common mistakes in english grammar practice

130 common mistakes in english

130 common mistakes in english

... She couldn’t explain the reason why she was here. She couldn’t explain the reason because she was here. 120. Think of I’m thinking of moving to Australia. I’m thinking to move to Australia. ... & many Having much money is always better than having little money. Having many money is always better than having little money. 80. Must We must increase prices. We must to increase...

Ngày tải lên: 25/05/2013, 11:34

32 874 5
longman common mistakes in english

longman common mistakes in english

... Don't say: Don't interfere with my private business! / Say: Don't interfere in my private business! (b) Interfere with. Don't say: Paul is always interfering in the equipment. / ... convinced of Robin's innocence. Persuade and convince have very similar meanings and are mostly interchangeable in modern English. Delia persuaded me to take the exam = De...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 22:47

189 915 0
1000 Most Common Words in English - Numbers Vocabulary

1000 Most Common Words in English - Numbers Vocabulary

... Word 251 open 297 color 343 told 252 seem 298 face 344 knew 253 together 299 wood 345 pass 254 next 300 main 346 since 255 white 301 enough 347 top 256 children 302 plain 348 whole 257 begin 303 girl 349 king 258 got 304 usual 350 space 259 walk 305 young 351 heard 260 example 306 ready 352 best 261 ease 307 above 353 hour 262 paper 308 ever 354 better 263 group 309 red 355 true ... yellow 88...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:20

10 3,8K 25
Longman English Grammar Practice

Longman English Grammar Practice

... important thing is this I'm being honest I'm expressing my opinion We can connect ideas in speech or writing using adverbs like these: - I'm adding something): in addition, again, ... years: in 2050; seasons: in (the) spring; centuries: in the 20th periods: in Ramadan, in fwo years' time. Supply at, on or in. meet you 10.30 Monday, June 14. We'...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 13:46

302 1,9K 17