Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20
... 1.1 Introduction The Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank of India, at its meeting held on October 15, 2010 formed a Sub-Committee of the Board to study issues and concerns in the microfinance ... assets of the banking system, it is increasing rapidly 3.7 Finally, given the need to encourage the growth of the Microfinance sector and...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20
The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System
... purpose The separate data area of these database systems means that they not need the segment cleaning mechanisms of the Sprite LFS to reclaim log space The space occupied by the log in a database system ... log as the most up to date ‘‘truth’’ about the state of the data on disk The main difference is that database systems not use the log as the final repositor...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05
The Breadth and Depth of DSP
... -Simulation and modeling FIGURE 1-1 DSP has revolutionized many areas in science and engineering A few of these diverse applications are shown here Chapter 1- The Breadth and Depth of DSP in many ... many commercial Chapter 1- The Breadth and Depth of DSP applications, these limitations are humbling when compared to the abilities of human hearing There is...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 09:49
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing Second Edition
... Be sure to visit the book’s website at: The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing Second Edition by Steven W Smith California ... Smith California Technical Publishing San Diego, California The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing Second Edition by Steven W Smith copyright © 1997-1999...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:21
Báo cáo y học: "Management of chest pain: exploring the views and experiences of chiropractors and medical practitioners in a focus group interview"
... interdisciplinary health care in rural settings J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1996, 19:82-91 Shima MA: Evaluation of chest pain: back to the basics of history taking and physical examination Postgrad Med ... by all three investigators, although two of the study investigators were also present during the focus group Data management and analysis Focus Group Qualitati...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06
Báo cáo y học: "980 nm diode lasers in oral and facial practice: current state of the science and art"
... machines" can replace "the brain and hand, skill and experience" of the specialist The aim of this study was to verify the reliability and efficacy of one of these compact portable diode instruments, ... are reduced [17,18] The lasers normally adopted offer the enormous advantage of being conveyed in a fibre, which serves as the working tip at the end of...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:48
Báo cáo y học: "Antiviral therapy of HCV in the cirrhotic and transplant candidate"
... rigorously in a randomized controlled format to assess their value and impact on efficacy of therapy although they are now widely used in patients receiving interferon therapy Treatment of advanced ... receiving combination therapy Hepatology 2004;40:1450-8 15 Crippin JS, McCashland T, Terrault N, Sheiner P, Charlton MR A pilot study of the tolerability and efficacy of...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 17:11
Natural botanical products have a long history in the world and are featured in using a complex
... Int J Med Sci 2004 1(3): 137-145 138 Introduction Natural botanical products have a long history in the world and are featured in using a complex combination of herbs to treat various diseases ... daily for 14 and 28 days Tumor areas were measured every days using a caliper, and the tumor area was calculated according to the formula: tumor volume...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 09:54
Báo cáo y học: "Incidence of Ocular Zoonoses referred to the Inflammatory and Autoimmune Ocular Diseases Service of the University of Parma - Italy"
... case the patient had a panuveitis, which recovered only after a combination of medical treatment and surgery, with a final visual acuity of 40% in the affected eye [1] The only case of Lyme disease ... 31 year-old farmer and his ocular manifestations are described in the specific section Figure 1: Geographical location of the province of Parma (Italy) References Mo...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:11
The First and Last
... The First and Last PERSONS OF THE PLAY KEITH DARRANT, K.C LARRY DARRANT, His Brother WANDA SCENE I KEITH'S Study SCENE II WANDA's Room SCENE III The Same SCENE I It is ... go in last night, when you first went to her? LARRY No She lives on the ground floor I've got keys KEITH Give them to me [LARRY takes two keys from his pocket and hands them to his brother.] ... goes qui...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13