... 10 or 16 PN 25 or 40 PN 63 or 10 0 Tolerances for CTF 25 10 0 92 10 0 98 10 5 11 5 40 11 5 11 1 11 5 11 7 12 5 13 0 50 12 5 12 7 12 5 13 3 14 3 15 0 80 15 5 14 9 15 5 15 9 16 8 19 0 ±2 10 0 17 5 17 6 17 5 18 4 19 7 215 15 0 ... FAA Dimension nominale (DN) PN 10 ou 16 PN 25 ou 40 PN 63 ou 10 0 Tolérance sur FAA 25 10 0 92 10 0 98 10 5 11 5 40 11 5 11 1...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 11:08
... in industrial- process control systems. 8 01 : - Electromagnetic comptabiiity for industrial- process measurement and control equipment. 8 0 1- 1 (19 84) 8 0 1- 2 (19 84) 8 0 1- 3 (19 84) 873 (19 86) ... 53 4-2 -1 : * (19 78) Publication 53 4-2 -2 : (19 80) Publication 53 4-2 -3 : (19 83) Publication 53 4-2 -4 : (en préparation) Publicat...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 14:47
iec 60534-3 industrial process control valves - dimensions
... IHS `,,` `-` -` ,,`,,`,`,,` INDUSTRIAL- PROCESS CONTROL VALVES Part 3 : Dimensions SECTION ONE - FACE-TO-FACE DIMENSIONS FOR FLANGED, TWO-WAY, GLOBE-TYPE CONTROL VALVES Note. - The rationale ... brides Industrial- p rocess control valves Part 3: Dimensions Section One - Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type control...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 14:50
IEC 60534 6 1 industrial process control valves mounting details for attachment of positioners
... pour analyseurs de processus. 611 31: — Automates programmables. 611 3 1- 1 (19 92) Partie 1: Informations générales. 611 3 1- 2 (19 92) Partie 2: Spécifications et essais des équipements. 611 3 1- 3 (19 93) Partie ... – Guidelines. 611 15 (19 92) Expression of performance of sample handling systems for process analyzers. 611 31: - Programmable controllers: 611 3 1- 1 (19 92)...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 11:29
IEC 60534 8 1 industrial process control valves noise considerations
... WN) Colonne i 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 1 O0 12 5 15 0 200 250 300 - 14 - TABLEAU I 53 4-8 -1 O CE1 19 86 Diamètre extérieur du tuyau Colonne 2 17 ,2 21, 3 26,9 33,7 ... Services 53 4-8 -1 O IEC 19 86 Nominal sue (DN) Column I 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 10 0 12 5 15 0 200 250 300 - 15 - TABLE I Pipe out...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 11:31
IEC 60534 8 1 industrial process control valves noise considerations
... No. 65 3 81 : - Analogue signals for process control systems. 3 8 1- 1 (19 82) 3 8 1- 2 (19 78) 382 (19 71) 534: - Industrial- process control valves. 534 -1 (19 76) 53 4-2 (19 78) Part 1 : Direct ... 65 3 81 : - Signaux analogiques pour systèmes de commande de pro- 3 8 1- 1 (19 82) 3 8 1- 2 (19 78) 382 (19 71) 534: - Vannes de régu...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 13:00
IEC 60534 7 industrial process control valves data sheet
... 534 -1 (19 87) 53 4-2 (19 78) 53 4-2 -2 (19 80) 53 4-2 -3 (19 83) 53 4-2 -4 (19 83) 53 4-3 (19 76) 53 4-3 -2 (19 84) 53 4-4 (19 82) 53 4-5 (19 82) 53 4-6 (19 85) 53 4-7 (19 89) 53 4-8 -1 (19 86) Part I : Control ... processus. .534 -1 (19 87) 53 4-2 (19 78) 53 4-2 -2 (19 80) 53 4-2 -3 (19 83) 53 4-2 -4 (1 989) 53 4-3 (19...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 11:30
iec 60534-2_1 industrial process control valves - flow capacity equations
... from IHS `,,` `-` -` ,,`,,`,`,,` STD .IEC h053 4-2 -1 - ENGL 19 98 E 9899893, 0702482 5Tô E 6053 4-2 -1 O IEC: 19 98 - 89 - Check: C - < ci FR 0, 012 7 -= 0, 018 >0, 016 5 0,727 Since ... 1, 14 I 0, 814 I 4600 I 365 I N2 28, 013 1, 40 1, 000 3 394 12 6 CRHyB 11 4,23 1, 66 1, 186 2 513 569 Saturated steam I Pentane...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 14:49
iec 60534-2_3 industrial process control valves - flow capacity equations
... 15 0 (1, 5) 16 0 (1, 6) 16 0 (1, 6) 17 0 (1, 7) 17 0 (1, 7) 19 0 (1, 9) 200 (2,0) 220 (2,2) 230 (2,3) 0,9 15 0 (1, 5) 16 0 (1, 6) 16 0 (1, 6) 17 0 (1, 7) 17 0 (1, 7) 18 0 (1, 8) 18 0 (1, 8) 19 0 (1, 9) 19 0 (1, 9) NOTE 1 – ... 15 0 (1, 5) 16 0 (1, 6) 16 0 (1, 6) 17 0 (1, 7) 17 0 (1, 7) 19 0 (1, 9) 200 (2,0) 220 (2,2) 230 (2,3) 0,9 15 0 (1, 5) 16...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 14:49
iec 60534-2_4 industrial process control valves - flow capacity equations
... compatibility for industrial- process measurement and control equipment. 8 0 1- 1 (19 84) 8 0 1- 2 (19 84) 8 0 1- 3 (19 84) 8 0 1- 4 (19 88) 873 (19 86) 877 (19 86) 902 (19 87) 954 (19 89) 955 (19 89) Part 1 : General ... 8 0 1- 1 (19 84) 8 0 1- 2 (19 84) 8 0 1- 3 (19 84) 8 0 1- 4 (19 88) 873 (19 86) 877 (19 86) 902 (19 87) 954 (19 89) 955 (19 89) Publi...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 14:50