Vocaulary: Different / similar

Vocaulary: Different / similar

Vocaulary: Different / similar

... broke. DIFFERENT: Not having much money is different to/ from being completely broke. 11. His attitude has been different recently DIFFERENCE: There has been a difference in his attitude recently/ ... last one they made. DIFFERENT: This record is no different to / from the last one they made. 6. Parents try to teach their children to understand that right and wrong are two differ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2013, 01:26

2 419 1
Synonyms are different words with identical or very similar meanings

Synonyms are different words with identical or very similar meanings

... Manh Hung , 2003, p.71). e.g: answer/rejoinder/response/retort/reply Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1991) gives a simpler definition: “Synonym/’sinәnim/(n):a word or a phase with the same ... “purchase” (verb) Finally, the web http :// en.wikwpedia.org/wiki/Synonym , has something the same again:“Synonyms are different words with identical or very similar meanings.” e.g : “freedo...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2014, 13:38

7 473 1
The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status

The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status

... The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02

1 2,8K 10
The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study

The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study

... The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, ... may be because the central activity in their lives, study, takes place in normal daylight hours. Similarly, business executives sleep consecutive hours, but perhaps because their jobs are especially

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02

2 1,4K 3
The diagram below shows the average hours of unpaid work per week done by people in different categories

The diagram below shows the average hours of unpaid work per week done by people in different categories

... The diagram below shows the average hours of unpaid work per week done by people in different categories. (Unpaid work refers to such activities as childcare in the home, housework

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02

2 2K 4
Advertising in different countries

Advertising in different countries

... in Houston. The competition is very strong. Every week you get in your mail-box an envelope with different types of discounts in exchange for visiting them or ordering pizza. Watching TV you are

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:24

1 686 0
People learn in different ways

People learn in different ways

... People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others ... impossible to be learnt by doing them. For example, students learn many things from the books and other different recourses like Internet, magazines, newspapers and even through conversations. Take for ... People learn about them from books and TV programs. We can not...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:24

1 525 0
Brain Friendly Publications Activating Vocaulary Through Pictures

Brain Friendly Publications Activating Vocaulary Through Pictures

... Flats / Living Room2 Traffic & Things in the street3 Clothes4 Kitchen / Bedroom5 Shopping6 Parts of the body7 Actions!8 Shops, Clothes & Things in the street9 Things to eat & drink. Different ... group.(The 'please'is important !)Type B Encourage learners to use three different colours to underline /colour code the words into categories. (This has much more...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:20

25 1K 7
Báo cáo y học: "The Influence of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on the Healing of Experimental Defects Filled with Different Bone Graft Substitutes"

Báo cáo y học: "The Influence of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on the Healing of Experimental Defects Filled with Different Bone Graft Substitutes"

... Dishekimligi Fakultesi, Agiz-Dis Cene Hast. Ve Cerr.Anabilim Dali 34390, Capa/Fatih/Istanbul. +90212414202 0/3 0289; ysirin@istanbul.edu.tr Received: 2010.12.13; Accepted: 2011.01.31; Published: ... defects (6,7,8). Another com-mon bone graft used for similar clinical purposes is Int. J. Med. Sci. 2011, 8 http :// www.medsci.org 115 the particle form of inorganic bovine ... http ://...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:15

12 699 0
Báo cáo y học: "Revision of late periprosthetic infections of total hip endoprostheses: pros and cons of different concepts"

Báo cáo y học: "Revision of late periprosthetic infections of total hip endoprostheses: pros and cons of different concepts"

... Int. J. Med. Sci. 2009, 6 http :// www.medsci.org 287IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall JJoouurrnnaall ooff MMeeddiiccaall SScciieenncceess ... Individual aspects of both forms of revision have been treated very differently in the past so, in the following paragraphs, the different concepts are summarized and their respective ad-vantages ... prerequisite for this procedure is the isolation of the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:53

9 679 0