... when it is read.Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo,Webster’s New World, the Webster’s NewWorld logo, and all related trademarks, logos, and trade dress are trademarks or registeredtrademarks ... object.Consider the following sentence: Peter ate a grape. In that sentence, the grapereceives the action of the transitive verb, to eat (past tense, ate). The verb, to eat, canals...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:47
... a great deal of animosity between Boston Red Sox fans and New York Yankee fans. • Veterans from Germany and America have met each other in the cemeter- ies of France to show that they have no ... U.S. armed forces were used to coerce Iraq to leave Kuwait. • The Internal Revenue Service is expert at coercing delinquent taxpayers to part with their funds. • Police frequently find it neces...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_A
... of a leader or a plan • Peanut butter will adhere to one’s teeth almost every time. • The candidate adhered to her promise to support the health plan, even after she was elected. • The secretary ... the liberated concentration camp inmates affects many people. • As the voice of Shrek, Mike Meyers affects the role of a lovable green ogre. [-ed, -ing, affectable adj.] [Syn. assume (sense 3)] .....
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_B
... confidence • The gate is between the third and fourth fence posts. • Lunchtime comes between breakfast and dinner times. • That color is between blue and green. • Second gear is between first and ... close the dis- tance between them. • Joe was on the extreme right, Debbie was on the extreme left, and Mike compromised, midway between them. • Being seen with you might cause my reputa...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_D -2
... Does reading degenerate magazines corrupt one, or must one be degenerate to buy such magazines? • Helen, mentioned above, is a degenerate. • As one ages, one’s sense of humor tends to degenerate, ... free] embezzle (em BEZ il) vt. to steal by fraud; to take money from someone on false pretense and then spend it on oneself • Several corporate executives spent the late 1990s embezzling their...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_D
... Page 73 deceive (di SEEV) vt. to cause (a person) to believe what is not true; delude; mislead —vi. to use deceit; lie • Flattery is a time-tested device to deceive one into thinking he or she ... see) n. 1. government by the people, with the popu- lace holding the reins of power, either directly or through elected representatives; power in the hands of the ruled; 2. a country, state, etc. .....
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_E
... Preheating the oven will expedite dinner after mom brings the frozen pizza home. • Paying for overnight delivery will expedite your receiving the new software package. [-d, expediting] experience ... [-ed, -ing, -able adj., -ation n.] elite (e LEET) n. 1. those selected or regarded as the finest, best, most distin- guished, etc.; 2. a size of type for typewriters (remember them?) measuring...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_F
... Sundays, he is really a hypocrite because he drinks, cusses, and chases loose women the rest of the week. • Used-car salespersons have a well-deserved reputation for being hypocrites, guaranteeing ... certain specified time frame; number of oscillations per time period; 2. a repeated or repeating occurrence • When something vibrates between about 30 and 16,000 times per second, its freque...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_I
... example, cleverness, shrewd- ness, eloquence; 3. quick; quick witted; changeable; fleeting • Fever thermometers used to be mercurial, but now, few are. • A speedy messenger could be called mercurial ... five minutes in the freezing water rendered him insensible to the temperature of the air. • Congresswoman Lorraine’s self-centeredness caused her to be insensible to the wishes of her constitu...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20
John Wiley And Sons Webster''s New World - Essential vocabulary_J-K
... • Years of experience are required to refine one’s taste buds to the point where (s)he can qualify as a judge of fine wines. • When it comes to movies, everyone’s a judge. [-d, judging, -ment ... States are driven by advertising dollars. • Since the advent of television, the roles played by the print media have tended to become more specialized. mediocre (MEE dee OH kir) adj. 1. of average .....
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 14:20