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De theo Unit 116

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UNIT 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM Schooling is compulsory for all English children from the age of to 16 The academic year in England runs from September to July and is divided into terms Autumn Term is from the beginning of September to mid-December Spring Term is from the beginning of January to mid-March and Summer Term from early April to mid-July Each term is separated by a one-week break called half term, usually at the end of October, mid-February and the end of May There are two parallel school systems in England The first is the state school system, which is free for all students and paid for by the state The second category is the ‘independent’ or ‘public’ school system, which is fee-paying The state school system, which educates 93% of the pupils in England, can be divided into two levels of education: primary education and secondary education See the Table below for more information about the school education system in England The National Curriculum is set by the government and must be followed in all state schools It is made up of the following subjects: English, Design & Technology, Geography, Maths, Information Technology, Music, Science, Arts, Physical Education, History, and a Modern Foreign Language English, Maths and Science are core subjects, which are compulsory in the national examinations at certain stages of the school education system Bạn quan tâm muốn mua để ôn luyên sau UNIT 1-16 có key liên hệ với SĐT : 0366480101 Với giá 200k compulsory[kəm'pʌlsəri](adj) = obligatory [ɔ'bligətəri] compulsory education (n) [kəm'pʌlsəri ,edju:'kei∫n] consist (of) [kən'sist əv] (v) term [tə:m] = semester (n) (n) pre-school [,pri:sku:l] (n) primary education ['praiməri,edju:'kei∫n](n) secondary education ['sekəndri ,edju:'kei∫n] (n) schooling ['sku:liη](n) academic year [ækə'demik 'jə:](n) divide (into) [di'vaid] (v) 10 mid- December [mid- 24 inflation [in'flei∫n] (n) 25 follow ['fɔləu] (v) 26 core subject ['kɔ: 'sʌbdʒikt](n) 27 infant ['infənt] (n) 28 General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) 29 a detailed plan['di:teild plæn] (n) 30 offer = give ['ɔfə] (v) 31 nursery ['nə:səri] (n) 32 kindergarten ['kində,gɑ:tn](n) 33 lower Secondary Schoo ['ləuə 'sekəndri sku:l] (n) 34 upper Secondary School ['ʌpə 'sekəndri sku:l](n) 35 national examination ['næ∫nəl ig,zæmi'nei∫n] 36 optional ['ɔp∫ənl] adj 37 formal education ['fɔ:məl ,edju:'kei∫n] (n) di'sembə] (n) 11 be separated by [bi:'seprətid bai] 12 a break [breik] (n) 13 parallel ['pærəlel] (adj) 14 school system ['sku:l 'sistəm] (n) 15 state school [steit 'sku:l] (n) state school system (n) ≠ non- formal education 38 commence [kə'mens] (n) Commencement [kə'mensmənt] (n) 39 daunt [dɔ:nt] (v) 40 politics ['pɔlitiks] (n) 41 statistics [stə'tistiks] (n) 42 stand for [stænd fɔ:] (v 43 separate ['sepəreit] (v) 44 set-set-set 45 follow ['fɔlou] (v) 46 make up (v) 47 competition [,kɔmpi'ti∫n] 48 publish ['pʌbli∫](v 49 conference ['kɔnfərəns](n) 50 parallel (a) private school 16 independent or public school system 17 fee [fi:] (n) 18 tuition fee [tju:'i∫n fi:] (n) 19 fee-paying [fi:'peiη] (n) 20 category ['kætigəri] (n) 21 educate ['edju:keit] (v) Education [,edju:'kei∫n] (n) Educational [,edju:'kei∫ənl] 22 curriculum [kə'rikjuləm] (n) 23 government ['gʌvnmənt] 24 be set by A READING - compulsory for (a) = obligatory (a) = required (a) …………………………… - from the age of to 16 - at the end of (month / week) - divide into: …………………………… Task 1: Choose the best answer English children start their compulsory education at school at the age of A B C D 16 In England, there are terms in a school year A two B three C four D more than four The independent or public school system is A free B cheap C fee-paying D suitable The national curriculum includes _ core subjects A B 11 C D The word “it” in paragraph line refers to A the education system B the National Curriculum C the government D the state school Task Find words or phrases in the reading passage which have the following meanings: schools in which all children can attend without paying tuition fees: ……………………………… a stage of study for children aged from to 10: …………………………………………………… put into force by the law: …………………………………………………………………………… a stage of study for children aged from 11 to 16: …………………………………………………… a detailed plan for a course of study offered in a school or college:………………………………… the examinations children sit at the end of compulsory education: ……………………… B SPEAKING + C LISTENING - well-behaved (a) ………………………………………… - struggle (v) …………………………………………… - me’thodical (a) ………………………………………… - good at / bad at ………………………………………… - good for / bad for ………………………………………… EXERCISE A economic B experience C entertainment D introduction A extinction B animal C classify D primary A campus B certificate C performance D acceptance A impression B existence C compulsory D creativity A reform B improve C dominate D adopt Choose the best answer “You really have a beautiful dress.” A What? B Thank you C You are welcome D Yes, please Minh: “……………………?” Lan: “He is short and fat.” A How old is he B How tall is he C What does he D What does he look like “Would you like to meet Hoa, my friend?” “………………………” A Yes, I’d love to B Yes, I like C No, I would D No, I wouldn’t like “Why was Tom sad?” “……………………………” A Because he works hard B Because he failed the exam C Because he didn’t get upset D Because he could eat a lot “………………….do you have English?” “Three times a week.” A How B How far C How long D How often “………………… have you lived here?” “For ten years.” A When B Since when C How far D How long “I think computers are useful.” “……………………….” A I’m not agree B So I C I disagree too D I either “Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary.” - “………………” A Thanks B Don’t mention it C Not at all D Yes, please “What a lovely hat you have.” - “Thanks, ……………….” A I’m glad you like it B I don’t care C That’s OK D Certainly 10 Jane: “You look great in that red skirt, Laura!” Laura: “………………………….” A No, I don’t B Oh, you don’t like it, you C I bought it at NEM’s D Thanks, it’s my mum’s present on my birthday 11 John: “Don’t forget to send your parents my regards.” Tim: “…………………… ” A Thanks, I willB You’re welcome C Good ideas, thanks D It’s my pleasure 12 Jim: “Do you agree that physical exercises can keep our body fit?” Laura: “You’re right ……” A Of course not B There’s no doubt about that C That’s very surprising D I’m not with you there 13 Waiter: “How you like your steak done?” Customer: “……………………….” A Well done, please B I don’t like it much C I like it D Not very well 14 Kathy: “Should we use solar energy to protect the environment?” Janet: “…………………” A No, thanks B You don’t think so, you C Yes, I’ll go D That’s a good idea 15 Tom: “You look great today, Jack.” Jack: “……………………” A No, I don’t B You like it C You don’t like it, you D Thanks Choose the best answers: PASSIVE VOICE The money _ soon after I receive my salary A will give Peter B will be given to Peter C will be given D will have given to Peter Dynamite by Alfred Bernard Nobel A have been invented B invented C was invented D was being invented This is the first time I have seen this car Where ? A did it make B did it made C was it make D was it made Today, many serious childhood diseases by early immunization A are preventing B can prevent C prevent D can be prevented People said that Tom stole that bicycle A Tom is said to steal that bicycle B Tom is said that to steal that bicycle C Tom was said to steal that bicycle D Tom were said to steal that bicycle They will speak English at the conference A English will be speaked at the conference B English at the conference will be speaked C English will be spoken at the conference D English at the conference will be spoken We have chosen Helen as the new president A The new president has been chosen Helen B Helen has been chosen as the new president C Helen was chosen as the new president D The new president has chosen Helen Shakespeare wrote 'Romeo and Juliet' in 1605 A 'Romeo and Juliet' was written in 1605 by Shakespeare B 'Romeo and Juliet' in 1605 was written by Shakespeare C 'Romeo and Juliet' was wrote in 1605 by Shakespeare D 'Romeo and Juliet' was writed in 1605 by Shakespeare They are cleaning the kitchen now A The kitchen is now cleaned B The kitchen is cleaning now C The kitchen is been cleaning now D The kitchen is being cleaned now 10 People say he won a lot of money on the lottery A He is said that he won a lot of money on the lottery B He won a lot of money on the lottery, it is said C He is said to have won a lot of money on the lottery D He was said to win a lot of money on the lottery 11 This company ……… in this town a long time ago Now it is one of the biggest A was founded B will be founded C has been founded D is founded 12 “ Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer” - “ She … how to dance since she was four” A has been teaching B has been taught C is teaching D was taught 13 This house was bought last year A They bought this house for one year B They bought this house last year C They had this house for a year D They had this house since last year 14 They will buy a new house next year A A new house is bought next year B A new house will been bought next year C A new house has been bought next year D.A new house will be bought next year 15 You ought to your homework everyday A Your homework should be done everyday B Your homework ought be done everyday C Your homework ought to everyday D Your homework ought to be done everyday 9/ Động từ khiếm khuyết (can / shall / might / would …) + be + V3/-ed 10/ be going to / used to / have to + V1  be going to / used to / have to + be + V3/-ed * Câu bị động đặc biệt: Với động từ phát biểu ý kiến: Active : People / They + say/ think/ know / find /believe that S2 + V + O … Passive : - Cách 1: It + is / was + said/thought/known … that + S2 + V+ O … - Cách : S2 + is / was / aere/ were + said/ thought… + to V1 (HĐ lúc sau HĐ 1) + to have V3/ed (HĐ xảy trước HĐ1) + to be V-ing (HĐ tiếp diễn) They knew that he is a good teacher:  It  He Thể nhờ vả a/ Với động từ have: Active : S + have/ has/ had O người + V1 + O vật Passive : S + have/ has/ had+ O vật + V3/ed + by + O người b/ Với động từ get: Active: S + get/got + Ongười + to V1 + O vật Passive : S + get/got + O vật +V 3/ed + by + O người I had Nam repair my bike  ……………………………………………………… I got my sister to clean the house  …………………………………………………… 3/ V+ to V1  V + to be +V 3/ed He wants Lan to invite him to the party Nam wants ……………………………………………………… 4/ V + V-ing  V + being + V3/ed She enjoyed receiving a nice present  She enjoyed (give) ………………………… a nice present EXERCISE Choose correct answer to complete the sentences: Today, many serious childhood diseases by early immunization A are preventing B can prevent C prevent D can be prevented Excuse me Is this seat ? A taking B took C occupy D taken There’s somebody walking behind us I think A we are following B we are being followed C we are followed D we are being following The report _ by the end of next week A will be completed B will have been completed C has been completed D will have completed When I came, an experiment in the lab A was being holding B has been held C was being held D has held 6.The X- ray - in 1895 A is said to have been discovered B is said to be discovered C said to have been discovered D said to discovered 7.When you are going to get the roof _? It leaks quite badly A repair B to repair C repairing D repaired 8.The equipment in our office needs A modernize B modernizing C modernized D modernization 9.He was made _ for him yesterday A to wait B wait C to be waited D waiting 10.Children to show respect to their teachers A teach B are teaching C are taught D taught 11 The telephone by Alexander Graham Bell A invented B is inventing C be invented D was invented 12 Mr Pike the most famous archaeologist in our city A says to be B is said to be C is said that D said to be 13 Many people believe that God created the world A It believes that God created the world B The world is believed God created C God is believed to create the world D God is believed to have created the world 14 _to be the richest man in the USA A Bill Gates B Bill Gates says C Bill Gates is D Bill Gates is said 15 John is said to have been stolen the money A It is said that John steals the money B It is said that John was stolen money C People said John was stolen the money D People say that John steals the money 16 It is said that many people are homeless after the floods A Many people say to be homeless after the floods B Many people said are homeless after the floods C Many people are said to be homeless after the floods D Many people are said to have been homeless after the floods 17 They think visiting the pyramids is interesting A The pyramids are thought interesting to be visited B It is thought the pyramids are visited interesting C Visiting the pyramids is thought to be interesting D Visiting the pyramids is thought to have been interesting 18 The skyscraper is said to have been built in 1930 A They said the skyscraper was built in 1930 B It was said that the skyscraper was built in 1930 C They are said the skyscraper is built in 1930 D It is said that the skyscraper was built in 1930 19 They predict that a heavy storm will come in the area A A heavy storm is predicted to have come in the area B It is predicted that a heavy storm would come in the area C A heavy storm is predicted to come in the area D It is predicted that a heavy storm came in the area 20 _how the ancient Egyptian carried such heavy blocks of stone A People not know B People have not been known C It has not known D It has not known 21 John The Great Pyramid of Giza A said to have been visited B is said to have visited C is said to have been visited D said to have visited 22 People say that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed A It was said that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed B Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were said to be destroyed C Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world are said to have destroyed D Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world are said to have been destroyed 23 It is believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomb A They believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomb B A buried treasure is believed that was hidden in the tomb C A buried treasure is believed to hide in the tomb D A buried treasure is believed to have been hidden in the tomb 24 George another trip to Greece A is said to be planned B said to be planned C said to be planning D is said to be planning 25 He was made _ his homework every night A does B to C doing D done 26 I expect a good job A offering B to be offer C to be offering D to be offered 27 Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony next weekend A is going to be performed B has been performed C will be performing D will have performed 28 I hate _ personal questions by newly-acquainted friends A to be asking B be asked C being asked D of asking 29 Reagan an actor years ago A is said to be B was said being C was said have been D is said to have been 30 It that learning a foreign language a lot of time A says / is taken B is saying / has been taken C is said / takes D was said / was taken 31 I have my teeth checking by the dentist A B C D 32 These pills should be take every four hours A B C D 33 The letter should been delivered in the afternoon A B C D 34 The mail has sent to the wrong address A B C D 45 They were questioning by the police A B C D ENGLISH TEST Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions A.impolite B kidding C instance D big A.attention B acceptable C wave D appropriate Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions A attraction B satisfactory C occupation D disappointment A irrigate B important C pollution D particular Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges 5.Nobita: “Hello! My name is Nobita Nice to meet you”  Shizuka: “Hello, I’m Shizuka .” A I’m fine B Really? C Good! Nobita:“How are you today,Shizuka?” A I’m 18 years old B It’s very nice D Glad to meet you Shizuka: “_” C I’m very well, thanks D Very well, thanks Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks If women choose to pursue a career once they have children, they often miss out on a close (7) _with their children Helen Jamieson is a mother of three who has given (8) _work to look after her children full-time She strongly believes that women are pressurized to too much, driving themselves to the absolute limit In her own case, after six years of paid employment, Helen finally decided to call it a day She says she initially found it hard being at home, though she never misses the job itself She admits that if she had had a brilliant career to begin (9) _, she might feel differently now Financially, she is no worse off (10) _ before, as the cost of childcare and commuting exceeded her actual income (11) _the government starts to give other tax incentives to working parents, she says she will not return to the workplace until her children are grown up A relationship B friendship C scholarship D membership A in B to C out D up A to B up C at D with 10 A than B so C as D then 11 A Unless B Even if C Provided D If Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions 12 In Vietnam, children from the age of six must go to school A compulsory B optional C choosing D volunteered 13 In a school year in Vietnam, there are two terms called the first term and the second term A infants B interests C semesters D system Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions 14 In England, schooling is compulsory for all children from the age of to 16 A put into blush B put on clothes C put into force D optional 15 Many high school students in Vietnam have to work very hard to win a place at a university A lose a place B get a cold C lose touch with D keep pace with Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 16 Schooling is _ for all English children from the age of six to sixteen A optional B pioneer C compulsory D plastically 17 In England, an _ year runs from September to July A academy B academic C academically D academies 18 A school year in England _ into three terms A is dividing B divides C are divided D is divided 19 A school year in Vietnam usually _ in September and _ in May A begins / ends B starts / last C ends / starts D departs / starts 20 In England, each term _ by a one-week break called half term A divides B educates C puts into force D is separated 21 An academic year in Vietnam _ into two semesters A struggles B is divided C tear away D educates 22 There are two _ school systems in England; i e , state school system and public school ones A parallel B paragraph C paradise D pyramid 23 State school system in England is _ for all students and _ by the state A free / pays B free / paid C fee-paying / paid D fee-paid / pays 24 School system in England is divided into two _ consisting of the state and the public ones A levels B schools C years D categories 25 The state school system in England has two _ of education: primary education and secondary education A levels B subjects C terms D semesters 26 The National _ is set by the Government and must be followed by in all state schools A Stadium B Curriculum C Gallery D Circus 27 In English schools, English, Math and Science are _ subjects A more B store C score D core 28 Core subjects in Vietnamese schools _ of Math, Literature and English A makes for B makes of C are made up D will make by 29 Core subjects are _ in national exams at certain stages of the school education system A paid for B compulsory C score D core 30 When children in Vietnam go to _? – They begin to go to school at the age of six A High School B Nursery C Secondary School D Primary School 31 How long does the _ in Vietnam last? – Five years A Primary Education B Pre-school C Secondary Education D Higher Education 32 How long does the _ in England last? – Five years A Primary Education B Pre-school C Secondary Education D Higher Education 33 In England, school fee in state schools is _ A on sale B free-paying C well-paid D for rent 34 In Vietnam, a stage of study for children aged from 11 to 17 is called _ A Primary Education B Pre-school C Secondary Education D Higher Education 35 My nephew is four years old, he may enter a _ in Vietnam A High School B Kindergarten C Secondary School D Primary School Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions 36 Schooling is optional to all English children from the age of to 15 A B C D 37 Children in England may choose between public schools and independent schools to study A B C D 38 There are two semesters in an academic year in schools in England A B C D Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions "Where is the university?" is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one can give them a clear answer, for there is no wall to be found around the university The university is the city You can find the classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city And most of its members are the students and teachers or professors of the thirty-one colleges Cambridge was already developing town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago It grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called A bridge was built over the river as early as 875 In the fourteen and fifteen centuries more and more land was used for college buildings The town grew much faster in the nineteen century after the opening of the railway in 1845 Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has the population of over 100,000 many young students want to study at Cambridge Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town It has become a famous place all round the world 39 Why most visitors come to Cambridge? A To see university B To use the libraries of the university C To study in the colleges in Cambridge D To find the classroom buildings 40 Around what time did the university begin to appear? A In the 8th century B In the 9th century C In the 13th century D In the 15th century 41 Why did people name Cambridge the "city of Cambridge"? A Because it was a developing town B Because the river was very well - known C Because there is a bridge over the Cam D Because there is a river named Granta 42 From what we read, we know that Cambridge is now _ A a city without wall B a city that may have a wall around it C visited by international tourists D a city of growing population 43 After which year did the town really begin developing? A After 800 B After 875 C After 1845 D After 1945 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions 44 We gave the first scheme as their approval A The first scheme gave as their approval B The first scheme were given as their approval C The first scheme was given as their approval D The first scheme is given as their approval by us 45 I think Alfred Nobel invented dynamite A It is think that Alfred Nobel invented dynamite B It is thought that Alfred Nobel invented dynamite C Alfred Nobel was invented dynamite by me D Alfred Nobel was thought to invent dynamite by me 46 People thought at first that the Crown Prince had been attacked A People were thought at first that the Crown Prince had been attacked B It was thought at first that the Crown Prince had been attacked C People are thought at first that the Crown Prince had been attacked D It is thought at first that the Crown Prince had been attacked Bạn quan tâm muốn mua để ôn luyên sau UNIT 1-16 có key liên hệ với SĐT : 0366480101 Với giá 200k ... from September to July A academy B academic C academically D academies 18 A school year in England _ into three terms A is dividing B divides C are divided D is divided 19 A school year in Vietnam... town a long time ago Now it is one of the biggest A was founded B will be founded C has been founded D is founded 12 “ Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer” - “ She … how to dance since she was... repairing D repaired 8.The equipment in our office needs A modernize B modernizing C modernized D modernization 9.He was made _ for him yesterday A to wait B wait C to be waited D waiting

Ngày đăng: 01/02/2022, 12:57

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