Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 23:52
... What are some of the key organizational benefits it offers—and the themes that drive Six Sigma improvement? A Guide to the Six Sigma Way xix Chapter Two: Key Concepts of the Six Sigma System What ... companies—GE and Motorola among them the terms quality and Six Sigma often go together So it’s true that in some ways Six Sigma s expansion is heralding a rebirth of...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 17:55
mcgraw hill s essential american slang phần 2 doc
... an essay on Picasso with this sentence: There is no painter who has so spontaneously and so profoundly reflected his age as Pablo Picasso Arousing Curiosity This is usually a more effective strategy ... avoiding "I," "me," "my," we sense a personality In the following passage a historian is discussing dress and personal cleanliness in the Middle Ages: Hemp was much used as a substitute for fl...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 12:22
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 2 ppt
... 11 6.3 2. 28° V 27 VR = (3) 11 6.3 -11 5 × 10 0% = 1. 1% 11 5 0.8 PF Leading: VP ′ = VS + Z EQ IS = 11 5∠0° V + ( 0 .14 0 + j 0.5 32 Ω )(8.7∠36.87° A ) VP ′ = 11 3.3 2. 24° V 11 3.3 -11 5 VR = × 10 0% = 1. 5% 11 5 ... 11 5∠0° V + ( 0 .14 0 + j 0.5 32 Ω )(8.7∠ − 36.87° A ) VP ′ = 11 8.8 1. 4° V 11 8.8 -11 5 VR = × 10 0% = 3.3% 11 5 (2) 1. 0 PF: VP ′ = VS + Z EQ I S = 11 5∠0...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 2 Part 1 pptx
... (18 8.5 rad/s) (0. 3 21 + 0 .1 72 Ω /1. 9 62) 2 + (0. 418 + 0. 420 )2 ( 26 2 V ) (0.0877 ) τ ind = (18 8.5 rad/s) (0. 3 21 + 0.0877 )2 + ( 0. 418 + 0. 420 )2 τ ind = 11 0 N ⋅ m, opposite the direction of motion 20 3 ... Motor Torque-Speed Characteristic 450 R2 = 0.0059 ohms R2 = 0 .1 72 ohms 400 350 300 τ ind 25 0 20 0 15 0 10 0 50 16 00 1 620 16 40 16 60 16 80 17 00 n 1...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 2 Part 3 docx
... Rstart,1 = R1 + R2 + R3 = 1. 628 Ω Rstart ,2 = R2 + R3 = 0.561 Ω Rstart ,3 = R3 = 0. 134 Ω Therefore, the starting resistances are R1 = 1.067 Ω R2 = 0. 427 Ω R3 = 0. 134 Ω 24 2 9 -21 A 15-hp 120 -V 1800 r/min ... rises to E A = 24 0 V − ( 0 .28 4 Ω )(54 A ) = 22 4.7 V If the resistance is cut out when E A reaches 22 8,6 V, the resulting current is IA = 24 0 V − 22 4.7 V = 1 02 A < 13...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 2 Part 4 pptx
... I1 = 120 ∠ 0° V = 5 .23 ∠ − 44 .2 A 1.80 + j 2. 40 ) + 0.5 ( 28 .15 + j 24 .87 ) + 0.5 (1.185 + j 2. 3 32 ) ( PIN = VI cos θ = ( 120 V )(5 .23 A ) cos 44 .2 = 45 0 W (b) The air-gap power is PAG,F = I 12 ( ... ) = 28 .15 + j 24 .87 Ω 50 + j 2. 40 + j 60 R2 / ( s ) jX ( jX M ) R2 / ( − s ) + jX + jX M 27 0 { I1 { 10-1 Reverse ZB = (a) (1 .28 2 + j 2. 40 )( j 60) = 1.185 + j 2...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 2 Part 5 ppsx
... = P2 = Z Vφ Z Vφ Q2 = (d) Z Vφ Z cosθ = ( 25 3 .2 V )2 cos 36.87° = 61.6 kW 2. 5 Ω ( 25 3 .2 V )2 sin 36.87° = 46 .2 kvar sin θ = 2. 5 Ω cosθ = ( 25 3 .2 V )2 cos ( -20 °) = 108.4 kW sin θ = ( 25 3 .2 V )2 sin ... = 120 ∠0° V - 120 ∠ - 120 ° V = 20 8∠30° V Vbc = Vbn − Vcn = 120 ∠ − 120 ° V - 120 ∠ - 24 0° V = 20 8∠ - 90° V Vca = Vcn − Van = 120 ∠ − 24 0° V - 120 ∠0° V = 2...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 2 Part 6 ppt
... 3Vφ E A Xd 3V 2 X d − X q sin 2 sin δ + Xd Xq 29 7 3(7 62 1 )(9890) 3(7 62 1 ) 0. 62 − 0.40 P= sin δ + (0. 62 )(0.40 ) sin 2 0. 62 P = 364 .7 sin δ + 77.3 sin 2 MW A plot ... cha6 523 9_ch01.qxd 62 10 /23 /20 03 9 :22 AM Page 62 ELECTRIC MACHINERY FUNDAMENTALS 0.010 φ (Wb) 0.005 t (ms) –0.005 – 0.010 FIGURE P1– 12 Plot of flux as a function...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 2 Part 7 ppt
... cha6 523 9_ch09.qxd 630 11/14/03 10:10 AM Page 630 ELECTRIC MACHINERY FUNDAMENTALS IA RA + RS IL Nse = 20 turns + 0 .21 LS IF Radj + – EA RF 20 LF VT NF = 1000 turns – FIGURE ... 50 kVA at 0.8 PF lagging to the ac power system cha6 523 9_ch10.qxd 680 11/14/03 12: 41 PM Page 680 ELECTRIC MACHINERY FUNDAMENTALS 10–6 10 7 10–8 10–9 10–10 (f) Pout (g) ind (h) load (i) Efficiency...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22
McGraw.Hill PIC Robotics A Beginners Guide to Robotics Projects Using the PIC Micro eBook-LiB Part 2 pot
... (1) 0.1�F capacitor RadioShack PN# 27 21069 (8) Red LEDs RadioShack PN# 27 6 20 8 (8) 470� resistors* RadioShack PN# 27 01115 (1) 4.7k� resistor RadioShack PN# 27 11 126 (1) Voltage regulator (7805) RadioShack PN# 27 61770 ... Program option from the Run menu. An alternative to using the menu option is to press the Ctrl and P buttons on the keyboard. The software is then u...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:22
McGraw-Hill - Robot Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Illustrated Part 2 docx
... additional mechanical or electro- Figure 1-1 This multiaxis X-Y-Z motion platform is an example of a motion control system Chapter Motor and Motion Control Systems Figure 1 -2 The right-handed coordinate ... SDM laboratory has produced custom-made functional mechanical parts and has embedded prefabricated mechanical parts, electronic components, electronic circuits, and sensors...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:22
McGraw-Hill - The Robot Builder''''s Bonanza Part 2 pptx
... Get the plain stuff: it’s 10 to 25 percent cheaper Two particularly handy stocks are 41/64-by-1 / 2- by-1/16-inch channel and 57/64-by9/16-by-1/16-inch channel I use these extensively to make the ... assortment of the small PC-mount pots (about 80 cents each retail) in the 1-megohm and 2. 5K-, 5K-, 10K-, 50K-, 100K-, 500K-, and 25 0K-ohm values You’ll find that 500K-ohm and 1-megoh...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:22
McGraw-Hill - The Robot Builder''''s Bonanza Episode 2 Part 3 doc
... 3- inch lengths 41/64-inch-by-1 / 2- inch-by-1/16-inch aluminum channel 1-inch-diameter 64-pitch plastic or aluminum spur gear 2- inch flat mending “T” 1 1 / 2- inch-by-1 / 2- inch corner angle iron 1 / 2- inch-by-1/4-inch ... Turning the bolt opens and closes the two fingers of the gripper Refer to the parts list in Table 27 .3 Construct the gripper by cutting two 3- inch leng...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 04:22