Electric Power and Energy



... velocity of sound Condensed and in some cases converted from U.S Standard Atmosphere 1976, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, ... °E Lange, L F Sokol, and V Antoine, Information on the Metric System and Related Fields, 6th ed., G C Marshall Space Flight Center, AL (exhaustive bibliography); C H Page and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2013, 01:18

24 357 0


... products and R reactants, s signifies sensible enthalpy, and the bhs are looked up in the table for the appropriate temperatures If the actual reaction was C2H2 + U/2O2 -» 2CO2 + H2O + 3O2 then W = and ... Converted and usually rounded off from JANAF Thermochemical Tables, NSRDS-NBS-37, 1971 foTo illustrate the term sensible enthalpy, which is the difference between the actual enthalp...

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2013, 01:18

20 338 0
A reliability data base for performance and predictive assessment of electric power systems

A reliability data base for performance and predictive assessment of electric power systems

... Statistics, Canadian Electrical Asso~iation, Instruction Manual for Reporting Generation Equipment Outage Data, Canadian Electrical Association, Montreal Billinton R and Allan R N 1984 Reliability ... Billinton, R., Debnath, K., Oprisan, M and Clark, I M., April 1990, "The Canadian National Data Base for Reliability Evaluation and Assessment" , Proceedings 11th Advances in...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:36

6 483 0
System and load points reliability evaluation for electric power systems

System and load points reliability evaluation for electric power systems

... dc power flow analysis A system and load points reliability evaluation method for composite generation and transmission systems operating economically and securely is presented In addition to system ... system reliability, load points reliability is evaluated as well Being aware of load points reliability helps understand the reliability profile over t...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:39

7 401 0
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (2)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (2)

... during peak and emergency conditions, performing coordination studies that include source and low side protection equipment, and expected transformer size and winding configuration (ANSI=IEEE, ... maintenance and cost advantages found with power fuses Protection and control devices, circuit breakers, and station batteries are required The overcurrent relays are a small part of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

12 600 1
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (3)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (3)

... (1 ) the real power is below a negative pre-set threshold SET_1, (2 ) the steam valve or a differential pressure switch is closed (either condition indicating the removal of the prime-mover), (3 ) ... computation as shown in Eq (2 .8) would be performed ANSI=IEEE standard limits are 1.05 pu for generators and 1.05 for transformers (on transformer secondary base, at rated load,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

20 468 1
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (4)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (4)

... distance A B Rab Rba C Rbc Rcb (b) FIGURE 3.8 Three-zone step distance relaying to protect 100% of a line and backup the neighboring line (From Horowitz, S.H and Phadke, A.G., Power System Relaying, ... multiphase fault between phases x and y, Ex À Ey ¼ Z1 Ix À Iy (3 :1) where x and y can be a, b, or c and Z1 is the positive sequence impedance between the relay location and t...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

14 472 1
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (5)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (5)

... and are available under two similar standards: (a) Sonet (synchronous optical networks) is the American System under ANSI T1.105 and Bellcore GR standards; (b) synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) ... bandwidth, usually expressed in bits per second (BPS), latency in data transmission, reliability, and communication error handling Presently, electrical utilities use a combination of ana...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

10 330 1
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (6)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (6)

... t2 ð t1 v(t)dt ¼ R t2 ð i(t)dt þ L(i(t2 ) À i(t1 )) (5 :33) t1 t2 ð v(t)dt ¼ R i(t)dt þ L(i(t2 ) À i(t1 )) (5 :34) t1 R and L are given by " # (vkþ1 þ vk )(ikþ2 À ikþ1 ) À (vkþ2 þ vkþ1 )(ikþ1 À ... Eq (5 .38) t2 ð v(t)dt À L[i(t2 ) À i(t1 )] ¼ L(t2 ) À L(t1 ) (5 :39) t1 gives L(t2 ) À L(t1 ) ¼ T [v(t2 ) þ v(t1 )] À L[i(t2 ) À i(t1 )] (5 :40) or T Lkþ1 ¼ Lk þ [vkþ1 þ vk ] À L[...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

18 522 1
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (7)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (7)

... good ( ‘A’’) block signal and questionable ( ‘B’’) block signal The good block signal is shown as one that blocks (comes ‘‘on’’) within a fraction of a cycle after the fault is detected and unblocks ... classifying operations as good (A) or questionable (B) as shown in Fig 6.2 The first fault current waveform (upper left) is classified as A because it is sinusoidal in nature and cle...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

12 389 1
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (8)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (8)

... understanding of the electric power industry’s practices with regard to system stability Power system stability was first recognized as an important problem in the 1920s (Steinmetz, 1920; Evans and ... Design and Operation For reliable service, a power system must remain intact and be capable of withstanding a wide variety of disturbances Owing to economic and technical limitat...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

12 504 0
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (9)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (9)

... tc2 t (s) t (s) (a) (b) FIGURE 8.7 Rotor response (defined by the swing equation) superimposed on the power angle curve for an unstable case (A1 ¼ A2) and the rotor angle reaches a maximum and recovers ... equation as given by Eq (8 .7) and interchanging per unit power for torque d2 d v (Pm À Pe ) ¼ dt 2H (8 :10) Multiplying both sides by 2d=dt and integrating gives  d  ð dd...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

12 355 0
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (10)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (10)

... exponential terms of the form elj t and e(lk þll )t : xi (t) ¼ n X j¼1 uij zj0 e lj t þ n X j¼1 uij " n n XX k¼1 l¼1 C j kl zk zl0 e(lk þll )t lk þ ll À lj # (9 :2) lk, ll, and lj are the system modes, ... J., and Fortin, S., A minimal realization approach to reduced-order modeling and modal analysis for power system response signals, IEEE Trans Power Systems, 8(3 ), 1020–102...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

18 465 0
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (11)

electric power generation, transmission, and distribution ( (11)

... including real (P) and reactive (Q) power dynamics, are dx ¼ Ps (V ) À P, P ¼ xPt (V ) dt dy ¼ Qs (V ) À Q, Q ¼ yQ t (V ) Tq dt Q t (V ) ¼ V b , Pt (V ) ¼ V a , Ps (V ) ¼ Po V a ; Tp Qs (V ) ¼ Q o ... reactive power demand (or injection) at the receiving end 0.2 while maintaining the real power and the sending end voltage constant The relation between the receiv(1) (2 ) ing end v...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:08

14 388 1