add a wall light
... this example you will need to mark the wall for your switch, and both wall lights. Make a hole large enough in the wall to accept the switch box (pattress), mark and chase a slot in the wall wide ... to red, black to black and earth to earth. Keep the earth wires in one of the middle terminals and the red and black as far apart as possible in the far two terminals. Top cables...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 10:44
... Children: A Cause for National Shame’, Marxist light 119 At the heart of all of Marx’s works lies a materialist approach. According to this approach, the material base is primary, ideas secondary. ... ’:Lefort,L’invention,at62, emphasisadded.Thispassagecanbetranslatedasfollows:‘[Marx]criticizesthe individualfromtheperspectiveofatheoryofsocietywherewhatiscarriedoutby powerand,initswake,b...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
... Switzerland, 164 the applicant was a teacher in an infant school in Geneva. When she was in her mid-twenties and already teaching, she converted to Islam and married an Algerian national. Mrs Dahlab continued ... the fact that radical feminism assumes that all women and, for that matter, also men, ‘tick’ in the same way; that what is true of one woman (or man) is also true of any other woma...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
The Convention in a particularist light
... the reasons why cultural relativism has been decried. Adamantia Pollis has written an article that, in effect, turns around the fact that a state’s claims of cultural distinctiveness may be a ‘wanton ... Rights? 15P.H.Nowell-Smith,‘Culturalrelativism’(1971)1PhilosophyoftheSocialSciences 1–17. 16AsHerskovitsnotedinhisanswertodetractorsofculturalrelativism:Melville Herskovits,CulturalRelati...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
The Convention in a realist light
... justified their vote against the majority in Benhebba by reference to the fact that the applicant was a quasi- national. Legal logic has it that either one is a national of a particular state, or one is ... becomes a national but instead takes nationality rules as a given rather than as a social construction which amounts to a myth. The reference to ‘quasi-national’ defies this...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
The Convention in a utilitarian light
... Rights? 27SilvioMarcus-Helmons,‘Ledroitdeproprie ´ te ´ est-ilundroitfondamentalausensde laConventioneurope ´ ennedesdroitsdel’homme?’,UniondesAvocatsEurope ´ ens (UAE)(ed.),Lesnouveauxdroitsdel’hommeenEurope(Brussels:Bruylant,1999) 193–208. 28InterestinglyMicheledeSalvia,formerJurisconsultoftheCourt,wasoftheopinion thatthedoctrineofthemarginofappreciationonlymadesenseinrespectofArticle 15oft...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20