Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2016, 18:39
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp:"Net effect of competing vegetation on selected environmental conditions and performance of four spruce seedling stock sizes after eight years in Québec (Canada)" ppsx
... plantation on site for black spruce and white spruce for four seedling container sizes Figure Diameter (A) and height (B) years after plantation on site without competition, released after years and ... species and their interactions on seedling survival and growth, eight years after plantation MATERIALS AND METHODS The investigations were conducted...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Dose volume histogram analysis of normal structures associated with accelerated partial breast irradiation delivered by high dose rate brachytherapy and comparison with whole breast external beam radiotherapy fields" potx
... received by 20 cc and 30 cc of the whole heart volume (the D20 and D30 respectively) was measured The volume of the heart receiving a dose of Gy and higher, 10 Gy and higher and 20 Gy and higher ... lower volume of the heart and lung to higher doses than EBRT The volume of lung irradiated to lower doses was similar with both techniques However, the vol...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 09:22
considerations for design of concrete structures subjected to fatigue loading
... microcracking as compared to fracture of concrete under incorporates the influence of range of loading For a zero static loading. 3,4 4Fatigue strength of concrete for a life of ten minimum stress ... guide for design for concrete structures subjected to fatigue loading However, this report does not contain the type of detailed design procedures s...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 15:46
guide for evaluation of concrete structures prior to rehabilitation
... STRATIFICATION STRUCTURAL PERFORMACE UNIFORMITY OF CONCRETE 00 0 l 0 l 00 l l 364.1R-13 EVALUATION OF STRUCTURES PRIOR TO REHABILITATION Table 6.2 -Evaluation of properties of reinforcing steel PROPERTIES ... EVALUATION OF STRUCTURES PRIOR TO REHABlLlTATlON 437R B-14 SP-85 Strength Evaluation of Existing Concrete Buildings History of Concrete Rehabili...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 21:59
... low alloy duplex stainless steels (DSS) thường gọi thép lean duplex steel, làm tăng thêm tính đa dạng thép sử dụng gia cố bê tông Những loại DSS với thành phần Ni Mo thấp, tác động kinh tế thấp ... ăn mòn rỗ nhiều báo gần đây, Alvarez đồng nghiên cứu hoạt động ăn mòn hai loại tôn sóng lean duplex stainless steels (SAF 2001 2304) Thử nghiệm 2.1 Vật liệu Bốn DSS nạc khác với hai n...
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 11:32
Life cycle cost design of concrete structures
... based Design 1.3 Service Life of Concrete Structures 1.4 Life Cycle Cost Based Design for Concrete Structures 1.5 Scope of Work 1.6 Objectives CHAPTER TWO – LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 2.2 2.3 Service Life ... magnitude of costs for any economic analysis 1.4 Life Cycle Cost Based Design for Concrete Structures From a structural design point of view, the m...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2015, 17:33
Design of concrete structures (Thiết kế theo tiêu chuẩn Mỹ ACI 318)
Ngày tải lên: 08/12/2016, 22:48
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC2 phần 1.1 (Eurocode2 BS EN1992 1 1 e 2004 Design of concrete structures part 1.1: General rules)
... for Resale, 03 /13 /2006 06:42 :18 MST EN 19 92 -1- 1 :2004 (E) 11 11 .1 11 .2 11 .3 11 .4 11 .5 11 .6 11 .7 11 .8 11 .9 10 .9.4 .1 Materials 10 .9.4.2 General rules for design and detailing of connections 10 .9.4.3 ... Milano/59355 22004 Not for Resale, 03 /13 /2006 06:42 :18 MST Ref No EN 19 92 -1- 1 :2004: E EN 19 92 -1- 1 :2004 (E) 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 17:11
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC2 phần 1.2 (Eurocode2 BS EN1992 1 2 e 2004 Design of concrete structures part 1.2: Structural fire design)
... wall exposed on two sides 12 0 /10 * wall exposed on one side 12 0 /10 * wall exposed on two sides 12 0 /10 * REI 60 11 0 /10 * 12 0 /10 * 13 0 /10 * 14 0 /10 * REI 90 12 0 /20 * 14 0 /10 * 14 0 /25 17 0 /25 REI 12 0 15 0 /25 16 0 /25 ... BST 20 06, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI Contents List 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 1. 6 2 .1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 3 .1 3 .2 3.3 3.4 4 ....
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 17:19
Tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu EC2 phần 2: Thiết kế cầu (Eurocode2 BS EN1992 2 e 2005 Design of concrete structures part 2: Concrete bridge design)
... Supersedes ENV 19 92 -2: 1 996 English Version Eurocode - Design of concrete structures - Concrete bridges Design and detailing rules Eurocode - Calcul des structures en bộton - Partie 2: Ponts en ... of reinforcement fyd Design yield strength of reinforcement EN 19 92 -2: 2 005 (E) fyk Characteristic yield strength of reinforcement fywd Design yield of shear...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 17:22