Tài liệu PC Magazine - 2008 03 ppt

Tài liệu PC Magazine - 2008_03 ppt

Tài liệu PC Magazine - 2008_03 ppt

... 21 2-5 0 3-5 422 NEW YORK, NORTHEAST Melissa Magdits 21 2-5 0 3-3 533 NEW YORK, MIDWEST Kevin McDonnell 21 2-5 0 3-4 683 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, NY Amy Christiansen 21 2-5 0 3-5 275 MIDWEST Anne King 31 2-8 3 6-0 771 DETROIT ... Looks Plus, i-Bench, Lab Notes, Lab Tales, PC Bench, PC Labs Scorecard, PC Magazine At Home, PC Magazine CD, Front Side, PC Magazin...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 21:16

140 175 1
Tài liệu PC World Hardware Tips pptx

Tài liệu PC World Hardware Tips pptx

... Keyboards, mice, and other low-power USB devices use 25 mA to 40 mA and run well on a 100-mA port of a bus-powered hub. More-demanding de- vices need to use a self-powered hub. FIGURE 2: USB ... 2.0 devices is limited at present, and they re- quire a USB 2.0-ready PC to run them. Look for the first USB 2.0–ready moth- erboards and systems to hit the mar- ty from the incoming USB connector...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15

6 425 0