


... Defense 46 Sea Grant 47 Coastal Ocean Economics, Population, Employment, and Benefits 49 Coastal Ocean Economics, Population, Employment 51 Ocean Economics 52 Coastal Benefits 54 ... Administration, NOAA Oceans and Coasts, Special Projects Office. Website: . In 1995-96, economic impacts of coastal recreation in Monroe County, home to the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:27

56 995 2
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.1

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.1

... ClimatechangeasenvironmentalandeconomichazardGuestEditor: Boris Porfiriev Climate change as environmental and economic hazard Guest Editor Boris Porfiriev Russian Academy of Sciences Climate change as environmental and economic ... change as environmental and economic hazard Climate change: A hazard or an opportunity? Boris Porfiriev* Guest Editor, Risk and Crisis Research Center at t...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:56

8 657 1
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.2

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.2

... of human–environment debates and have linked them with issues of development, techno- logy and economic resiliency (Schipper and Pelling, 2006). As a response to this concern, international governance ... the past several decades, including preventative measures that have been demonstrated to be more economically efficient than reactive ones, disaster relief, response and recovery still pred...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:56

8 686 2
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.3

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.3

... Ecology and Evolution, 17(1). 40–44. Common, M., 1995. Economists don’t read Science. Ecological Economics, 15(2). 101–103. Dietz, T., Ostrom, E. and Stern, P., 2003. The struggle to govern the ... 30(1). 1–4. Hogarth, R. M. and Kunreuther, H. C., 1985. Ambiguity and insurance decisions. American Economic Review, 75(2). 386–390. Holling, C. S., 1973. Resilience and stability of ecologi- cal...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:56

8 592 0
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.4

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.4

... hurricane landfall record. Those studies will be referenced here, but not replicated. The data on the economic losses from US land- falling hurricanes comes from Pielke et al. (2008), which sought to

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57

8 600 0
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.5

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.5

... KENNEDY 2 AND JIM SKEA 3 1 Grantham Research Institute and Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE 2 Committee on Climate Change, Manning ... sustained, multi-decade commitment to the decarbonization of the economy. The techno- logical and economic solutions of doing so are emerging, but maintaining a long-term, global com...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57

8 635 0
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