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1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY -o0o TRAN THI HONG YEN EXPLORING TEACHERS’ AND STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF PAIRWORK AND GROUPWORK IN SECONDARY SCHOOL ENGLISH CLASSROOMS Major: Teaching English to speakers of Other Lnguages ( TESOL) Code: 60.14.111 MATER’S THESIS IN EDUCATION Supervisor: NGUYEN GIA VIET, PhD August 2017 i CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT -***** I hereby certify that the thesis entitled Exploring teacher’s and student’s perceptions of pairwork and groupwork in secondary school English classrooms The result of my own research for the Degree of Master at Vinh University, and that this thesis has not been submitted for any degree at any other secondary schools Signature: Date: 19/8/2017 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In completion of my thesis, I have received generous advice and help from many lecturers whose lectures are very practical and useful Firstly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Mr NGUYEN GIA VIET for his close guidance, criticism, and his generous help in the process of completing my thesis My special thanks also go to all lecturers and the staff of the Department of Post Graduate Studies at College of Foreign Language for their useful materials, guidance and enthusiasm during my course of study I really wish to thank all my colleagues and my students at my school – Long Thạnh secondary school- for their kind cooperation in giving valuable information Finally, I deep thanks to my dear family, and my friends who always stand for me with their consideration and encouragement Tran Thi Hong Yen iii ABSTRACT A perceptions of teachers’ and students’ well depends on many factors such as personal characteristics, the structure of the native and target languages, opportunities for communicating with other people and with native speakers For students at schools, these factors can only work well with the help of the teachers using different techniques, and approaches in language teaching In communicative language teaching, students have more chances practicing in the target language through different classroom activities; among them pair work and group work appear to be the most appropriate application In my school, secondary school in Thu Thua district, Long An province, pairwork and group work are used widely in foreign language classes However, it seems that the using of these activities in the school is not very effective This research focuses on pointing out how to explore pair work and groupwork more effectively after investigating how these activities are used in our school by collecting data through class observation, and analyzing the questionanaire data The collection of student feedback is a central strategy to minitor of effectivenness of teaching and learning at educationalinstitutions (Meyer 2010) This thesis analyses the feedback and findings from a paper questionnaire survey of student’s and teacher’s experience Some evaluation will be drawn and some suggestions for the future use of these activities will be made TABLE OF CONTENTS Candidate’s statement………………………………………… …………… i iv Acknowledgement……………………… ……… ……………………… ii Abstract………………………………………….…………….………… .iii Table of contents ………………………………………… ……………… iv Appendix ………………………………………………………………… v CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .1 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims of study .1 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Research questions of the study 1.5 Methods of study 1.6 Design of study CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Communicative approach to language teaching 2.1.1 Communicative Language Teaching 2.1.2 Nature of Communicative Language Teaching .3 2.1.3 The Techniques of Communicative Language Teaching 2.2 Definition of pair and group work .5 2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of pair and group work 2.3.1 The advantages of pairwork and groupwork To increase the amount of student practice ………………………… To increase the learner’s confidence To develop students’ fluency .6 To increase students’ motivation 2.3.2 The disadvantages of pairwork and groupwork .6 To speak native language: To make mistakes: To eliminate shy and weak students from the practice: To make noise and indiscipline: v 2.4 How to organize pair and group work: 2.4.1 Preparation for group work: .7 2.4.2 Steps in the classroom: .7 Select the activity Preparation of materials Size and selection of group Organize students with in the group Time the group work Share small group work with the whole class Steps of organizing pair and group work 2.5 Difficulties in organizing pair and group work and suggested solutions 2.5.1 Difficulties 14 2.6 Solution 12 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY 13 3.1 Background of the study 16 3.1.1 Description of the English syllabus in secondary school 16 3.1.2 Description of the students at the secondary school 17 3.1.3 Description of the teachers at the secondary school 17 3.1.4 Description of physical setting .18 3.2 Design and methodology 18 3.2.1 The participants 18 Teaching staff 18 The students 19 3.2.2 English teaching and learning at secondary school 19 3.2.3 Research instruments 20 Rationale behind the use of survey questionnaire 20 Purpose of the survey questionnaire 21 3.3 Analysis of data 21 3.3.1 Technique of data analysis 22 vi CHAPTER FOUR: FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS 18 4.1 Employment of pairwork and groupwork in English classrooms .19 4.2 Teachers beliefs about pariwork and groupwork .26 Table 4.2.1 The options of pairwork and groupwork 26 Table 4.2.2 The benefits of pairwork and groupwork .26 Table 4.2.3 How to use pairwork and groupwork 27 Table 4.2.4 The factors effect most on the success of a pair work and group work 28 Table 4.2.5 Pairwork and groupwork are most useful for teaching 28 4.3 Students’ views about effectiveness of pairwork and groupwork .29 4.4 Classroom observation 34 4.5 Results of the study 35 4.6 Discursion .Error: Reference source not found CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION .40 5.1 Reasoning 40 5.2 Techniques using group work to teach skills for English major students in secondary school 40 5.2.1 Ways to arrange group work 41 5.2.2 Techniques to succeed with group work activities 42 5.3 Introducing the group task 36 5.3.1 Monitoring the group task 35 5.3.2 Ending the group task 36 5.4 Conclusion of the study 37 5.5 Implication of the study .37 5.6 Limitations of the study .38 5.7 Suggestions for further study .49 APPENDIXES:……………………………………………………………… 56 APPENDIX 1: LANGUAGE TEACHING SURVEY vii APPENDIX 2: SURVEY QUESTIONAIRE QUESTIONAIRE FOR STUDENTS APPENDIX 3: CLASSROM OBSERVATION SHEET APPENDIX 4: THE DESCRIPTON OF THE CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SHEETS viii LIST OF THE TABLES Table 4.1 Length of pairwork and groupwork activities Table 4.2 Skills lessons that used pariwork and groupwork Table 4.3 Preparation for pairwork and groupwork Table 4.4 Teacher group students for pairwork and groupwork Table 4.5 The important factor makes pairwork and groupwork successful Table 4.2.1 The options of pairwork and groupwork Table 4.2.2 The benefits of pairwork and groupwork Table 4.2.3 How to use pairwork and groupwork Table 4.2.4 The factors effect most on the success of a pair work and group work Table 4.2.5 Pairwork and groupwork are most useful for teaching Table 4.3.1 will show the percentages of different number of students mentioned about their feelings Table 4.3.2 will show the percentage of students who prefer group work for different purpose Table 4.3.3 will show the percentages of students who think group work helps to learn language and who thinks it is not helpful at all Table 4.3.4 shows the rate Table 4.3.5 shows the information about the students who like to work with friends and others Table 4.3.6 outcome of group study Table 4.3.7 will show the information that I have gather from the students CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale English, nowadays, is widely taught from primary school to university, even at English centers through out the country People learn English for their work or for their higher study However, the results of the English courses are not always satisfactory Vietnamese teachers of English have not known how to apply the teaching method in effective ways They are lack of knowledge, teaching aid, time, and money to teach four language skills: listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill and writing skill Like many teachers in the schools of Vietnam, teachers of English at secondary school are faced with a common problem: students’ poor participation in activities in the classroom In fact, there are a variety of reasons for this poor participation, and therefore finding appropriate techniques and methods for teaching English effectively to students at secondary school requires a long serious research This led me the choice of the study “perceptions of pair work and groupwork in high school classrooms at secondary school” with the hope of investigating into ways to organize pairwork and groupwork more effectively in English classes My study only focuses on how to organize pairwork and groupwork more effectively for students and teachers at secondary school in Thu Thua 1.2 Aims of study The study is aimed at to help teachers and students at secondary school to find out effective technique to organize pairwork and groupwork with the hope of helping them in teaching English Moreover, investigating the attitudes of students towards using the pair work and groupwork and their perception 1.3 Scope of the study To improve four skills for students at secondary school, the teachers can make use of various techniques and a number of things should be done However, the researcher only intends to draw a brief overview of pairwork and 55 Grammar exercises: students can grammar exercises orally in pairs; the teacher goes through the answers afterwards with the whole class, and students write the exercises for homework This is more interesting and productive than students doing exercises alone in silence REFERENCES Allwright, D & Baily, M (2004) Focus on language classroom Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Callahan, J.F, & Clark, L.H (1982) Teaching in the middle and secondary schools, planning for competence New York: Macmillan Publishing Chaudron, C, (1993) Second language classrooms Research on teaching and learning Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Ellis, R (1994) The study of second language acquisition Oxford: Oxford University Press Gower R (1987) Speaking Oxford: Oxford University Press Hall, R D, & Hewings, A (2001) Innovation in English language teaching London: Routledge Harmer, J (1991) The practice of English language London: Longman Hedge, T (2000) Teaching and learning in the language classroom Oxford: Oxford University Press Hess, N (2001) Teaching large multilevel classes Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10 Kundu, C L, & Tutto, D.N (1989) Educational Psychology New Delhi: Sterling Publishers 11 Nunan, D (Ed) (1993), Collaborative language learning and teaching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 12 Nunan, D & Lamb, C.(1996) The self-directed teacher: Managing the learning process Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 56 13 Richards, J.C, & Renandya, W.A (Eds) (2002) Methodologies in language teaching: An anthology of current practice Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 14 Siraj, Z (1995) Unpublished Masters Dissertation Institute of Educational Development Aga Khan University Karachi 15 Skinner, C.E (Ed) (1996) Educational Psychology New Delhi: Prentice Hall 16 Tiberius, R G (1995) Small group teaching A trouble–shooting guide Toronto DISE Press 17 Tudor, I (1996) Learner- centeredness as language education Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 18 Weaver R.L, & Hybles S (2004) Communicating Effectively Boston: McGraw-Hill 19.Allyson, J (2000) Speaking silence? A study of linguistic space and girls in an ESL classroom Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of TESOL, Vancouver BC Retrieved May 30, 2011 from http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED456666.pdf 20 Bryne, D (1988) Techniques for classroom interaction London: Longman 21 Dörnyei, Z., & Murphey, T (2004) Group dynamics in the language classroom Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 22 Lewis, M., & Hill, J (1997) Practical techniques for language teaching London:Language Teaching Publications 23 Long, M., & Porter, P (1985) Group work, interlanguage talk, and second language acquisition TESOL Quarterly, 19 (2), 207-228 24 Maher, K (2011) Intricacies of pair work – surveys and research Bulletin of Keiwa College, 20, 15-32 57 25 Montgomery, J., & Madison, D (2004) Discrete synaptic states define a major mechanism of synapse plasticity Trends in Neurosciences, 27 (12), 744-750 APPENDIXES: QUESTIONNAIRES APPENDIX 1: LANGUAGE TEACHING SURVEY I.General: Sex: Male Female Highest academic/ professional qualification: A teacher’s certificate in language education A diploma in language education A bachelor’s degree in language education A master’s degree in language education Numbers of years of teaching experience II Teaching: Question 1: How long you usually spend on pair and group work per period? Please, tick the appropriate box minutes per period 10 minutes per period 15 minutes per period More than 15 minutes per period Other Options : from to 15 minutes per period Question 2: What are the main benefits of group work and pair work? Please, tick the appropriate box To make students more motivative To help the learning process 58 To create a good atmosphere in class To help the teaching proces To kill the time Question 3: Which activities you often use pairwork and group work? Please, tick the appropriate boxes Speaking Writing Reading Listening Question 4: How you group for pair and group work? Please, tick the appropriate box Students at the same table Good students with the weak ones Students from different tables Weak students with the weak ones Students sitting next to each other Good students with the good ones Students sitting far from each other Students in different rows Question 5: In your opinion, which ones are pair work and group work most useful for? Please, tick the appropriate box(es) Grammar Speaking Pronunciation Writing Vocabulary Reading 59 Translation Listening Question 6: To use pair and group work successfully in a secondary school, the teacher has to: Have awareness of the work Give clear instructions with examples Good preparation Control the work Make the work suitable to the students Create a competitive sense Question 7: How you often prepare for pair and group work in your classes? Please indicate your response by circling the number according to the following key Use the information given in the textbook Use the same topics as in the textbook but not the exact copies Take an extract or information from another reference book Self- design Collaborate with your colleagues or get their opinions Question 8: How useful you think pair work and group work are to improve learning at your school? Please, tick the appropriate box It is an important activity in language teaching It is one of the important and useful activities in language teaching It is a good activity to be applied It is neither good nor bad Its usefulness is not clear It has no use 60 Question 9: Is it easy to use pair work and group work in language teaching? Please indicate your response by circling the number according to the following key Very easy Not very easy Easy Difficult Very difficult Question 10: Which factor you think can most affect the success of a pair and group work? Please, tick one option only Teaching experience The age of teacher The proficiency of the teacher The hard work of the students The cooperation of the students The proficiency of the students Thank you very much for your help & enjoy your summer holiday! 61 APPENDIX 2: SURVEY QUESTIONAIRE QUESTIONAIRE FOR STUDENTS This survey questionnaire aims to find out your attitude and your expectation toward lessons Your answers will be used for research purposes of my the graduation paper: study on group work-a technique to teach English skills for the students Your completion of this questionnaire will provide valuable information on my thesis and your contribution is of great help for the fulfillment of my dissertation Please answer the following questions as honestly as you can What is your feeling about group work? Helpful Helpful and harmful Not helpful When you prefer to have a group work? Assignments and work Presentations Before exam ,Outside of class and free time Different reasons Never Do you think group work helps you to learn the language? Justify your answer Helpful Not Helpful Do you understand the text if you study alone? Rate yourself out of 100 50% 60% 70% 80% 62 90 % 0% In a group study, you prefer to be with your friends or others? Please briefly explain With Friends With Other With Both None What are the skills that help you to improve when you are working in a group? Reading Writing Speaking Listening All Reading and listening Reading, speaking and listening Reading and speaking Wring and listening Writing, speaking and listening Speaking and listening Tick the statements that you really prefer I want to have group work for every assignment I want to have group work sometimes I like to work only with my best friends in a group all the time I not need to have any group work What you think about problems associated with group work? 63 Group work for assignments Group work all the time Group work sometimes No need Can you suggest any other way to make a group study more effective? 10 Give your overall opinion about group work Thank you for filling out this questionnaire Thank you very much for your help & enjoy your summer holiday! 64 APPENDIX 3: CLASSROM OBSERVATION SHEET Date: Long Thanh secondary school Teacher: Number of years of teaching experience: Grade: Number of students: Girls: Boys: Lesson: Period: Purpose of the lesson: Learning aids: Teaching aids: Steps of the lesson: Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 65 Observation sheet: No Activity Time Aim Grouping Evaluation How pair and group work are carried out: They are organized naturally Teacher provides clear instruction before the work Teacher’s preparation ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… …… Students’ preparation: ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… 66 ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………… The participation of the teacher: - as a partner - as a guider - as a facilitator - as an observer Students participate: -Actively -Forcedly Students speak Vietnamese during the work Yes No The teacher gives the feedback after the work Yes No The thing(s) the teacher does to find out how successful the work is: ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… APPENDIX 4: THE DESCRIPTON OF THE CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SHEETS No Kind Pairwork Activity Speaking Time Grouping Preparation 15 minutes Students at A copy from the the same Pairwork Speaking table 10 minutes Students at A copy from the the same Groupwor k textbook table Vocabulary 10 minutes The class textbook Words selected is divided and prepared by in to four the teacher 67 Groupwor Listening equal parts 15 minutes The class worksheets k Pairwork Speaking is divided designed by the in to three teacher equal parts 10 minutes Students at A copy from the the same Pairwork Writing table 10 minutes Students at A copy from the the same Pairwork Speaking Pairwork Grammar 10 11 Pairwork Pairwork Groupwor Grammar Writing Writing minutes minutes minutes k 12 Pairwork Grammar minutes Pairwork Grammar minutes textbook with table adaptation Students at A copy from the the same textbook with table Students adaptation A copy from the sitting far textbook with from each adaptation and other The class extension A copy from the divided in textbook with to three adaptation and equal part extension Students at A copy from the the same 13 textbook with table extension 10 minutes Students at A copy from the the same textbook with table adaptation 10 minutes Students at A copy from the the same textbook textbook table Students at A copy from the 68 14 15 Pairwork Groupwor Reading Speaking minutes minutes k the same textbook table Students A copy from the from textbook with different extension and tables and adaptation rows Students Designed by the from teacher different tables and students with 16 Pairwork Speaking minutes teacher Students at A copy from the the same 17 Pairwork Speaking table 10 minutes Students at A copy from the the same 18 Pairwork Speaking table 10 minutes Student at the same 19 Pairwork Speaking minutes 21 Pairwork Pairwork Reading Grammar table 10 minutes Students minutes textbook with adaptation A copy from the textbook table Students at A copy from the the same 20 textbook textbook A copy from the from textbook with different adaptation and tables extension Students at Designed by the the same teacher 69 22 Pairwork Speaking minutes table Students at A copy from the the same 23 Pairwork Reading minutes table extension Students at A copy from the the same 24 Pairwork Speaking minutes Pairwork Speaking minutes 27 28 29 30 Pairwork Speaking minutes textbook table Students at Designed by the the same 26 textbook with table extension Students at A copy from the the same 25 textbook with teacher table Students at Designed by the the same teacher table Class Designed by the k divided in teacher Groupwor to groups Students at Designed by the Groupwor Speaking Reading minutes 15minutes k the same Groupwor table Students at Designed by the Listening 10minutes teacher k the same Groupwor table Students at Designed by the k Writing 15minutes the same table teacher teacher ... pariwork and groupwork .26 Table 4.2.1 The options of pairwork and groupwork 26 Table 4.2.2 The benefits of pairwork and groupwork .26 Table 4.2.3 How to use pairwork and groupwork. .. pairwork and groupwork Table 4.4 Teacher group students for pairwork and groupwork Table 4.5 The important factor makes pairwork and groupwork successful Table 4.2.1 The options of pairwork and. .. Importance of groupwork and pairwork have its own reasons Groupwork and pairwork also depend on tasks, situations and time and from the results of my survey, I found both of the teachers and students