... PSM NCD Hand washing with soap before eating Hand washing without soap before eating No hand washing before eating Hand washing after defecation with soap Hand washing after defecation without ... defecating in room Households with children defecating in verandah Households with children defecating in latrine Hygiene practices Hand washing with soap before eating Hand washing...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15
... stage included conventional mixing (no vacuum) with water additions of 35 and 38% and vacuum mixing with 38% water addition and vacuum levels of –55 kPa and –90 kPa The experiment was repeated ... Translucency was calculated as translucency %/mm, and all measurements were adjusted to a standard cooked noodle thickness of mm Experiment The effect of water ad...
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2012, 15:25
Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and biological effects of a b2- or b3-amino acid insertion in a peptide Application to molecular recognition of substance P by the neurokinin-1 receptor ppt
... control at t ¼ for each peptide The percentage of degradation was calculated by comparing the area of the peaks of the intact peptide at t ¼ and t ¼ 60 Binding assays Binding assays were carried ... [33], the peptides containing a b-amino acid substitution in position have increased stability compared to the corresponding a- amino -acid- containing peptides...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo " Effects of macro elements on biomass and ginsenoside production in cell suspension culture of Ngoc Linh ginseng " docx
... Part 37 Effects of auxins on growth and saponin production in callus cultures of P ginseng Planta Med., 47, (1983) 183 [4] S Liu, J.J Zhong., Simultaneous production of ginseng saponin and polysaccharide ... medium Cultures were maintained in 300 ml conical flasks for weeks Concentration of macro element NH4NO3 KNO3 Determination and analyses Extraction and d...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Contribution of different solutes to the cell osmotic pressure in tap and lateral roots of maritime pine seedlings: effects of a potassium deficiency and of an all-macronutrient deficienc" pptx
... and involved different solutes, depending on the part of the root considered By contrast to the post-apex of the tap root (TRPA) and to the apex of the lateral roots (LRA), the apex of the tap ... of the shoots (consisting only of a bunch of primary leaves), of the tap root (TR) and of the three longest lateral roots (LR; as...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: " Effects of water deficit on leaf in fast-growing tree species growth and initiation" docx
... result of more than purely a cessation of growth Our current studies suggest that globulus leaf initiation is important and, as demonstrated in Fig 3, the initiation of new leaves at the apex of ... the dominant shoot is restricted with developing water stress Indeed, Hsiao (1973) proposed that bud formation and leaf initiation were more sensitive than leaf growth to...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "The effects of summer exposure to ozone on the frost hardiness after the vegetation period of Norway and Sitka spruce seedlings" doc
... The shoots + vials were then autoclaved and the total conductivity (C-) of the solution determined Based on the assumption that the rate of leakage of electrolytes from a detached shoot is controlled ... support the hypothesis that air pollutants may predispose Norway spruce trees to damage by frosts For Sitka spruce, however, there were no effects of ozone...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic Effects of Flunixin after Intravenous, Intramuscular and Oral Administration to Dairy Goats" pptx
... calculation of after the intravenous and the intramuscular administration all plasma samples from 2.5 h and onwards were included After oral administration of the drug all time points from h and further ... obtained after oral administration of flunixin to goats (n=6) Data after intravenous administration are shown as a reference Acta vet scand vol 44 no 3...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo y học: "Effects of cigarette smoke on degranulation and NO production by mast cells and epithelial cells" pot
... study was designed to examine whether cigarette smoke induces dysfunction of airway mast cells and epithelial cells via the donation of cigarette- derived NO It was hypothesized that the NO from cigarette ... prostaglandins and a variety of cytokines [7] In the lungs and skin of smokers mast cells increase in absolute numbers and smoking may be associate...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:22
Novel methods for quantitative analysis and evaluation of effects of chronic exposure to microcystins by capillary electrophoresis and metabolomic studies
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:14
Cooling effects of water body in hot and humid climate
... How water bodies in hot and humid climates extend the cooling effect to the surrounding area in terms of distance? How does the surrounding area impact the cooling effect performance of water ... being warmer in the evening The results generally inform the cooling potential of “moving” water features, with the water fountain and water wall producing a bette...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:15
Cooling effects of water body in hot and humid climate
... How water bodies in hot and humid climates extend the cooling effect to the surrounding area in terms of distance? How does the surrounding area impact the cooling effect performance of water ... being warmer in the evening The results generally inform the cooling potential of “moving” water features, with the water fountain and water wall producing a bette...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 21:57
How to design and write web pages today
... HOW TO DESIGN AND WRITE WEB PAGES TODAY Recent Titles in Writing Today How to Write about the Media Today Raúl Damacio Tovares and Alla V Tovares How to Write Persuasively Today Carolyn ... topics of wide interest, such as how to design and write Web pages and how to write persuasively Others look more closely at particular topics, suc...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 13:55
153 The role of marketing activities to bankcard and actual state of Ngân hàng nông nghiệp và phát triển nông thôn (AgriBank) cards
... continuously made an effort to diversify the variety of services to meet and satisfy better customers’ needs and demands 2.2.3 The role of marketing to Agribank cards Tasks of Marketing Department was ... work and plans of department to the Director, make plans and assign tasks to the staff to complete objects of Department and the branch - M...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 12:13