High-Level Design Flow
... CHAPTER 11 High-Level Design Flow This chapter describes the design flow used to create com- plex FPGA and ASIC devices. The designer starts with a design specification, creates ... the design in the chip, and then verifies that the final result is correct in terms of function and timing. The high-level design flow is shown in Figure 11-1. The first step in a high-level...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 19:20
... test the adequate design in view of flow and air-gas homogenization. The first is designed according the acoustic-wave-filling phenomena, and the second present an unspecified design. The model ... the flow characteristics of air flowing in various designs of air-intake manifold of a 200-cc four-stroke engine Go- Kart engine. The study is done by three dimensional simulations of the f...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30
... 11/17/05 2:05 PM Page 1 EMBEDDEDLINUX SYSTEMDESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENT TEAM FLYAu0586 title page 11/17/05 2:04 PM Page 1 Boca Raton New YorkEMBEDDEDLINUX SYSTEMDESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENTP. Raghavan • Amol ... infringe.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataRaghavan, P. (Pichai), 1973-Embedded Linux system design and development / P. Raghavan, Amol Lad, Sriram Neelakandan.p. cm.Includes bi...
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2012, 14:23
CMP book embedded systems design
... The Embedded Design Life Cycle Unlike the design of a software application on a standard platform, the design of an embedded system implies that both software and hardware are being designed in ... economics and reality of a design requirement often force decisions to be made before designers can consider the best design trade-offs for the next project. In fact, designers use the te...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 09:40
Implementing an 8 bit Processor based Design in an FPGA
... to each of the output pins in the design that are not being used. 12. Annotate the design using the Tools » Annotate Schematics Quietly command. The Confirm Designator Changes dialog displays ... “There are 4 designators requiring update. Proceed with changes?”. Click Yes. The designators will be automatically changed from U? to U1, for example, and numerically augment. Your FPGA des...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 09:12
Bao cao - Design Patterns.pdf
... đồ UML 9 Design pattern Môc lôc Lời nói đầu 3 A. Tổng quan về Design pattern 4 I. Vấn đề trong thiết kế phần mềm hướng đối tượng 4 II. Lịch sử design pattern 4 III. Design pattern ... B. Hệ thống các mẫu design pattern. I. Hệ thống các mẫu Hệ thống các mẫu design pattern hiện có 23 mẫu được định nghĩa trong cuốn Design patterns Elements of Reusable Object ... s...
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2012, 13:53
sơ đồ flowchart.pdf
... IV. Sô ñoà Flowchart ccuûa chöông trình :
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2012, 21:30