Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P4 ppt

Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P4 ppt

Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P4 ppt

... section. Basically, the majority of commercially available HDD servo systems to date are designed using a conventional PID approach. For drives with a single VCM actuator, designers would encounter ... These draw- backs can be overcome by using our newly developed control techniques. We design an HDD servo system that meets the following design constraints and specifications: 1. the contro...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 19:15

50 314 0
Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P3 ppt

Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P3 ppt

... switching. More- over, the RPT controllers in a track-following servo have been proved to be robust against resonance mode changes from disk to disk and work well against runout disturbances. The MSC ... The most popular nonlinear control technique used in the design of HDD servo systems is the so-called proximate time-optimal servomechanism (PTOS) proposed by Workman [30], which achi...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 19:15

50 359 0
Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P7 pptx

Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P7 pptx

... control for hard disk dual-stage servo systems. IEEE Trans Magn 2001; 37:949–54. 161. Li Y, Horowitz R. Track-following controller design of MEMS based dual-stage servos in magnetic hard disk drives. ... to hard disk drive servo system. Proc 6th Int Workshop Adv Motion Contr; Nagoya, Japan; 2000. p. 246–51. 5. Hara S, Hara T, Yi L, Tomizuka M. Two degree-of-freedom controlle...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 19:15

20 417 0
Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P1 docx

Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P1 docx

... Cataloguing in Publication Data Hard disk drive servo systems. - 2nd ed. - (Advances in industrial control) 1.Servomechanisms 2.Data disk drives - Design 3 .Hard disks (Computer science) I.Chen, ... new applications hardware into the hard disk drive servo system problem: microdrive systems and piezoelectric actuators; nonlinear system effects are prominent in these new h...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 19:15

50 565 0
Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P2 docx

Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P2 docx

... section will be utilized heavily in later chapters to solve track-following problems in hard disk drive servo systems. 3.6.1 Continuous-time Systems Consider the following continuous-time system: (3.189) where is ... design of HDD servo systems, though some are presented here for the purpose of easy reference for general readers. We have noticed that it is some kind of tradition or...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 19:15

50 370 0
Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P5 pdf

Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P5 pdf

... presence of runouts. For actual drives, prewritten PES data might be estimated at high sampling rates using servo sector measurements (see, for example, [141]). In disk drive applications, the variation ... Track- following servo systems have to ensure that the PES is kept to a minimum. Having deviations that are above the tolerance of the disk drive would result in too many read...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 19:15

50 332 0
Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P6 pdf

Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P6 pdf

... www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 246 9 Modeling and Design of a Microdrive System onto the target track, and is driven by a VCM driver, a full bridge power amplifier, which converts an input voltage ... circuit of a typical VCM driver is shown in Figure 9.3, where represents the coil of the VCM actuator and the external input voltage is exerted directly into the VCM driver to drive...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 19:15

50 351 0
Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P8 docx

Tài liệu Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems- P8 docx

... control for hard disk dual-stage servo systems. IEEE Trans Magn 2001; 37:949–54. 161. Li Y, Horowitz R. Track-following controller design of MEMS based dual-stage servos in magnetic hard disk drives. ... fast and precise servo sys- tem of hard disk drives. Proc 6th Int Workshop Adv Motion Contr; Nagoya, Japan; 2000. p. 69–73. 146. Tsuchiura KM, Tsukuba HH, Toride HO, Takahashi...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 19:15

9 340 0