Test for Pre-Inter

Speaking Test for Beginners

Speaking Test for Beginners

... Alley 40 Ta Quang Buu/7A Alley 850 Lang Street/http://vn.myblog.yahoo.com/academyielts/Speaking Test for Beginners:• Do you like any particular sports? (What sports?) • Do you like to do daily exercise? ... subject? • Do you think the things you are studying now in school/university will prepare you well for your future work? • What are your future work plans? (after you graduate) • Why...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 09:06

2 2K 16
Test for Bank of Baroda Pribationary Officers

Test for Bank of Baroda Pribationary Officers

... www.giangblog.com TEST FOR Bank of Baroda Probationary Officers English Section www.giangblog.com Reasoning

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 17:00

15 454 0
Test for general it knowledge

Test for general it knowledge

... nghiệp trẻ việt nam***********o0o********** *Test for general it knowledgeTime: 45 minutesPhần A:1) When installing a manually configured adapter, what information must you know to avoid resource ... Base I/O port addressD. Base Memory addressE. Operating System2) Which IRQ is usually assigned for the primary IDE hard disk controller?A. 5B. 7C. 9D. 14E. 153) Which IRQ is assigned to the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 13:20

4 470 0
Test for general it knowledge 2

Test for general it knowledge 2

... chắc chắn virus sẽ nhiễm vào máy tính này.3. BIT làa. Binary Information Tranmissionb. Binary Information Technologyc. Binary Information uniTd. BInary digiT4. HTML là ngôn ngữ mà:a. Tất cả người ... TEST FOR GENERAL IT KNOWLEDGE1. Câu nào sau đây là đúnga. Microsoft là tổ hợp công ty siêu quốc gia

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 13:20

5 541 0
Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

... Proficiency tests Achievement tests• Class progress tests• Final achievement tests Diagnostic tests Placement tests Aptitude or Prognostic tests Direct tests versus indirect tests-Discrete- point tests ... intergrative tests Norm-referenced tests versus criterion-referenced tests Objective tests versus Subjective tests Communicative testsGenerally there are some approaches to tests,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:12

51 1,2K 7
Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

... more test characteristics and he summarized in the form of the table called A checklist for Test Evaluation. The checklist is for rating of the adequacy of a test for any given purpose .Test usefulnessPracticality ... addition, good tests can sustain or enhance class morale and aid learning.2.2 Language TestingLanguage testing is one of the forms of testing and it is also one for...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:05

38 1,9K 15


... ENGLISH 45 MINUTES TEST FOR THE 10 th FORM NO 102 Full name:…………………………………………….class:10A…… I. Read the text below and choose the correct word / phrase for each space.(1,5m) ... A. I did my homework before I had watched TV. B. I did my homework before I watched TV. C. I had done my homework before I watched TV. D. I had done my homework before I had watched TV. ... had done my homework be...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2013, 20:07

8 3K 10