... objects which had looked dim and terrible in the darkness, grew more and more defined, and gradually resolved into their familiar shapes. The rain came down, thick and fast, and pattered noisily among ... helpless and unconscious, on his bed of clay. At length, a low cry of pain broke the stillness that prevailed; and uttering it, the boy awoke. His left arm, rudely bandaged...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
... side-board and the breakfast-table; and, with his body drawn up to its full height, his head thrown back, and inclined the merest trifle on one side, his left leg advanced, and his right hand thrust ... her deep blue eye, and was stamped upon her noble head, seemed scarcely of her age, or of the world; and yet the changing expression of sweetness and good humour, the thousan...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 32 pptx
... the peace of mind and soft tranquillity, the sickly boy felt in the balmy air, and among the green hills and rich woods, of an inland village! Who can tell how scenes of peace and quietude sink ... but would go and inquire. She presently returned, and said, that Mr. Brownlow had sold off his goods, and gone to the West Indies, six weeks before. Oliver clasped his hands, and...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 33 ppt
... brightly as if it looked upon no misery or care; and, with every leaf and flower in full bloom about her; with life, and health, and sounds and sights of joy, surrounding her on every side: ... churchyard, and sitting down on one of the green mounds, wept and prayed for her, in silence. There was such peace and beauty in the scene; so much of brightness and mirth in the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 39 pptx
... and plotting away, every hour that I have laid shivering and burning here; and Bill was to do this; and Bill was to do that; and Bill was to do it all, dirt cheap, as soon as he got well: and ... the shelving roof, and abutting on a close and dirty lane. Nor were there wanting other indications Nancy shall go to the ken and fetch it, to make all sure; and I’ll lie down...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 42 ppt
... on errands by their mothers, with sixpences and shillings; and the lay is just to take their money away—they’ve always got it ready in their hands,—then knock ‘em into the kennel, and walk ... opening of the door, and the appearance of a stranger, interrupted him. The stranger was Mr. Fagin. And very amiable he looked, and a very low bow he made, as he advanced, and settin...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:16
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 46 ppt
... His face is dark, like his hair and eyes; and, although he can’t be more than six or eight and twenty, withered and haggard. His lips are often discoloured and disfigured with the marks of ... wharfs, and rendering darker and more indistinct the murky buildings on the banks. The old smoke- stained storehouses on either side, rose heavy and dull from the dense mass of roofs...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:16
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 47 ppt
... solitude and peace. Let me see them again, and beg them, on my knees, to show the same mercy and goodness to you; and let us both leave this dreadful place, and far apart lead better lives, and ... dilated nostrils and heaving breast; and then, grasping her by the head and throat, dragged her into the middle of the room, and looking once towards the door, placed his h...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:16
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 2 doc
... unlimited supply of water; and with a corn- factor to supply periodically small quantities of oatmeal; and issued three meals of thin gruel a day, with an onion twice a week, and half a roll of Sundays. ... Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. He rose from the table; and advancing to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said: somewhat alarm...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 5 pptx
... should be alive and merry now, and she lying ther: so cold and stiff! Lord, Lord!—to think of it; it’s as good as a play—as good as a play!’ As the wretched creature mumbled and chuckled in ... no loved and well-remembered face sank heavily into his heart. But his heart was heavy, notwithstanding; and he wished, as he crept into his narrow bed, that that were his coffin, an...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 14:20