Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention The 1-2-3's of Treatment Planning Second Edition This page intentionally left blank Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention The 1—2—3's of Treatment Planning Second Edition SHARON L JOHNSON ACADEMIC PRESS An imprint of Elsevier Science Amsterdam Boston London New York Oxford Paris San Diego San Francisco Singapore Sydney Tokyo This book is printed on acid-free paper © Copyright © 2004, Elsevier, Inc All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier's Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: (+44) 1865 843830, fax: (+44) 1865 853333, e-mail: You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage (, by selecting "Customer Support" and then "Obtaining Permissions." Academic Press An imprint of Elsevier 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, California 92101-4495, USA Academic Press 84 Theobald's Road, London WC1X 8RR, UK Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2003109372 International Standard Book Number: 0-12-386588-3 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 03 04 05 06 07 CONTENTS Introduction xvii Level of Patient Care and Practice Considerations xix Decision Tree of Evaluation and Intervention xxi Levels of Functioning and Treatment Associated Considerations High-Risk Situations in Practice Treatment Plan xxii xxiii xxiv Solution-Focused Approach to Treatment Case Conceptualization xxv xxvi Common Axis and Axis Diagnoses xxviii Chapter i TREATMENT PLANNING: GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND INTERVENTIONS Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence Mental Retardation (MR) Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PPD) Disruptive Behavior Disorders Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder Separation Anxiety 13 Avoidant Disorder 14 Overanxious Disorder 16 Eating Disorder (EDO) 18 Preventing Weight and Body Image Problems in Children 24 Recommendations for Family Members of Anorexic Individuals Identity Disorder 25 26 Children 28 Organic Mental Syndromes and Disorders 31 V Dementia 32 Dementia and Organic Mental Disorders Defining Specific Dementias 34 Psychoactive Substance Abuse Disorders 32 37 Substance Abuse and/or Dependence 38 Intervention 41 Treatment Settings Categories of Pharmacological 41 List of Symptoms Leading to Relapse 42 Schizophrenia, Delusional, and Related Psychotic Disorders 45 Thought Disorders 45 Phases of Treatment 49 Treatment Settings 49 Summary of Treatment Recommendations for Patients with Perceptual Disturbances 49 Mood Disorders 51 Depression 52 Depression Co-occurring with other Illness Mania 58 Children 61 Bipolar Disorder Hypersexuality 62 Antidepressant Medication and other Treatment Additional Treatment Considerations 64 Anxiety Disorders 65 Anxiety Disorders 65 Cycle of Anxiety-Provoked Emotional Distress Trauma Response 56 63 69 70 Somatoform Disorders 72 Somatoform Disorders 72 Psychosomatic Illness and Personality Disorder Interpreting Functional Presentations of Symptomology 77 Dissociative Disorders 78 Dissociative Disorders Sexual Disorders 80 Sexual Disorders 78 80 Adjustment Disorders 81 Adjustment Disorders 82 Impulse Control Disorders 84 Impulse Control Disorders 84 Psychological Factors Affecting Physical Condition 86 Psychological Factor Affecting Physical Condition 86 Personality Disorders 88 Avoidant Personality Disorder 89 Compulsive Personality Disorder 90 Dependent Personality Disorder 92 Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder Paranoid Personality Disorder 95 Schizotypal Personality Disorder 97 Schizoid Personality Disorder 98 Histrionic Personality Disorder 99 Narcissistic Personality Disorder 100 Borderline Personality Disorder 101 Physical Factors Affecting Psychological Functioning Stages of Adjustment 105 Vl Contents 75 104 94 Chapter ASSESSING SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Assessing Special Circumstances 109 Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment 109 Depression 111 Anxiety 111 Depression And Anxiety Screening 111 Structured Interview for Depression 112 Cycle of Depression 113 Suicide 115 Suicide Assessment Outline 115 Adolescent Suicide 116 Treatment Focus and Objectives 117 Depression and Suicide Risk Relapse 118 Dangerousness 119 Dangerousness Assessment Outline 120 Treatment Focus and Objectives 122 Clarifying Risk of Harm 121 Cycle of Phobic Anxiety 124 Obsessional Disorders: An Overview 125 Assessment of Obsessional Disorders (OD) 125 Gravely Disabled 127 Treatment Focus and Objectives 127 Activities of Daily Living 128 Living Situation 129 Self-Care Skills 129 Level of Required Care of Environment and Chore Responsibilities 129 Assistance 129 Meals 129 Child Care 129 Financial 129 Shopping 129 Transportation 130 Chronic Mental Illness (CMI) 130 General Guidelines for Assessing the Chronic Mentally HI Crisis Evaluation 132 Crisis Intervention 133 Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) 134 131 Screening for Survivors 135 Identifying Traumatic Stress 135 Recovering from Traumatic Stress 135 How Does a Traumatic Event Affect Someone? 136 The Effects of Time 137 Traumatic Stress and Vehicular Accidents 137 Assessment of Phobic Behavior 139 Postpartum Depression and Anxiety 141 Definitions 141 Postpartum Crisis Psychosis Postpartum Cycle 144 143 How to Break the Professional Guidelines for Crisis Intervention 145 Self-Care Behaviors 146 Counseling the Individual in a Medical Crisis 147 Treatment Framework and Conceptualization 148 The Central Crisis Issue 149 Dealing with the Challenges of Long Term Illness 151 Working Through the Challenges and Fears Associated with Long-Term Illness Contents 154 Vii Chronic Pain: Assessment and Intervention 157 Factors Affecting the Experience of Pain 157 Assessment and Measuring Pain 158 Pain Identification Chart 160 Location and Type of Pain Clinical Interview 158 160 Pain Management Scale 161 Interventions for Chronic Pain Interventions 162 162 Six Stages of Treatment 162 Somatic Problems: A Brief Review 164 The Patient with Psychosomatic Illness Who has an Underlying Personality Disorder 165 Eating Disorders Screening Questionnaire 167 The Mood Eating Scale 169 Eating History 169 Eating Disorder Evaluation: Anorexia 170 Eating Disorder Evaluation: Bulimia 172 Adult ADD Screening 174 ADHD Behavioral Review 177 Chemical Dependency Assessment 179 Chemical Dependency Psychological Assessment 182 Withdrawal Symptoms Checklist 185 Psychological 185 Somatic 185 Spousal/Partner Abuse 187 Assessing Spousal/Partner Abuse 187 The Stage Model of Domestic Violence Assessing for Domestic Violence 192 Intervention Categories 193 Counseling Victims of Domestic Violence Objectives 191 194 195 Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention 195 195 Indicators of Abuse 196 Treatment 197 Child Custody Evaluation 198 Guidelines for Psychological Evaluation 198 Ability of the Child to Bond 199 Ability of the Parent to Bond and Other Pertinent Information 199 Child Custody Evaluation Report Outline 200 Parental Behavior 201 Interaction Between Parent-Child(Ren) 201 Bonding Study Versus Custody Evaluation 201 Parental Alienation Syndrome 202 Parental Programming 202 Subtle and Unconscious Influencing 202 Child's Own Scenarios 203 Family Dynamics and Environment/ Situtational Issues 203 Criteria for Establishing Primary Custody 203 Behaviors of the Parents 204 Children 205 Three Categories of Parental Alienation 206 Viii Contents Evaluation and Disposition Considerations for Families where Parental Alieneation Occurs 207 Questions to Ask Children 208 Questions to Ask the Parents 209 Parental Alienation Syndrome Treatment Visitation Rights Report 211 Visitation Rights Report 209 211 Dispositional Review: Foster Placement; Temporary Placement Dispositional Review Report Outline 211 212 Psychiatric Work-Related Disability Evaluation 213 Identifying Information 213 Description of Client at Time of Interview 213 Descriptions of Client's Current Complaints 213 History of Present Illness 213 Occupational History 214 Past Psychiatric History and Relevant Medical History 214 Family History 214 Developmental History 215 Social History (Distinguish Prior to Disability, Disability Concurrent, After Injury) 215 Mental Status Exam 215 Review of Medical Record 215 Findings from Psychological Assessment 215 Interviews With Collateral Sources and Review of Employment or Personnel Records (Compare Description of Industrial Injury With Clients Description) 216 DSM-IV Diagnosis (Multiaxial, Using DSM Criteria and Terminology) 216 Summary and Conclusions 216 Psychological Pre-Employment Evaluation Report Outline 217 217 Compulsory Psychological Evaluation 218 Compulsory Psychological Evaluation 218 Forensic Evaluation 219 Report Outline 220 Competency 220 Competency to Plead and/or Confess 220 Competency to Stand Trial 220 Mental Status at Time of Offense 220 Chapter SKILL-BUILDING RESOURCES FOR INCREASING SOCIAL COMPETENCY What is Stress? 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important to remember 398 know when/how to leave 401 money and keys 400 pack a suitcase 400 problem resolution 403 safe place to go 399 struggle with leaving 401 intervention 193-194 predicting a potentially violent relationship 397 stage model 191 systems model 191 Accomplishments 428 Activities of daily living (ADL's) 128 care of environment and chore responsibilities 129 child care 129 financial 129 level of required assistance 129 living situation 129 meals 129 self-care skills 128 shopping 129 transportation 130 ADHD/ADD 174, 177 Adjustment disorder, see also Disorders 81 adjusting and adapting 298 treatment 82 Adult children of alcoholics 393 Adult psychosocial 403-465 Affidavit for custodial records 524 Alzheimer's disease, ten warning signs 632 eating history 169 mood eating scale 169 medical review consult request for primary care physician for eating disorder patient 480 Anxiety disorder 65 anxiety assessment 111 cycle of anxiety provoking emotional disturbance 69 cycle of phobic anxiety 124 how your body reacts to stress and anxiety 351 managing anxiety 242 obsessional disorders 125 assessment of 125 overanxious disorder 16 treatment, 66-69 progress note for anxiety 494 553 Anxiety disorder (continued) PTSD 346 separation anxiety 13 trauma response 70 treatment 66-69, 345 what is panic anxiety 344 Anger 283-289, 408 Antidepressant medication and other treatment 63 Assertive communication, see also Skills 257 development 261 practice assertive responses 263 saying no 264-265 steps of positive assertiveness 263 Assessing lifestyle and health 371 Assessing special circumstances 109-222 activities of daily living 128-130 ADHD behavioral review 177 adult ADD screening 174 assessment of phobic behavior 139 chemical dependency assessment 179 chemical dependency psychological assessment 182 child abuse and neglect 195 child custody evaluation 198 chronic mental illness 130 chronic pain, assessment and intervention 182 counseling the individual in a medical crisis 147 crisis evaluation 132 crisis intervention 133 cycle of depression 113 cycle of phobic anxiety 124 dangerousness 119 dealing with the challenges of long term illness 151 dispositional review: foster/temporary placement 211 eating disorder evaluation anorexia 170 bulimia 172 eating disorder screening questionnaire 167 eating history 167 evaluation and disposition considerations for families where parental alienation occurs 207 forensic evaluation 219 gravely disabled 127 identifying traumatic stress 135 obsessional disorders, overview 125 pain identification 160-162 parental alienation syndrome 202-206 treatment 209 postpartum depression and anxiety 141-144 professional guidelines for crisis intervention 145 psychiatric work related disability evaluation 213 psychological pre-employment evaluation 217 report outline 220 self-care behaviors 142 somatic problem 164 spousal/partner abuse 187 554 Index stage model of domestic violence 191 structured interview for depression 112 suicide 115 the patient with psychosomatic illness who has an underlying personality disorder 165 visitation rights report 211 withdrawal symptoms checklist 185 Assuming the patient role, benefits 372 Authorization for release or exchange of information 522 Avoidant personality disorder 89 B Behavior affect, of inappropriate 99, 101 appropriate boundaries, lack of 101 autonomy difficulties 18, 92 avoidant 14, 88 bipolar disorder, hypersexuality 101 body image, 20, 24, 73 bonding 199, 201 bulimia nervosa, see also Disorders, eating physical symptoms 22 psychological symptoms 22 defensive 10 dependent 92 isolative 14, 97 manipulative 101 oversensitive 89, 92 responses, negative 94, 101 self-destructive, see also Harm 101 social interaction, dramatized 99 Borderline personality disorder 101 c Caregiver of elderly patients 363-366 Caregiver stress 34 Case conceptualization xxvi Characteristics of adult children of alcoholics 393 Chemical dependency, see Evaluation, skills Child Abuse and neglect 195 Child custody evaluation ability of the child to bond 199 ability of the parents to bond 199 other pertinent information 199 bonding study versus custody evaluation 201 dispositional review foster/temporary placement 211 report outline 212 guidelines for psychological evaluation 198 interaction between parent-child(ren) 201 parental alienation 202-209 visitation rights report 211 Chronic mental illness (CMI), see also Disorders, schizophrenia 130 general guidelines for assessment 131 Chronic Pain assessing and measuring pain 157 assessment and intervention 157 clinical interview 158 factors affecting experience of pain 157 identification chart 160 interventions 162 management scale 161 six stages of treatment 162 Codependency see also Skills 383, 387, 388, 389, 390 Common axis I and axis II diagnosis xxvii Communication, see also Skills of difficult feelings 266 Competency evaluation, see also Evaluation 220 Compulsive overeating, see also Disorders, eating physical symptoms 23 psychological symptoms 23 Compulsive personality disorder 90 Counseling the individual in a medical crisis 147 central crisis issues 149 dealing with the challenges of long-term illness 151 treatment framework and conceptualization 147 working through the challenges of long-term illness 154 Couples 396-397, 402-403, 406, 422 Criminal evaluation, see also Evaluation 220 Crisis what happens during 412 what is a crisis 411 Crisis intervention 133 assessment of phobic behavior 139 childhood, life crises 411 critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) 134 effects of time 137 how does treatment affect someone 136 identifying traumatic stress 135 professional guidelines 145 recovery from traumatic stress 135 screening for survivors 135 trauma and vehicular accidents 137 Crisis resolution 413 Critical problem solving 247-249 Cross-cultural issues 61-62 D Daily activity schedule 322 Daily living skills, see also Skills activities of daily living (ADL) 128 Dangerousness, see also Violence, potential for assessment 119 assessment outline 120 objectives and treatment focus 122 Decision making, see also Skills 272 Decision tree xxi Defense mechanisms, see also Skills 282 Delirium 35-36 Delusional 45 Dementia 31, 32-35 conditions causing dementia that are not reversible 359 causing reversible symptoms 358 diagnosis 359 symptoms 358 what is dementia 358 Dependent behaviors, see Behavior Dependent personality disorder 92 Depression, see also Disorders 51-52, 324 additional considerations 64 causes 314 children 61 co-occurring with other illnesses 56-57 decreasing the intensity of 313 elderly 64 management of 314 mood 314 recognizing stages of 313 risk of relapse 118 suicide risk 52 surviving the holiday blues 317 symptoms checklist 315 treatment of 52-56, 63 Desensitization 357 Differences xxiii Differentiation emotional states, internal sensations 21 Disorders adjustment 81 anxiety 65 attention deficit hyperactivity avoidant 14 disruptive behavior dissociative 78 eating 18 first evident in infancy, childhood or adolescence identity 26 impulse control 84 mood 51 organic mental syndrome 31 overanxious 16 personality avoidant 89 borderline 101 compulsive 90 dependent 92 histrionic 99 narcissistic 100 passive-aggressive 94 paranoid 95 schizotypal 97 schizoid 98 physical factors affecting psychological functioning 104 psychoactive substance abuse 37–41 schizophrenia, delusions and related psychotics 45-49 disorders 45–49 separation anxiety 13 sexual 80 sleep, see also Skills 367 somatoform 72 Disabled, gravely 127 daily living, activities 128 indicators, behavioral 129 Dispositional review 212 Disruptive behavior disorder Dissociative disorder 78 Index 555 Domestic violence 398 create a file with important documents 400 create a safe room in your home 400 document the abuse 399 find a safe place to go 399 have money and keys 400 know when and how to leave 401 most important to remember 399 pack a suitcase 401 struggle with leaving 401 Duty to warn 529 Elderly, caregiver of parents 363 advise for those close to the situation 366 common problems of 365 coping strategies 365 tips for the caretaker 366 Education family 2-3, 6, 8, 13, 16, 17, 21, 25-26, 41, 47, 55, 68 teacher 9, 14, 17 Effective management of stress 229 Emotional IQ 237 Enabler, the companion to the dysfunctional/ substance abusing person 383 Ethics educational guidelines xx, xxi, xxv professional practice xx, xxi, xxv Evaluation ADHD behavioral review 177 adult ADD screening 174 adult psychosocial 463 anorexia 170 bulimia 172 brief consultation note to physician 490 industrial 505 brief medical history 478 brief mental health evaluation review 451 chemical dependency psychosocial 485 chemical dependency psychosocial assessment 182 child custody bond ability, child 199 bond ability, parent 199 custody versus bonding study 201 dispositional review 211 parent-child interaction 201 psychological guidelines 198 report outlines 200 visitation rights 211 chronic pain 157 client satisfaction survey 534 clinical notes 496 competency 220 compulsory psychosocial evaluation 218 criminal evaluation 220 disability, workers compensation 498 discharge summary 51 domestic violence 182, 192 duty to warn 529 forensic evaluation 219 general clinical evaluation 436 illness and medical problems 479 initial case assessment 447 556 Index initial evaluation 449 initial evaluation consultation note to primary care physician 488 worker's compensation attending therapist report 500 F Factitious disorder 77 Family meeting, see also Skills 409 Fatigue or sleep deprivation 344 Forensic evaluation 219 Fear bad memories 341 dealing with 380 Forms affidavit of the custodian of mental health records to accompany copy of records 524 authorization for release/exchange of information 522 balance statement 533 client messages 523 client satisfaction survey 534 clinical adult psychosocial 463 brief consultation note to physician 490 brief level of functioning review for industrial injury 505 brief medical history 478 brief mental health evaluation review 451 brief psychiatric evaluation for industrial injury 502 case formulation 435 chemical dependency psychosocial assessment 485 child/adolescent psychosexual 467 clinical note 496 disability/worker's compensation 498 discharge summary 511 duty to warn 529 general clinical evaluation 435 illness and medical problems 475 life history questionnaire 454 medical review consult request for primary care physician of an eating disorder (EOO) patient 480 mental status at time of offense 220 mental status exam 442, 444, 445 notice of discharge for noncompliance of treatment 528 outpatient treatment progress report 491 outline for diagnostic summary 509 parent's questionnaire 475 progress note for individual with anxiety or depression 494 self assessment 477 social security evaluation, medical source statement, psychiatric/psychosocial 499 substance use and psychosocial questionnaire 481 family history 483 medical history 484 social history 483 treatment history 482 treatment plan contract for group therapy 521 contract for services without using insurance 515 fee agreement for disposition and court appearance 517 form for checking out audiotapes and books 536 limits on patient confidentiality 519 missed appointments 530 notice of discharge for noncompliance of treatment 528 receipt 531, 532 referral for psychological evaluation 525 treatment contract 520 quality assurance preview 537 G Geriatric (elderly) xxi, 31, 66 Goal development 273 Goals 427 Gravely disabled xxi, 127 activities of daily living 128 chronic mental illness 130 guidelines for discipline that develops responsibility 419 Grief cycle of 303 grief 304 history of losses graph 307 life changes 298 losses/opportunities 301 Guidelines professional practice xxi Guilt 327 H Harm xxi, xxii, xxix, 18 Tarasoff, see also Duty to warn 529 Health inventory 370 Healthy adult relationship 396 Heart disease and depression 375 Helping children cope with scheduling changes 423 History of loss graph 307 Histrionic personality disorder 99 How does codependency work 390 How to build a support system 312 How to handle angry people 295 How to predict the potentially violent relationship 397 How to stop using food as a coping mechanism 377 I Identify feeling states 20, 21 Identity 26, 80 Imaging, mental/visual 239 Impulse control 7, 84 Interventions crisis common responses 133 critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) 134 early intervention 133-134 effects of time 137 guidelines, professional 145 how does traumatic stress affect someone 136 identifying traumatic stress 135 medical crisis 147 recovery from traumatic stress 135 response pattern 133 screening for survivors 135 self-care behavior 146, 235 vehicular accidents 137 critical issues xxi level of functioning xix, xxii J Journal writing 22, 267, 308 steps 1-4 308 steps 5-15 309 L Loss, see Grief M Malingering 77 Management anxiety, see also Skills, managing anxiety 65, 144, 238, 274, 278-279, 281, 319, 334-345, 347, 351-353, 355-357, 367, 368 depression, see also Skills, depression 52, 274, 278-279, 281, 301, 303-304, 310, 312-315, 318, 319, 322-327, 329-330, 334, 342, 344, 357, 367-368 stress, see also Skills, stress management 226, 229-231, 235, 238, 249, 274, 278-279, 281, 298, 301, 308, 319, 334, 351, 366-368, 370-371, 373 time, see also Skills, time management 92, 270, 271 Mania, see also Disorders 58, 62 Medical causes of psychiatric illness 106 Medical crisis counseling 147 central crisis issues 149 challenges of long-term illness 151 treatment framework and conceptualization 148 working through long-term illness issues 154 Medication compliance with 45, 48, 55, 59 evaluation of 8, 41, 53, 63, 66, 84 side effects of 32, 36, 48, 55, 60, 66, 69 Meditation 245 Mental retardation Mental states 442, 444, 445 contents of exam 442 Modalities, treatment xxiii, xxix Mood disorders 51-64 additional treatment considerations 64 antidepressant medication 63 bipolar hypersexuality 62 depression 52 depression co-occurring with other illness 56 mania 58 Mood eating scale 169 Index 557 N Narcissistic personality disorder 100 Nonverbal communication 260 checklist 255 Nurturing, self 334 o Obesity and self esteem 379 Obsession with weight 378 Obsessional disorder 125 assessment 125 Occupational history 214 Organic mental syndromes 31 Outline for diagnostic summary 509 Outpatient treatment progress report 491 Overanxious disorder 16 p Pain, chronic assessment and intervention 157 Pain identification chart 160 Pain management 233 interventions 161 pain management scale 161 Panic anxiety, what is it 344-345 Parent questionnaire 475 Parental alienation syndrome behaviors children 205 parents 204 child's own scenarios 203 criteria for establishing primary custody 203 evaluation and disposition considerations 207 family dynamics and environmental/ situational issues 203 parental programming 202 subtle and unconscious influencing 202 three categories of parental alienation 206 treatment 209 Parenting a healthy family 406 a healthy family means all of its members are involved 407 be an active parent 407 creating effective family rules 406 effective co-parenting 406 encourage communication 407 maintain effective family rules 406 Patient registration 515 Patient with psychosomatic illness who has an underlying personality disorder 165 Personal bill of rights 262 Personality disorders avoidant 89 borderline 107 compulsive 90 dependent 92 histrionic 99 narcissistic 100 paranoid 95 passive-aggressive 94 schizoid 98 schizotypal 97 Pervasive development disorder Physical factors affecting psychological functioning 104 stages of adjustment 105 558 Index Placement, foster/temporary 211 Plan of action for dealing with anxiety 353 Positive attitude 318 Postpartum depression and anxiety 141 definitions of 141 how to break the postpartum cycle 144 psychosis 143 Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 346 Power of positive thinking 318 Practice reframing how you interpret situations 281 Preventing body weight and body image problems in children 378 violence in the workplace 289 bully in the workplace 291 dangerous employee 290 how to handle angry people 295 negative work environment 290 what management can to minimize employee stress 296 workplace violence 291 Problem solving diagram 249 Professional care guidelines for crisis intervention 145 Progress note for individual with anxiety and/or depression 496 Psychiatric work-related disability evaluation 213 description of client at time of interview 213 current complaints 213 developmental history 215 family history 214 findings from psychological assessment 215 history of present illness 213 identifying information 213 interviews with collateral sources 216 occupational history 214 past psychiatric history and relevant medical history 214 review of medical records 215 employment or personnel records 216 social history 215 summary and conclusions 216 Psychoactive substance abuse disorders 37 categories of pharmacological interventions 41 substance abuse and/or dependence 38 treatment settings 41 Psychological factors affecting physical condition 86 Psychological pre-employment evaluation 217 Psychosomatic illness with underlying personality disorder 165 Q Questionnaire parent's 475 relationship 396 substance use and psychosocial 481 Questions to ask yourself 426 Quotient emotional IQ 237 R Rational thinking realistic self-talk 279 refraining 277 reframing your interpretation 281 self-talk 274 thinking distortions 278 thought stopping 276 Recognizing the stages of depression 313 Recommendations for family members of anorexic individuals 25 Registration, patient 515 Relationship graph 307 questionnaire 396 Relaxation exercises 238 brief progressive relaxation 241 confronting the provocation 245 deep breathing 238 guide to meditation 245 it's time to talk to yourself 245 mental imagery 239 mental relaxation 239 preparing for the provocation 244 progressive muscle relaxation 242 tensing the muscles 239 Resources 429 Risk, situations in practice xxiii Rules for emotional health 429 of politeness 426 Saying no 264 Schizophrenia see also Disorders phases of treatment 49 summary of treatment recommendations 49 thought disorder 45 treatment setting 49 understanding 359-360 Seasonal anniversary of losses 342 Self assessment 477 Self-care behaviors 146 plan 235 Self-esteem affirmations 334 boosters 333 characteristics of high self-esteem 338 of low self-esteem 336 low 330 review 332 self-nurturing 334 Self monitoring 318, 426 Separation anxiety 13 Setting priorities 274 Sexual disorders see also Disorders 80 Shyness 339 Skills adjusting/adapting 298 developmental perspective 299 life changes 298 accepting no for an answer 265 accomplishments 428 affirmations for building self-esteem 334 anger barriers to expressing anger 288 decreasing the intensity of 287 handling, general principles regarding anger 286 how to handle angry people 295 inappropriate expression 288 management of 283 penalties for not expressing 288 recognizing the stages of 287 steps for letting go of 289 taking responsibility 284 understanding your experience of 285-286 ways to deal with areas of potential conflict 268 list of potential conflicts 268 assertive communication 257, 262 assertive inventory 258 consequences of saying yes 265 developing assertiveness 261 non-verbal assertive behavior 261 overcoming guilt of saying no 264 personal bill of rights 262 practicing assertive responses 263 saying no 264 the steps of positive assertiveness 263 verbal assertive behavior assessing lifestyle and health 371 assuming the patient role, benefits of being sick 372 bad memories and fear 341 caregiver of elderly parents 363 advice for others close to the situation 366 common problems experienced by caregivers 365 tips for the caretaker 366 warning signs of caregiver stress 366 characteristics of adult children of alcoholics 393 of high self-esteem 338 of low self-esteem 336 chemical imbalance 329 codependency characteristics 388 classic situation 388 enablers 383 how does it work 390 effects on children of codependents 392 how it affects one's life 391 rules 391 stages of recovery what can you 392 suggested diagnostic criteria 389 what is codependency 387 communication components of effective communication 253 active listening 253 effective listening 257 how to present yourself 256 how to say it 256 improving communication skills 256 I statements 253 non-verbal communication checklist 255 reflection 254 Index 559 Skills (continued) confronting and understanding suicide 323 couple's conflict, rules for fighting fair 403 crisis resolution 413 what you need to to help a child 413 critical problem solving developing good problem solving skills 248 managing intervention during problem solving 248 preparing to learn problem-solving skills 248 stages of problem solving 248 steps for problem solving 249 daily activity schedule 322 dealing with fear 380 decision making steps for 272 defense mechanisms 282 definitions of 283 definition, the natural emotional response to the loss of a cherished idea, person or thing 303 dementia conditions causing dementia that is not reversible 359 conditions causing reversible symptoms 358 diagnosis 359 symptoms 358 what is dementia 358 depression 324 symptom checklist 315 detaching with love versus controlling 382 developing and utilizing social supports 310 characteristics of a supportive relationship 310 domestic violence (DV) create a file with your important documents 400 create a safe room in your home 400 document the abuse 399 find a safe place to go 399 have money and keys 400 most important to remember 399 pack a suitcase 401 predicting potentially violent relationships 397 safety planning 399 struggle with leaving 401 eating history 376 effective management of stress 229 assertiveness 230 conflict resolution 230 critical problem solving 229 self-care 230 time management 230 tips 230 emotional IQ 237 family meeting 409 developing positive self-esteem in children and adolescents 410 guidelines 409 fatigue or sleep deprivation 344 560 Indtx feeling like your life is out of control 326 overwhelmed and desperate 325 goals steps for developing 273 goal setting 427 grief acceptance 306 bargaining 305 depression 305 never happened 304 grief cycle 273 guiding your child to appropriately express anger 408 guidelines for completing your first step toward emotional health 399 for discipline that develops responsibility 419 helpful hints 420 steps in applying logical consequences 420 for family members/significant others of alcoholic/chemically dependent individuals 381 to follow if someone you know has an eating disorder 379 guilt 327 health inventory 370 healthy adult relationships 396 heart disease and depression 375 helping children cope with scheduling changes 423 how does codependency work 390 how to get the most out of your day 236 build and keep a support system 312 predict the potentially violent relationship 396 stop using food as a coping mechanism 377 how your body reacts to stress and anxiety 351 improved coping skills for happier couples 402 improving communication skills 256 body language, how to present yourself 256 effective listening 257 quality of voice, how to say it 256 improving your health 373 is life what you make it 308 is your behavior in the best interest of your children 425 journal writing 308-309 learning history 300 list of feeling words difficult/unpleasant 269 pleasant 269 list of symptoms leading to relapse 386 loneliness 329 losses/opportunities finding the solution, the five stages of recovery loss 302 how you know you are ready 302 how you deal with loss 302 other ways 302 what are the myths of dealing with loss 302 what is meant by resolving grief/loss 301 why are people not prepared to deal with loss 301 low self esteem 330 managing anxiety 347 what you 349 pain management 233 panic anxiety symptoms 345 treatment 345 what is panic anxiety 344 parenting a healthy family 406 a healthy family means all of its members are involved 407 be an active parent 407 creating effective family rules 406 effective co-parenting 406 encourage communication 407 maintain the parent role 407 personal bill of rights 262 plan of action for dealing with anxiety 353 post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 346 power of positive attitude 315 practice reframing how you interpret situations 281 preventing body weight and body image problems in children 378 preventing violence in the workplace 289 bully in the workplace 291 negative work environment 290 the dangerous employee 290 workplace violence 291 problem solving diagram 249 rational thinking 274 reframing 277 self-talk 274 thought stopping 276 realistic self-talk 279 recognizing the stages of depression 313 relationship graph 307 relaxation exercises 238 brief progressive relaxation 241 brief relaxation 241 confronting the provocation 245 deep breathing 238 guide to meditation 245 it's time to talk to yourself 245 mental imagery 239 mental relaxation 239 preparing for the provocation 244 progressive muscle relaxation 242 tensing the muscles 239 resources 429 risks 252 saying no 264 overcoming guilt of 264 consequences of saying yes 265 seasonal anniversary of losses 342 self-care plan 235 self-esteem review 332 self-monitoring checklist 319 questions to ask yourself 426 self-nurturing, a component of self-esteem 334 setting priorities 274 sleep disorders 367 treatment focus and objectives 367 some examples of individual time management options 234 standing up to shyness 339 socializing 340 stress what is stress 223 review 225 stress management 226 busting stress 229 early warning signs 228 signals of 228 substance abuse/dependence personal evaluation 385 successful stepfamilies communication 423 discipline 423 humor 422 parent-centered structure 423 respect 422 responsibility 422 validation 422 survey of stress symptoms 350 estimate your stress level 350 physical symptoms 350 psychological symptoms 350 surviving divorce 420 systematic desensitization 357 talking to children 417 do's 419 don'ts 429 rules for listening 418 for problem solving and expressing your thoughts and feelings to children 418 ten rules for emotional health self-esteem boosters 333 steps for giving feedback 264 steps for letting go of anger 289 tips for better sleep 368 warning signs of Alzheimer's disease 362 warning signs of caregiver stress 366 ways of responding to aggression 265 the classic situation 388 thinking distortions 278 time management four central steps to effective time management 270 how to start your own time management program 270 tips for stress management 230 to simplify your life 231 how to improve planning 233 ten signs that you need to simplify your life 232 understanding and dealing with life crises of childhood 411 anger 285 schizophrenia 359 Index 561 utilizing your support system 315 warning signs of relapse 356 warning signs of teen mental health problems 416 what happens during a crisis 412 what is a crisis 412 what management can to minimize employee stress 295 what motivates me 339 why victims of domestic violence struggle with leaving 401 writing 267 Sleep disorders fatigue or sleep deprivation 344 tips for better sleep 368 treatment and objectives 367 Social security evaluation, see also Forms 499 Solution focused approach to treatment xxv Solving problems 247, 249 Somatic problems 164-165 Somatoform disorder, see also Disorders 72 Spousal/partner abuse 187 assessing abuse 187 Stage model of domestic violence 191 Standing up to shyness, see also Skills 339 Steps for letting go of anger 289 Strengths 428 Stress 223 management 229-230 what is stress 223 Structural interview for depression 112 Substance abuse/dependence personal evaluation 385 Substance use and psychosocial questionnaire 481 family history 483 medical problems 484 social history 483 treatment history 482 Successful stepfamilies, see also Skills 422 communication 423 discipline 423 humor 422 parent-centered structure 423 respect 422 responsibilities 422 validation 422 Suggested diagnostic criteria for codependence 389 Suicide 115,360 adolescent 116 assessment outline 115 depression and suicide risk relapse 118 treatment focus and objectives 117 Summary, treatment plans and recommendations 466 Survey of stress symptoms, see also Skills 350 Surviving divorce, see also Skills 420 Surviving the holiday blues 317 562 Index Systematic desensitization the ten steps of 357 T Talking to children, see also Skills 417 Ten rules for emotional health 429 self-esteem boosters 333 steps for giving feedback 264 steps for letting go of anger 289 tips for better sleep 365 warning signs of Alzheimer's disease 362 ways of responding to aggression 265 The classic situation 388 Thinking distortions 278 Time management, see also Skills 270 Tips for stress management 230 to simplify your life see also Skills 231 Traumatic stress and vehicular accidents 137 Treatment contracts 520 Treatment plan xxiv, 439 u Understanding and dealing with life crises of children 411 anger 285 schizophrenia 359 potential for violence 360 suicide 360 symptoms and perceptual disturbance 360 what causes schizophrenia 360 Utilizing your support system 318 V Violence, potential for 119-121 Visitation rights report 211 w Warning signs of relapse 356 of teen mental health problems 416 What management can to minimize employee stress 298 What motivates me 339 Why victims of domestic violence struggle with leaving 401 Withdrawal symptoms checklist 185 psychological 185 somatic 185 Worker's compensation attending therapist's report 500 disability status 500 progress 500 treatment 500 work status 500 Writing 267 ...Therapist''s Guide to Clinical Intervention The 1-2-3''s of Treatment Planning Second Edition This page intentionally left blank Therapist''s Guide to Clinical Intervention The 1—2—3''s of Treatment. .. conceptualization of individualized treatment planning Since the publication of the first edition of the Therapist''s Guide to Clinical Intervention, the prevalence of managed care in the marketplace... format to those who are new to the Therapist''s Guide to Clinical Intervention, we will provide a brief summary on the four sections of the text The first part of the book is an outline of cognitivebehavioral