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D10 sly fox cowl by ekaterina blanchard

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Sly Fox Cowl by EKATERINA BLANCHARD PATTERN NOTES Sizes and Finished Measurements Sizes S (M, L) XL to fit Baby (Toddler/Child, Teen/Adult) Large Adult with head circumference 7-1 (1 9-20, 21 -22) 23" / 43-46 (48-51 , 53-56) 58 cm * Cowl circumference: 9ẵ (21 ẳ, 23ắ) 25ẵ" / 49 (53.5, 59) 63.5 cm Length: 2ắ (1 4¾, 5¾) 7¾ / 32 (36.5, 39.5) 44 cm * Shown in Size M Toddler/Child Materials Bulky or Aran weight yarn - 88 (11 3, 30) 62 yards/ 80 (1 04, 20) 50 meters each of MC and CC1 plus a small amount of CC2 for drawstring ends Shown in Phildar Frimas (50% Wool, 50% Cotton; 86 yd / 79 m per 50 g skein) [MC] Camel, [CC1 ] Corail, [CC2] Black * US / mm 32"/80 cm circular needle US / mm 6"/40 cm circular needle US / mm dpns US / mm dpns If necessary, adjust needle size to obtain accurate gauge * stitch markers, safety pin for pulling drawstring through casing, small stitch holder, tapestry needle , buttons ½" / cm diameter, sewing needle and matching thread Gauge sts and rows = 4"/1 cm in St st 3.5 sts and 26 rounds = 4"/1 cm in Garter st Pattern Difficulty Advanced beginner/Intermediate Skills Required Long-Tail cast on, knit, purl, working in the round, short rows, double knitting, 3-needle bind off, I-cord Sly Fox Cowl Sly Fox Cowl is worked in one piece from the bottom up Beginning with the cowl knit in the round, the hood is then worked in rows, edged with a double knit drawstring casing Shadow wraps short row technique developed by Alice Yu is used for shaping the stockinette hood, while the Garter stitch crown is shaped with wrap-and-turn short rows However, you may substitute your preferred short-row method The top of the hood is joined with 3-needle bind off to form ears STITCH GUIDE Garter Stitch (worked in the round) Purl all Knit all Repeat Rounds 1-2 Round 1: Round 2: Twin stitch (knit) (TWK) With right needle, knit into the purl bump of stitch directly below next stitch on left needle Slip new stitch from right needle to left needle without twisting it - stitches from stitch Twin stitch (purl) (TWP) With yarn in front, slip stitch purlwise to right needle, then insert left needle from back to front into purl bump of stitch below stitch on right needle and purl this stitch - stitches from stitch Slip both stitches of twin stitch from right needle to left needle without twisting Note: Each twin stitch is made at the end of a short row and is always followed by turning the work and working back in the other direction Link to twin stitches tutorial → Wrap and turn (w+t) Bring yarn to front between needles, slip next st purlwise to right-hand needle, bring yarn around this st to back, slip st back to left-hand needle, turn work to begin working back in the other direction I-Cord Cast on sts Knit across, not turn Slide your sts to the opposite end of the needle, keeping the yarn to the back Bring the yarn across the back and knit another row, pulling the first stitch tight to eliminate any gap across the sts Continue in this manner (i.e., sliding after each row without turning) until you reach the desired length Sly Fox Cowl COWL 6) 6½" / 11.5 (12.5, 14.5) 16 cm or 22 (24, 28) 30 full rows from division, placing marker at center back on With larger needle and CC1, cast on 66 (72, 80) 86 sts last WS row - 27 (30, 34) 37 sts between casing markers and center marker using the Long-Tail method Knit row Do not turn PM and join in the round, being careful not to twist the Shape Front stitches Work in Garter St for 25 (31, 31) 37 rnds Cut NOTE: While shaping Front with shadow wrap shortrows, casing stitches continue to be worked in double the yarn HOOD knit, as indicated Right Front Short-row set 1: [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, knit to Switch to longer circular needle if necessary RM, join MC yarn You will now work back and forth in sts before center marker, TWK, turn; purl to marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn rows Short-row set 2: [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, knit to NOTE : For all sizes, the first and last sts ofeach row sts before previous twin st, TWK, turn; purl to marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn form the drawstring casing Set-up row (RS): [sl1 wyif, k1] times, PM, k54 [60, 68] 74, PM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Next row (WS): [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, purl to next marker, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Repeat Short-row set until you reach casing marker You have now 13 (15, 17) 18 twin sts Last row worked is a WS row and you have (0, 0) st between marker and last twin st NOTE : To keep the row gauge ofthe double knit casing Next row (RS): [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, knit to compatible with the row gauge of the hood, the shadow casing marker, working twin sts as one st when you come to them, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn wrap short-row technique is used over casing stitches Drawstring opening Ssk, yo, [sl1 wyif, k1] twice, SM, TWK, turn; SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] twice, slip yo wyif, k1, turn Next row (RS): [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, knit twin st as st, knit to marker, SM, sl1 wyif, k1, sl1 wyif, yo, drop next st from left hand needle, sl1 wyif, returned dropped st to left hand needle, k2tog, turn Short-row set 2: sl1 wyif, k1, slip yo wyif, k1, sl1 wyif, k1, SM, TWP, turn; SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Next row (WS): [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, purl twin st as st, purl to marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Short-row set 1: [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, TWK, turn; SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn; [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, knit twin st as one, knit to marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Short-row set 4: [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, TWP, turn; SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn; [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, purl twin st as one, purl to marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Short-row set 3: Repeat last short-row sets until Hood measures 4¾ (5, Left Front Sly Fox Cowl Short-row (RS): k1, SM, k1, w+t; Short-row (WS): knit to last wrapped st, slipping [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, purl to sts before center marker, TWP, turn; knit to casing center marker when you come to it, k2, w+t marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Repeat last short row until you reach both casing markers Last row worked is a RS row and you have Short-row set 2: [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, purl to sts before previous twin st, TWP, turn; knit to casing (0, 0) st between marker and last wrapped st Next row (WS): knit to casing marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn k1] times Repeat last Short-row set until you reach casing marker Next row (RS): [sl1 wyif, p1] times, SM, k9 (10, 12) You have now 13 (15, 17) 18 twin sts Last row worked 13, place first ear marker, knit to center marker, k18 (20, is a RS row and you have (0, 0) st between marker 22) 24, place second ear marker, knit to casing marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, p1] times and last twin st Next row (WS): [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Leave the Next row (WS): [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, purl to yarn hanging on WS casing marker, working twin sts as one st when you come to them, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Cut the EARS yarn Short-row set 1: Separating casing sts With WS together inside and RS facing out, pull Shape Crown NOTE: Because Crown is worked in Garter St there is casing sts off the needle The two fabrics will separate into front and back parts, each consisting of sts Return no need to bother with picking up the wraps front sts to working needle and place back sts onto larger dpn Repeat these instructions for other casing Join CC1 yarn Row (RS): [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, knit to casing sts marker, SM, [sl1 wyif, k1] times, turn Short-row (WS): [sl1 wyif, k1] times, SM, knit to Three-needle bind off Hold work so that circular needle with Crown sts is on center marker, SM, k1, w+t the right with WS together inside and RS facing out, needle tips pointing left Hold dpns parallel in left hand and using a 3rd dpn and attached working yarn, purl together st from each dpn; *purl together st from each dpn again, then slip first st over the 2nd to bind off; repeat from * once more Turn work so that circular needle with Crown sts is now on the left, keeping WS together inside and RS facing out Work 3-needle bind off as follows: Holding needles parallel and using a 3rd needle, *knit together st each from the front and back needles, then slip the first st over the 2nd to bind off; repeat from * to ear markers, removing casing markers First Ear Slip the first (10, 11) 12 sts from the front needle directly after ear marker onto a dpn You are now at the tip of the first ear Count off and slip the next (10, 11) 12 sts onto another dpn These two dpns are now your working needles Hold them parallel with WS of work together and continue the 3-needle bind off as above with the same yarn Cut the yarn ©2014 Ekaterina Blanchard / KatyTricot v.022315 Sly Fox Cowl Second Ear Slip next (10, 11) 12 sts onto a dpn and slip the following (10, 11) 12 sts onto 2nd dpn Join the yarn at ear marker and repeat the bind-off process Cut the yarn FINISHING First Paw I-cord drawstring Transfer sts from stitch holder back to dpn, join MC yarn and work an I-cord until drawstring cord is approximately 21¼ (23¼, 25¼) 27" / 54 (58, 64) 69 cm long Slip sts onto a safety pin and pull through casing, entering the opening at the bottom of one side, and exiting the opposite side Second Paw With smaller dpns and CC2, cast on sts and knit 1st from safety pin Work rows in I-cord Slip 1, k2tog, psso to bind off, secure end and cut yarn Repeat once more, then repeat again working rows of I-cord instead of With smaller dpns and CC2, cast on sts and work rows in I-cord (see Stitch guide) Slip 1, k2tog, psso, place remaining st onto a stitch holder or spare dpn, cut the yarn and set aside Repeat once more, placing remaining st onto same holder, then repeat again working rows of I-cord instead of Weave in all ends, wet block to measurements shown, then sew buttons as pictured © Copyright agreement: This pattern is copyrighted, and is for personal and non-commercial use only This means that you can knit it for yourself, for a gift or for charity You may not sell a garment made from this pattern without special permission Distributing this pattern in any manner is prohibited under the copyright Purchasing, downloading, or printing the pattern constitutes agreement within these terms For any questions, please contact katytricot@sfr.fr Sly Fox Cowl Schematic 8¾ (9¾, 10¾) 12" 22 (24, 27) 29.5 cm 4ắ (5, 6) 6ẵ" 11.5 (12.5, 15) 16 cm (5, 5) 5¾" 10 (12.5, 12.5) 14.5 cm 19ẵ (21ẳ, 23ắ) 25ẵ" 51 (55, 62) 66 cm MC - main color CC - contrasting color WS - wrong side [ ] - work instructions within brackets as many times RS - right side as directed k - knit * - repeat instructions from asterisk as directed p - purl st(s) - stitch(es) yo - yarn over rnd - round k2tog - knit stitches together pm - place marker ssk - slip sts as if to knit, then knit those two sm - slip marker together through the back loops rm - remove marker sl1 wyif – with yarn in front slip st purlwise dpns - double-pointed needles psso - pass slipped stitch over Abbreviations ©2014 Ekaterina Blanchard / KatyTricot v.022315 Sly Fox Cowl ... short rows, double knitting, 3-needle bind off, I-cord Sly Fox Cowl Sly Fox Cowl is worked in one piece from the bottom up Beginning with the cowl knit in the round, the hood is then worked in rows,... continue the 3-needle bind off as above with the same yarn Cut the yarn ©2014 Ekaterina Blanchard / KatyTricot v.022315 Sly Fox Cowl Second Ear Slip next (10, 11) 12 sts onto a dpn and slip the following... double-pointed needles psso - pass slipped stitch over Abbreviations ©2014 Ekaterina Blanchard / KatyTricot v.022315 Sly Fox Cowl

Ngày đăng: 18/01/2022, 10:36

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