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Applied big history a guide for entrepre

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Applied Big History A Guide for Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Other Living Things William Grassie © 2018 William Grassie All rights reserved ISBN-13: 978-1719853071 ISBN-10: 171985307X Version 1.2 Please send corrections, comments, and feedback to grassie@metanexus.net Metanexus Imprints New York, NY Cover Photo Credit: NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Suomi NPP VIIRS data from Miguel Román, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Table of Contents Table of Contents i Foreword by Mitch Julis iv Chapter 1: Thriving in a Complex World Outperforming the Market Caveat Emptor Applied Big History Wikipedia 10 Chapter 2: The Great Matrix of Being 13 Size 14 Time 16 Matter 18 Energetics 19 Electromagnetism 23 Sound 25 Information-Ingenuity 25 Sentience-Consciousness 30 Culturally Constructed Hierarchies 31 Emergent Complexity 32 A Multi-Dimensional Matrix 35 Chapter 3: The Economy of a Single Cell 39 The Central Bank of Chemistry 40 The Currency of Life 44 The Business Models of Life 45 The First Agricultural Revolution 47 The First Industrial Revolution 48 The Whole Economy of Nature 51 Chapter 4: Complexity Economics 53 “All Hell Broke Loose” 53 Big Money 59 Short- and Long-Term Oscillations 63 i Productivity Growth 67 Scaling Effects 69 Complex Adaptive Systems 71 Complicated and Complex Systems 73 Fluid Dynamics of Markets 75 Natural and Economic Selection 77 Chapter 5: Death and Taxes 83 Energy Density Flow 85 Goldilocks Gradients 88 Creative Destruction 89 Energy Regimes 90 Instability and Resilience 93 Chapter 6: Your Hunter-Gatherer Brain 95 A Really Great Ape 96 The Great Cooperators 98 What We Don’t Know 100 Survival 100 Reproduction 104 Sex-Gender Differences 110 The Cognitive Revolution 113 Stone-Age Brains 116 Divided Self 118 System and System 121 Luck of the Genes 125 Our Inner Demons 127 Our Better Angels 128 Natural Values, Natural Morality 130 Caveats and Cautions 133 Chapter 7: The Big Lollapalooza 137 Welcome to the Anthropocene 137 The Secret of Our Success 141 Collective Learning 142 Network Effects 144 Imaginary Worlds and Artificial Instincts 145 Energy Capture 147 ii Information-Ingenuity Capture 149 Gene-Culture Coevolution of Collective Brains 152 Chapter 8: Existential Challenges 155 Anthropogenic Existential Challenges: 155 Natural Existential Challenges: 155 Peak Humanity 156 Climates Change 159 Useless Arithmetic 162 The Next Leap in Energy-Matter-Ingenuity 169 Chapter 9: The Bottom Line 173 Creating and Capturing Value 174 Parasites or Symbionts 175 Species of Specialization 177 Little Bets, Big Wins 178 Picking Winners 179 Diversification 181 The Alphas and the Rest of Us 183 Teams Work 185 Inventing the Future 186 Bad Things Happen to Good Investors 190 Disaster Preparedness 191 Investing in Values 192 Fundamental Values 193 Impact Investing 194 Creating a Little Big History 195 Our Big Future 196 The Bottom Line 197 Acknowledgments 199 About the Author 203 Bibliography 205 iii Foreword by Mitch Julis During college and graduate school, my focus of study was mainly in the areas of economics, finance, statistics, demography, psychology, political economy, international relations and policy, management, and the law Aside from an introductory physics class at Princeton with famed Professor John Wheeler, there was no excess of physics chemistry, biology, and geology in my higher education and certainly not much paleoanthropology, anthropology, or neuroscience Over the last ten plus years, however, my areas of interest began to expand as a result of my learning relationship, friendship, and partnership with Professor John Sterman of MIT who heads the system dynamics program at The Sloan School and The Institute for New Economic Thinking, where I was previously a board member This phase of my continuous learning, so necessary in the ever-changing field of investment, logically led me to Big History Investors, regardless of preferred strategy, face an increasingly complex world and require an effective and creative multi-disciplinary approach to embrace that complexity As William Grassie shows in this important book, the origin story and evolution of the universe, our planet, life generally, and humanity specifically has a lot to teach us about how to identify, analyze, capture, and create value in business and finance Moreover, for micro investors in complex situations and securities, the crucial importance of understanding macro structures and dynamics has become painfully evident in the aftermath of the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 Big History and the related areas of systems thinking and complexity economics are about as macro a framework as one can adopt in sorting out the patterns and dynamics of complexity and its relevance to allocating capital I first met William Grassie in 2015, when I invited him to speak on Big History, at the suggestion of one of the discipline’s key thought leaders, David Christian, at our firm’s annual internal research retreat I asked him specifically to discuss why Big History might matter to value investors I was certainly intrigued by this religion scholar who studied in Jerusalem, spoke Hebrew (among other languages), taught German students about the Holocaust, and wrote academic books and iv articles primarily about science Grassie was such a great opening act for our research team with his compelling lecture that we invited him back the next year I challenged him to enhance his understanding of economics and finance as a part of his continuous learning too That was the start of a yearlong collaboration, sharing and discussing a stream of essays, articles, and books And so began this project, Applied Big History, in which I am pleased to have played a small role in instigating and supporting As renowned investor and Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, points out, “no one can know everything, but you can work to understand the big important models in each discipline at a basic level so they can collectively add value in a decision-making process.” According to Munger, a multidisciplinary approach allows us to simplify complexity, remove blind spots and see reality more clearly in order to bring about a better outcome In practical terms, investors need to understand how companies function in diverse sectors of an interdependent global economy, as well as how the changing macroeconomic context impacts the performance of those enterprises The focus on short-term returns in business and finance can blind us to the larger drama playing out over human history It is a timeline of booms and busts, ups and downs, but against the backdrop of escalating long-term growth Big History is one of several distinct but related mental models that deal effectively, in my view, with this complexity on the macro and micro scale As the broadest macro lens, Big History captures the origin of our universe, solar system, planets, and us – human beings who as a species have the distinct capability of collective learning It draws appropriately from multiple subjects and branches of knowledge to reframe and solve problems outside of their usual parameters This strategy is key to embracing complexity at the micro and macro levels and applying that understanding to complex situations and securities The Great Acceleration of the last hundred years, as documented in this book, is a stunning achievement—many more humans living longer with vastly more and better health and wealth In my six plus decades, the human population has tripled, from 2.5 to 7.5 billion people accompanied by an eighty-fold increase in Global World Production, from an estimated $1 trillion to over $80 trillion today (World Bank Data) These dramatic increases over the last decades are highly dependent on scientific discovery, technological innovation, and v enhanced cooperation between humans With our species’ tremendous success comes also daunting, new challenges—environmental, cultural, political, economic, scientific, and philosophical These are best understood and addressed with the help of Big History It is a story of emergent complexity Hydrogen and helium fuel solar furnaces that give rise to heavier elements Elements join together to form molecules Molecules become living cells Cells become organisms Organisms create ecosystems Ecosystems evolve with the cells and organisms As bigger organisms and bigger ecosystems evolve, they achieve economies of scale and in rare moments increasing rates of return The process is epigenetic, meaning that it is structured by dynamic interactions between gene expression and the environment in the development of organisms Such is a similar case in economics Individuals are consumers and producers Individuals join together to form communities and companies in order to achieve economies of scale and network effects Companies cooperate and compete in the market The market landscape is analogous to an ecosystem, one that is also dynamic and evolving Businesses struggle to profit, grow, adapt, and survive in economic environments The process is similar to epigenetics in which causal pathways are bottom-up, top-down, and side-to-side Many companies bottom-up and side-to-side contribute to the macro-economic context, while the macro-economic context constrains top-down the development of companies In this book, Grassie gives us intellectual tools to understand Big History at different times and scales He fleshes out the dynamics of emergence in nature in the first two chapters—"The Great Matrix” and “The Economy of a Single Cell.” These chapters are expansive and memorable recaps of fundamental science Critically, he develops our understanding of energy, matter, and ingenuity in the evolution of biological complexity and by extension economic growth A lot to grok, as Billy likes to say Energetics is a big theme throughout the book, which Grassie understands to be “the currency of the Universal Central Bank, as guaranteed by the Laws of Thermodynamics.” On offer are “variable rates of losses in a predictable flux that impacts every domain at every scale Energy dissipates Entropy grows That’s not a problem That’s the singular opportunity.” He suggests that the prime directive of evolution, one we replicate in the evolution of our technology and vi societies, is to “minimize entropy and maximize creativity.” Ingenuity is how we minimize while maximizing In chapter four, Grassie turns to “Complexity Economics,” using the insights, scales, analogies, and metaphors from the earlier chapters to interpret economic theory and history as an exponential flux of energy, matter, and ingenuity Along the way, he introduces concepts like complex adaptive systems, turbulence, chaos, feedback, tipping points, energy density flow, information density, economies of scale, exponentiality, natural and economic selection, Goldilocks gradients, creative destruction, energy regimes, instability, and resilience He argues that instability is an endogenous feature of economic markets, much as storms are essential features of the weather The story of Big History is also the story of human evolution In a chapter titled “Your Hunter-Gatherer Brain,” Grassie show how cognitive biases evolved over hundreds of thousands of years in the survival and reproduction of our hunter-gatherer tribal ancestors and continue to influence our thought and behavior today Investors beware As mentioned in the introduction, Grassie wonders how humans in the Great Acceleration of the last hundred years, have come to cheat the logic of Malthus and Darwin In a chapter titled “The Big Lollapalooza,” Grassie explores how a number of big historians try to account for the dramatic and accelerating rise of our species— collective learning, network effects, artificial instincts, energy capture, exponential ingenuity, and gene-culture coevolution Humans cooperate to compete and compete to cooperate Past performance is no guarantee of future success, as they say in the investing business This is also true of our species Grassie devotes a chapter to “Existential Threats,” in which he offers a short list of man-made and natural threats to human wellbeing and survival He explores in depth two “contrarian” case studies—peak humanity and climates changing He encourages readers to thoughtfully prepare for all manner of disasters, but to also not let “negativity bias” cloud judgement Similarly, he encourages businesses and investors to have staying power, such that they can re-enter markets after major disruptions At the species level, staying power for humans means passing on knowledge and knowhow to survivors on the other side of future evolutionary bottlenecks In the last chapter, The Bottom Line, Grassie draws conclusions and precepts from this expansive book In life and in economics, we are all capturing and creating value in the need to energize complexity, vii growth, maintenance, repair, and reproduction While innovation and entrepreneurship are the engines of capitalism, Grassie points out that finance also plays a critical role in preventing the engines from freezing up At 7.5 percent of US GDP, Grassie argues that finance, including the insurance industry, are relatively efficient lubrication in functional economies As one might expect of a philosopher and religion scholar, the last chapter takes a broader understanding of “values investing” than I learned in business school “Sacred, moral, and aesthetic values transcend cost-benefit analyses,” writes Grassie “And while there is much disagreement about what counts for good, true, and beautiful values around the world, these are potent categories that profoundly shape human behavior beyond the ken of transactional economic analyses.” Grassie’s exposition is careful, concise, informative, and engaging in telling and applying this origin story to the investment world One of the many virtues of this book is the sheer number of experts that Grassie cites The references in Applied Big History are thus a great guide for further study on a wide variety of topics Big History, along with systems and design thinking, complexity economics, behavioral finance and other related disciplines are all aspects of what I call “artisanal intelligence” in contrast to artificial intelligence Artisanal intelligence as applied by value investors answers Munger’s call for a “latticework of mental models” to make better decisions, by identifying complexity as a core principle to be analyzed and actualized For example, from the perspective of Big History, the stock and flow dynamics of micro and macro balance sheets interacting and evolving fundamentally can be seen as the accumulation and channeling of energy and matter through information and ingenuity to create value and wealth Big History views the universe as islands of low entropy and organized complexity amidst the vast presence of increasingly high entropy and disorganization This concept is an important way of framing value and wealth creation, preservation, and destruction in business and finance Value investors in complex situations and securities are often faced with gaps and cracks on both sides of micro and macro balance sheets — that is, holes and discontinuities in the economics and finances of consumers, businesses, countries, etc The way in which these holes constantly and dynamically appear and disappear, as well as grow and shrink, viii About the Author William Grassie was born in 1957 in Wilmington, Delaware, where he attended public schools Billy was the fifth of six children born to Canadian immigrants His father and step-father, and many of his neighbors, worked in Wilmington’s booming chemical industries During his school years, he hitchhiked some 30,000 kilometers throughout North America and Europe He has worked as a newspaper boy, farm hand, house painter, dish washer, janitor, night watchman, golf caddy, caretaker of multiply handicapped children, apprentice in a ceramic studio, camp counselor, beekeeper, computer consultant, real estate manager, and general contractor, among other jobs Along the way, he developed passions for hiking, skiing, sailing, scuba, dance, yoga, languages, and international travel Grassie received his bachelor’s in political science from Middlebury College in 1979, after spending his junior year abroad at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem He then worked for ten years on nuclear disarmament, citizen diplomacy, community organizing, and sustainability issues primarily based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania In 1983 he worked with Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste in West Berlin and traveled extensively in East Germany and Poland Grassie received his doctorate in religion from Temple University, where he wrote a dissertation entitled Reinventing Nature: Science Narratives as Myths for an Endangered Planet (1994) Grassie taught undergraduate religion courses at Temple throughout his five-years as a doctoral student He continued teaching at Temple University for another five-years as an assistant professor in the Intellectual Heritage Program—a two-semester, writing-intensive introduction to the humanities required of all undergraduates Grassie also taught as a visiting professor at Swarthmore College, Pendle Hill, and the University of Pennsylvania A recipient of academic awards and grants from the American Friends Service Committee, the Roothbert Fellowship, and the John Templeton Foundation, Grassie served also as a Senior Fulbright Fellow in the Department of Buddhist Studies at the University of Peradeniya in Kandy, Sri Lanka, in 2007–2008 203 Grassie was the founding director of the Metanexus Institute, which promotes scientifically rigorous and philosophically open-ended exploration of foundational questions Metanexus has worked with partners at some 400 universities in 45 countries and published an online journal available at www.metanexus.net William Grassie has authored numerous essays and books, including The New Sciences of Religion: Exploring Spirituality from the Outside In and Bottom Up (2010); Politics by Other Means: Science and Religion in the 21st Century (2010); H+/-: Transhumanism and Its Critics (co-editor) (2010); and, most recently, Applied Big History: A Guide for Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Other Living Things (2018) More information available at www.grassie.net 204 Bibliography Bibliography "Adenosine Triphosphate." 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