FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY BS,ATC,CSS,LMP,ABMP Faulty member Massage Connection School of Natural Healing Tacoma, WA Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health Philadelphia • Baltimore • New York • London Buenos Aires • Hong Kong • Sydney • Tokyo Acquisitions Editor: John G o u c h e r Marketing Manager: Christen M u r p h y Manufacturing Manager: M a r g i e Orzech Development Editor: Jennifer P Ajello Design Coordinator: D o u g S m o c k Production Services: Absolute S e r v i c e / M D C Copyright © Lippincott Williams & W i l k i n s , a Wolters Kluwer business 351 West C a m d e n Street W a l n u t Street Baltimore, M D 21201 Philadelphia, P A 19106 All rights reserved This book is protected by copyright No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including p h o t o c o p y i n g , or utilized by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the copyright o w n e r T h e publisher is not responsible (as a matter of product liability, negligence, or otherwise) for any injury resulting from any material contained herein This publication contains information relating to general principles of medical care that should not be construed as specific instructions for individual patients M a n u f a c t u r e r s ' product information and p a c k a g e inserts should be reviewed for current information, including contraindications, d o s a g e s , and precautions Printed in the People's Republic of China Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cael, Christy Functional a n a t o m y : musculoskeletal a n a t o m y , kinesiology, and palpation for manual therapists / Christy Cael p ; cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN - - - 4 - I Musculoskeletal s y s t e m — A n a t o m y Kinesiology M a n i p u l a t i o n (Therapeutics) I Title [ D N L M : Musculoskeletal S y s t e m — a n a t o m y & histology M o v e m e n t — p h y s i o l o g y Musculoskeletal Physiological P h e n o m e n a Palpation WE 101 C I f 2010] Q M I 0 C 2010 61 T — d c 2 2009010983 The publishers have made every effort to trace the copyright holders for borrowed material If they have looked any, I hey will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity inadvertently over- To p u r c h a s e additional copies of this book, call our c u s t o m e r service d e p a r t m e n t at (800) - 3 or fax orders to ( ) 2 - International c u s t o m e r s should call ( ) 2 - 0 Visit Lippincott Williams & Wilkins on the Internet: ice representatives are available from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm, E S T Lippincott W i l l i a m s & Wilkins customer serv- 06 07 08 09 10 I 10 For Alia None of this would have been possible without your love, support, skill, knowledge, participation, insight, unwavering faith, and magical powers I am forever grateful Kate Anagnostis A T C , L M T , C K T P Spoils Massage Instructor Downcast School of Massage Waldoboro, M E Amy Appel Program Director Massage Therapy Department P.H.D A c a d e m y Eau Claire, Wl William Burke, BA Instructor Department of Health, H u m a n and Protective Services Madison Area Technical College Madison, Wl Patricia Coe, DC Massage Therapy Clinic Supervisor Department of M a s s a g e National University of Health Sciences Lombard, IL Kirsten Grimm BS, MS, L M T Owner/Director/Therapist Snug Harbor Natural Health Spa North M u s k e g o n , MI Josh Herman A T C , L M B T Massage Therapy Program Miller-Motte College Cary, NC Director William Raich, N C T M B Massage Chair Massage Therapy Department Rasmussen College Brooklyn Park, MN Rachel Miller, BA, L M T Massage Therapist Private Practice Harpswell M E T o d a y ' s m a s s a g e , b o d y w o r k , and fitness professionals are increasingly b e c o m i n g m e m b e r s of the healthcare team T h e s e professionals collaborate with physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, nurse care m a n a g e r s , attorneys, insurance c o m p a n i e s , and other healthcare providers Professionals must have a clear understanding of m u s c l e and joint function b e y o n d simple actions This allows t h e m to c o m m u n i c a t e clearly, maintain credibility, and obtain r e i m b u r s e m e n t for therapeutic work T h e e m e r g ing requirement for " o u t c o m e - b a s e d " justification of treatments further supports the need for a thorough understanding of the b o d y in motion Functional Anatomy was written to help students of human m o v e m e n t and b o d y w o r k understand how anatomical structures work together to create motion D e v e l o p i n g an understanding of the body in all of its c o m p l e x synchronicity is critical for students of m a s s a g e and b o d y w o r k T h e s e careers require the therapist to create concise and effective treatment plans Fitness and sports professionals are routinely called upon to analyze c o m p l e x m o v e m e n t patterns in order to m a x i m i z e the a t h l e t e ' s performance and prevent injury Beyond these p r a g m a t i c benefits, an understanding of functional a n a t o m y d e v e l o p s heightened intellectual and artistic appreciation of the h u m a n body in motion With a d e e p u n d e r s t a n d i n g of structure-function relationships, we begin to see the c l i e n t ' s body as a living, breathing, moving marvel Functional Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists can assist you in e x p l o r i n g the structures and anatomical relationships responsible for m o v e m e n t s such as walking, running, lifting, and t h r o w i n g You will be guided through activities that involve inspecting, touching, and m o v i n g these structures, enabling you to create a solid, three-dimensional image of the h u m a n body and its m o v e m e n t potential ORGANIZATION AND CONTENT T h e c h a p t e r s in Functional Anatomy are organized to build anatomical regions "from the g r o u n d u p " This m e a n s d e e p e r structures are identified first, and then structural layers are a d d e d T h i s organization helps readers understand the relationship b e t w e e n static structures such as bones, liga m e n t s , and j o i n t c a p s u l e s and d y n a m i c functions of m u s cles M u s c l e s are presented from superficial to d e e p to develop systematic palpation skills Functional Anatomy also groups m u s c l e s together functionally For e x a m p l e , the latissimus dorsi and teres major are located next to each other in the b o d y , have a c o m m o n insertion, and perform the same actions Because of this, they are considered sequentially in C h a p t e r T h e first three chapters in the book describe how the body is put together and how it achieves movement In Chapter 1, the basic structures and systems of the body, the text's organization of the layers of the human body, and the language of anatomy and movement are discussed and explored Chapter provides an in-depth investigation of bones and joints, including their basic structure, various shapes and functions, classification, and location of the different types in the body C h a p t e r delves into skeletal muscles, including their functions, properties, fiber directions and types, the different types of contractions they create, and how they are regulated After studying these introductory chapters, you should understand the basic structures of the body and methods for creating movement You will also have developed a language for discussing these concepts Each of the remaining six chapters explores a specific region of the body These chapters follow a consistent template, with the same type of information occurring at the same place in each chapter T h i s predictability will help you locate any topic within a given chapter quickly and easily T h e recurring elements in the first half of each chapter include, in order: • c o m p e t e n c y - b a s e d objectives • overview of the region • • • • • • • • surface anatomy skeletal structures bony landmark palpation muscle attachment sites joints and ligaments superficial muscles of the region d e e p muscles of the region special structures located in the region (other than bones, ligaments, and muscles) • m o v e m e n t s allowed by the r e g i o n ' s joints • passive and resisted range of motion techniques This opening section is followed by a set of one- or twopage profiles of each muscle pertinent to that region Profiles include an illustration of the muscle showing its origin, insertion, and fiber arrangement and direction Text descriptions of the muscle attachments, actions, and innervations are located next to this image The profile also includes a description of the m u s c l e ' s functional anatomy: that is, the relationships it has with other muscles, how it works in the body beyond its actions, and c o m m o n imbalances or dysfunctions associated with it Finally, the profile explains in simple, easy-to-follow steps how to palpate and lire the muscle against resistance A photograph shows proper positioning of the practitioner and client, as well as the pertinent bony landmarks and muscle features The simple, consistent design of each muscle profile ensures ease of use in the classroom or lab as well as for studying and quick reference A section discussing the functional aspects of the body region follows the muscle profiles This section includes information on synergist and antagonist relationships and a photo essay called Pulling It in Motion, which explores the structure-function relationships involved during activities of daily living and sport Every chapter of the book closes with a concise s u m mary, review questions, and study activities T h e latter includes specific exercises aimed at kinesthetically e n g a g i n g the covered material FEATURES Functional Anatomy will guide you to a d e e p e r understanding of the structure and function of the h u m a n body by engaging not only your mind, but also your other senses Features include d y n a m i c , colorful visuals, kinesthetic exercises to enhance your palpatory skills, and individual and group activities Each region of the body is explored from the inside out to e n h a n c e understanding of structural relationships and m o v e m e n t possibilities S i m p l e , easy-to-follow instructions for palpation of bony landmarks and each muscle profiled are provided Functional Anatomy recognizes that you may be experiencing the challenges of learning a new language To help you in acquiring this new language, we include within each muscle profile a guide to correct pronunciation of the m u s cle name The c o m p a n i o n W e b site ( t h e P o i n t l w w c o m / c a e l ) also includes an auditory guide to pronunciation, so you can hear proper pronunciation of each muscle profiled A Synergist/'Antagonist table is included in each regional chapter A photograph of a specific body motion, such as flexion or extension, is a c c o m p a n i e d by a list of all muscles that contribute to that motion Each motion is paired with its opposite in order to help you appreciate balanced muscle relationships Each regional c h a p t e r also d i s c u s s e s and illustrates passive and resisted range of motion p r o c e d u r e s for assessing normal j o i n t function T h i s is included to help you physically access the specific structures identified in this text As mentioned earlier, each regional chapter contains a section called Putting It in Motion, which identifies and explains specific actions that contribute to motions we use in daily activity or in sports T h e p h o t o g r a p h s of these m o v e ments are enhanced to show the pertinent muscle groups driving the action This feature is linked to the animations on the student resource site, which further explore s o m e of these m o v e m e n t s The Try This activity located at the end of each chapter includes a simple, kinesthetic activity that engages one or more key concepts identified in the chapter Easy-to-follow steps are listed, as well as any special equipment that may be needed For example, the Try This in Chapter instructs readers to verbally position or move a partner in w a y s d e scribed on cards they create This activity engages multiple senses and encourages correct use of anatomical terms and concepts T h e student resource site for this text has been developed alongside this manuscript in order to ensure strong connections b e t w e e n the special features of the book, student study materials, and teacher resources A l t h o u g h the text is a stand-alone product, it can be greatly e n h a n c e d when used in conjunction with the c o m p a n i o n student resource site at t h e P o i n t l w w c o m / c a e l Features of the resource site include a n i m a t i o n s that c o r r e s p o n d with the Putting It in Motion s e g m e n t in each regional chapter T h e s e a n i m a t i o n s sequentially reveal m u s c l e functions during c o m m o n activities such as w a l k i n g , j o g g i n g , standing, and throwing O t h e r features include video footage of palpation, study questions for self-assessment, a S t e d m a n ' s audio glossary of the m u s c l e s profiled, and searchable full text online T h e inside front c o v e r of the text contains more details including the p a s s c o d e you will need to gain access to the site In addition to the student resources, instructors will also have access to lesson plans, P o w e r P o i n t presentations, and B r o w n s t o n e Test Generator DESIGN T h e design of Functional Anatomy creates a user-friendly, predictable, and interactive e x p e r i e n c e for readers T h e text and art are arranged to allow quick-reference for study as well as m a x i m u m usability during c l a s s r o o m activities such as guided palpation exercises Specific icons identify w h e r e these activities are located and when they are linked to the ancillary materials All of these features will help you d e velop c o m p e t e n c y in the key skills identified in each of the chapter objectives FINAL NOTE I hope that Functional Anatomy helps you discover new and exciting things about the h u m a n body It is intended to enh a n c e y o u r personal and c l a s s r o o m experience and e n g a g e you in exploring h o w the b o d y w o r k s I e n c o u r a g e you to try as m a n y of the activities as possible, utilize the learning tools provided, and e m b a r k upon your educational j o u r n e y with w o n d e r and curiosity Please contact me at f u n c t i o n a l b o o k @ h o t m a i l c o m with any c o m m e n t s or suggestions about this book My students have always been both an inspiration and my toughest critics, and I wish for that to continue Y o u r perceptions, responses, and experiences with this text are valuable and I am interested in what you have to share In the m e a n t i m e , thank you and enjoy - Christy Cael ix Reviewers Preface vii viii Acknowledgments Bones of the Human Skeleton Functions of B o n e 27 Support and Protection Movement 27 Hematopoiesis 27 xi Communicating About the Body Regional T e r m s A n a t o m i c a l Position Directional T e r m s Planes of M o v e m e n t Axes Joint M o v e m e n t s Tissue T y p e s in the B o d y Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue 27 Shapes of Bones 30 L o n g Bones Short B o n e s 32 Flat Bones 32 Irregular B o n e s 32 Wormian Bones 32 6 Body Structures Involved in Human Movement Bone Shapes of Bones Palpating Bone L i g a m e n t 10 Structure of Ligaments 10 Palpating Ligaments 11 M u s c l e 11 Types of Muscle 11 Palpating Muscle 12 T e n d o n 12 Shapes of Tendons 13 Palpating Tendons 13 Fascia 13 Structure of Fascia 13 Fascia Layers 14 Palpating Fascia 14 Special Structures 15 Skin 15 Structure of the Skin 15 Palpating Skin 16 Blood Vessels 16 L y m p h a t i c Vessels and N o d e s N e r v e s 18 Cartilage 20 Bursae 20 27 Storage of Minerals and Fats B o n e Tissue 27 Spongy Bone 27 Compact Bone 28 T h e H u m a n Skeleton 28 Structures of the Human Body 27 Bony Landmarks 32 D e p r e s s i o n s and O p e n i n g s 32 Projections T h a t F o r m Joints 32 A t t a c h m e n t Sites 32 Joints of the Human Skeleton N a m i n g Joints 39 Joint Structure 39 39 Fibrous Joints 39 Cartilaginous Joints 40 Synovial Joints 40 Joint Function Synarthrotic Joints 40 Amphiarthrotic Joints 41 Diarthrotic Joints 41 Structure and Function of Synovial Joints Synovial Joint A n a t o m y 41 Synovial Joint T y p e s 41 Accessory Motions Roll 43 Glide 4 Spin 45 18 43 Types of Muscle Tissue 50 Smooth Muscle 50 Cardiac M u s c l e Skeletal M u s c l e 50 41 cushion and protect underlying structures See superficial fascia Keratin: tough, protective protein found in the epidermis of skin Inferior: regional term indicating toward the bottom Kinesiology: the study of human movement Intermediate fibers: muscle fibers that have characteristics of both slow twitch and fast twitch fibers Kyphosis: posterior curvature of the spine Internal rotation: joint movement of the appendicular skeleton on the transverse plane around a longitudinal axis that turns towards the midline Also known as medial rotation Interstitial space: space between tissue cells Interosseous membrane: broad sheet of dense connective tissue that is thinner than ligaments and connects bones along the length of their shafts Intrafusal fibers: specialized muscle fibers within a muscle spindle that are surrounded by a coil of sensory nerve endings that monitor the rate and magnitude of stretch within the muscle Inverse myotatic reflex: relaxation of a muscle and contraction of its antagonist in response to excessive muscle tension, due to stimulation of the Golgi tendon organ Involuntary: not under conscious control Irregular bones: uniquely shaped bones, including the vertebrae and facial bones Irritability: able to respond to a stimulus by producing electrical signals Also called excitability Isometric contraction: muscle contraction where tension is generated, but muscle length and joint angle not change Isotonic contraction: muscle contraction where tension is generated and the muscle length and joint angle changes Joint: place of union between bones Joint capsule: network of dense connective tissue that wraps around an entire joint Joint cavity: space between articulating surfaces of bones Joint play: the amount of slack or "give" in the joint capsule and ligaments that surround a joint 430 Lacunae: tiny cavities within the bone matrix that house osteocytes Lamellae: concentric circles of lacunae wrapped around central Haversian canals Lateral: regional term indicating away from the midline Left rotation: joint movement of the spine on the transverse plane around a longitudinal axis that turns the spine to the left Mechanical advantage: amount of force increase produced by a lever Also called leverage Mechanoreceptor: specialized nerve ending that deforms in response to pressure and assists with proprioception Medial: regional term indicating toward the midline Medullary cavity: central cavity of a long bone diaphysis that contains bone marrow Melanin: pigment protein found in the epidermis of skin Mitochondrion: principle energy source of a cell, which produces adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Lever: rigid device that transmits or modifies forces to create movement Motor nerve: action-oriented nerves that carry out responses determined by the brain Leverage: amount of force increase produced by a mechanical system Also called mechanical advantage Motor neuron: neurons responsible for initiating motion Ligament: fibrous structure made of dense connective tissue that connects bones to each other Line: long, narrow soft tissue attachment site on a bone Long bones: type of bone that is longer than it is wide and characterized by a distinct shaft and bumpy ends Longitudinal axis: imaginary line that intersects the transverse plane at a right angle around which rotation occurs Loose connective tissue: connective tissue that contains high levels of ground substance and few fibers Loose endfeel: abnormal endfeel characterized by abnormal motion allowed where a ligament or joint capsule should prevent it Also called empty endfeel Lordosis: anterior curvature of the spine Motor unit: a motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it controls Multipennate: pennate muscle with fibers running on both sides of multiple tendons Muscle belly: portion of a muscle between its tendons Muscle spasm: sudden, involuntary muscle contraction characterized by jerky or shaky movements Also called guarding Muscle spindle: proprioceptor distributed throughout skeletal muscle tissue that monitors changes in tissue length Muscle tissue: one of four basic types of tissue that contains contractile protein structures called myofibrils that allow this type of tissue to contract and generate movement Muscle tone: tension generated from continual motor unit activation Lymph: excess fluid in the body's tissues Musculotendinous junction: location where the epimysium of a muscle begins to converge and form a tendon Lymph node: tiny organ that cleanses lymph of foreign particles, viruses, and bacteria Myofibrils: specialized contractile proteins that make skeletal muscle tissue appear striated Macrophages: immune cells that respond to injury or infection Myology: the study of muscles Meatus: a tiny passageway in bone Myosin: protein that forms the thick filaments in muscle Myotatic reflex: contraction of muscles in response to a rapid stretching force, due to stimulation of the muscle spindle Nerve: part of the nervous system that controls and communicates with the rest of the body Nervous tissue: one of four basic types of tissue that is able to be stimulated, conduct a stimulus, and respond to stimulation Neuromuscular junction: connection between the axon of a nerve cell and a muscle cell Neuron: nerve cell Neurotransmitter: specialized chemical that crosses the synaptic cleft and stimulates or inhibits adjacent cells Nucleus: portion of a cell that contains its functional information and controls its operations Openings: holes and channels in bone that allow passage of nerves, vessels, muscles, and tendons They also create air-filled cavities called sinuses Osseous tissue: see bone Ossification: process where hyaline cartilage is replaced by bone tissue produced by osteoblasts Osteoarthritis: chronic inflammation of joint resulting from damage to the hyaline cartilage Osteoblasts: fibroblasts that secrete the proteins that make up the fibers in the extracellular matrix of bone Osteoclast: bone cells that break down old bone Osteocyte: bone cell Osteology: the study of bones Osteon: functional unit of bone comprised of the lamellae and Haversian canals Also called a Haversian system Osteoporosis: pathology that results from depletion of bone minerals such as calcium and phosphate characterized by porous bone with decreased density Pacinian corpuscle: mechanoreceptor located within skin, connective tissue around muscles, and tendons that detect the initial application of vibration or deep pressure to monitor direction and speed of body movement Panniculus: flat, continuous sheet of muscle the line of traction of the patellar tendon on the tibial tubercle Passive range of motion: joint motion that occurs when the client is resting and the therapist moves a joint through its possible motions, used to determine joint endfeel Ramus: bridgelike projection of bone Pennate: feather-shaped Perimysium: connective tissue sheath that surrounds muscle fascicles Periosteum: dense connective tissue that surrounds bone, nourishing and protecting it Pes cavus: postural deviation of the foot and ankle characterized by excessive medial arch and foot supination Pes planus: postural deviation of the foot and ankle characterized by decreased medial arch and excessive foot pronation Phosphate: mineral that is stored in bones, making up their cement along with calcium Physiological movements: gross movements of joints through the cardinal planes Physiology: the study of an organism's function Pivot joint: synovial joint characterized by a cylindrical segment of bone that fits into a corresponding cavity of another Posterior: regional term indicating toward the back Posterior pelvic tilt: postural deviation characterized by backward tipping of the pelvic girdle Power stroke: ratcheting action that occurs as myosin heads, bound to actin, pull the sarcomere together Process: prominence where soft tissue connects to the bone Projection: a bump found on a bone that helps form joints Prone: position lying face down Proprioception: overall awareness of body position Proximal: regional term indicating toward the trunk Quadriceps angle (Q-angle): angle formed by the line of traction of the quadriceps tendon on the patella and Range of motion: the extent of movement possible at a joint Reciprocal inhibition: relaxation of a muscle on one side of a joint to accommodate contraction of muscles on the other side of that joint, due to stimulation of the muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs Red bone marrow: loose connective tissue found in the interior cavity of certain types of bones where blood cells are made Reflexes: protective mechanisms that occur without thought Relative synergist: muscle that has only one or a few of its actions in common with its agonist Resistance: source of mechanical energy in a lever system exerted in opposition to force Resisted range of motion: joint motion that occurs when the client meets the resistance of the practitioner in attempting to produce movement of a joint, used to determine the health and function of contracting muscles and their corresponding tendons Reticular fibers: thin proteins found within connective tissue that resist force in multiple directions, helping to hold structures together Ridge: long, narrow soft tissue attachment site on a bone Right lymphatic duct: one of two terminal lymph vessels It resides on the right side of the neck and empties into the right brachiocephalic vein in the chest Right rotation: joint movement of the spine on the transverse plane around a longitudinal axis that turns the spine to the right Roll: accessory joint motion that occurs when a series of points on one bony surface come in contact with a corresponding series of points on another Ruffini corpuscle: mechanoreceptor located throughout joint capsules that detect distortion and monitor joint position 431 Saddle joint: synovial joint characterized by two bony surfaces that are concave in one direction and convex in the other invaders and radiation, helps regulate internal temperature, excretes certain waste products, and facilitates interaction with the outside environment Sagittal axis: imaginary line that intersects the frontal plane at a right angle around which abduction and adduction occurs Sliding filament theory: explanation of how contractile proteins within the thick and thin filaments of the myofibrils bind and release to produce shortening in the sarcomere and result in muscle contractions Sagittal plane: plane of movement that divides the body vertically into right and left halves Sarcolemma: cell membrane of a muscle fiber that regulates chemical transport into and out of the fiber Sarcomere: functional unit of a muscle fiber, which includes structures from one Z line to the next Sarcoplasm: cytoplasm of a muscle cell Sarcoplasmic reticulum: network of fluid-filled chambers that covers each myofibril and stores calcium ions that help trigger muscle contractions Scoliosis: postural deviation characterized by lateral deviation and sometimes rotation of the spine Scapulohumeral rhythm: coordinated movement between the scapulothoracic and glenohumeral joints Screw-home mechanism: locking of the tibiofemoral joint through external rotation of the tibia Slow-twitch fiber: muscle fiber that uses aerobic energy production and is slow to contract and resistant to fatigue Smooth muscle: involuntary muscle that aid in digestion, urinary excretion, reproduction, circulation, and breathing Spin: accessory motion that occurs when one surface rotates clockwise or counterclockwise around a stationary longitudinal axis Spine: short, sharp, thornlike process of bone Spongy bone: a three-dimensional latticework of porous bony tissue filled with red bone marrow Spongy endfeel: abnormal endfeel characterized by a squishy or boggy endfeel Superficial fascia: loose connective tissue that lies directly under the dermis of this skin and stores fat and water and creates a passageway for nerves and vessels Superior: regional term indicating toward the top Supine: position of lying face up Supportive connective tissue: strong, solid connective tissue that contains calcium salts deposited in its ground substance Surface epithelium: tissue that contains sheetlike layers of cells located on the internal or external body surfaces functioning as a barrier or secretor Sutures: continuous periosteal connections between bones Swing phase: phase of gait characterized by leg lifting and moving forward to position for heel strike Symphysis: fibrocartilaginous union between the bones forming a joint Synapse: functional membrane to membrane contact between one nerve cell and another nerve cell, muscle cell, gland, or sensory receptor cell Synaptic cleft: space between the axon terminal and the postsynaptic membrane Second-class lever: mechanical system characterized by a force on one end, the axis on the other end, and the resistance between the two Springy block: abnormal endfeel characterized by a rubbery or bouncy stoppage that occurs prior to end range Synarthrotic joint: joints where articulating surfaces are very close together Springy endfeel: limiting factor of joint movement being the stretching of muscles or tendons Syndesmosis: fibrous joints held together with cord or sheet of connective tissue Sensory epithelium: tissue containing specialized cells that are able to perceive and conduct specific stimuli Stance phase: phase of gait characterized by weight being fully supported by the lower extremity Sesamoid bone: bone that is encased in tendon and functions to improve the leverage and strength of muscles that it contacts Static stabilizer: structure that limits movement by resisting stretch Synergist: muscle that assists with the function of its agonist by stabilizing, steering, or contributing to a particular joint movement Sensory nerve: type of nerve that monitors the internal and external environment and relays this data to the brain Short bones: cube-shaped bones composed mainly of spongy bone that allow fine, gliding movements Striation: visible alternating dark and light fibers within cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue Subserous fascia: dense connective tissue that separates the deep fascia from the membranes that line the thoracic and abdominal cavities Skeletal muscle: voluntary muscle that creates movements at joints Summation: process of recruiting more and more motor units to increase force production Skin: continuous structure that covers the body, protecting it from outside Superficial: regional term indicating closer to the surface 432 Synostosis: osseous union between the bones forming a joint Synovial fluid: lubricant found in bursae and synovial joints that decreases friction and creates gliding movements between structures Synovial joint: most mobile type of joint characterized by having a joint capsule, large joint cavity, and synovial fluid Synovial membrane: inner portion of a synovial joint capsule that produces synovial fluid Tendon: convergence of the dense connective tissue of myofascia that connects muscle to bone Trabeculae: osseous struts that form and reform according to lines of stress and work like braces Thermogenesis: heat production in the body Transverse plane: plane of movement that divides the body horizontally into superior and inferior halves Thick filament: one of the contractile elements in muscular fibers composed to the protein myosin Thin filament: one of the contractile elements in muscular fibers composed of the protein actin Third-class lever: mechanical system characterized by a resistance on one end, the axis on the other end, and the force between the two Thixotropy: the ability of ground substance to become more liquid as movement and temperature of tissue increases Thoracic duct: largest lymphatic vessel in the body and one of two terminal vessels that empty into the brachiocephalic vein Tissue: a group of cells that share a similar structure and function Toe-off: pushing off of foot of trail leg for propulsion during gait Transverse tubules: network of tubules that run at right angles to sarcomeres and transmit nerve impulses from the sarcolemma to the cell interior Triangular muscles: muscles with fiber arrangements that start at a broad base then converge to a single point Triaxial: able to move in all three planes of motion (sagittal, frontal, and transverse) Trochanter: rounded attachment site on a bone Tropomyosin: protein that covers binding sites on actin molecules during rest Troponin: protein that keeps tropomyosin in place over actin's binding sites during rest, and moves it out of the way to allow muscle contraction Tubercle: rounded attachment site on a bone Tuberosity: rounded attachment site on a bone Uniaxial: able to move in a single plane of motion Unipennate: pennate muscle with fibers running obliquely from one side of a central tendon Vestibular apparatus: structures within the inner ear that interpret stimuli regarding head position and movement Volkmann's canals: channels that run perpendicular to the Haversian canals in compact bone and complete the pathway from the surface of the bone to its interior Also called perforating canals Voluntary: under conscious control Wolff's Law: principle that describes the adaptations of bone as a result of stresses placed upon them, such as compression from gravity and tension from muscles and ligaments Wormian bone: small, irregular bone found along the sutures of the cranium 433 Bibliography Agur AMR, Dalley AF Grunt's Atlas of Anatomy 11th Ed Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2005 American College of Sports Medicine ACSM's Resources for the Personal Trainer 2nd Ed Thompson WR, Baldwin KE, Pire NI, et al., eds Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2007 Aminaka N, Gribble PA Patellar taping, patellofemoral pain syndrome, lower extremity kinematics, and dynamic postural control J Athl Train 2008;43(l):21-28 Archer P Therapeutic Massage in Athletics Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2007 Behnke RS Kinetic Anatomy 2nd Ed Champaign: Human Kinetics; 2006 Benjamin MH, Toumi JR, Ralphs G, et al Where tendons and 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A d d u c t i o n , 4, 5f See also P a s s i v e r a n g e of motion; Resisted range of motion finger 148f, 181f hip, 364f t h u m b , 149f, 181f Adductor brevis f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 347f palpating, 347f Adductor hallucis, I t Adductor longus functional anatomy, 348f palpating, 348f Adductor magnus, 309f functional anatomy, 350f palpating, 350f Adductor tubercle, 313f Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 55 Adipocytes, Aerobic energy, 60 Afferent fibers, Agonist muscles, 62 A I I S See A n t e r i o r i n f e r i o r iliac s p i n e A l a r l i g a m e n t s , 201f Alpha motor neurons, 68 Amphiarthrotic joints, 40, , 41 t Anaerobic energy, 61 Anatomical communication, A n a t o m i c a l p o s i t i o n , 2, 2/f, b o d y r e g i o n s in, 2f A n a t o m i c a l s n u f f b o x , 175 "Anatomical stirrup," 405 "Anatomical weightbelt," 283f A n c o n e u s , 127f, , 168f A n g l e of m a n d i b l e , 195f A n k l e , 399f See also P a s s i v e r a n g e of m o t i o n ; Range of motion; Resisted range of motion dorsiflexion, 417f m o v e m e n t s a v a i l a b l e , 391f p l a n t a r f l e x i o n , 391f A n k l e a n d foot See also P a s s i v e r a n g e of motion; Range of motion; Resisted range of motion p o s t u r e of, f synergists/antagonists, 417f A n n u l a r l i g a m e n t , 139, 139f Antagonist muscles, 62 Anterior atlantoaxial m e m b r a n e , 200f Anterior atlanto-occipital m e m b r a n e , 200f Anterior border of axilla, pectoralis major, palp a t i n g , 101f Anterior cruciate ligament, 319f A n t e r i o r i n f e r i o r iliac s p i n e ( A I I S ) , f Anterior longitudinal ligament, 200f, 262f A n t e r i o r p e l v i c tilt, f , 3 f Anterior ribs, 256f Anterior sacral foramina, 254f A n t e r i o r s u p e r i o r iliac s p i n e ( A S I S ) , f p a l p a t i o n of, f Anterior talofibular ligament, 382f A n t e r i o r tibial a r t e r y , 324f, f Anterior tibialis, 372f Anterior tibiofibular ligament, 382f A n t e r i o r t r i a n g l e , 189f A n u l u s f i b r o s e s , 193f A o r t a s u b c l a v i a n b l o o d v e s s e l s , 271f Apex of sacrum, 254f A p i c a l l i g a m e n t , 201f A p p e n d a g e s , , 30f A p p e n d i c u l a r m u s c l e attachments, 85f A p p e n d i c u l a r skeleton, 29f 30 A p p r o x i m a t i o n , , 69f Arthrology, - , 50 review questions, - summary, 45 A r t i c u l a r d i s k , 193f A r t i c u l a r facet, f A S I S See A n t e r i o r s u p e r i o r i l i a c s p i n e Atlantoaxial joint s u p e r i o r v i e w , 193f t r a n s v e r s e l i g a m e n t of, 0 f A t l a s , 192f Axes, Axial skeleton, , 29f, 30 A x i s ( C ) , 192f A x o n , 18 Ball a n d s o c k e t j o i n t s , , 42f Bending motion, 302f Biceps brachii f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 103 p a l p a t i n g , 103f Biceps femoris, 309f functional anatomy, 360f palpating, 360f B i c i p i t a l g r o o v e , 81f Bifurcate ligament, 382f Bipennate muscles, 53 Bladder, 268f B l o o d v e s s e l s , 16, 17f, 271f forearm and hand, 144f-146f head, neck, region, superficial anterolateral view, 208f l e g , a n k l e a n d foot, 8 f m a j o r , of t r u n k , 271f neck, deep anterolateral view, 209f pelvis, thigh, and knee, 324f B o d y , h u m a n See H u m a n b o d y Body midline, B o n e ( s ) , 31f , 188f, 190f, 194f, 375f See also I r r e g u l a r b o n e s ; s p e c i f i c i.e hyoid bone attachment sites, 32, 39 c a r p a l , 146f c r a n i a l , 190f f u n c t i o n s of, 27 human m o v e m e n t and, - of human palatine, palpating, s h a p e s of, summary, of trunk skeleton, - 191f - , 10f 9, 9f, , 31f, 32 45 anterior and posterior view, 250f lateral v i e w , 251f Bone markings, 32, 33t-38t B o n e tissue, 27, 28f B o n y endfeel, , 69f Bony landmarks, 32, 33t-38t B r a c h i a l a r t e r y , 144f Brachialis muscles, 126f palpating, 156f, 157 Brachial plexus, 208f B r a c h i o r a d i a l i s , 127f, 158, 158f Breathing levator costarum, 299f m o v e m e n t s available, 277f m u s c l e s of, f 9 f quadratus lumborum, 290f synergists/antagonists, 300f Bursae, 20 o f e l b o w , p o s t e r i o r v i e w , 145f o f h i p , 22f Bursitis, 20 Calcaneofibular ligament, 383f Calcaneus, 373f 375f palpating, 376f Calcium, 27 C a n a l i c u l i , , 28f C a p i l l a r y b e d , 18f C a p s u l a r endfeel, , 69f C a r d i a c m u s c l e , 11, 50, 50f C a r p a l b o n e s , 146f Carpals d o r s a l p a l p a t i o n of, 3 , 133f p a l m a r p a l p a t i o n , 134, 134f C a r p a l t u n n e l , 146f C a r p o m e t a c a r p a l j o i n t s , 130f C a r t i l a g e , , 22f Cartilaginous joints, , 40f C a u d a equina, 273f Cell body, 18 C e p h a l i c v e i n , 144f Cervical anterior vertebral bodies, palpating, 196f Cervical Cervical Cervical Cervical Cervical c u r v a t u r e , 251f extension, 213f flexion, 213f lateral flexion, 213f ligaments anterior view, 200f deep posterior view, 201f intermediate posterior view, 202f l a t e r a l v i e w , 201f superficial posterior view, 2 f Cervical nerves, 210f Cervical plexus, 208f Cervical rotation, 213f Cervical spinal cord, d e e p posterior view, f C e r v i c a l s p i n e , 187 m u s c l e a t t a c h m e n t sites l a t e r a l a n d a n t e r i o r v i e w s , 198f p o s t e r i o r v i e w , 199f C e r v i c a l s p i n o u s p r o c e s s e s , 195f C e r v i c a l t r a n s v e r s e p r o c e s s e s , p a l p a t i n g , 194f C e r v i c a l v r t e b r a e 193f Cervical vertebral c o l u m n a n t e r i o r a n d lateral v i e w s , 192f p o s t e r i o r v i e w 193f Chondroblasts, Chyle cistern, thoracic duct and, e270f Circular muscles, 51 C i r c u l a t o r y s y s t e m , 16, 17f C l a v i c l e , 80f Coccygeal cornu, 255f C o c c y x , f 251f C o l l a g e n l i b e r s , 7, 7f C o l l a t e r a l l i g a m e n t s 140f C o m m o n peroneal nerve 325f 389f C o m p a c t bone , 28f Concentric contractions - , 61f Conductivity, skeletal muscle and 54 C o n d y l e ( s ) 34f 190f 191f 196f 3 f 314f o f m a n d i b l e , 190f p a l p a t i n g , 196f C o n n e c t i v e t i s s u e , 6f c e l l s a n d fibers of 7f c o m p o n e n t s of types 7-8 C o n t r a c t i l i t y See also E c c e n t r i c c o n t r a c t i o n s skeletal m u s c l e and 54 C o n v e x - c o n c a v e rule 4 45f Coracobrachialis f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y 102 p a l p a t i n g , 102f Coracoid process, palpating / C o r o n a l s u t u r e 190f C o r o n o i d p r o c e s s 190f o f m a n d i b l e , 195f Costal end, 253f C o s t a l facet f Costal groove, 253f Costovertebral joints, / C o x a l j o i n t , 311f P R O M 329, 329f R R O M , 3.32f C r a n i a l h o n e 190f C r e s t , 36f Cross-bridges, 57 Cross-section C r u c i f o r m l i g a m e n t , 201f C u b i t a l l y m p h n o d e s , 144f C u b i t a l v e i n , 144f Cuboid, 378f Cuneiforms 377f Deep cervical muscles anterior view, 206f Diarthrotic joints, 40 , t Digastric functional a n a t o m y , 2 226f palpating, 226, 226f Distal tibiofibular joint, f Distal w r i s t c r e a s e , 128/f Dorsal interossei, 414f Dorsiflexion, 396f 399f 402, 417f Dura, 210f E c c e n t r i c c o n t r a c t i o n s , 61f 62 E d e m a 18 E l a s t i c c a r t i l a g e , , 22f E l a s t i c fibers If Elasticity, skeletal m u s c l e and, 54 E l a s t i n , If E l b o w 153f See also P a s s i v e r a n g e of m o t i o n : Resisted range of motion bony landmarks 131-135 b u r s a e of, p o s t e r i o r v i e w , 145f e x t e n s i o n , 147f, 153f f l e x i o n 147f, 153f ligaments a n t e r i o r v i e w , , 138f p o s t e r i o r v i e w , 139, 139f m o v e m e n t s , 147f, 182f s p e c i a l s t r u c t u r e s of, 4 - , 4 f - I f p o s t e r i o r v i e w , 145f summary 59 s u r f a c e a n a t o m y , 126f, 127f s y n e r g i s t s / a n t a g o n i s t s 180f Elbow, forearm, wrist, hand region, - See also E l b o w ; F o r e a r m ; H a n d ; Wrist a c t i v i t y 185 o v e r v i e w of, 125 summary and review questions, 183-184 Ellipsoid/condyloid joints, 42t, 43 E n d f e e l , - 69f a b n o r m a l v n o r m a l t 71t Endomysium, 55 E p i c o n d y l e , 36f E p i d e r m i s - 16f Epimysium, 55 Epiphyseal plate 32 Epiphyses, 32, 33 E p i t h e l i a l t i s s u e - , 6f Excitability, skeletal m u s c l e and, 54 Exhalation, 284/f Extensibility, skeletal muscle and, 54 E x t e n s i o n , 4, 5f See also C e r v i c a l e x t e n s i o n ; Hyperextension of knee; Passive range of motion: Resisted range of motion posterior view, 206f D e e p fascia, 14, 14f Deep inguinal nodes, 324f D e e p muscles, pelvis, thigh, and knee c e r v i c a l , 213f e l b o w , 147f a n t e r i o r a n d lateral v i e w s 2 f posterior view, 323f Deep peroneal nerve 389f D e e p t r a n s v e r s e m e t a c a r p a l l i g a m e n t s , 140f Deltoid ligament, 382f D e l t o i d m u s c l e , 98f t h u m b 149f toe 393f 417f functional anatomy 99 palpating a n t e r i o r / m i d d l e fibers, 99f p o s t e r i o r fibers, 99f D e l t o i d t u b e r o s i t y , 81f Demifacets, 253f D e n d r i t e s , 18 D e n s e c o n n e c t i v e t i s s u e 192f Depressions, 32 D e r m i s , - , 16f Diaphragm, 268f functional anatomy 284f palpating, 284f 440 finger 148f hip, 364f, 365f trunk wrist, Extensor Extensor 276f 300f 147f c a r p i r a d i a l i s b r e v i s , 170, 170f c a r p i r a d i a l i s l o n g u s , 127f f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y 169 169f p a l p a t i n g , , 169f E x t e n s o r c a r p i u l n a r i s , 127f , 171f E x t e n s o r digiti m i n i m i f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 174, 174f p a l p a t i n g 174 174/f E x t e n s o r d i g i t o r u m 127f 172f Extensor digitorum brevis, 414t Extensor digitorum longus 372f functional anatomy, 403f palpating, 403f t e n d o n s of, f Extensor hallucis brevis 414t Extensor hallucis longus functional anatomy 404f palpating, 404f E x t e n s o r i n d i c i s 173f E x t e n s o r p o l l i c i s b r e v i s , 176, 176f E x t e n s o r p o l l i c i s l o n g u s , 142f 177 177f E x t e r n a l a u d i t o r y c a n a l , 193f E x t e r n a l c a r o t i d artery, f External intercostals functional a n a t o m y 285f palpating 285f External j u g u l a r vein, 208f External oblique, 248f f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 281f p a l p a t i n g , 281f E x t e r n a l o c c i p i t a l p r o t u b e r a n c e , 188f p a l p a t i n g , 195f E x t e r n a l r o t a t i o n , 5f Extracellular matrix E x t r a f u s a l fibers, F a c e t j o i n t s , , / f 192f Facial artery, 208f Facial muscles, 207f expression, 215f Facial nerve, 208f False ribs, 250f Fascia - l a y e r s , 14, 14f palpating 14-15 s t r u c t u r e of, 13 14f m i c r o s c o p i c 14f Fascicles, 55 Fast g l y c o l y t i c f i b e r s See Fast t w i t c h fibers F a s t o x i d a t i v e g l y c o l y t i c fibers See I n t e r m e d i a t e fibers Fast t w i t c h fibers ( F a s t g l y c o l y t i c fibers), - , 60f Fats, bones and, 27 Femoral artery 324f Femoral groove, 319f Femoral joints, P R O M , 329 329f Femoral triangle 308f F i b e r d i r e c t i o n , 12, 12f 53 naming muscles and 52t F i b e r s 7, 7f Fibrous capsule, 41 F i b r o u s c a r t i l a g e 22f Fibrous joints, 39-40, 39f Fibular head, 372f p a l p a t i o n of, f Fifth m e t a t a r s a l , b a s e of 378f F i n g e r , 155f e x t e n s i o n , 148f 152, 152f f l e x i o n , 148f 152 / f 181f R R O M , 155f F i r s t - c l a s s l e v e r s , in h u m a n b o d y , , 66f F i s s u r e , 33f Flaccid muscles, 59 Flat b o n e s , 31f 32 F l a t f o o t See P e s p l a n u s F l e x i o n , 4, 5f trunk 300f F l e x o r c a r p i r a d i a l i s , / f 159 159f F l e x o r c a r p i u l n a r i s / f 161f 162, 162f F l e x o r digiti m i n i m i b r e v i s 178f f Flexor digitorum brevis, 416t Flexor digitorum longus functional anatomy, 412f palpating, 412f F l e x o r d i g i t o r u m p r o f u n d u s 163 163f F l e x o r d i g i t o r u m s u p e r f i c i a l i s , 162 162f Flexor hallucis brevis 416f Flexor hallucis longus functional a n a t o m y 413f palpating 413f F l e x o r p o l l i c i s b r e v i s 178f F l e x o r p o l l i c i s l o n g u s , 164, / Flexor retinaculum, 146/ Flexor tendons, / hand, 146/ Flight phase, / Fluid connective tissue, Foot blading motion, / eversion, / / 41 If flexion, / i n t r i n s i c m u s c l e s of, 4 / - / inversion, / / movements, / muscle attachment dorsal surface, / plantar surface, / m u s c l e s of, p l a n t a r v i e w , / pronation, 393/' RROM, 400/ skating motion, / supination, / Foramen, 32, 3 / Foramen magnum, 191/ F o r c e production, factors affecting, - Forearm anterior view, / bony landmarks, 131-135 deep muscles of anterior view, 143, / posterior view, 143, / movement, 182/ posterior view, / / P R O M , 150 / skeletal structures anterior view, / posterior view, 129/ s p e c i a l s t r u c t u r e s of, 4 - , 4 / - / summary, 59 superficial m u s c l e s of anterior view, / posterior view, 142/ Fossa, 3 / Frontal axis, , / Frontal bone, 190/ Frontal eminence, 8 / Frontal plane, , / Fusiform muscles, 51 G a i t , p h a s e s of, / - / Gallbladder, / G a m m a motor neurons, 68 Gastrocnemius, / functional anatomy, / palpating, / Genu valgum, / Gracilis communication terms, - functional anatomy, / palpating, / Greater trochanter of femur, / directional terminology, , / l e v e r s in, m u s c l e s of, / / p a l p a t i o n of, / Greater tubercle, / Greater wing of sphenoid bone, 190/ Great saphenous vein, / Groove, 3 / Ground substance, Hand r e g i o n s , t e r m s for, , / review questions, - anterior view, / / bony landmarks, 131-135 deep muscles of anterior view, 143, / posterior view, 143, / flexor tendons, / i n t r i n s i c m u s c l e s of, / - / ligaments, anterior view, / movements, 148/ 182/ posterior view, / skeletal structures, anterior view, / s p e c i a l s t r u c t u r e s of, 4 - , 4 / - / summary, 59 superficial m u s c l e s of anterior view, / posterior view, / s u r f a c e a n a t o m y , 126/, / synergists/antagonists, / synovial sheaths, / Haversian system, 28, / H e a d , 187 H e a d (of b o n e ) , / H e a d (of f i b u l a ) , / H e a d , n e c k , a n d face r e g i o n , - See also H e a d ; H e a d a n d n e c k ; N e c k bony landmarks, 194/-196/ l i g a m e n t s of, 0 / - / o v e r v i e w of, 187 reading suggestions, 245 skeletal structures a n t e r i o r v lateral v i e w , / atlantoaxial joint, / cervical vertebrae, / cervical vertebral c o l u m n , / / skull, / s p e c i a l s t r u c t u r e s of, / - 1 / s u m m a r y / r e v i e w of, 4 - s u r f a c e a n a t o m y of, 8 / anterior v posterior view, 8 / anterolateral view, / Head and neck d e e p m u s c l e s of, / ' i n t e r m e d i a t e m u s c l e s of, / Genu valgus, superior gemellus / 5 / movement, / / 357/, / / Genu varum, / p o s t u r e of, 2 / s u p e r f i c i a l m u s c l e s of, / Glands, head and neck, superficial anterolateral view, / Glandular epithelium, - Glenohumeral joint movements available, / resisted range o f motion, / Gliding joints, 43, / Gliding movement, , 44, 4 / Gluteus maximus, / functional anatomy, / palpating, / Gluteus medius, / functional anatomy / palpating, / Gluteus minimus functional anatomy, / palpating, / Golgi tendon organs, 68 Gomphoses, 39, / synergists/antagonists, / Heart, / Hematopoiesis, 27 Hepatic plexus, / H i g h a r c h See P e s c a v u s Hinge joints, , / Hip b u r s a e of, 2 / extension, / / external rotation, / / flexion, 364/ 365/ internal rotation, / / movements available, / PROM, 329/ 330/ RROM, 332/ 333/ synergists/antagonists, / - / Hip and knee posture, / H o o k of H a m a t e , 135, / H u m a n b o d y , 1-25 structures, - human movement, 2, 8-15 H u m a n skeleton, 28, / 30, / Humeroulnar joint, 39 Hyaline cartilage, 20, 2 / Hyoid bone, / palpating, 196/ Hyperextension of knee, popliteus, / Hypertonicity, 59 H y p o d e r m i s ( S u p e r f i c i a l f a s c i a ) , 14, / 15-16, 16/ Iliac a r t e r i e s , / Iliac c r e s t , / / palpating, / Iliac f o s s a , / lliacus functional anatomy, 3 / palpating, 3 / Iliac v e i n s , / Iliocostalis functional anatomy, / palpating, / Iliofemoral ligament, / Iliolumbar ligament, / Iliotibial b a n d , / palpating, , / I n f e r i o r c o s t a l facet, / Inferior g e m e l l u s functional anatomy, / / palpating, / / Inferior gluteal nerve, / I n f e r i o r n u c h a l line, / Inferior v e n a cava, / Inferior vertebral notch, / Infrahyoid muscles, / functional anatomy, 2 , 2 / palpating, 227, 2 / Infraspinatus f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 115, 1 / palpating, 115/ Inguinal ligament, / / Inhalation, 7 / / Integrated cervical structures, superior view, 211/ Intercarpal joint, / Intercostal nerves, / Intermediate cervical muscles, posterior and anterior views, / Intermediate fibers (Fast oxidative glycolytic fibers), 61 Internal carotid artery, / Internal intercostals functional anatomy, / palpating, / Internal j u g u l a r vein, / Internal oblique functional anatomy, / palpating, / Internal rotation, , / Internal vertebral v e n o u s plexus, 1 / Interossei, / I n t e r o s s e o u s m e m b r a n e , 10, 139, / anterior view, 138, / Interphalangeal joint, 130/ Interspinalis functional anatomy, / palpating, / Interspinal ligaments, / Interspinous ligaments, / Intersternal notch, / 441 Intertransversarii passive range of motion, 396, / - / region overview, 371 resisted range o f motion, 9 / / skeletal structures functional anatomy, / palpating, / Intertransverse ligaments, / Intervertebral disk, / I n v e r s e m y o t a t i c reflex, Inversion, 417/' Irregular bones, / Ischial tuberosity / Ischiofemoral ligament, / Isometric contractions, , / Isotonic contractions, , / Jaw movements, 214/ synergists/antagonists, / J o i n t ( s ) See also specific i.e joints anterior/posterior view, / lateral/medial view, / s p e c i a l s t r u c t u r e s of, 8 / - / summary, 419 summary and review questions, ^ superficial m u s c l e s of anterior/lateral view, / medial/posterior view, / surface a n a t o m y of modified hinge function, structure and, - , 41? h u m a n s k e l e t o n , 39—41 naming, 39 m o v e m e n t s , 4—5 projections forming, 32 summary, 45 Joint capsule, , 0 / Joint cavity, 41 J o i n t play, Kicking motion, 6 / Kidneys, / K n e e , / 4 / See also H i p a n d k n e e p o s t u r e l i g a m e n t s of, a n t e r i o r / p o s t e r i o r v i e w s , / movements available, / PROM, 319/ 331/ RROM, 334/ '"Knock k n e e s " inferior g e m e l l u s , / / / obturator internus, / / quadratus femoris, / / superior gemellus, / 5 / Kyphosis, / Lacrimal bone, 190/ I acunae, 28, / Lambda, 191/ L a m b d o i d suture, 190/ Lamellae, 28, / Lamina, / Lamina groove, / palpating, / L a n g e r ' s l i n e s , 14, / Lateral collateral ligament, / Lateral costotransverse ligament, / Lateral epicondyle, 127/ palpating, 131, / Lateral femoral condyle, 3 / Lateral flexion, trunk, 0 / Lateral malleolus, / palpating, 7 / Lateral m e n i s c u s , / Lateral pterygoid, / functional anatomy, , / palpating, 239, / Lateral rotation, Lateral sacral crests, 5 / L a t e r a l tibial c o n d y l e , / L a t i s s i m u s d o r s i , 110, 1 / / f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 111 palpating, 1 / Left internal j u g u l a r vein, t h o r a c i c d u c t a n d , / Left s u b c l a v i a n v e i n , t h o r a c i c d u c t a n d , / L e g , a n k l e a n d foot, ^ 2 , / - / See also A n k l e ; F o o t anterior/lateral views, / medial/posterior view, / Lesser tubercle, / Levator costae longus, / Levator costarum, breathing and, 9 / Levator scapula f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 108 palpating, 108/ L e v e r s y s t e m See also F i r s t - c l a s s l e v e r s ; Second-class levers; Third-class levers h u m a n body, 65 Lifting, motion, 121, 182, / 6 / muscles, / 6 / L i g a m e n t a flava, / L i g a m e n t o f costal tubercle, / L i g a m e n t s , - 1 See also specific i.e cervical ligaments hand, anterior view, / h e a d , n e c k , a n d face r e g i o n , 0 / - / hip, m u s c l e attachment sites, / l e g , a n k l e a n d foot, / lateral/medial view, / posterior/inferior view, / microscopic view, / palpating, 11, / pelvis, m u s c l e a t t a c h m e n t sites, / pelvis, thigh, and knee, / of shoulder, / s t r u c t u r e of, 10, / trunk a n t e r i o r a n d lateral v i e w s , / posterior and superior view, / L i g a m e n t u m flavum, / Ligamentum nuchae, / Line, / Linea alba, / Linea aspera, 1 / Lister's tubercle, 133, 3 / Liver, / forearm and hand, 4 / - / of neck, anterior view, / s t r u c t u r e of, / of trunk, / L y m p h o i d o r g a n s , 18 Macrophages, M a n d i b l e , 8 / / See also A n g l e o f mandible Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve, / M a n d i b u l a r fossa, / Masseter functional anatomy 238, / palpating, 238, / Mastoid process, 8 / Maxilla, 190/ Meatal protuberance, 188/ Meatus, 32, / Mechanoreceptors, 68 Medial arch, / Medial collateral ligament, / Medial epicondyle, 126/ p a l p a t i n g , 132, / Medial femoral condyle, 3 / Medial malleolus, / / Medial meniscus, / Medial pterygoid functional anatomy, , / palpating, 239, / Medial rotation, Medial talocalcaneal ligament, / M e d i a l tibial c o n d y l e , / Medial tubercle of calcaneus, / Medial tubercle of talus, / Median nerve, 144/ M e d i a n sacral crest, 5 / Medullary cavity, 30, / M e t a c a r p a l s , 134, 134/ Metacarpophalangeal joints, 128/ 130/ Metatarsal heads, / Metatarsals, / / Minerals, bones and, 27 Mitochondria, 55 Modified hinge joints, , / M o t i o n See also A c t i v e r a n g e of m o t i o n ; M o v e m e n t ( s ) ; Passive range of motion; R a n g e of motion; Resisted range of motion accessory, , 4 / bending, muscles and, / blading, / g r a s p i n g , 182 functional anatomy, 8 / palpating, 8 / Longitudinal axis, 4, 5/ Long plantar ligament, / L o n g u s colli head and neck, / kicking, 6 / functional anatomy, 224, 2 / palpating, 224, 2 / Longus muscles, / Loose connective tissue, Lordosis, / Lower limb, 30, / Lumbar curvature, / Lumbar plexus, / Lumbar vertebrae, / / ligaments of lateral/medial view, / posterior/inferior view, 383/' lymphatics, 8 / m u s c l e attachment sites, / L y m p h a t i c s y s t e m , 18, / l e g , a n k l e a n d foot, 8 / 442 of trunk, / L y m p h nodes, 18 Long bones, , / Longissimus lateral v i e w , / L u m b a r vertebral bodies, / L u m b o s a c r a l articular surface, / Lumbricals, / 415/ Lungs, / L y m p h , 18 activities, 421 of pelvis, thigh, knee, / lifting, , , / 6 / muscles, / 6 / pushing, muscles and, / p u s h - u p s , 121 r e a c h i n g , 121 running foot a n d , / m u s c l e s for, 6 / s c a p u l o t h o r a c i c j o i n t , 121 s h o o t i n g b a s k e t b a l l m o t i o n , 182 skating, / foot a n d , / skeletal, 51 specialty, throwing, 6 / trunk, synergists/antagonists, 0 / t w i s t i n g , 182, / walking foot a n d , / quadratus lumborum, / M o t o r n e r v e s , 18 Motor neurons, 59, / M o t o r unit, , / M o v e m e n t ( s ) See specific i.e gliding movement bones and, 27 e l b o w , f o r e a r m , wrist, h a n d m u s c l e s , / forearm, 182/ glenohumeral joint, / human b o d y s t r u c t u r e s in, - c o n t r a c t i o n t y p e s in, muscles, head and neck, / p l a n e s of, ^ t scapulothoracic joint, / summary, 59 trunk, / Multifidi functional anatomy, / palpating, / Multipennate muscles, 53 M u s c l e ( s ) See also M u s c l e a t t a c h m e n t ; M u s c l e tissue; S m o o t h muscle; S u p e r f i c i a l m u s c l e s ; s p e c i f i c i.e multipennate muscles of breathing, / 9 / contraction, 54 e v e n t s of, / 59b p h y s i o l o g y of, 5 , , types, - , / cross-sectional area, 60 facial e x p r e s s i o n , / foot, p l a n t a r v i e w , / forearm anterior view, / posterior view, / hand, / - / anterior view, / 143, / posterior view, / 143, / head, 54 head and neck, / / / motion and, / movement, / h u m a n body, / / kicking motion, 6 / l e g , a n k l e a n d foot anterior/lateral view, / medial/posterior view, / length, 60 length-tension relationship, / lifting m o t i o n , / 6 / n a m i n g , - , 53b posture, 51 relationships, 62, / / shoulder, 8 / / skeletal, - , / f u n c t i o n s of, 51 macroscopic anatomy, 55, / m i c r o s c o p i c a n a t o m y v., 5 skull, / thoracic vertebra, / trunk, / thoracic vertebrae, / trunk, / M u s c l e belly pectoralis major, 1 / trapezius, 107/ Muscle fibers, 1 , 1 / - , / skeletal, 1 , 1 / p a l p a t i n g , 12, / t y p e s of, 1 - , - , / Musculotendinous junction, 55 Myofibrils, 55 Myology, - movements available, / N e r v e c e l l , s t r u c t u r e of, 2 / N e r v e s , 18, See also specific i.e nerve sites, / - , / - / cervical spine, / hip and pelvis, / dorsiflexion, / plantarflexion, / cervical flexion, , / cervical rotation, 216, / coxal/femoral joints, 329, / elbow extension, 150, / flexion, 150, / finger extension, 152, / trigeminal forearm and hand, 4 / - / leg, ankle and foot, 8 / flexion, 152, / foot eversion, / inversion, / forearm of pelvis, thigh, and knee, anterior/posterior views, / s t r u c t u r e of, 2 / of trunk, / posterior view, / Nervous system, / Nervous tissue, Neuromuscular junction 55, 57, / Neuromuscular regulators, 67/ Nuchal ligament, 8 / N u c l e i , m u s c l e fibers a n d , 5 Nucleus pulposus, / O b l i q u u s capitis inferior p r o n a t i o n , 150, / s u p i n a t i o n , 150, / great toe extension, / flexion, / ' hip abduction, / adduction, / extension, / external rotation, 3 / flexion, / internal rotation, 3 / knee functional anatomy, 234, / extension, 3 / palpating, 234, / Obliquus capitis superior functional anatomy, 3 , 3 / palpating, 233, 3 / Obturator externus functional anatomy, / / palpating, / / Obturator internus functional anatomy, / / p a l p a t i n g , , If Openings, 32 p o s t e r i o r v i e w , 137, / leg, a n k l e a n d foot, / review, - ankle summary, - Myosin, 57 Myotatic reflex, 68 M y o t a t i c reflex intrafusal fibers, 68 Nasal bones, 190/ Navicular, 7 / N e c k , 187 throwing motion, 6 / tone, 59 a n t e r i o r v i e w , 136, / 150-152, 150/-152/ 216, I / - / 396, / - / review questions, - motion, 51 p r o p e r t i e s , , 54£> spasm, / arm P a n n i c u l u s m u s c l e See P l a t y s m a Parallel muscles, 51 arrangements, , 52/ Paravertebral group, 2 , 2 / Parietal bone, / Parotid salivary gland, / Passive range of motion ( P R O M ) , 69, / types, / d i s t r i b u t i o n of, 61 Muscle spindles, 66, 68 M u s c l e tissue, 8, 1 - palpating, / / Occipital condyle, / Olecranon bursa, / O l e c r a n o n fossa, p a l p a t i n g , , / Olecranon process, / / trunk, anterior/posterior view, / twisting motion, / vascular p u m p and, 51 M u s c l e a t t a c h m e n t See also A p p e n d i c u l a r muscle attachments Osteoporosis, 27 Pacinian corpuscles, 68 Palatine process, / Palmaris longus, / 160, / Palmar ligaments, 140/ Palmar metacarpal ligaments, 140/ P a l p a t i o n t i p s , Sb Pancreas, / Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve, 210/ O p p o n e n s digiti m i n i m i , / / O p p o n e n s pollicis, / Osseous tissue, Ossification, 32 Osteoarthritis, 20 Osteoblasts, 7, 27 Osteoclasts, 27 Osteocytes, 27 Osteology, - , 50 review questions, - summary, 45 external rotation, 3 / flexion, 3 / internal rotation, 3 / radial deviation, 151, / shoulder abduction, / / extension, / flexion, / rotation, / thumb a b d u c t i o n , 152, / extension, 152, / flexion, 152, / toe extension, / flexion, / ulnar deviation, 151, / wrist extension, 151, / flexion, 151, / Patella, / Patellar tendon, / 319/' Patellofemoral joint, / Pectineus functional anatomy, / palpating, / P e c t o r a l i s m a j o r , 100, 0 / / f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 101 palpating, 1 / 443 Pectoralis minor f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 104 palpating, 104/ Pedicle, / / Pelvic girdle, 30, / P e l v i s , t h i g h , a n d k n e e - See also Knee; Pelvic girdle activity, d e e p m u s c l e s , a n t e r i o r a n d lateral v i e w s , 2 / l i g a m e n t s of, / / nerves, anterior/posterior views, / region overview, 307 skeletal structures anterior view, / p o s t e r i o r a n d lateral v i e w , 1 / s p e c i a l s t r u c t u r e s of, / s u m m a r y and review, 367 superficial muscles, / a n t e r i o r a n d lateral v i e w s , / posterior view, 321/ surface anatomy of anterior view, / lateral a n d p o s t e r i o r v i e w , / Pennate arrangements, 52/, - Pennate muscles, 52/, 53 Perimysium, 55 Periosteum, 28, / Peroneal tubercle, / Pcroneus brevis functional anatomy, / palpating, / Peroneus longus, / functional a n a t o m y and, / palpating, / Peroneus tertius functional anatomy, / palpating, / Pes anserine tendon / 339 Pes cavus (High arch), / Pes planus (Flatfoot), / P h a l a n g e s , / 381 / palpating, 135, / / Phosphate, 27 P o s t e r i o r s u p e r i o r iliac s p i n e ( P S I S ) , p a l p a t i o n of, / Posterior triangle, / Postural deviations, / Posture head and neck, 2 / hip and knee, / skeletal muscle and, 51 Power stroke, 57 Process, / Projections, 32 pronation P r o n a t o r q u a d r a t u s , 166, 6 / Pronator teres, 165, / Proprioception, - 6 Protection, skeletal muscle and, 51 Proximal tibiofibular joint, 374/ P S I S See P o s t e r i o r s u p e r i o r iliac s p i n e Psoas functional anatomy, 3 / palpating, 3 / P t e r y g o i d p l a t e s , / See also L a t e r a l p t e r y goid; Medial pterygoid Pubic symphysis, / / Pubis, / Pushing motion, / Quadratus femoris palpating, / / Quadratus lumborum functional anatomy, / / palpating, / / Radial collateral ligament, 139 / Radial deviation, / Radial head, 132 / Radial nerve, 4 / Radial styloid process, / / palpating, 133, 3 / Radiate ligament, / Rami, 32, / palpating, 195/ functional anatomy, / palpating / P i s i f o r m , 134, / Pivot joints, , 42/ Plantarflexion, / 9 / / Plantar intermelatarsal ligaments, / Plantar interossei, 4 / Plantaris range of motion; Resisted range of motion active, - categories, - Reciprocal inhibition, 68 Rectus abdominis, / functional anatomy, 2 , 2 / palpating, 222, 2 / Popliteal artery, / 8 / Popliteal fossa, / Popliteal nodes, / Popliteus functional anatomy / palpating, / Posterior atlantoaxial m e m b r a n e , 2 / Posterior atlanto-occipital m e m b r a n e , 202/' Posterior cruciate ligament, / Posterior inferior talofibular ligament, / Posterior longitudinal ligaments, 2 / / 263/ Posterior Posterior Posterior Posterior Posterior 444 meniscofemoral ligament, / ribs, / sacral foramina, 5 / sacrococcygeal ligaments, / sacroiliac ligaments, / plantarflexion, 399/ cervical flexion, 218, / rotation, 218, / coxal joint/tibiofemoral joint, 3 / elbow e x t e n s i o n , 153/' flexion, 153/ finger adduction, 155/ e x t e n s i o n 155/ flexion, 155/ foot eversion, 0 / inversion, 0 / great toe extension, / flexion 400/ hip abduction, 3 / adduction, 3 / extension, 3 / external rotation, 3 / flexion,332/ internal rotation, 3 / knee extension, 3 / functional anatomy, / / of pubis, 3 / R a n g e of m o t i o n ( R O M ) See also P a s s i v e functional anatomy, / dorsiflexion, 9 / P R O M See P a s s i v e r a n g e o f m o t i o n P r o n a t i o n , / See also F o o t ; R e s i s t e d Physiological movements, 43 Piriformis palpating, / Plantar tarsometatarsal ligaments, / Platysma (Panniculus muscle) ankle functional anatomy, / palpating, / Rectus capitis anterior functional anatomy, , / palpating, 235, / Rectus capitis lateralis functional anatomy, 236, / palpating, 236, / Rectus capitis posterior major functional anatomy, , / palpating, , / Rectus capitus posterior minor functional anatomy, , / palpating, 232, / Rectus femoris, / functional anatomy, 3 / palpating, 3 / Recurrent interosseous artery, / Red bone marrow, 27 Resisted inhalation, / Resisted pronation, / Resisted radial deviation, / Resisted range of motion ( R R O M ) , - , / / 152, / - , - / 218, / - / 9 / - / external rotation, 3 / flexion,334/ internal r o t a t i o n 3 / shoulder, / external rotation, / internal rotation / thumb abduction, 156/ adduction 156/ extension, 155/ flexion, 5 / opposition, 156/ toe extension, / flexion,400/ trunk, 278, / - / flexion, 278/ rotation, / ulnar deviation, 154/ wrist extension, 154/ flexion, / Resisted supination, / R e t i c u l a r fibers, , / R h o m b o i d major, | ( ) , / palpating, / Rhomboid minor, palpating, 109/ Rib(s) angle, / anterior, / breathing and, 9 / false, / posterior, / true, / twelfth, / Ridge, / R i g h t l y m p h a t i c d u c t , 27(1/ Rolling, , 4 / R O M See R a n g e o f m o t i o n Rotation, 5, 5/ trunk, 0 / Rotatores functional anatomy, / palpating, / Rotatores brevis muscles, / R R O M See R e s i s t e d r a n g e o f m o t i o n Ruffini c o r p u s c l e s , Running, motion foot a n d / m u s c l e s for, 6 / Sacral c a n a l , 5 / Sacral cornu, 5 / Sacral crests, / S a c r a l c u r v a t u r e , 25 If Sacral hiatus, 5 / Sacral plexus, / Sacral promontory / Sacral spinous tubercles, / Sacroiliac joint / 31 If Sacrotuberous ligament, / Sacrum, / / anterior view, / p a l p a t i o n of, / posterior view, 5 / Saddle joints, , / Sagittal a x i s , , / Sagittal plane, , / Sagittal suture, / Sarcolemma, 55 Sarcomeres, 55 Sarcoplasm, 55 Sarcoplasmic reticulum, 55 Sartorius functional a n a t o m y , 3 / — 3 / palpating, 3 / - 3 / Scalenes functional a n a t o m y , 2 , 2 / palpating 2 , 2 / S c a p h o i d , 133, 3 / Scapula, / lateral b o r d e r of, / m e d i a l b o r d e r of / resisted range o f motion / s p i n e of, / s u p e r i o r a n g l e of, / synergists/antagonists, 119/ Scapulohumeral rhythm, / Scapulothoracic joint motion and, 121 / movements available, / resisted range o f motion, / Sciatic nerve, / / Scoliosis, / Second-class levers, in h u m a n body 65, 6 / Semimembranosis, / functional a n a t o m y , / p a l p a t i n g , 361 / Semispinalis functional a n a t o m y , , / palpating, 230, / / Semitendinosis functional anatomy, / palpating, / Sensory epithelium S e n s o r y n e r v e s , 18 Serratus anterior functional a n a t o m y , 113 palpating 113/ Serratus posterior inferior functional a n a t o m y , / ' palpating, 293/' Serratus posterior superior functional anatomy / palpating / Sesamoids, / palpating, / Shaft, / "Shin splints." 402 Short bones, / Shoulder(s), - , / / b o n y l a n d m a r k s of, / / / d e e p m u s c l e s of, / l i g a m e n t s of, / / PROM, / 94/ region overview, 75 resisted range of motion, / review, 2 - RROM, 96/ 97/ skeletal structures a n t e r i o r v lateral v i e w , / posterior v superior view / s t r u c t u r e s of / s u m m a r y of, 122 s u p e r f i c i a l m u s c l e s of, 8 / surface a n a t o m y a n t e r i o r v lateral v i e w , / posterior v superior view, 7 / synergists/antagonists, 120/ Shoulder girdle, 30, / Sinuses, 32, / Sinus tarsi, / Skating, motion, / foot a n d , / S k e l e t a l m u s c l e See M u s c l e ( s ) S k e l e t a l m u s c l e fiber See M u s c l e fibers Skeletal structures forearm, 129/ hand, anterior view, / p a l p a t i o n of, / - / / - / leg, a n k l e , a n d foot, / - / ' Skin, - p a l p a t i n g , 16, / structure, 15-16, 16/ S k u l l , 187 a n t e r i o r v lateral v i e w , / inferior view, 191/ muscle attachment sites, inferior and anterolateral v i e w s , / posterior view, / Sliding filament theory, , 58 S l o w twitch fibers, , / Small intestines, / Smooth muscle, 11, 50, / Snuff, 175 Soleal line of tibia, / Soleus, / functional anatomy, / palpating, / Specialty motion, Sphenomandibular ligament, / S p i n a l c o l u m n , c u r v a t u r e s of, / Spinal cord, / Spinal ganglias, 1 / Spinalis f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y of, / palpating, / Spinal nerves, / S p i n e , / / / / See also Cervical spinal cord; Cervical spine; Spinal column; Spinal cord; Spinal nerves p a l p a t i o n of, / Spinning, 43, 4 / , / Spinous processes, / / / palpating, / Spinous tubercles, 5 / Splanchnic nerves, / Spleen / Splenius capitis Sternocleidomastoid, 189/ functional anatomy, 220, 2 / palpating, 220, 2 / Sternocostal joints, / Sternum, / palpating, / Stomach, 268/' Striations, 50 Styloid process, / Stylomandibular ligament, / Subclavian blood vessels, / Subclavius f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 105 palpating, 105/ Subcostales, breathing and, 9 / S u b m a n d i b u l a r fossa, / Subscapularis f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 117, 1 / palpating, 117/ S u b s e r o u s f a s c i a , 14, / Subtalar joint, / Summation, 59 Superficial cervical muscles a n t e r o l a t e r a l v i e w , 204/ posterior view, / S u p e r f i c i a l fascia See H y p o d e r m i s Superficial inguinal nodes, / Superficial muscles, pelvis, thigh, and knee, a n t e r i o r a n d lateral v i e w s , / Superficial peroneal nerve, / Superficial radiate costal ligament, / Superior articular facets, / / S u p e r i o r c o s t a l facet, / ' Superior costotransverse ligament, / Superior gemellus functional anatomy, 5 / palpating 5 / Superior gluteal nerve, 272/' S u p e r i o r iliac s p i n e , / S u p e r i o r m e s e n t e r i c artery, / Superior nuchal line, / Superior vena cava, / Superior vertebral notch, / Supination, 147/ S u p i n a t o r , 167 / Supporting connective tissue, Suprahyoid muscles, / functional anatomy, 2 , 2 / palpating, 225, 2 / Supraorbital margin, 188/ Supraspinatus f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 114 palpating, 114/ Supraspinous ligaments, / Surface epithelium, 6, 6/ S u s t e n t a c u l u m tali, / Sutures, 39, / 190/ Synapse, 55 Synarthrotic joints, 40 Syndesmoses, 39, / Synergist muscles 62 Synergists/antagonists a n k l e a n d foot, / breathing, 0 / e l b o w and wrist, / hand, / functional anatomy 228, 2 / palpating, 228, 2 / Splenius cervicis jaw, / scapula, 119/ shoulder, / functional anatomy, 229, 2 / palpating, 229, 2 / Spongy bone, - , / Spongy endfeel, 70 Spring ligament, / Springy block, - Springy endfeel, 69 trunk, 0 / wrist, / Synostosis, 40 Synovial fluid, 20, 41 Synovial joints, 40, / 45 anatomy, / , 41 /-42/, 43 structure and function, , 42/, 43 445 Synovial membrane, 41 Synovial sheaths, 41 hand, 146/ Tailor's position, 339 Talocrural joint, / Talus, / 7 / Tarsal b o n e s , / Tarsal t u n n e l , / ' Tectorial m e m b r a n e , 2 / Temporal fossa, 8 / p a l p a t i n g , 194/' Temporalis functional anatomy, , / ' palpating, 237, 237/' Temporomandibular depression, / Temporomandibular elevation, / T e m p o r o m a n d i b u l a r j o i n t , 193/ T e m p o r o m a n d i b u l a r lateral d e v i a t i o n , / Temporomandibular ligaments, / lateral v i e w , / medial view, / ' Temporomandibular protraction, 214/' T e m p o r o m a n d i b u l a r retraction, / T e n d o n , - , / See also specific i.e achillis tendon microscopic view, / p a l p a t i n g , 13, / s h a p e s , 13 Tendon of anterior tibialis, / Tendon of extensor hallucis longus, / Tendons of extensor digitorum, / Tensor fasciae latae, / - / palpating, / Teres major f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 112 palpating, 112/ Teres minor f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 116, 1 / palpating, 116/ T h e n a r e m i n e n c e , 128/' T h e r m o g e n e s i s , skeletal muscle and, 51 T h i g h See P e l v i s , t h i g h , a n d k n e e Thin filaments, 55, / Third-class levers, in h u m a n body, , 6 / Thixotropy, Thoracic curvature, / Thoracic duct, / Thoracic outlet s y n d r o m e , 221 Thoracic vertebrae, / muscle attachment sites, / posterolateral view, / t r u n k , lateral v i e w , / Thoracic viscera anterior view, / posterior view, / Thoracolumbar aponeurosis, / Throwing motion, 121, 6 / Thumb abduction, 149/ summary, 59 extension, 149/ flexion, / / opposition, 149/ / P R O M , 152, / reposition, 149/ R R O M , 155/ 156/ Thyrohyoid membrane, / Thyroid cartilage, 8 / / Thyroid gland 209/ Tibialis anterior functional anatomy, / palpating, / 446 Tibialis posterior functional anatomy, 1 / palpating, 1 / Tibial nerve, / Tibial tuberosity, / / p a l p a t i o n of, / Tibiofemoral joint, / roll a n d g l i d e of, 4 , 4 / RROM, 332/ Tibiofibular ligament, / T i s s u e See also B o n e t i s s u e ; C o n n e c t i v e tissue; Dense connective tissue; Epithelial tissue; Fluid connective tissue; Loose connective tissue; M u s c l e tissue; N e r v o u s tissue; O s s e o u s tissue; Supporting c o n n e c tive tissue t y p e s of, - , / Toe extension, / / / flexion, 0 / / PROM, 397/ 398/ RROM, 400/ 401/ Trabeculae, - , / Transverse abdominis functional anatomy, / palpating, / Transverse foramen, / 1 / Transverse ligament, 0 / Transverse plane, 3, 4/ Transverse process, / / breathing and, 9 / of lumbar vertebrae, / palpating, / Transverse ridges, / Transverse tubules, 55 Transversus thoracis, breathing and, 9 / T r a p e z i u s , 105, / 8 / functional anatomy, 107 palpating, 107/ Triangular muscles, 51 Triceps brachii f u n c t i o n a l a n a t o m y , 118, 1 / palpating, 118/ Trigeminal nerve branches, / m a s s e t e r v., p a l p a t i n g , , / m a x i l l a r y d i v i s i o n of, / Trochanter, / Tropomyosin, 57, / Troponin, 57 True rib, / Trunk, - activities, 305 bones of anterior and posterior view, / lateral v i e w , / d e e p m u s c l e s of, a n t e r i o r / p o s t e r i o r v i e w , / extension, / 0 / flexion, / i n t e r m e d i a t e m u s c l e s of, a n t e r i o r / p o s t e r i o r view, / lateral f l e x i o n , / l i g a m e n t s of, a n t e r i o r a n d l a t e r a l v i e w s , / movements available, / anterior and posterior view, / lumbar vertebra, / rib, / sacrum, 5 / special structures, / - / s u m m a r y and review, 3 - s u p e r f i c i a l m u s c l e s of, / surface a n a t o m y anterior and anterolateral views, / posterior view, / thoracic vertebra, / Tubercle, / a r t i c u l a r part, / Tuberosity, / Twelfth rib, palpating, / Twisting motion, I82, / U l n a r collateral l i g a m e n t , a n t e r i o r view, 138/ Ulnar deviation, 147/ P R O M , 151, / R R O M , 154/ Ulnar nerve, 4 / ' / U l n a r r i d g e , 132, / Ulnar styloid process, / palpating, 132, / Umbilicus, / Uncal process, / Uncovertebral joints, / / Unipennate muscles, 53 U p p e r fibers, trapezius, palpating, / Upper limb, 30, / V a s c u l a r p u m p , skeletal m u s c l e a n d , Vastus intermedius, attachments and innervations, 344, 4 / / Vastus lateralis, / functional anatomy, / palpating, / Vastus medialis, / functional anatomy, / palpating, / Vertebra, / Vertebral body, / / Vertebral foramen, / Vestibular apparatus, 68 Volkmann's canals, 28, / Walking motion foot a n d , / quadratus lumborum / W e i g h t - b e a r i n g a c t i v i t i e s , tibialis p o s t e r i o r , 411/ Wolff's Law, 27 Wormian bones, / 32 Wrist bony landmarks, 131-135 cross-section, / extension, 147/ flexion, / ligaments, anterior view, 140/ movements, 147/ 182/ P R O M , 151, / RROM, 154/ s p e c i a l s t r u c t u r e s of, 4 - , 4 / - / summary, 59 n e r v e s of, / / surface anatomy, / 128/ synergists/antagonists, 180/ Xiphoid process, / of sternum p o s t u r e of, / - / region overview, 247 rotation, / breathing and, 9 / palpating, / Zygomatic bone, 188/ 190/ R R O M , 278, / - / skeletal structures palpating, 194/ Zygomatic process, 190/ m u s c l e attachment sites, / 138, ... marvel Functional Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists can assist you in e x p l o r i n g the structures and anatomical relationships responsible for. .. b d u c t i o n and adduction of the h i p C Internal and external rotation of the hip 6 Functional Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists STRUCTURES... nodes and lymphatic vessels 19 20 Functional Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists the knee T h e s e structures cushion the joint surfaces and enhance