Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P2)

Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P2)

Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P2)

... halves with respect to its symmetrical interface. When an even excitation is applied to the network, as indicated in Figure 2.4(a), the symmetrical interface is open-circuited, and the two network ... generalized scattering matrix of suspended microstrip step discontinuities,” Electronics Letters, 25, no.5, March 1989, 335–336. [10] J S. Hong and J M. Shi, “Modeling microstrip step discon...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 16:15

22 428 0
Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P1)

Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P1)

... spectrum is the visible optical spectrum, the ultraviolet spectrum, and x-rays. Below the microwave frequency spectrum is the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. The frequency boundary between RF and mi- crowaves ... factors of filter elements on filter performance are also discussed. Chapter 4 summarizes basic concepts and design equations for microstrip lines, coupled microstrip lines, an...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 16:15

5 650 1
Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P3)

Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P3)

... a 7-pole (n = 7) Butterworth prototype should be chosen. 3.2.2 Chebyshev Lowpass Prototype Filters For Chebyshev lowpass prototype filters having a transfer function given in (3.9) with a passband ... describes basic concepts and theories that form the foundation for de- sign of general RF/ microwave filters, including microstrip filters. The topics will cover filter transfer functions, lo...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 23:15

48 360 0
Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P4)

Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P4)

... here for easy reference. 4.1 MICROSTRIP LINES 4.1.1 Microstrip Structure The general structure of a microstrip is illustrated in Figure 4.1. A conducting strip (microstrip line) with a width ... OF MICROSTRIP LINES There are several derivatives of microstrip lines that can be used as alternative struc- tures for microstrip filter implementations. These include suspended and inve...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 23:15

31 487 0
Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P5)

Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P5)

... Semilumped Lowpass Filters Having Finite-Frequency Attenuation Poles The previous two types of microstrip lowpass filter realize the lowpass prototype filters having their frequencies of infinite ... EM simulated performance of the filter. (a) (b) Z 0 = 50 ohm C 1 = C 7 = 3.7596 pF L 2 = L 6 = 11.322 nH C 3 = C 5 = 6.6737 pF L 4 = 12.52 nH The microstrip filter design uses a substrate hav...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 21:15

51 671 1
Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P6)

Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P6)

... 6006) having a relative dielectric constant of 6.15 and thickness of 1.27 mm is chosen for this microstrip filter realization. Using the microstrip design equations given in Chapter 4, the microstrip ... FILTERS 189 6.5 6.5 1.1 w i =0.3 0.3 Port 1 (RF Input) Port 2 (RF Output) Port 3 (DC Bias) Unit: mm r = 5 . 0 o A B α =90 o (a) (b) FIGURE 6.15 (a) A microstrip bias T incorporat...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 21:15

30 444 0
Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P7)

Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P7)

... (MEMS) provide a class of new devices and com- ponents which display superior high-frequency performance and enable new system capabilities. For a general definition, a MEMS is a miniature device ... three-pole active microstrip bandpass filter. P1 and P2 are the RF ports. Bias is applied to the pins labeled D1, D2, D3, G1, G2, and G3. (b) Measured performance of the active microstrip f...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 21:15

44 636 0
Tài liệu Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P8) doc

Tài liệu Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P8) doc

... input/output (I/O) coupling structures for coupled microstrip resonator filters, namely the tapped line and the coupled line structures, are shown with the microstrip open-loop resonator, though other ... demonstrate extracting coupling coefficients of asynchronously tuned, coupled microstrip resonators, let us consider the coupled microstrip open-loop resonators in Figure 8.15(c) and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 06:15

38 555 2
Tài liệu Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P9) doc

Tài liệu Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P9) doc

... all the numerical methods, is due to the fi- nite cell or mesh sizes. These EM simulators divide a RF/ microwave filter structure into subsections or cells with 2D or 3D meshing, and then solve ... materials and labor. Microstrip filters using conventional printed circuit boards are of low cost in themselves. Using better materials such as superconductors can give better performance of fil...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 06:15

42 695 3
Tài liệu Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P10) pptx

Tài liệu Microstrip bộ lọc cho các ứng dụng lò vi sóng RF (P10) pptx

... the improvement in selectivity over the Chebyshev filter is evident. The closer the atten- uation poles to the cut-off frequency (⍀ = 1), the sharper the filter skirt and the higher the selectivity. ⍀ a FBW ... fabricated filter using copper microstrip. The size of the filter amounts to 324 ADVANCED RF/ MICROWAVE FILTERS FIGURE 10.6 (a) Photograph of the fabricated eight-pole microstrip b...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 06:15

63 534 1
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