Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 01:10

4 625 0
Laboratory exercises in microbiology

Laboratory exercises in microbiology

... transfer and handling of microorganisms and instruments, including a. sterilizing and maintaining sterility of transfer instruments b. performing aseptic transfer c. obtaining microbial samples ... never applying cosmetics, including contact lenses, or placing objects (fingers, pencils) in the mouth or touching the face j. reading and signing a laboratory safety agreement indicating that .....

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 14:40

449 564 1
Warm-up Exercises in Listening Classes

Warm-up Exercises in Listening Classes

... listening in most colleges in China is not encouraging. The traditional way of teaching, such as, introducing some new difficult words, listening to the tape again and again and then giving correct ... effective and interesting in teaching listening courses, thinking as much as possible about the needs of students concerned. Warm-up Exercises in Practice 1. Reading Stories Stories,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 485 3
Tài liệu Exercises in Modern English Grammar ppt

Tài liệu Exercises in Modern English Grammar ppt

... begin again?" I asked, my mind starting to work in a more positive way. "First, I think you have to get yourself completely fit physically. You're far too thin, for one thing. ... sitting in the park when who (what) should I see but my teacher (a flying saucer), 1.1 was standing in the queue 2.1 was digging in the garden . 3.1 was on my way to work . 4.1 was looki...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 13:15

186 760 1
Lab Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology_2 doc

Lab Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology_2 doc

... if present. Using Wet Heat in the Kitchen Boiling water has been used for a long time around the home in cooking and disinfecting items, such as baby bottles and canning jars. Drinking water may ... detect coliforms in drinking water. Background Coliforms, Indicators of Fecal Contamination Water is routinely tested to ensure that it is safe for drink- ing. A widely used indicator of th...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

160 514 0
Lab Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology_1 pot

Lab Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology_1 pot

... Lab Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology II. Staining Techniques 15. The Staining Characterization of a Bacterial Unknown © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003 101 The Staining ... this manual includes a table ranking the Biosafety Level of every bacteria used in the lab exercises, specific guidelines for working with bacteria in each Biosafety Level, and prominent ic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

188 324 0
Exercises in Classical Ring Theory pptx

Exercises in Classical Ring Theory pptx

... Structures in Rings 247 §17. Orderings and Preorderings in Rings 247 15 Exercises §18. Ordered Division Rings 258 7 Exercises 7 Local Rings, Semilocal Rings, and Idempotents 267 §19. Local Rings 267 17 ... After writing A First Course in Noncommutative Rings (Springer-Verlag GTM 131, hereafter referred to as “FC ”), I taught ring theory in Berkeley again in the fall of 1993, usi...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

380 454 2
Báo cáo khoa học: "Mixed Initiative in Dialogue: An Investigation into Discourse Segmentation" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Mixed Initiative in Dialogue: An Investigation into Discourse Segmentation" pdf

... domain-independent discourse structures. The derived structures indicate that initiative plays a role in the structuring of discourse. In order to explore the relationship of control and initiative ... available at any point in the discourse. By indicating that the speaker does not want the floor, prompts function on a number of levels, including the expression of understanding o...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 20:20

9 236 0
200 bài tập hóa hữu cơ (Two hundred exercises in  mechanistic organic chemistry )

200 bài tập hóa hữu cơ (Two hundred exercises in mechanistic organic chemistry )

... 124 1– The fluoride anion attacks the silicon atom, producing the alcohol desilylation. 2– The resulting alkoxide attacks intramolecularly in a conjugated way the unsaturated ester. Honda, T.; and ... attacks the benzaldehyde, giving a tetrahedral intermediate with a negatively charged oxygen. 2– This negatively charged oxygen adds intramolecularly to the unsaturated ester in a conjugated...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 23:56

123 3,3K 7
Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology, Fifth Edition ppt

Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology, Fifth Edition ppt

... using them. Dispose of any broken glass in the appropriately labeled container. Discard contaminated depression slides in a container with disinfectant. Harley−Prescott: Laboratory Exercises in ... Contaminated materials used in laboratory tests should be decontaminated before reprocessing or be placed in bags and disposed of in accordance with institutional policies for dispos...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20

449 2,1K 0