1500 Test C - Past 17

1500 Test C - Past 17

1500 Test C - Past 17

... here. a. an application b. a permit c. an allowance d. an admission  b 37. Bjorn Borg is probably the most tennis-player of all time. a. success b. succeed c. successfully d. successful  d 38. ... from b. to c. against d. for  a 39. It was that we went for a picnic in the countryside. a. so nice a day b. such nice day c. so nice day d. such a nice day  d b. extra c. tall d. special ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

24 394 0
1500 Test C - Past 1

1500 Test C - Past 1

... He can understand us. a. harder b. hard c. hardly d. difficult > c 46. I couldn't make coffee for everybody. There weren't a. cups enough b. enough cups c. cups too d. too cups  ... Vitamin C to eat more fruit and vegetables. a. in b. of c. from d. for > a 24. Because I am terrified of spaces, I never go in lifts. a. contained b. compressed c. constricted d. confin...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

19 457 4
1500 Test C - Past 10

1500 Test C - Past 10

... France. a. One of b. most spectacular c. were d. unsuccessful  c 8. Studying the science of logic is one way to cultivate one's reason skills. a. Studying b. science of c. way to d. reason  d 9. ... whom d. whose  a 34. Children learn primarily by the world around them. a. experiencing directly of b. experience direct c. directly physical experience d. direct physical experience...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

21 440 1
1500 Test C - Past 11

1500 Test C - Past 11

... declaration b. convince c. principle d. coincidence  c 26. I have some exercises I must finish tonight. a. who b. which c. when d. where  b 27. Could you tell me the nearest bank where I can ... grocer c. comb d. ocean > a 5. a. park b. patch c. barn d. march > b 6. a. company b. compare c. cover d. glove > b 7. a. rubber b. butcher c. subtle d. shuttle > b b. avoidi...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

23 384 0
1500 Test C - Past 12

1500 Test C - Past 12

... instructions. a. establish b. follow  c 4. a. cock b. clock c. slope d. stop  c 5. a. attention b. match c. sand d. land  a 6. a. throw b. clown c. slow d. blow  b 7. a. home b. honour c. stone d. ... bill if Congress passes it. a. chance of agreement b. doubt c. other choice d. mistake  c 14. The peg she often hangs her coat is still new. a. in which b. on which c. to which...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

24 345 0
1500 Test C - Past 13

1500 Test C - Past 13

... he is. a. successful b. unsuccessful c. unsuccess d. success  b 20. The conductor often collects the bus a. fares b. tariffs c. prices d. fees  a 21. It was said that the political was jailed ... assassin b. conservative c. patron d. radical  c 12. He decided with the police no matter what they said. a. didn't co-operate b. wouldn't co-operate c. not to co-operate d. to no...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

24 453 0
1500 Test C - Past 14

1500 Test C - Past 14

... b 7. a. count b. country c. counter d. county  b Find the mistakes 8. Fireflies product light through a complex chemical reaction that takes place within their abdominal cells. a. product b. a complex c. ... result of processes chemical. a. the study of b. of elements c. as a d. processes chemical  d Grammar and Vocabulary 11. That factory has no for temporary workers. a. places b. vacan...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

24 368 0
1500 Test C - Past 15

1500 Test C - Past 15

... chance c. occasion d. hand  d 21. It’s an awful your friends couldn’t come, we were looking forward to meeting them. a. harm b. sorrow c. shame d. shock  b 22. It is difficult to a date which is convenient ... only  c b. cracker c. snack d. packet  a Find the mistakes 8. If protect, a solar cell lasts for a long time and is a good source of energy. a. protect b. a solar c. lasts d....

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

16 385 0
1500 Test C - Past 16

1500 Test C - Past 16

... dancer b. dancers c. dancing d. danced  c 22. He was one of the greatest scientists and thinkers history. a. into b. in c. to d. by  b 23. The group called “Friends of the Earth” is concerned ... very self-confident character, she was relaxed with strangers. a. is b. self-confident c. was d. relaxed  c Grammar and Vocabulary 11. He himself under a table. a. sat b. landed c. conceal...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

23 389 0
1500 Test C - Past 18

1500 Test C - Past 18

... mine c. One my friends d. both a and c are correct  b 22. Everyone sent flowers John. a. except b. except for a. clear b. tear c. pear d. rear > c 6. a. pub b. rob c. comb d. hob > c Find ... tired. a. like b. although c. until d. as if  d 14. She was carrying a bag. a. black small plastic b. small and black plastic c. small black plastic d. plastic small black  c 15....

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:20

24 341 0