only show it to those familiar to me, revealed as a loyal friend (appendix ) and a score of Extraversion (appendix 1) My colleagues say that when we first met, I looked cold and unapproachable This is partly due to my lack of confidence in myself, showed an average of 43 points (Appendix 4) I feel overwhelmed when I have to interact and chat with strangers who are not related to me I am often afraid that people, especially the one in the first met, will judge and criticize me If someone pays too much attention to me while I'm working or giving a presentation, I can easily get stressed, get heart palpitations and be distracted by thinking what I am doing is awful or not good enough Therefore, I rarely express myself to others and prefer to things alone Kelsey R (2013) argues that developing self-confidence is strongly influenced by the significant people around In my case, poor self-confidence came from a critical and brutal teacher as a child Fortunately, however, confidence is something that can be learned and developed (Kelsey R 2013) Therefore, the next section will present Leadership Development Plans to help me enhance my strengths and improve my weaknesses to become an effective leader I I I Le a d e r s h i pDe v e l o p me n tPl a n SMART Goal: Develop leadership skills Specific Measurabl e Become an effective leader with good planning and empowerment as well as problem-solving skills    Increase team productivity by 20% Save 10% of the time to get the whole team's work done 30% increase in job satisfaction of team members Achievable When working in a team, plan and assign tasks based on prioritization, team member strengths and set small deadlines to proactively in work progress Relevant Timely Create a respectful, productive, and delightful working environment   September 10, 2021, to September 10, 2025 After each project, check the productivity and satisfaction of members to improve for the next projects SMART Goal: Boost emotional stability Specific Measurabl e Self-awareness:  Listening and caring about my feelings and thoughts along with discovering things that I really enjoy  Every day, try and experience a new thing to find out my preference, or what if I cannot decide what is most beneficial, choose randomly and pursue that choice to the end Self-management:  Lower expectation from myself  Keep my emotions and reactions more stable and calm, don't get too emotional and immerge in negative thoughts   Meditate for 20-30 minutes every day Write a diary every day for 10 minutes, writing down my feelings, thoughts, observe reasons for emotional instability to find a way to deal with it in the calmest way Achievable  It is easier for me to not think too much when making a decision It also saves time for myself, instead, focus on quality in the chosen choice to have more successful outcomes Relevant  Doing these things helped me understand my values and become a happier person Thereby relationships and work outcomes will also improve Timely   September 10, 2021, to September 10, 2022 During that year, observe and track my emotions through a weekly diary to see if my feelings had changed and to motivate or reward myself during progress  It can be achievable because I am aware that I have numerous good points after evaluating my strongness SMART Goal: SMART Goal: To become a person with high self-confidence Specific Measurabl e Become more confident by believing in me and thinking positive things and don't compare myself to others  Spend 30 minutes each day interacting and communicating with different people Every new semester, get to know and get close to at least new friends Achievable   Join clubs, talk to others by asking questions related to new friends Open up to others when sharing own stories Relevant  As a good listener, improving extroversion, I can bring empathy, inspiration and motivation to others furthermore understand their working style to manage them appropriately Extroversion helps me have more opportunities in my career and work, it will be easier to communicate and connect with employees, colleagues and partners   Timely   September 10, 2021, to September 10, 2023 After each month, review your relationships with others and follow the track SMART Goal: Enhance communication skills Specific  Develop persuasive communication skills Measurabl e   See how people react when I give a presentation or talk If they are not paying attention, after the presentation and talk, ask them what needs to be fixed and develop more for the next presentation Spend 30 minutes every day reading a book to gains more knowledge to speak intelligently and logically  Achievable Relevant    Learn and follow good communicators such as making eye contact with others, using more body language, etc  The ability to persuasive   Improve public speaking and presentation Prepare a detailed and thorough presentation when having to give a presentation Practising presents in front of parents and relatives or record videos many times Good preparation of opinion communication helps me not only to become more confident but also to communicate information and influence others more convincingly Timely   and confidence during the presentation allows me to have a voice in the community as well as others to have a good impression of my abilities September 10, 2021, to September 10, 2024 After every months, watch recorded videos speaking or asking parents if my way of speaking has changed to develop missing skills I V.Co n c l us i on Overall, the leadership and decision-making course and diagnostic tests attempt to have a deep understanding of myself and my leadership Above all, I realise to be an effective leader is not easy and requires a lot of good attitude, skills and knowledge Therefore, recognising leadership abilities and limitations allows me to grow and change incomplete qualities for my better future career V Re f e r e n c e 123 test n.d, Big Five personality test report, 123 test, viewed 3rd September 2021, Awais Bhatti, M., Mohamed Battour, M., Rageh Ismail, A and Pandiyan Sundram, V (2014), ‘Effects of personality traits (big five) on expatriates adjustment and job performance’, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Vol 33 No 1, pp 73-96 Daft and Pirola, M 2009, The Leadership Experience, 4e, Cengage Learning, Australia DuBrin, A 2015, Leadership: Research findings, practice and skills, Cengage Learning, US Global leadership foundation, 2020, The Global EI Test Results, Global leadership foundation viewed 3rd September 2021, It]', Positive Psychology, viewed 10 August 2020, Kelsey, R 2013, What's Stopping You? Being More Confident: Why Smart People Can Lack Confidence and What You Can Do About It,1st edn, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, pp 7-56 Kumar, V 2010, Social Awareness, Self Awareness, Personality Development and Current Affairs, 1st edn, Himalaya Publishing House Lerner, D et al,2010, ‘Work Performance of Employees With Depression: The Impact of Work Stressors’, American Journal of Health Promotion, Inc, Vol 24, No 3, pp 205- 213 Courtney, E 2020, 'What Is Self-Awareness and Why Is It Important? [+5 Ways to Increase Migliore, A, 2011, ‘Relationship between big five personality traits and Hofstede's cultural dimensions, a sample from India and USA’, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, Vol 18 No 1, pp 38-54 Pitsis, T 2008 Leadership theory In S Clegg, S & J.R Bailey (Eds.),International encyclopaedia of organization studies (pp 796-801) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Shaffer, M A., Harrison, D A., Gregersen, H., Black, J S., & Ferzandi, L A (2006) ‘You can take it with you: Individual differences and expatriate effectiveness’, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol 91, no.1, pp109–125 Sharma, R 2010, The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life, Simon & Schuster, Limited Ward, C 2021, Personality Test, Psych Centra, viewed 3rd September 2021, VI Ap pe n di x Appendix 1: Big five personality test result ( 123 Test , adopted on 3rd September 2021) Appendix 2: Emotional Intelligence Test Result (Global Leadership Foundation, adopted on 3rd September 2021) Appendix 3: Team leadership skill test result ( Source: DuBrin, A (2015) Leadership: Research findings, practice and skills, Cengage Learning, US ) Appendix 4: Self- Confident test result (Source: Daft and Pirola-Merlo [2009] The Leadership Experience, 4e, Cengage Learning, Australia) Appendix 5: Personality Quiz Result ( Psych Central, adopted on 3rd September 2021) ... of diagnostic tools, test results and the application of leadership theories Then I will demonstrate the SMART leadership development plans to maintain my strengths and to improve my leadership. .. a t i o ns ki l l s In addition, as a result of team leadership skills diagnostics ( appendix ), my score is 9, which is considered to be participative rather than authoritarian leadership style... explain the distractions, fluidity and casualness Self-identifying as a responsible person, with diligent and meticulous traits, I constantly attempt to correct imperfections and find the best In

Ngày đăng: 25/04/2022, 07:18


