Tài liệu HTML and Web Design Secrets P2 docx
... Toolbox 29 ࡗࡗࡗ Secret #16: Audio and Video Players Audio players are necessary for Web designers who are both working with audio and video as well as visiting Web sites where forms of audio and video are in ... “Skencil.’’ Figure 1-17: Using Mayura Draw for vector-based design. tip Web designers and developers using Linux platform and open source software for designing graph...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:17
... signif- icantly reducing bandwidth and increasing revenue. Most likely you are a person who is working on public or private Web sites and is somewhat experienced with HTML and Web graphic design and are interested ... for self-expression via Weblogs, social networks, and special interest groups. 250 HTML and Web Design Secrets looks into the detailed work required...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:17
... the lining material and the drum, p represents the pressure between the drum and the lining, and w represents the width of the band. Upon simplifying equations (1-1) and (1-2) and remembering that ... the element of band length approaches zero, sin(du/2) approaches du/2, cos(du/2) F IGURE 2 Quantities and geometry used in the derivation of the band-brake design relations. Band B...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu CLUTCHES AND BRAKES Design and Selection
... rsin acos R r cosðhÞ À h 0 Chapter 482 5 Dry and Wet Disk Brakes and Clutches This chapter on disk brakes and clutches will consider annular contact disk clutches and both caliper and annular contact disk brakes, ... Continued. Dry and Wet Disk Brakes and Clutches 85 Evaluation of these integrals is easiest for brake pads with radial and circular boundaries, as in Figur...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2012, 09:58
Tài liệu Clutches and brakes design and selection P3 docx
... Inc. Thislinkforceandtheactivatingmomentbothactonthesecondary shoe,sothattheforceandmomentequationsofequilibriumforthesecond- aryshoebecome F r 2 ¼Àrw Z f 2 f 1 pcosfdfþArw Z f 1 f 2 psinfdfþF l sinf 2 þ h 2 ð5-7Þ F u 2 ¼Àrw Z f 2 f 1 psinfdfþArw Z f 2 f 1 pcosfdfþF l cosf 2 þ h 2 ð5-8Þ where2histheanglesubtendedbytheadjustinglink.Next, M a 2 ¼M p 2 þM f 2 À2RF l sin f 2 2 sin f 2 2 þ h...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Clutches and brakes design and selection P4 pdf
... 4 LinearlyActingExternalandInternal DrumBrakes Linearlyactingdrumbrakesarethosefittedwithshoeswhich,whenacti- vated,approachthedrumbymovingparalleltoaradiusthroughthecen- teroftheshoe.TypicallinearlyactingdrumbrakesareillustratedinFigures 1–3. Analysisoflinearlyactingbrakesincludesthoseinwhichthecentrally pivotedshoesareattachedtopivotedlevers,asinFigure1.Includingbrakes ofthisdesignwithinthec...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Clutches and brakes design and selection P5 docx
... MI.) Dry and Wet Disk Brakes and Clutches 87 Copyright © 2004 Marcel Dekker, Inc. Evaluationoftheseintegralsiseasiestforbrakepadswithradialand circularboundaries,asinFigure4,forwhichequation(1-4 )and( 1-5)maybe writtenusingadummyvariablefas F¼p max r i Z A 1 r da¼p max r i Z r 0 r i Z u 0 dfdrð1-6Þ ¼p max r i uðr 0 Àr i Þ and T¼Ap max r i Z A da¼Ap max r i Z r o r i rdr Z u 0 df ð1-7Þ ¼...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Clutches and brakes design and selection P6 ppt
... Inc. II.FOLDEDCONEBRAKE Prototypeconebrakeshavebeendesignedandtestedforarangeofvehicle sizes,fromtractorsandtrailerstosubcompactautomobiles[1].Boththelarge andsmallsizesusedafoldedconedesign,asillustratedinFigures 5and6 , eachwitha=27j.Althoughtheconebrakehasfewerpartsthandrum brakes,thisadvantagemustbebalancedagainstthedisadvantageofrequiring anoutboardwheelbearing. Analysisofthefoldedconebr...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Clutches and brakes design and selection P7 pdf
... They are often designed in the laboratory by a combination of theory and trial and error because our present theory is not adequate to handle small geometric effects on the electric and magnetic ... Inc. OMandtheIM.Thebrakeconfigurationdiffersfromtheclutchonlyinthat theIMisrigidlyattachedtothebrakeframe. AnelectromagneticcoiloutsidetheOMandconcentricwithitisusedto activatethebrakeorclutch....
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Clutches and brakes design and selection P8 ppt
... Inc. theannularcaliperandannulardiskbegivenbyequation.Accordingly,eval- uatetheformulas T¼p max wr 2 o ð1Àe ÀAf Þð8-7Þ forabandbrake, T¼2Ap max wr 2 o sin f o 2 ð8-8Þ foreithertwoopposinginternalorexternallinearlyactingbrakeshoes, T¼2Ap max r 3 o 3 ffiffiffi 3 p f o ð8-9Þ fortwoopposingdiscbrakepads,eachsubtendingangleB o ,and T¼4kAp max r 3 o 3 ffiffiffi 3 p ð8-10Þ fortwocompleteannularpadsinwhichB...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 11:15