Achieve IELTS international student

IELTS Foundation Student's Book ANSWER_KEY.pdf

IELTS Foundation Student's Book ANSWER_KEY.pdf

... number of students enjoy watching football. 7 Several of the students don’t play any sport. (a plural group) 8 The students spend a large amount of time watching sport. IELTS Foundation Student s ... reject the differences you encounter.) 3 D (encourage students to look at key words: returning home, promote, warn) IELTS Foundation Student s Book Answer Key 3 Listening 3 p11 Note complet...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2012, 10:15

68 14,1K 58
Achieve IELTS  Practice  Book.pdf

Achieve IELTS Practice Book.pdf

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2012, 11:22

114 5,2K 71
Achieve IELTS  Practice  Book

Achieve IELTS Practice Book

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 15:01

114 1K 3
Academic writing - a handbook for international student

Academic writing - a handbook for international student

... Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students Second edition Writing essays and dissertations can be a major concern for overseas students studying at English-medium colleges ... 10 years. Before that he taught English to students in the Czech Republic, Spain, Japan and Malaysia. Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students Second edition Stephen Bailey First ... Source...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 16:20

272 825 31
IELTS Graduation - Student book

IELTS Graduation - Student book

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 12:51

208 3,5K 132
achieve ielts grammar and vocabulary

achieve ielts grammar and vocabulary

... World temperatures, 1860 - 2000 Now check your answers. p167 Achieve IELTS Grammar 113 Grammar A2 Present simple 1 Read the text and the student& apos;s response. Complete the labels. Writing task ... until you are safely inside. Now check your answers. p167 Achieve IELTS Grammar | 17 Grammar A4 Present perfect 1 Read the task and the student s response, and complete the chart. Writ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 13:00

191 2,9K 16
Mission IELTS 1 - Student book

Mission IELTS 1 - Student book

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 16:29

225 1,4K 15