Tài liệu MicroSim PSpice Optimizer: Analog Performance Otimization Software pptx

Tài liệu MicroSim PSpice Optimizer: Analog Performance Otimization Software pptx

Tài liệu MicroSim PSpice Optimizer: Analog Performance Otimization Software pptx

... of 1 goal and 1 constraint. MicroSim Corporation 20 Fairbanks (714) 770-3022 Irvine, California 92618 MicroSim PSpice Optimizer Analog Performance Optimization Software User’s Guide Optimizing ... optimize the design 1 Activate the PSpice Optimizer by doing one of the following: • From the Windows 95 Start menu, select the MicroSim program folder and then the PSpice Optim...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 05:17

161 279 0
Tài liệu MicroSim PSpice A/D (P2) ppt

Tài liệu MicroSim PSpice A/D (P2) ppt

... waveform decreases below <value>. Commands Command Reference for PSpice and PSpice A/D 1-2 Command Reference for PSpice and PSpice A/D Schematics users enter analysis specifications through ... your PSpice user’s guide. Port specifications are inserted into the netlist by Schematics whenever an external port symbol, EXTERNAL_IN, EXTERNAL_OUT, or EXTERNAL_BI is used. Refer to...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 20:16

20 329 0
Tài liệu MicroSim PSpice A/D (P1) doc

Tài liệu MicroSim PSpice A/D (P1) doc

... demonstrates how the MicroSim family of products works together. MODEL + BF = symbols packa ges packa ges footprints padstacks MicroSim Schematics MicroSim PCBoards MicroSim PSpice Optimzer MicroSim models PLD device database Probe Gerber ... PSpice Optimzer MicroSim models PLD device database Probe Gerber files drill files reports SPECCTRA® Autorouter MicroSim PLS yn Mi...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 20:16

30 371 0
Tài liệu MicroSim PSpice A/D & Basics+ pptx

Tài liệu MicroSim PSpice A/D & Basics+ pptx

... to: {-10*FACTOR} PSpice A/D evaluates this expression to: (-10 * 1.2) or -12 volts For more information on user- defined functions, see the .FUNC command in the Commands chapter in the online MicroSim PSpice ... chapter in the online MicroSim PSpice A/D Reference Manual . Definin g Power Supplies 3 -21 Definin g Power Supplies For the Analo g Portion of Your Circuit If the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 11:20

567 818 1
Tài liệu ORCAD/PSPICE Tutorial doc

Tài liệu ORCAD/PSPICE Tutorial doc

... / 100 = 10 µs) We also need to tell PSPICE which nodes we would like to plot. We do this by going to the main menubar and selecting PSpice. We then select Markers and Voltage. We ... going to the File menu and selecting Save. We are now ready to run the PSPICE simulation. We do this by selecting PSpice from the main menubar and then Run. We could also click on the the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:16

12 476 0
Tài liệu Bộ so sánh Analog - Analog Comparator doc

Tài liệu Bộ so sánh Analog - Analog Comparator doc

... Bộ so sánh Analog - Analog Comparator http://www.ebook.edu.vn 1.Bộ so sánh tương tự Bộ so sánh tương tự của ... bit ACIE cần bị xóa). 2.Bit 5-ACO :Analog comparator output –Đây là bit trạng thái. Bit này được nối trức tiếp với đầu ra của bộ so sánh tương tự. 3.Bit 4-ACI :Analog comparator interrupt flag ... vào của chức năng bắt sự kiện của Timer/counter 1.( Đọc thêm timer/counte...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15

3 723 1
Tài liệu MicroSim Schematics docx

Tài liệu MicroSim Schematics docx

... Page 47 Monday, June 16, 1997 10:10 AM MicroSim Corporation 20 Fairbanks (714) 770-3022 Irvine, California 92618 MicroSim Schematics Schematic Capture Software User’s Guide Scug.bk : SchTitle.fmk ... box. Scug.bk : 04DESGNS.FMK Page 12 Monday, June 16, 1997 10:10 AM Before You Begin Welcome to MicroSim Welcome to the MicroSim family of products. Whichever programs you have purchas...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 14:15

381 112 0
Tài liệu Overview Series: Windows Vista Performance and TuningImprove Performance Quickly and EasilyThe doc

Tài liệu Overview Series: Windows Vista Performance and TuningImprove Performance Quickly and EasilyThe doc

... Manager window that measures performance is the Performance tab, shown in Figure 19. Figure 19. Use Task Manager to provide a real-time look at performance The Performance tab is divided into ... system performance. The primary objective of this plan is to maximize battery life. High Performance Offers the highest performance possible by maximizing available resources for...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 13:15

14 270 0
Tài liệu Infrastructure Solutions for High-Performance Data Networks A Planning Guide for Network Managers docx

Tài liệu Infrastructure Solutions for High-Performance Data Networks A Planning Guide for Network Managers docx

... questions. In general, how satisfied are users with the performance of your data center?  Very satisfied; we receive almost no complaints about performance.  Somewhat satisfied; while our users ... while keeping costs down? Infrastructure Solutions for A Planning Guide for Network Managers High -Performance Data Networks A Planning Guide for Network Managers Page 20 Introduction to...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 07:17

28 358 1