John Wiley And Sons Webster''''s New World - Essential vocabulary I

John Wiley And Sons Webster's New World - Essential vocabulary

John Wiley And Sons Webster's New World - Essential vocabulary

... or registeredtrademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., and/ or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the prop-erty of their respective owners .Wiley Publishing, Inc. is not associated with any ... PM Page iii Webster’s New World Essential Vocabulary Copyright © 2005 by Wiley, Hoboken, NJPublished by Wiley, Hoboken, NJPublished simultaneously in CanadaNo part of this publica...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:47

402 653 6
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_A -2

John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_A -2

... 3. a light musical composition • Moorish architecture is distinguished by its arabesques, which might be carved into the stonework or might be in relief. • A ballet dancer’s arabesque is a pose ... kee AHL ij ee) n. the scientific study of the past (especially of past civilizations and cultures through excavation of their cities, their artifacts, and so on) • Archaeology is responsible fo...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

25 578 0
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_A

John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_A

... singer’s voice is almost inaudible, but the sound engineer will amplify it to make it stand out. [amplified, amplifying, amplification, amplifier n.] amusement (uh MYOOZ mnt) n. 1. the condition ... Territory by purchasing it from France. • An appreciation for caviar is an acquired taste, unlike a love for creamed corn, which is, of course, innate. [-d, acquiring] acquisition* (AK wuh zi shuh...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

30 448 0
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_B

John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_B

... used in writing and printing; 3. style of printing or handwriting; 4. a magical symbol or mystic emblem; a code or cipher; 5. a distinctive quality or trait; an attribute; a characteristic; 6. essential ... Education is a case lawyers often cite when arguing for equal educational opportunities in court. [-d, citing, citation n.] civil (SI vil) adj. 1. of a citizen or citizens; 2. of a com...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

36 532 0
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_D -2

John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_D -2

... centimeters and 1 inch is a well-known relationship. • A generic drug has the chemical equivalence of its brand-name cousin at a lower price. equivocal (ik WIV ik il) adj. 1. capable of being interpreted ... Essential Vocabulary 1. diatribe 2. diffidence 3. digress 4. diminutive 5. dirge 6. disabuse 7. disburse 8. discontent 9. disinter 10. disinterestedness 11. disputatious 12. dissona...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

26 480 0
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_D

John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_D

... her handicaps or inabilities. [-d, deriding, derision n., derisive adj., deridingly adv.] [Syn. ridicule] derivative* (di RIV a TIV) adj. 1. using or taken from other sources; 2. not original ... wine, Judy has very discriminating taste (among bottles costing $6 or less). [-d, discriminating] [Syn. distinguish] discussion (dis KUSH in) n. talking or writing in which the pros and cons and/...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

18 408 0
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_E

John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_E

... cultural heritage or nationality • Being of Ethiopian descent is an ethnicity. • Having a Lithuanian heritage is an ethnicity. • Speaking Spanish or English is a commonality of language but is not ... admire. • The Guggenheim collection is exhibited daily in a museum designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. • Lawrence is exhibiting a good deal of irritation with the automobile cleaning service. [-ed,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

20 420 0
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_F

John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_F

... same thing. 114 Essential Vocabulary 1. fabrication 2. factor 3. fallacious 4. fallibile 5. falsification 6. fathom 7. feasible 8. felicitous 9. fiction 10. figurative 11. financial 12. firebrand ... duplicating machine. • Some of Harry’s paintings imitate those of Mondrian. [-d, imitating, imitation, imitator n.] [Syn. ape, mimic, emulate] immerse (i MOERS) vt. 1. to plunge, drop, or di...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

35 382 0
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_I

John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_I

... are infirm in their voting records on civil rights. [-ly adv.] [Syn. weak] inimitable (in IM it uh bl) adj. incapable of being imitated; too good to be copied • Certain products, which we will ... thing. 296 Essential Vocabulary 1. iconoclast 2. idyll 3. igneous 4. immaculate 5. impede 6. impenetrability 7. imperious 8. imperturbable 9. impinge 10. implacable 11. implausible 12. implosion...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

29 377 0
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_J-K

John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_J-K

... • Many claim that the income tax code is mystifying by design rather than circumstance. [-ly adv., mystification n.] mythical (MITH i kil) adj. 1. imaginary; fictitious; not scientifically proven; ... outstandingly beautiful bird, while the pigeon is consid- erably more mundane. [-ly adv.] [Syn. earthly] munificent (myoo NIF is int) adj. 1. very generous; giving lavishly; 2. distin- guished...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20

21 377 0
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