Tóm tắt các kết quả mới của luận án: - Đã xây dựng thành công mô hình tương tác (p,n) trên bia chì lỏng, với chì lỏng đóng vai trò vừa là bia tương tác (p,n) sinh neutron, vừa làm chất tải nhiệt bên trong ADSR. Bằng cách sử dụng chương trình MCNPX và khai thác thư viện dữ liệu JENDL, một số tính toán đã được thực hiện để đánh giá sự phù hợp của mô hình. Các tính toán này bao gồm: hiệu suất phát neutron, phân bố neutron sinh ra từ tương tác (p,n) khi cho dòng proton với nhiều mức năng lượng khác nhau, nhỏ nhất là từ 250 MeV đến lớn nhất là 3 GeV, tương tác lên bia chì lỏng; phân bố năng lượng của các neutron phát ra, phân bố góc, hiệu suất phát neutron theo góc, vi phân bậc hai tiết diện sinh neutron theo năng lượng và theo góc khối từ phản ứng (p.n). Bằng việc so sánh với một số nghiên cứu khác, đã khẳng định sự phù hợp của mô hình tính toán - Đánh giá được khả năng sử dụng thori làm nhiên liệu cho ADSR sử dụng chì lỏng làm bia tương tác và tải nhiệt, thông qua các nghiên cứu phân rã phóng xạ thori trong chì lỏng, phân bố thông lượng neutron và tính toán hệ số nhân neutron bên. Với nghiên cứu được phổ phóng xạ hạt nhân thori trong môi trường chì lỏng, các kết quả này bao gồm phổ năng lượng của các tia alpha, beta, gamma và phản neutrino; năng lượng của các hạt nhân con tạo thành và quãng chạy của các nhân con sinh ra trong môi trường chì lỏng. Với các tính toán phân bố thông lượng neutron bên trong ADSR sử dụng nhiên liệu thori: các kết quả này bao gồm: phân bố thông lượng neutron theo năng lượng neutron phát ra, phân bố thông lượng neutron theo chiều dài, phân bố thông lượng neutron theo bán kính; tính toán được phân bố thông lượng neutron bên trong ADSR sử dụng nhiên liệu hỗn hợp của thori 12. Khả năng ứng dụng thực tiễn: Ý nghĩa khoa học và thực tiện của luận án là đã xây dựng mô hình sử dụng bia chì lỏng và thực hiện một số tính toán, so sánh với các mô hình của các tác giả khác với bia và hỗn hợp nhiên liệu khác nhau để đánh giá sự phù hợp của mô hình đề xuất; đề xuất khả năng bổ sung thori làm nhiên liệu hỗn hợp và đã khảo sát tỷ lệ thori và urani để đưa ra tỷ lệ phù hợp. 13. Các hướng nghiên cứu tiếp theo: Nghiên cứu các cấu trúc khác của ADSR cho việc tối ưu hóa sử dụng thori làm nhiên liệu. Hiện nay, một số lò phản ứng sử dụng thanh nhiên liệu dạng hình trụ lục giác thay vì hình trụ tròn. Một số nghiên cứu khác đề xuất thiết kế lõi dạng hình cầu thay vì hình trụ như truyền thống. Các cấu trúc này nên được xem xét, sử dụng cho các tính toán các tham số neutron quan trọng, so sánh với các các cấu trúc đã được tính toán, từ đó chọn được cấu hình tối ưu nhất. Thực hiện các tính toán sử dụng hỗn hợp chì-bismuth dạng rắn và lỏng, nhiên liệu urani kết hợp thori với các tỷ lệ khác nhau, nhằm lựa chọn cách kết hợp tối ưu giữa vật liệu làm bia và hỗn hợp nhiên liệu. Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ chì lỏng đến phổ neutron phát ra, thông lượng neutron bên trong ADSR. Trong quá trình hoạt động của lò, nhiệt độ của chì lỏng có thể thay đổi và điều này ảnh hưởng như thế nào đến các tham số neutron; đây là vấn đề chưa được đề cập đến trong luận án và cần có những nghiên cứu tiếp theo. Nghiên cứu quá trình tạo ra neutron trong chu trình nhiên liệu thori. Một số mã tính toán cho phép nghiên cứu quá trình tạo ra neutron độc lập với thời gian hay phụ thuộc thời gian. Các chương trình này có thể là GEANT4, EASY-II hay FISPACT-II. Đây cũng là một vấn đề quan trong mà luận án chưa tính toán đến. Nghiên cứu quá trình tạo ra neutron bằng nguồn D-T (Deuterium - Tritium) thay thế tương tác (p,n). Máy phát neutron D-T tạo ra neutron bằng phản ứng nhiệt hạch giữa deuterium và tritium. Các nghiên cứu cho thấy máy phát neutron D-T có thể tạo ra sản lượng neutron ổn định. Máy phát neutron -DT là hệ thống lý tưởng để đáp ứng nhu cầu của bạn về bức xạ neutron nếu bạn yêu cầu năng suất neutron cao với cường độ 1013 neutron mỗi giây. Đây là một nguồn neutron lý tưởng cho hoạt động của ADSR cần được xem xét nghiên cứu.
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM ATOMIC ENERGY INSTITUTE TRAN MINH TIEN RESEARCH ABOUT POSSIBILITY OF USING THORIUM AS FUEL FOR THE ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUBCRITICAL REACTORS Speciality: Atomic and nuclear physics Code: SUMMARY OF THE PHD THESIS Ho Chi Minh City – 2022 This thesis was completed at: Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute SUPERVISORS: Assoc Prof Dr TRAN QUOC DUNG Assoc Prof Dr NGUYEN MONG GIAO Referee 1: Referee 2: Referee 3: This dissertation will be defended in front of the evaluating assembly at academy level, place of defending: This thesis can be studied at:: Contents List of abbreviations i List of figures ii Introduction CHAPTER OVERVIEW 1.1 The Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) 1.2 The current development of ADSRs 1.3 Studies on (p,n) reactions, neutron distribution on solid targets for ADSR Researching about using thorium as fuel in conventional nuclear reactors Possibility to use thorium as fuel for ADSR 1.4 1.5 CHAPTER SIMULATING THE STRUCTURE OF ADSR USING LIQUID LEAD AND THORI FUEL 2.1 Model of (p,n) interaction on the liquid lead target 2.1.1 Model and calculations 2.1.2 The distribution of the neutrons from (p,n) reaction 2.1.3 The angular distributions of neutrons 2.1.4 The neutron yields according to angles 2.1.5 2.2 The double-differential of the neutrons cross-section Model of TRIGA Mark II subcritical reactor using liquid lead and thorium fuel 10 2.2.1 Model of TRIGA Mark II reactor simulated by MCNPX 10 2.2.2 The neutron yields Yn/p 11 2.2.3 The effective neutron multiplication factor kef f 11 CHAPTER CALCULATION THORIUM FUEL FOR ADSR 13 3.1 Radioactive decay of thorium in the liquid lead 13 3.1.1 Model and calculations 13 3.1.2 The energy spectrums of alpha, beta, antineutrino particles and gamma rays 13 The energy of daughter nucleus 15 Comparison of neutron flux distributions in ADSR using liquid lead, mixed thorium fuel with ADSR using solid target, mixed fuel uranium 15 3.1.3 3.2 3.2.1 The case of UZrH fuel and light water coolant 15 The case of UZrH fuel and liquid lead coolant 16 The case of ThUO fuel and molten lead coolant 17 The distributions of neutron fluxes in ADSR using thorium fuel 18 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 3.3.1 3.4 The distributions of neutron fluxes by neutron energy 18 3.3.2 The axial distributions of neutron flux 19 3.3.3 The radial distributions of neutron flux 19 Neutron flux distributions using mixed thorium and uranium fuel 3.4.1 The radial distributions of neutron flux 20 3.4.2 The axial distributions of neutron flux 20 3.4.3 The energy ditributions of produced neutron 21 Comparison of neutron flux distribution with fuels U O2 , T h233 U O2 and T h235 U O2 21 The neutron multiplication factors in ADSR using thorium fuel 22 3.4.4 3.5 19 T h233 U O2 3.5.1 The kef f with mixure fuel 23 3.5.2 The kef f with T h235 U O2 mixure fuel 23 3.5.3 The kef f with T h238 U O2 mixure fuel 24 CONCLUSIONS 25 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 27 REFERENCES 28 List of abbreviations Abbreviations ADS ADSR ADTR ENDF FNS GEANT JENDL JENDLHE–2007 KIPT KUCA LFR LWR MCNP MSR MYRRHA NF SCWR SFR TNF VHTR Meaning Accelerator Driven System Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor Accelerator Driven Thorium Reactor Evaluated Nuclear Data File Fast Neutron Flux Geometry And Tracking Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library Japanse Evaluated Nuclear Data Library/High Energy Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology Kyoto University Critical Assembly Lead Fast Reactor Light Water Reactor Monte Carlo N-Particle Molten Salt Reactor Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications Neutron Flux Super Critical Water Reactor Sodium Fast Reactor Thermal Neutron Flux Very High Temperature Reactor i List of Figures 2.1 Model of (p,n) reaction on the liquid lead target 2.2 The position of the generated angles of the neutrons 2.3 The cross-section of ADSR reactor core based on the structure of the TRIGA Mark II reactor 10 2.4 Structure of a fuel rod 10 3.1 Model of radioactive decay of thorium in liquid lead 14 ii INTRODUCTION Nuclear energy is facing problems such as high cost, safety, uranium fuel sources, along with challenges from radioactive waste transmutation One of the current solutions is to develop Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors - ADSRs [1-3] ADSR works on a basic principle: an accelerator generates a high-energy proton beam, which interacts with a target, producing a (p,n) reaction The reactions take place in the subcritical state Many previous studies have performed calculations of neutron parameters for the solid target; the fuel is mainly uranium, while thorium is also a potential fuel [4] However, the using of a solid target after a period of time must change the target, then the reactor operation must be stopped In this thesis, liquid lead is proposed both as an interactive target to maintain the ADSR’s activity and a coolant and transfer heat to the outside This is a new model that has not been studied much in the world With the using of liquid lead as both coolant and target, there will be no need to change the target during nuclear reactor operation All liquid lead in the path of the incident proton beam will be the interaction target, so the number of neutrons generated will increase compared to using a solid target The thesis is carried out towards two main objectives: (1) building a model of an accelerator driven subcritical reactor using liquid lead both as an interactive target and as a coolant; (2) evaluating the possibility of using thorium fuel for ADSR through the calculation of basic neutron parameters of the reactor Here, the TRIGA Mark II reactor model was chosen because there are many other studies that also use this model for calculations for ADSR [5-8] CHAPTER OVERVIEW 1.1 The Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) ADSR works on a basic principle: an accelerator generates a proton beam with energies from a few hundred MeV to several GeV, which interacts on a heavy target, causing a (p,n) interaction Proposals to use high-energy proton beams were made decades ago [9-12] This process will produce many neutrons emitted in different directions; these neutrons will cause many reactions such as (n,n), (n,2n), (n, γ), ; participates in many processes such as neutron absorption, elastic scattering, and inelastic scattering The processes inside the reactor are maintained in a subcritical state The neutrons generated from the interaction (p, n) will act as additional neutrons, maintaining the subcritical operating state of the reactor The basic issues related to ADSR have been studied since 2001 [13-15] Currently, the problems are being focused on such as thermal neutron spectrum, fast neutron; fuel type: solid (metal, oxide, nitric, carbide, ); or liquid (chloride, fluoride); target types (lead, lead-bismuth, tungsten, molten salt, ) In Vietnam, there are also some studies on ADSR, as Nguyen Mong Giao et al [16-19] and Vu Thanh Mai et al [20-25] 1.2 The current development of ADSRs Since its proposal, many international conferences on ADSR have been organized The most typical is the conference on technology and structure of accelerator control systems (Technology and Components of Accelerator Driven Systems) held every three years, starting from 2010 [26-28] In European countries, there has been a joint effort to experimentally design an ADSR, called XT-ADS Then, based on this design, the Belgian Center for Nuclear Research (SCK.CEN) preliminary designed a project called MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications), in which a reactor with the ability to operate in both critical and subcritical states [29] In India, the development of ADSR has been in progress since 2001 [30] The first operational phase of the program began in 2002 At that time, India developed a 10 MeV linear accelerator, which produced a proton current with an intensity of 10 mA; used lead-bismuth as an interactive target, and started experimental research for ADSR In Japan, research activities on ADSR are located at the Proton Accelerator Research Complex (PARC), which is a collaboration between KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) and the IAEA In China there are also many projects to develop ADSR; one of them is C-ADS [31] The C-ADS project was initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), with the participation of four institutes: the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP); Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) In Ukraine, starting in 2012, the National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT) cooperates with the Argonne National Laboratory of the USA (ANL) to build a linear accelerator and a subcritical reactor system [32] 1.3 Studies on (p,n) reactions, neutron distribution on solid targets for ADSR There have been many studies on (p, n) reaction, distributions of the neutron and neutron flux in the world; below are some typical research works In 1999, the group of authors X Ledoux, F Borne, A Boudard, et al calculated the energy spectrum of neutrons produced at different angles when the proton beam carried energies of 0.8 MeV, 1.2 MeV, and 1.6 MeV interacts on in the case T h233 U O2 and T h235 U O2 With the fuel U O2 , the maximum neutron flux is about 2, 3.1015 n.cm−2 s−1 , the fast neutron maximum flux and Thermal neutrons are approximately the same, around 2, 2.1015 n.cm−2 s−1 □ The axial distributions of neutron flux For each fuel case, the thermal, fast and total neutron flux distributions were calculated The results have shown that, for different fuel cases, the thermal, fast and total neutron flux distributions all have similar shapes The neutron fluxes both peak near the center and gradually decrease towards the core The fast neutron flux is larger than the thermal neutron flux at the position from the center of the core to about the position R = 3cm The faster the fast neutron flux decreases from this position, the thermal neutron flux are higher These are easily seen, because the further away the fast neutron loses energy due to the interaction and converts to thermal neutrons □ The energy distributions of neutron flux The results have shown that the distribution of neutron flux by energy in the fuel case is (T h233 U )O2 and (T h235 U )O2 has the same form as in the case of U O2 Some peaks of positions are completely similar to each other Calculation results of neutron flux distributions along with the height, along the radius and according to neutron energy emitted with fuel mixtures T h233 U O2 T h235 U O2 and U O2 show that it is possible to use thorium fuel for ADSR The problem that needs to be studied is the ratio of components between thorium and uranium so that ADSR can operate with the desired capacity, serving each specific requirement 3.5 The neutron multiplication factors in ADSR using thorium fuel This section performs the calculation of the effective neutron multiplication factors kef f in the ADSR with different thorium ratios in the fuel composition; within turn combined 22 with U-233, U-235, U-238 The computational model was set up as in the previous sections, the kcode calculation in MCNP5 was used to determine the effective neutron multiplication factors kef f in each case In each case, simulation calculations were performed with 105 neutrons in a cycle, skipping the first 100 cycles and choosing 21 values of kef f from periods 150 to 250 Results Details are presented in the following section 3.5.1 The kef f with T h233 U O2 mixure fuel In this section, the effective neutron multiplication factors kef f were calculated with the fuel mixture T h233 U O2 , with different thorium ratios The results have shown that the lower the proportion of thorium in the mixture T h233 U O2 , the higher the effective neutron multiplier In the case of without thorium in the mixture, the average kef f was 0.94216 and ranged from 0.96082 to 0.92921; when thorium was from 20% in the mixture, the mean, maximum and minimum values decrease to values of 0.80124, 0.81693, and 0.78452, respectively As the percentage of thorium increases to 40%, 60%, and 80%, the neutron multiplier decreases; especially as thorium occupies 100%, then kef f drops very deeply; mean, highest and lowest values are 0.01789, 0.01889 and 0.01770, respectively These results show that when thorium was combined with U-233, to obtain the minimum value of kef f , the proportion of thorium in the mixture cannot be higher than 40% 3.5.2 The kef f with T h235 U O2 mixure fuel The effective neutron multiplication factors kef f were calculated with the fuel mixture T h235 U O2 , with different thorium ratios The results have also shown that the lower the 23 proportion of thorium in the mixture T h235 U O2 , the higher kef f To obtain the minimum value of kef f the proportion of thorium in the mixture cannot be more than 40% 3.5.3 The kef f with T h238 U O2 mixure fuel The effective neutron multiplication factors kef f were calculated with the fuel mixture T h238 U O2 , with different thorium ratios The results have shown that as thorium mixed fuel is used in combination with U-238, the kef f cannot reach the minimum value required for operation of ADSR at any ratio From that, it can be confirmed that the use of thorium is completely impossible The results of calculation have also shown that only thorium should be combined with U-233 in the fuel composition with an appropriate ratio of less than 40%; Only then, ADSR can work and generate positive energy In cases where ADSR works for other purposes, this ratio should be recalculated 24 CONCLUSIONS The results in the thesis have solved two main objectives The first objective: successfully built the interaction model (p, n) on the liquid lead target, with liquid lead acting as both the interacting target (p, n) generating neutrons and the coolant By using the MCNPX program and JENDL data library, several calculations were performed to evaluate the model These calculations include neutron yields, distribution of neutrons generated from the reaction (p, n) when the proton beam with many different energies, from 250 MeV to GeV, interacts with liquid lead; energy distributions of emitted neutrons, angular distributions and second-order differential of neutron generation cross-section from the reaction (p.n) By comparison with some other studies, the appropriateness of the computational model has been confirmed The second objective: to evaluate the possibility of using thorium as fuel for ADSR using liquid lead as an interaction and coolant, through studies of radioactive decay of thorium in the liquid lead, distributions of neutron flux, and calculate the effective neutron multiplication factor In the study of thorium nuclear radioactivity in the liquid lead, these results include the energy spectrum of alpha, beta, gamma, and antineutrino rays; the energy of the resulting daughter nuclei, and the running distance of the resulting daughter nuclei in the liquid lead In the calculations of neutron flux distributions inside the ADSR using thorium fuel, these results include: the neutron energy distribution, the axial and radial distributions of neutron flux; calculated the neutron flux distribution inside the ADSR using mixed thorium fuels, the effective neutron multiplication factors and compare with the neutron flux distributions in the case of fuel U O2 From which to evaluate the required thorium ratio for the operation of ADSR 25 The results of the thesis have been presented at many national and international conferences, published in a number of prestigious international scientific journals - The 41st National Theoretical Physics Conference in Nha Trang, 2017 - The 41st National Theoretical Physics Conference in Can Tho, 2018 - The 13th National Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology - VINANST in Quang Ninh, 2019 - The International Conference on Applied Physics, Energy and Materials Science – in India - 2018 (ICAPPM-2018) - The International conference on energy systemsg (ICENES2019) in Indonexia, 2019 - The journal: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (4 articles - Scopus ) - The journal: Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (2 articles - Scopus) - The journal: Atoms (1 article - ESCI, Scopus Q2) - The journal: Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations (1 article - SCIE Q2) 26 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS [1] Tien, T M., Dung, T Q, Calculation of the neutron parameters for accelerator driven subcritical reactors, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2021 (SCIE, Q2) [2] Tien, T M.,Analyzing the Neutron Parameters in the Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor using the mixture of Molten Pb-Bi as both Target and Coolant, Atoms, 9, 95 2021 (ESCI, Scopus, Q2) [3] Tien, T M.,Calculating The Neutron Yields for designing Targets of Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor by MCNPX , ICACSE-Second International Conference on Advances in Computational Science and Engineering, 2021 [4] Tien, T M., Phung, N H T., Hien, B T T, Effect of reflector materials to the neutron flux and k effective in the accelerator driven subcritical reactor, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol 1070, No 1, p 012025), 2021 (Scopus) [5] Tien, T M., Khanh, N K., Ngan, N K., Nhi, N T T, Radioactive decay of thorium and uranium in the liquid lead and molten salt, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol 1070, No 1, p 012024), 2021 (Scopus) [6] Tien, T M., Khanh, N K., Hien, B T T., Luong, N T T., Phung, N H T., Thi, N T M , K effective factor in the ADSR using liquid lead target and (Th233U)O2, (Th235U)O2, (Th238U)O2 fuel mixture , Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol 1706, No 1, p 012009), 2020 (Scopus) 27 [7] Tien, T M., Dung, T Q, Calculation of the neutron flux distribution in the accelerator driven subcritical reactor with (Th-233U)O2 and (Th-235U)O2 mix fuel, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol 1451, No 1, p 012009, 2020 (Scopus) [8] N M Giao, T M Tien, Comparison of neutron flux distribution of UO2, (Th233U)O2, and (Th235U)O2 fuel in the accelerator driven subcritical reactor, International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, ICENES 2019, Indonexia, 2019 [9] Tien, T M, Distribution of Neutrons from The Reaction (p, n) on the Liquid Lead Target in The Accelerator Driven System Reactor, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol 1172, No 1, p 012066), 2019 (Scopus) [10] Tien, T M, Distributions of neutron flux from (p, n) reaction on the liquid lead target for accelerator driven subcritical reactor (ADSR), Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol 1324, No 1, p 012061, 2019 (Scopus) REFERENCES [1] Rubbia, C., Roche, C., Rubio, J A., Carminati, F., Kadi, Y., Mandrillon, P., Gálvez, J., Conceptual design of a fast neutron operated high power energy amplifier (No CERN-AT-95-44-ET), 1995 [2] Furukawa, K., Kato, Y., 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