Apress pro spring MVC with web flow

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 2 doc

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 2 doc

... support spring- web WebApplicationContext, MultipartResolver, spring- context, servlet web utilities, third-party framework support spring- webmvc Framework servlets, Web mvc framework, web controllers, ... complicated work flows, such as multipage flows, you should consider using Spring Web Flow, as it can handle complex page flows more elegantly than straight Spring MVC...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

42 351 0
Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 3 potx

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 3 potx

... HandlerAdapter org.springframework .web. servlet ViewResolver org.springframework .web. servlet HandlerExceptionResolver org.springframework .web. multipart MultipartResolver org.springframework .web. servlet ... org.springframework .web. servlet.handler.BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping • org.springframework .web. servlet .mvc. SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter • org.springframework .web. servlet.view....

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

42 383 0
Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 4 pdf

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 4 pdf

... not web- specific and can be used with ease outside of the web framework 123 584X_Ch06_FINAL 1 24 1/30/06 1 :40 PM Page 1 24 CHAPTER ■ THE CONTROLLER MENAGERIE Binding a Form to a Bean Spring MVC ... DispatcherServlet and the default, if none are specified, is the FixedThemeResolver 113 584X_Ch05_FINAL 1 14 1/30/06 1 :44 PM Page 1 14 CHAPTER ■ THE PROCESSING PIPELINE Summary S...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

42 328 0
Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 5 pot

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 5 pot

... should turn to Spring Web Flow, covered later in this book With Spring Web Flow, you can declaratively create arbitrarily complex work flows, allowing the user to travel back and forth through ... String[]{"usernameAndEmail", "billingDetails"}); } Or inside the bean definition, as is the case with Listing 6- 65 Listing 6- 65 XML Configuration ... usual tag, we are also going t...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

42 397 0
Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 6 potx

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 6 potx

... can be found at com.apress.expertspringmvc.themes.winter.properties and com.apress.expertspringmvc.themes.summer.properties, respectively 217 584X_Ch07_FINAL 218 1/30/ 06 1:38 PM Page 218 CHAPTER ... Listing 6- 80 contains an example configuration and definition for the DateInsertionInterceptor Listing 6- 80 HandlerInterceptor Configuration ... bound to HandlerMapping objects, so any...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

42 359 0
Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 7 doc

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 7 doc

... attributes/> #springBind($path) #springMessage($code) #springMessageText($code $default) #springUrl($relativeUrl) #springFormInput($path $attributes) #springFormHiddenInput($path $attributes) #springFormPasswordInput($path ... (List) model.get("specials"); Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory newInstance() newDocumentBuilder() newDocument(); Element rootEl = doc. createElement(root); doc...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

42 432 0
Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 8 pot

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 8 pot

... minimal Struts Spring MVC webflow.manager.struts.FlowAction webflow.manager .mvc. FlowController Spring Web Flow webflow.manager.jsf.FlowNavigationHandler webflow.manager .mvc. PortletFlowController ... the Spring Web Flow plugin for Eclipse Figure 11-2 Spring Web Flow plugin for Eclipse 584 X_Ch11_FINAL 1/30/06 1:05 PM Page 313 CHAPTER 11 ■ INTRODUCTION TO SPRING WEB...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

42 416 0
Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 9 pptx

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 9 pptx

... modular flow definitions with subflows and inner flows Subflows A subflow is simply a flow called by another flow Any flow can be a subflow, and any subflow is a flow This is possible because a flow ... /WEB- INF/flows/purchase -flow. xml

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

42 372 0
Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 10 potx

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow phần 10 potx

... org.springframework.webflow.NoMatchingTransitionException class, Spring Web Flow, 368 org.springframework.webflow.RequestContext artifact, 351 org.springframework.webflow.StateException class, Spring Web Flow, 368 org.springframework.webflow.StateExceptionHandler, ... 347 org.springframework.webflow.EnterStateVetoException class, Spring Web Flow State Exception, 368 org.spring...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

44 361 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 1 pptx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 1 pptx

... Ch00_7389_CMP3 9/28/06 8:37 PM Page i Pro Apache Struts with Ajax John Carnell with Rob Harrop, Edited by Kunal Mittal Ch00_7389_CMP3 9/28/06 8:37 PM Page ii Pro Apache Struts with Ajax Copyright © 2006 by ... Logic with Struts 12 3 Business Logic Antipatterns and Struts 12 4 Concern Slush and Struts 12 5 Tier Leakage and Struts ... 419 ■ CHAPTER 12 St...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 321 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 2 ppsx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 2 ppsx

... Ch 02_ 7389_CMP4 9 /27 /06 8:11 ... } public String getStreet2() { return street2; } public void setStreet2(String street2) { this.street2 = street2; } Ch 02_ 7389_CMP4 9 /27 /06 8:11 AM Page 65 CHAPTER ■ STRUTS FUNDAMENTALS public ... com .apress. javaedge.story.IStoryManager; org .apache. struts. action.Action; org .apache. struts. action.ActionForm; org .apache. struts. action.Actio...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 233 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 3 doc

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 3 doc

... Chapter Ch 03_ 738 9_CMP3 9/29/06 9:26 AM Page 1 03 CHAPTER ■ FORM PRESENTATION AND VALIDATION WITH STRUTS The Struts HTML Tag Library As we have seen earlier in this chapter, Struts provides the ... import import import import import org .apache. struts. action.Action; org .apache. struts. action.ActionMapping; org .apache. struts. action.ActionForm; org .apache. struts. action...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 209 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 4 potx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 4 potx

... com .apress. javaedge.story.StoryVO; org .apache. struts. action.Action; org .apache. struts. action.ActionForm; org .apache. struts. action.ActionForward; org .apache. struts. action.ActionMapping; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; ... InitialContext(); Object jndiRef = ctx.lookup(serviceName); 143 Ch 04_ 7389_CMP3 144 9/27/06 10:59 AM Page 144 CHAPTER ■ MANAGING BUSINESS LOG...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 194 0